InPrint Magazine issue 6

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InPrint Magazine APRIL - JUNE



APRIL - JUNE 2012 InPrint Magazine inspiring artists around the world FOUNDER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elo |


GRAPHIC DESIGNER KING ARTHUR | king.e.arthur@gmail.



PUBLISHER InPrint Magazine media





InPrint Magazine is published bi-monthly. InPrint Magazine is a professional magazine for the arts industry

- design, illustration, fashion, literature to show contemporary visual arts to a wide variety of audience. Subscriptions and distribuition is free to qualified individuals. Single copies may be obtained from publisher for $0.99. All the works published in InPrint Magazine are property of the respective authors.


Copyright Š2012 InPrint Magazine, Inc. Some rights reserved. No parts of this periodical may be reproduced without written permission of InPrint Magazine. Neither the publishers nor the advertisers will be held responsible for any errors found in the magazine. The publishers accept no liability for the accuracy of statements made by the advertisers. If you have any questions contact InPrint Magazine at (619)630-5735 San Diego, California.




Art creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.

The fascination of art has to do with time. Visual art is the quickest of all serious cultural forms to make its full nature clear to the beholder. It’s worth dwelling on the rapidity of art. It is conventional, in the moralizing rhetoric of the critic, to say Rembrandt repays a lot more time than most works of art – you can look at his pictures for a lifetime and still find new depth in them. But what if this is not the most important thing about great art? What if it’s the instant effect that matters? So it’s not always true that great art takes a long time to appreciate and instantaneous art is shallow. In fact, some of the most revered paintings can be appreciated much more quickly than video art – which has, as I’ve already conceded, brought narrative time into the gallery. Why is time-based art so popular? Does it seem more important because it takes up time? Personally, I agree with Leonardo da Vinci. The most magical thing in art is the instant and complete image. “LOVE ART AND LOVE INPRINT MAGAZINE AS MUCH AS WE DO”





InPrint features the best illustators around the world in this issue

Incredible art and incredible graphic design, that is what comes to mind when I think of Inprint Magazine. Everything is relevant, fresh and of interest. Which is what you want out of a publication like this! This past issue has turned a corner with its design, layouts and titles, giving the pages and content punch & balance. The artist’s portfolios kick ass and the interviews deliver all the rest! Lou Patrou - NY


The design of the issues themselves (and their always interesting covers) provides an easy and inspiring read. Igor - Italy


I like how InPrint Magazine also showcases top art works, though not as much as other popular magazines such as Print or Communication Arts, with feature articles and their design annuals. Design Observer


Brilliantly made . InPrint Magazine is the revolution of magazines greetings from Brazil Ana Pacheco - Brazil The InPrint Magazine offers valuable visial insights and suggestions that designers can put to use in the business and creative ends of their work Mark Edens - NY Inprint focus on a particular category and showcase the best (according the last magazine issue ) Anniversary Issue. These issues are great keepers to flip through when looking for some creative inspiration. Jaques katazina - Paris InPrint Magazine showcases up-andcoming designers, artists and illustrators and I love the green idea. keep up the fantastic works and designs Anna - Spain



Elo , Creative Director

want to advertise with us? contact: want to feature your works? contact us an send some work samples or website link.

Michael Garry, Designer Alice Mars , Creative Advisor

Magazine Distribution:

Magazine Writers: Andrew Simens Cassi B

NadaOne cover story Do you have anything so say or any suggestions? Let us know email






InPrint features amazing artists around the world in this issue




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WATERS South West, France

ILLUSTRATOR Gary Waters is an illustrator, photographer and painter. He was born in Wales and studied at the prestigious Royal College

of Art where he was awarded the Ogilvy, Benson and Mather award for photography.His clients range from Jazz News, Modern Drummer, Financial Director, National Mortgage News, Orion Magazine, and Backbone Magazine to Hallmark greetings, The French Tourist Board and Snow Lion Publications. In 1991 he left the U.K. to live in a small rural village in South West France where he continues his busy and varied life which includes finding time to cycle in the mountains and swim in nearby lakes.










ILLUSTRATOR Leigh Cooney is a globally collected, Irish born Canadian artist. Leigh coined the term “pop-folk” to describe his work as he is self- taught and his work reflects the relaxed approach to traditional guidelines that he finds in medieval art, folk art, and most “outsider” art. Leigh paints instinctively, rather than academically, putting shadows and proper perspective in when and where he feels they work best. Like most folk-art his work is “characterized by a naive style, in which traditional rules of proportion, perspective, and light source, are not employed.











PHOTOGRAPHER Eleanor Leonne Bennett is a 16 year old internationally award winning photographer and artist who has won first places with National Geographic,The World Photography Organisation, Nature’s Best Photography, Papworth Trust, Mencap, The Woodland trust and Postal Heritage. Her photography has been published in the Telegraph , The Guardian, BBC News Website and on the cover of books and magazines in the United states and Canada. Her art is globally exhibited , having shown work in London, Paris, Indonesia, Los Angeles,Florida, Washington, Scotland,Wales, Ireland,Canada,Spain,Germany, Japan, Australia and The Environmental Photographer of the year Exhibition (2011) amongst many other locations. She was also the only person from the UK to have her work displayed in the National Geographic and Airbus run See The Bigger Picture global exhibition tour with the United Nations International Year Of Biodiversity 2010. Leigh’s subjects vary from writers to soldiers, and from satirical to whimsical, but the majority of his work focuses on the psychological, and is often centered around childhood alienation and the idea that within each of us there are several distinct personalities. Sometimes Leigh just paints hot dogs.












things things



SHOULD KNOW writter: Andrew Simens If you consider yourself a geek, or aspire to the honor of geekhood, here’s an essential checklist of must-have geek skills. The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. If you’re that type of person and are looking for a few extra skills to pick up, or if you’re a newbie aiming to get a handhold on the honor that is geekhood, read on to find out what skills you need to know.

1. The Meaning of Technical Acronyms

USB – Universal Serial Bus GPU – Graphics Processing Unit CPU – Central Processing Unit

SATA – Serial ATA HTML – Hyper-text Markup Language HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol FTP – File Transfer Protocol P2P – Peer-to-peer sharing (See

2. How to Reset RAM

If you rolled your eyes here, that is a good thing. If not, you have many things to learn, young padawan. It’s amazing how few people know how to do this. If you’re unsure, hit up the link below to find out how: This tip is only really good for older machines running 9x based OS’s. However if you are running Windows Vista this can have a problem with RAM so here is how to create a desktop shortcut to free up RAM. 1. Right-click on your desktop and select New > Shortcut. 2. Copy/paste the following into the box: %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32. dll,ProcessIdleTasks 3. Click Next, name it ‘Clear Memory’, and click Finish.Give it asuitable icon so it looks nice.

3. Identify Keyloggers



Internet cafes are the most likely place you’ll find them, followed by library, perhaps, and maybe even you own house if you’ve some unscrupulous friends/family. Identity theft groups warn about keyloggers and advocate checking out the keyboard yourself before continuing. Can you identify a keylogger, however, if one is plugged into the back of the system? Here’s what one looks like: Hit up this link for excellent info on keyloggers on public computers and how to protect yourself: how-to-defeat-most-keyloggers-onpublic-computers/

4. Surf the Web Anonymously

We won’t make any assumptions about why you may need this particular skill, but the fact remains that every geek should know how to traverse the Internet with the highest amount of security possible. Aside from the safest method– which is using a connection that is not yours–you will need the ultimate in proxies…Tor. Tor is an onion-routing system which makes it ‘impossible’ for someone to find out who you actually are.

5. Bypass a Computer Password on All Major Operating Systems

Obviously you shouldn’t use this to gain unlawful access to a computer. If you’re a geek, however, you’ll eventually end up in a situation where someone forgets their password, you acquire a machine with

an operating system you cannot access, or similar situation. See this tutorial for info on how to bypass the password on the three major operating systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux. http://www.joetech. com/2009/01/29/how-to-crack-theaccount-password-on-any-operating-system/

6. Find a Users IP Address on AIM

Knowing someones IP address is actually pretty useless in this case, but most people don’t realize that. If someone is harassing you via AIM and you can’t get them to stop, discovering their IP and sending it to them–with a nicely worded threat of law enforcement involvement should they not stop–is likely enough to send them scamping away with tail between legs. html

7. Hide a File Behind a JPEG

So you need a nice spot to hide your blackmail personal files. You could, of course, bury them deeply within a series of random, useless folders, but there’s always the chance of them being discovered. A password protected RAR is the best choice, but it’s a bit obvious despite the most boring title you could give it. A sneaky person would hide the important file behind a completely random and boring family reunion photo, where no person in their right mind would shift through. computer-tips/hide-file-in-picture/

8. Crack a Wifi Password

This is one of those things you don’t need to do (hopefully), but that you still need to know just for the sake of knowledge. A strong WPA password is very secure, but most people don’t want to bother learning a convoluted series of letters, numbers, and symbols, instead opting for random everyday words. A good overall tutorial on wifi and cracking can be found here: http:// Cracking_WEP_and_WPA_Wireless_Networks

9. Monitor Network Traffic

The Internet is a vast place with a bit of everything. Whether you’re curious about what your roommate is downloading, your kid is getting into, or any leeches living around you who’ve unscrupulously breached your wifi, knowing how to analyze network traffic is an invaluable skill. Here is a list of dozens of network analyzers, as well as some general info to get you started: http://www.

10. Recover Master Boot Record

A virus or other problem can lead to an MBR error, which will make it impossible to access install. Many users would simply become frustrated and reinstall, but not you! Every geek should know how to recover the master book record.

64 THINGS EVERY GEEK SHOULD KNOW 41 Here is an excellent guide to get started:

11. Retrieve Data off Hard Drive

There will come some point in your life when a hard drive craps out sans warning. It could be due to a number of reasons–physical damage, file corruption, etc. There are computer service centers that would be happy to extract the data for a (hefty) fee; a true geek would be the one working at center, not taking his or her drive there. To find out how to retrieve data off a damaged hard drive, read here: list_7225818_5-off-crashed-harddrive.html

12. Load Rockbox onto an MP3 Player The firmware that comes on your average mp3 player is intended for those who are scared of advanced features; often, the only audio settings available are a few prearranged EQs. If you’re an audiophile–or simply frustrated with the lack of control over your music settings–Rockbox is the firmware for you. Open source and free, it can be installed on several different types of players and enables full control over what you listen to.

13. Unbrick a Smartphone No geek can resist the allure of flashing the newest beta firmware onto their shiny smartphone. The byproduct of that is sometimes a bricked phone, which would leave

many sobbing into their pillow at night. To avoid rendering your $400 gadget into a door stopper, learn the fine art of unbricking and then flash away. As the method used to fix a phone will vary, this is the best place to start looking for answers: http://

14. Replace a Laptop Keyboard

Keyboards get gummy after awhile. If you use yours a lot (aka: all day), then you probably eat over it at some point. Crumbs get into the keys and things are sticking, and before you know it, you need a new keyboard.

15. Rip Streaming Videos

Streaming videos are officially in vogue. We’re not going to make any assumptions about what type of videos you are streaming and may want to keep, but no matter what it is, any geek could rip them while sipping a Red Bull and watching the latest episode of BSG. Here’s a hint to get you started: or try this one

16. Strip Windows DRM

DRM is incredibly annoying. With many online stores now offering DRM-free mp3 audio files, it would seem it’s not as big of an issue as it

used to be. That is not not the case, however, with all videos bearing a DRM as well as music of a higherquality than MP3. Stripping Windows DRM is not legal. If you’re a geek, your probably don’t care: http://undrm. info/remove-DRM-protection/ FairUse4WM-freeware-DRMremoval-Windows-software-Stripcopy-protection-from-WMV-ASFWMA-Windows-Media-Player.htm

17. Homebrew Hack Game Systems

Gaming consoles are notorious for having features you can’t use simply because the manufacturer decided to lock them down. As a geek, you can’t just be satisfied with the features they decided to give you. No, you have to crack that case open and take a peek inside. Every geek should know how to homebrew hack their system and unlock it’s full potential.

18. Find a Website IP Address Without Web/Command Prompt Access

Some school admins think they’re being sneaky when they lock down the command prompt and block all major IP search websites and block all the websites you actually want to visit. Of course, that is child’s play for any geek. First, to get a new command prompt, open Notepad and type: Then, save as “cmd. bat”. You now have a command prompt. Now, open the command prompt

42 64 THINGS EVERY GEEK SHOULD KNOW and type “ping com/” to find the IP address of that website. Enter the website into the browser and you will officially have impressed all your friends.

19. Bypass School or Work Website Blocks What is a horrific situation for an average computer user is a simple irritation for an everyday geek. To bypass a website block/filter, simply enter that websites IP address in instead of the actual site address.

20. Screw with Wifi Leeches

Nobody likes a wifi leech. At best, they’re simply using up your valuable bandwidth. At the worst–and far more likely, they’re stealing your identity and watching your activities. After watching your network and identifying the leech, use this trick to flip their browser upside down and let them know you don’t appreciate the intrusion.

21. Hexadecimal and Binary Number Systems Everyone knows the normal, everyday digit system used. It takes a special–possibly psychotic person–to also know hexadecimal and binary number systems. Here is an excellent interactive tutorial on learning the two systems:

22. How to Hot Wire a Car

If your family always turns to you any time their computer hiccups, their DVD player needs fixed, or their home security system doesn’t activate, it’s only a matter of time before someone asks you how to hot wire a car. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to answer them? To learn this unique skill, read here: Hot_Wire_Your_Car

23. Increase Wifi Range

Most people don’t even understand what the magical operating system is. As a geek, you should transcend that basic knowledge and have a small operating system on your thumb drive handy for those times you need computer access but don’t know the password to a nearby computer.

26. Understand What “There’s no Place Like Means”

With so many small portable gadgets gaining more and more sophisticated web browsers, in addition to gaming systems like the PSP and DS, getting the most use out of your wifi is practically a geek necessity.

A lot of geeks wear this shirt as a short hand code for their computer finesse–or maybe just to screw with other people who stare but cannot figure out what it means. No matter the reason, if you’d like an answer, check out the link below.

Here is a good guide on extending your wifi’s range: com/

24. Carrying a Computer Cleaning Arsenal on Your USB Drive A good geek prepares for their friends stupidity. No matter how many times you tell them to stop downloading porn, they keep doing it until their machine is so infected it can’t drag itself into a grave. An arsenal of portable malware cleaners, a portable task manager, anti-virus, etc, will make those impromptu purging sessions all the easier.

27. Read 1337 At Normal Speed

Sure, everyone knows about it and it’s no longer cool, but if you’re going to proclaim yourself as a geek, you should be able to read it full speed. Who wants to choke in front of the wannabe that learned to read it full speed and flaunts it in your face?

28. At Least One Fictional Language

25. Running an Operating Sys- And not only should you know a tem from a USB Thumb Drive fictional language, but you should use it to say something about


How to reset RAM? Hide a File Behind a JPEG? It’s Hard To Be A Geek!!..

44 64 THINGS EVERY GEEK SHOULD KNOW yourself. Do you choose Klingon or Quenya? Here’s a list of constructed languages: List_of_constructed_languages

29. How to Survive in a Linux Argument Linux is gaining an all around higher standing in the geeksphere, and it’s bound to enter a conversation at some point (which will invariably end up turning into an argument). If you want to keep up, you’ll need to understand the basic points of Linux, as well as the general info of all basic things. Here’s a good place to read and gain a foothold: articles/feature/

30. Identify Major Constellations

oft-ignored dial on a camera is the key that unleashes the best quality photos possible, and every geek should be a whiz at using one. http://digital-photography-school. com/digital-camera-modes

32. Who Mulder and Scully Are

It seems that in the plethora of geek websites, there always appears a joke about Mulder and Scully, the two main characters from the XFiles. If you don’t know who they are, you’ll be left in the dark, alone, contemplating what exactly it was you were doing in the 90′s that you wouldn’t understand the joke. Mulder_and_Scully_(song)

33. Javascript

For those times you venture from the air-conditioned, computer filled basement of your parents house (or something like that), look up at the stars and have yourself a Galileo moment. The stars may just be dots to many people, but with the handy website below, you’ll be stopping man-belts and lions in no time.

HTML is running the world (not really). Everyone knows some HTML and it makes them feel empowered. As a geek, you want to transcend that basic knowledge others share and know a little more. JavaScript is the answer–it is easy to learn if you’re not actually interested in web programming, but simply curious, and it looks scary to anyone who doesn’t know it. html javascript/basicjavascript.html

31. Use a Camera in Manual Mode

Sure, you could just use auto mode like everyone else too afraid to learn what some letters and numbers mean, but then you wouldn’t be much of a geek, would you? The

34. How to Unlock an iPhone Sure, most geeks wouldn’t be caught dead with an iPhone, but what about your friends? You’re the smart techie, they’ll expect your to know how to unlock it.

35. How to Install Mac OS X on a PC Just because you don’t want Mac on your PC doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know how to do it. Knowledge is power, right? Go ahead, use this to stump your friends and family.

36. Build a PC

If you purchase a ready-made PC, you can be sure of one thing–you’re paying more than you should. Assembling your own PC isn’t too hard, and is the first thing you should be aiming to accomplish as a geek. Here is a massive article on assembling your own PC: http://www.

37. Tethering a Smartphone

Nothing like a little wifi on the move, eh? Tethering a smartphone means using the Internet on your laptop/netbook via your cell phone. Of course, the method to do this depends on your phone, but here’s an article to get your started: rx/2276/smartphones_bb_treo_ tether_modem_usa_carriers/

38. Wiring a Home Theater System

Home theater systems used to consist of a TV and a chair. Gone are

64 THINGS EVERY GEEK SHOULD KNOW 45 those days of simplicity, however, and setting up a modern system can be pure mind-boggling horror. Where does the modulator go, why does the DVD player have no video and the cable box no sound?

tor with a hot soldering iron, then snap it back together and keep it away from flesh/eyes/airplanes. The pointer will burn out after a few hours, but what a fun few hours they will be.

Here’s a tutorial, including excellent diagrams, to show you how: http://

Note: this is dangerous. Don’t do anything stupid.

42. Keyboard Shortcuts

This will depend on your operat39. Replacing a Laptop LCD ing system and the apps you use, so Laptop LCDs are vulnerable to there’s no tutorial available. Howevmany different mishaps: accidental er, that is irrelevant–you’re a geek, pressure spots, shadows, airsoft pel- you can find them yourself. Shortlets…. No matter, there will come cuts are the difference between a a point when you need to swap slow computer user and a geek. The your LCD for a new one. Now, as geek will always will out in a speed a geek, you probably don’t have an contest, because they do practically extended warranty. If that’s the case, everything from their keyboard. here are some excellent pages and pictures on replacing the display: 43. Soldering Glasses Together Nerds use tape on broken glasses; use solder. ‘Nuff said. top_4.htm

40. Make a Laptop Cooling Pad

Can you believe these cost $50?! A geek will need one, because data crunching/DVD ripping/videos playing/rendering at the same times tends to cause excess heat. Instead of shelling out your hard earned dollars, make your own like so: Lazy-mans-laptop-cooler/

41. Unleash a Laser Pointer’s full potential

A normal person uses a laser pointer to drive their dog crazy. A geek uses it to melt butter for their grilled cheese sandwich. To unless a laser pointer’s full strength, crack open the case, fry the resis-

44. How to Execute a Shell Script

If you’re a true geek, you’ll need to do this at some point. Below are instructions on how to do so. Remember: always be cautious when running a script, you don’t want your computer to turn into a door stop, now do ya?

45. How to Hack a Pop Machine

Okay, so stealing isn’t cool. Still, hacking is simply a misunderstood art, right? So hacking a pop machine isn’t really stealing, because it’s not about the pop, it about the pleasure of getting your way. Or

something like that. (Newsflash, it is illegal, don’t do it.) If you want to try your fingers at getting a free Coke, check out this link:

46. Turn a Laptop into a Digital Picture Frame So you want to show off pictures of your dog and that girl you once met, but you want to do it in an uber geeky way. Any schmuck can go to Walmart and buy a digital picture frame for a grossly inflated price. But you…oh, you’re too smart for that. No, instead you’ll find an old laptop on eBay for $5 and turn it into a true work of art. picture_frame.html

47. How to Mod a Flash Drive Case

All the geeks are doing it…. Whatever. The case your flash drive came in is probably weak and most certainly plain. Why not jazz it up with your own unique style? Here’s one such case mod, and dozens of related projects: http://www.— Flash-drive-case-mod/

48. Do Cool Things to Altoids Tins

People are obsessed with these things. Altoids tins are durable, small, and just begging to be filled with LEDs, mp3 players, audio amps, and maybe some snuff. A good geek will find millions of uses for these little metal wonders. If you need a mental boost, however,

46 64 THINGS EVERY GEEK SHOULD KNOW here’s some interesting links:

49. Convert Cassette Tapes to Digital Audio Files

If your geekhood started in the 90’s, then you probably have a least a few (dozen) cassette tapes still sitting around. Why not breathe digital life into them before they fall ill to mortal fate? mp3/alpha-geek-how-to-digitizecassette-tapes-222394.php

50. Lock Your Computer with a USB Drive

You don’t want anyone getting into your files while you’re gone. A normal password would be enough to keep most people out, but what if you got super-secret X files on your computer? You can lock your machine down with a USB drive via these instructions: http://lionjkt.wordpress. com/2008/12/31/how-to-lockyour-computer-with-usb-drive/

51. Run Your Own Ethernet Line

Wifi has taken the place of a wired connection in many homes, and with good reasons–you can go anywhere, no cables necessary. What about those…sensitive…activities that you’d rather the neighborhood script kiddie didn’t see on your wifi? An Ethernet cable is your solution. To wire your own Ethernet, hit up this link:

52. Set Up a Streaming Media Server

With digital files becoming the ultimate medium, many people have hundreds of gigabytes worth of music, videos, and pictures. You could keep them on a portable hard drive, but then you’re have to take it everywhere, and only one person could use it at a time. The solution is a streaming media server, something no geek can live without.

53. Setting up a VPN

If you’re like most geeks, you can’t live without your computers. They store your life in some poetic fashion, holding files you feel a personal connection with…. Anyway, if you are at work and suddenly realize you left an important picture at home (or you need blackmail material pronto), having a VPN ready to go will save you big time.

54. Turn Webcams into Security Cameras

Is someone stealing your Netflix DVDs? Do you suspect it is a fat hairy man in his boxers taking them each morning? If so, you can get your proof using a couple webcams and a bit of software. http://www.simplehelp. net/2006/09/27/how-to-use-yourpc-and-webcam-as-a-motiondetecting-and-recording-securitycamera/

55. Control Your House

Lights with a Computer

Controlling the lights in your house via computer is a great way to freak out the neighborhood kids dingdong-ditching (assuming you wire up a Halloween scream motion sensor, also). If you reasons are less nefarious, you simply use it to turn on and off lights without having to life ye butt from thy seat, which is a good reason in itself. Control-lights-in-your-house-withyour-computer/

56. Play Retro Games without Retro Consoles This applies to the geeks who enjoy gaming. Setting up an emulation PC on your TV is a great way to relive those games of old.

57. Put LEDs Inside a Lightbulb

The days of hot incandescent and mercury-laden fluorescent are gone, and in are the days of long lasting, low heat, low consumption LEDs. As any good geek, you want to be able to say “I was doing X long before it became mainstream.” Here’s your chance–the following link will show you how to put an LED inside a lightbulb, something sure to stump your friends the same way Grandpa’s ship-in-a-wine-bottle used to stump you. html

58. Create Music with Keyboard

64 THINGS EVERY GEEK SHOULD KNOW 47 How awesome is KeyBored? This little app gives all of your QWERTY keys a piano note. When you type, it sounds like an infant monkey punching a keyboard. If you’ve got some musical chops, it won’t take you long to figure out the Star Wars theme or find a hidden musical message in Counter Strike control buttons.

59. Make Your Office Ergonomic

Face it–you spend a lot of time at your desk. You might even have a few extra pounds and pallid skin to show for it. While those things are temporary, far to common and more serious is the carpal tunnel, eye strain, and back problems you’ll develop from having a poor workspace. Hit up this link to create a bodyfriendly workspace that will keep you limber and flexible: http://

60. Adding a Third Monitor

Studies show that dual monitor increase work productivity by 30%. As a geek, you’ll need a third monitor to equal the dual setup of a layman (if that makes sense). While any hack with a VGA port can add a second monitor, it takes a true geek to add a third (or more). This will vary based on graphics/OS, so hit up Google for a tutorial or two.

61. How to Convert a DVD to x264 (or XviD or DivX) It might seem like child’s play to you, but many individuals do not

understand the fine art of converting a DVD into a digital file, let alone the careful skills it takes to achieve a happy balance between size and quality. Here is an excellent tutorial demonstrating how to rip a DVD with the multi-platform free software Handbrake: http://howto.diveintomark. org/ipod-dvd-ripping-guide/

62. Flash System BIOS

Ya gotta do it some time, so stop putting it off and man up. Flashing the BIOS on your laptop might seem scary (as it should–fear keeps you on your toes and prevents mistakes), but it’s not (actually, it is, but if you even understand why you need to do this, you’ve gotta have at least a few chops by now). Warning–you can seriously bork your computer doing this! cfm?articleID=1605

63. How to Irrecoverably Protect Data

TrueCrypt, my friends. Learn to use TrueCrypt. If you have ask why, you don’t need it.

64. The Fastest way to Kill

It’s said that you have to get into a killers mind to understand their weaknesses, right? Same goes for the unfortunate boobs who always kill their laptops. Here’s a list of all the different ways you can accidentally kill a computer–arm your family and friends, and save yourself grief (because it’s surely you they will call when something goes horribly, horribly wrong).


Keyboard Shortcuts? Huh?...




I Leave a trace of my passage here to promote urban art in a maximum of places and to a large range of people. It’s my passion, my religion.


NadaOne Graffiti Artist & Graphic Designer

Swiss born, French/US citizen he currently lives in Los Angeles, USA. NadaOne has dedicated his life to creating artistic concepts that are both eye-catching and colorful by reproducing a wide and impressive variety of subjects. At any scale and on any surface, he brings his works to life and in doing so creates an attention-grabbing experience 100% made with aerosol spray paint. Known for his ability to create photo realistic imagery with spray cans at any scale, NadaOne has worked in the public realm since 1989 and therefore has the ability to understand your needs and imperatives by creating unique

and original designs that are truly works of art.

mann Studios and Paramount Pictures.

By traveling the world and painting at innumerable festivals and events, NadaOne has collaborated with some of the biggest names in Graffiti & Street Art and he is represented in some of the world’s best selling books regarding graffiti art and his works are published in numerous magazines and websites worldwide.

Multi-talented NadaOne is asked by various clients, brands, privates, agencies, in Switzerland around the globe to conceive corporate identity, websites, animations, logos, flyers, illustrations, street marketing...

He has been commissioned to paint furnitures for legendary designer Philippe Starck, as well as murals for Sony, Mc Donalds, Redbull, Nestlé and Honda, just to name a few. He is the only Graffiti artist in the world to have the exclusive permission to work and reproduce characters from the last animation movies from Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks, Aard-

NadaOne is the only Graffiti artist in the world to have the exclusive permission to work and reproduce characters from the last animation movies from Pixar (Finding Nemo), Disney (Robots), Dreamworks (Monsters Inc.) and Aardmann Studios (Chicken Run), Paramount Pictures (King Kong).





In: Tell us about your work?

sculptures will be also a big part of the exhibitions, I want to show My works are a mix of big teethed some ideas stocked in my head and monsters, black guy reapers, 3D have them in 3 dimensions, to play and paint on it. Graffiti lettering and photo realistic paintings. I like to develop unique and original concepts for my In: “What is Art?” is certainly too professional side, to give me lim- big of a question to ask here, but its to reach and break and to push what do you hope your audience forwards all the possibilities that takes away from your art .What my spray can can give me. I like to statement do you hope to make? sketch on flash idea, dreams, or just by taking a sheet of paper, sketch- Art is so many things for me, it’s a ing on it and imagine how this idea lifestyle, a wife, a passion as strong will be on wall, think about the as to make love, it’s also an angel or colors, the effects, the result. Every- a demon, a lot of tools, odors, dirts, thing fits of oneself once I take the pain sometimes, joy, sharing intense spray in hand and I draw the first moments of creation with other outline. I work now on visuals, can- writers.For people and friends who vases and fiberglass sculptures for follow and know me it’s the ideas, various solo exhibitions in Hong the concepts, the colors, the details Kong, China and United Kingdom. and the energy added in each of my works. It’s different from Graffiti painting on walls and in the street most of- Leave a trace of my passage here to ten outside because I will present promote urban art in a maximum those works in a closed spaces and of places and to a large range of onto different format, big sized people. It’s my passion, my religion.

In: What was the best advice given to you as an artist? DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE ! Never look back and follow your instinct, never pay attention on the things that other people tell you to do, nor all that is “in”, “trend” or “fashion”. Just do your stuff it’s the purest and real thing that represents you and your work… Follow sheep and you will finish like a sheep ! In: Tell us more about your work space and your creative process. Street and walls are my work space, no need to have an atelier to do my paintings. The city and its concrete walls are my playground. I like to draw on a corner of a table with a coffee or directly in my sketchbook, and most of the time in all that can be a sheet of paper…envelopes, napkins, bills… Some of my good friends can tell you that I’m a real maniac about the concept and the


perfection of my paintings, for me a painting not done like this is a worst of time, energy and money. I create something from scratch, from an sudden idea, a dream or a flash and I want this idea to be exactly what I have inside of my head, just better.

In: Where do you go online for good art resources, whether to find a new artist, or to see what is going on in the art world locally and otherwise?

colors it’s like candies for me. In: If you could be anything other than an artist, what would you be? a mad scientist ;)

I love to randomly stumble (StumIn: What gets you through an illusble Upon), within art and design tration when you’re stuck for inspicategory to see what who will ap- ration? When I make a look to a wall I can pears. see where I will place my letters, my I hate the blank page !I go out to take characters or the entire concept, all In: Do you illustrate full time? a break, to see around me, to be inthese infos just need to be pushed If not, what else do you do? spired by little things and I also go to out of my head and propelled by the the nearest bookstore to see differspray can via my hand and my in- Not full time, I wait the good mo- ent visual approaches in books and ment to draw dex. magazines.Sometimes I re-open my something or to put an idea in a old blackbooks and projects to see In: If I were to follow you around to paper sheet…it’s never scheduled if something can be used in a new see art in California, which places or planned.When I don’t draw or direction. do Graffitis or murals I do graphic would we go? What would we see? and web design. I also take time to In: Where can we know more I’m pretty new here and I don’t have be with my family and to play with about you? too many paintings done in Cali- my 2 sons, precious moments and I fornia, my principal painted walls don’t want to let my work take over On my website: are located in the Clover Artistic it. all my recent works are represented Space (an old painting factory reloand from there you can easily be in cated in artistic space), in Melrose In: Do you have a favorite color touch with me via my social netAvenue (behind the Golden Apple or palette? works too. Comics Shop) and in my showroom in North Hollywood (Bellaire Av- Black, White and Red to be graphic enue in Atlant Home Improvement but when I am in front of my faNadaOne vorite spray paint palette I can’t Warehouse) choose only one I want to use each



ADVERTISE WITH US WHAT IS INPRINT MAGAZINE? InPrint Magazine currently has over 20,000 page views per month. You can email us for more specific Google Analytic statistics. Our goal is to show contemporary visual arts to a wide variety of audience which attracts readers from USA, Europe – UK, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Australia and the rest from all over the world!. InPrint is a bi-monthly online magazine. The author’s intention is to publish the works of modern designers, fine artists and illustrators. All the works published in InPrint Magazine are property of the respective authors. WHY SHOULD I ADVERTISE? We cover major facets of artistic news, events and installations making sure our readers become industry insiders through reading our publication. Our feature writers cover industry topics from top to bottom including technical areas of creative, prepress and print. Our regular commentators are recognized experts in their fields bringing knowledge, depth and passion to the page. The latest technology is unveiled and reviewed with insights from topics on design, prepress, print, bindery, sales and marketing. Fresh ideas will inspire, inform and energize you. WHAT WE OFFER: Our distribution list is constantly updated ensuring your advertising message will be read by the key decision makers in the printing and graphic arts industry. In a sea of competitors, we are a lighthouse of value. Our distribution list is always kept current. Every one of our readers is a potential client for your services whether creative, prepress, print, bindery, or software. InPrint Magazine is published 6 times per year and boasts the most reliable schedule in the market. We deliver on time, everytime. High-quality service and very competitive advertising rates make Inprint Magazine the best value on the market today. WHO SHOULD I CONTACT? You can contact our editor chief Elo @ or You can also advertise on InPrint website. Contact us for special multi-issue offers!






COLLAGE ARTIST What started of as a bit of fun, making cartoons and postcards, evolved into creating well-balanced snapshots of a forgotten world bursting with color and filled with images of yesteryear. Belgian collage artist and freelance illustrator Sammy Slabbinck love of old photographs and vintage magazines are the basis for most of his creations. Wanting to focus on reproducing the essence of these images, in 2012 some screen prints will be made. Sammy Slabbinck renders dynamic collage prints, combining vintage photographs with contemporary compositional styles. The images are cut up into pieces and redistributed, playing with exaggeration and proportions. Other times, the images are placed in a reverse context, juxtaposing modern ideals with traditional states of mind. Sammy Slabbinck is a Belgian artist. His eye for muted tones and surreal compositions make his work engaging and memorable. In conjunction with his collage works, Slabbinck has an impressive portfolio of typographic works.


















f you are an adventures

designer like who likes to travel around the world trying to expand your horizons, here is a list of the best Graphic Design schools around the globe.A panel of innovation consultants, academics, and executives selected the best design programs around the world. From Arizona State to Zollverein, The advantages of studying abroad is endless. You can learn another language while studying what you really have passion for.


Bainbridge Institute is just amazing, I’m very forntunate to be a student here!

Top Employers: Most students start own companies, but REI is a big employer Claim to Fame: Founded by Gifford Pinchot, inventor of the term “intrapreneurship.”

Bainbridge Graduate Institute Bainbridge Island, Wash. 140 graduate students Business

Signature Programs: An MBA program that focuseson sustainable business. Bainbridge treats creativity as the route to the human insight necessary for socially responsible leadership. Students manage CreateSessions, problem-solving seminars that are structured like design-strategy workshops.



Babson College Babson Park, Mass. 3,300 students, both grad and undergrad Business

California College of the Arts San Francisco 1,660 students, both grad and undergrad Art and Design

Partnerships Academic: Olin College of Engineering, RISD (new this Claim to Fame: Home Depot co-founder and Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank is an alumnus.

Partnerships Academic: UC-Berkeley Haas School of Business, Köln International School of Design (Germany) Business: Project sponsors include Gaia & Gino, Pantech, Tupperware, Simpson Strong-Tie, Samsung, IDEO, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Timbuk2. Top Employers: Gensler, MBH Architects, Anshen & Allen, Dahlin Group Architecture, Pentagram

Signature Programs: In the creativity program, there is a mandatory arts class in the first year of the MBA, to instill creative principles that are invoked in second-year courses on entrepreneurship, innovation, and new-product development

Claim to Fame: Yves Béhar of Fuseproject is the chair of the industrial design department. Signature Programs: CCA’s longstanding joint product-development program with Berkeley’s business and engineering schools is now focusing on sustainable design. CCA is launching its own Design MBA.

Arizona State University, College of Design Tempe, Ariz. 2,480 students, both grad and undergrad Design, Engineering, and Business Partnerships Academic: Arizona State’s Colleges of Engineering and Business


Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Engineering Hanover, N.H. 305 students, both grad and undergrad Engineering

Delft University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands 1,800 students, both grad and undergrad Design

Partnerships Academic: Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth Medical School Business: Course sponsors include Mascoma.Top Employers: GE, Analog Devices, Goldman Sachs

Partnerships Business: Does client work for Philips and P&G.Top Employers: Google, McKinsey, Microsoft, Siemens

Claim to Fame: Dartmouth professor of engineering Tillman Gerngoss is the co-founder of GlycoFi; alumnus Terrence McGuire is the founder of Polaris. Signature Programs: Situated within a liberal arts curriculum, the Thayer School is interdisciplinary by nature, offering courses in engineering design, design thinking, and sustainability to students from business, medicine, and the arts as well as a masters

Claim to Fame: Adrian van Hooydonk, design director for BMW, is an alumnus. Signature Programs: A design program with a technology and engineering school, TU Delft emphasizes management and ergonomics. Business courses are mandatory in both undergraduate and graduate industrial design degrees, and graduate students do client work for companies. TU Delft also offers a masters in strategy design.


Delft University gave me so much confidence. I would have never gone anywhere else!.




Design Academy Eindhoven Eindhoven, The Netherlands 700 students, both grad and undergrad Design Partnerships Academic: RCA, (United Kingdom), UIAH (Finland), ECAL (Switzerland), ENSCI (France) RISD, Technical University of Eindhoven (Netherlands) Business: Professors and students have done project work for Unilever, Sara Lee, and Heinz. Top Employers: Philips, IKEA, Siemens, BMW Claim to Fame: Famous alumni include Hella Jongerius, Maarten Baas, Tord Boontje, Jurgen Bey, Richard Hutten, and Job Smeets. Signature Programs: In Design Academy's Compass curriculum, students go through eight "rotations" to expose them to various aspects of design: user-centric categories like leisure and well-being; technological categories in the lab, and business categories, finishing with a mandatory one-semester internship.

Domus Academy Milan, Italy 200 graduate students Design Partnerships Academic: Bocconi School of Management (Italy) Business: The academy does consulting work for Nike, Samsung, and Hyundai. Top Employers: 3M, Abercrombie & Fitch, Decathlon, Nike, Samsung Claim to Fame: Chief Versace designer Lorenza Baschieri is an alumna. Signature Programs: Not only does Domus Academy incorporate professional internship experience and strategic management thinking into its own design degree, but it offers a joint masters in business design with the Bocconi School of Management.

At ENSCI we feel like a family. It’s really not all about the school you are in.



ENSCI Les Ateliers Paris, France 215 students, both grad and undergrad Design

ESDI Brasil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 220 students, both grad and undergrad Design

Partnerships Academic: EMUDE, Masters of European Design Business: Project sponsors include Electrolux, Legrand, and Kenwood. Top Employers: Philippe Starck, Lunar, IDEO, L'OrĂŠal, Renault

Partnerships Academic: University of Art & Design Helsinki (Finland), ENSCI Les Ateliers (France), TU Delft (Netherlands), and KĂśln International School of Design (Germany) Business: Course project sponsors include Microsoft, Electrolux, and Motorola, which runs a lab on campus. Top Employers: Most students start their own companies.

Signature Programs: A design school that is intimately in touch with business practice, ENSCI partners with technology departments around France and design schools across Europe as well as major global companies to incorporate classes in management and internships with firms for all its industrial and interaction design students.

Claim to Fame: Oscar-nominated cinematographer Walter Carvalho is an alumnus, as is Ivo Kos, art director of recent movies The Matrix and Ratatouille. Signature Programs: Offering degrees in Integrated Product Design and Design Methods, ESDI connects to students in local and international businesses for projects, while a university design incubator lets students turn their own projects into viable business models. Recently, resources have been given to courses and projects in sustainable design, some of which have been sponsored by Microsoft.



George Brown College Toronto, Ont. 700 graduate students Design Partnerships Academic: Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), DUOC (Chile), Veritas University (Costa Rica)Business: Course sponsors include Canada Mortgage Assn., government agencies, Magna. Top Employers: IDEO, Bruce Mau, Umbra Claim to Fame: Paul Rowan, co-founder of Umbra, is an alumnus; so is Alex Wigington, creative director of Oxygen Design. Signature Programs: George Brown's innovative design program offers degrees in design management. A 10-month graduate program on sustainable design is currently working on World House, a global initiative to design sustainable affordable housing.

Hochschule Pforzheim Pforzheim, Germany 75 students, both grad and undergrad Design Partnerships Academic: RISD, UIAH (Finland), ENSCI Les Ateliers (France), NID (India), Hongik University (South Korea) Business: Course clients have included the former DaimlerChrysler. Top Employers: frog design, IDEO, BMW, Porsche Claim to Fame: Famous alumni include Michael Mauer, head of design at Porsche; Peter Faasbender, head of design at Saab; Thomas Ingenlath, head of design at Skoda; and Claus Potthoff, head of exterior design at Audi. Signature Programs: Pforzheim's design program places students in project studios to design products for companies. The school is now looking to expand its offerings in marketing and management studies. In its graduate studies, Pforzheim takes students with backgrounds in design, sponsored by corporate employers to learn the ties between design and business. This year, they will be launching a reative design Masters with a focus on design leadership.


Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong, China ,300 students, both grad and undergrad Design

Hongik University College of Design Seoul, South Korea 1,140 students, both grad and undergrad Design

Partnerships Academic: Köln Institute (Germany), TU Delft (Netherlands), UIAH (Finland) Business: Has done projects with Benetton and Bang & Olufsen.

Partnerships Academic: RCA (United Kingdom), RISD Business: Course sponsors include Nissan and GM. Top Employers: Samsung, GM

Claim to Fame: Vivienne Tam, fashion designer is an alumna Signature Programs: Hong Kong Polytechnic University's College of Design offers business-minded degrees such as design strategy, product innovation, and design in practice. In a strategic design lab, students work with companies on design projects. In the Asian lifestyle lab, they collect ethnographic and anthropological data to help international companies target products too.

Claim to Fame: SunGul Whang, design manager for Motorola, is an alumnus. Signature Programs: Although Hongik is known chiefly for the technical skill of its product-design graduates, theoretical, environmental and human factors are getting increased attention in its program as companies now come to the school with sponsored projects in user-centered design.

I already have a job lined up for me and this is awesome! specially these days

Top Employers: TCL, Philips



Indian Institute of Technology, Industrial Design Centre Mumbai, India 62 graduate students Design

Köln International School of Design Cologne, Germany 460 students, both grad and undergrad Design

Partnerships Business: Member, International Council of Societies of Industrial Design. Top Employers: Ashok Leyland, Honeywell, Tata Motors, Ford, Motorola and Microsoft

Partnerships Academic: Master of European Design, Shih Chien (Taiwan), Parsons, Musashino (Japan), CCA, Arizona State Business: Does projects for Nokia, Siemens, German Telecom, Motorola, and Coca-Cola. Top Employers: German Telecom and Vodafone

Signature Programs: IIT’s Industrial Design Centre takes a broad and holistic approach, combining mandatory art and marketing components into an industrial design course. Students and professors both do consultancy work and sponsored projects for Mumbai industry, and the Institute hosts conferences on innovation for business leaders from around the world.

Claim to Fame: Alumna Nina Kleebank is project manager at Interbrand Germany; alumnus Markus Kossmann is product developer at Lego's headquarters in Dublin. Signature Programs: With a focus on service design and user-centricity, Köln offers a program in design thinking. With its projects for major German companies, the school is expanding its curriculum on design management.

I got at Köln not knowing what to expect and I have to say, I’m glad I picked this school


Kaos Pilot International Aarhus, Denmark 135 students, both grad and undergrad Design and Business

Keio University Tokyo, Japan 4,876 students, both grad and undergrad Engineering and Business

Partnerships Academic: Runs its own affiliate schools in Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands Business: Course clients have included Google, Apple, and Carlsberg. Top Employers: Lego, Statoil

Partnerships Academic: Imperial College, London; University of Technology, (Germany), Xian Jiaotong, (China); Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France) Business: Nissan Motor and Yosuhara-cho Kouchi prefecture are course sponsors. Top Employers: Canon, Toyota, Sony, Tokyo Gas, Nomura Research Institute, Nissan

Signature Programs: Kaos Pilot International is an interdisciplinary business program that takes students at both the graduate and undergraduate level and puts them into interdisciplinary teams with leaders, but no official professors, to travel internationally and work on design projects for companies or as social enterprises.

Signature Programs: In the engineering degrees at Keio University, professors have an institutional approach to technological innovation, focusing on the role of engineering design in organizations and companies and putting students to work on sponsored projects for auto companies like Nissan.




London College of Communication London, England 9,000 students, both grad and undergrad Art and Design

Musashino Art University Tokyo, Japan 7,589 students, both grad and undergrad Art and Design

Partnerships Academic: ECCA Enterprise Centre for the Creative Arts is open to students from all other London U. of the Arts colleges Business: Has done projects for Jordan Oil and EPR Architects. Top Employers: John Brown Citrus Publishing, BBC, Red Bee Media, The Times, Reuters.

Partnerships Academic: University of the Arts, London; KISD (Germany); Pratt; UIAH (Finland); Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy) Business: University cooperation projects with Toshiba, IKEA, Nissan, and Casio. Top Employers: Panasonic, Sony, Toshiba, Honda, IBM, Toyota

Claim to Fame: Sir Charles Saatchi, founder of Saatchi & Saatchi is an alumnus.

Claim to Fame: Shiro Nakamura of Nissan, Satoshi Wada of Audi, and Toyoyuki Uematsu of Panasonic are alumni.

Signature Programs: Truly an arts college for businesspeople, LCC offers classical graphic and product design degrees as well as a marketing degree in creative enterprise. At the Enterprise Centre for Creative Arts, arts students learn about business management. In the Design Practice, a college consultancy, students work for real business clients on design projects.

Signature Programs: In addition to a traditional arts and design curriculum, Musashino offers degrees in arts management and the science of design. Almost all professors are professional practitioners, and students have the chance to work with companies on hands-on design projects, specializing in automotive and consumer electronics industries, where many Musashino graduates work.


National Institute of Design Ahmedabad, India 650 students, both grad and undergrad Design

Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO) Oslo, Norway 150 students, both grad and undergrad Art and Design

Partnerships Academic: ENSCI (France), RCA (London), Shenkar (Israel) Business: Has worked with Fiat, Autodesk, GM, and Whirlpool. Top Employers: Suzuki, Whirpool, Infosys

Partnerships Academic: Norwegian School of Management, member Cumulus network

Claim to Fame: Alumnus Satish Gokhale runs consultancy and studio Design Directions, a four-time Design Excellence award winner. Signature Programs: A design institution with strong links to industry, NID offers students the chance to work with companies on class design projects and on rapid prototyping through its consulting arm, the Design Vision Centre. In addition, NID now offers a degree program in strategic design .

Business: Project work for Live Work and the Norwegian lottery company, Gjensidige. Claim to Fame: Edvard Munch was an alumnus. Signature Programs: Students in all design degrees at Oslo National Academy of the Arts take classes in various aspects of business from management to finance to marketing. One course is a joint course with the Oslo School of Management that simultaneously exposes business students to design approaches and strategy. In their final year, design students can apply to work in a design-business incubator or take project work in companies.



Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan, Italy. 38,000 students, both grad and undergrad Design

Shih Chien University Taipei, Taiwan 600 students, both grad and undergrad Design

Partnerships Academic: Design Management Week is a conference open to MBAs from global schools to discuss design; also has partnerships with Harvard Business School, MIT, and Tongji University in China Business: Educational partnership with Ferrari. Top Employers: Ferrari, Fiat, Continuum

Partnerships Academic: Exchange with Tsinghua University, (China), partnership with local business school, launching exchange with MIT in 2008

Signature Programs: A relatively young program, Milan Polytechnic hopes to provide both designers and managers with some knowledge of the other's discipline through a degree in strategic design and an MBA concentration in design management.

Signature Programs: In an interdisciplinary program with Taipei Business School, companies send representatives to teach as guest lecturers. Design students have the chance to work for corporate clients like Motorola.


Polytechnic University is amazing! And knowing that you can get a job at Ferrari is always a plus!


Claim to Fame: Noted alumni include Giovanni Battista Pirelli, founder of Pirelli; Giulio Natta, founder of Kartell; Ernesto Gismondi, founder of Artemide.

Business: Has worked for Motorola.


Strate Collège Paris, France 400 students, both grad and undergrad Design Partnerships Academic: Cumulus member, exchange programs with over 20 schools worldwide, joint degree with engineering school Ecole des Mines (France) Business: Course sponsors include Hyundai, Renault, GM. Top Employers: Renault, GM, Mercedes, L'Oréal, Goodyear, Decathlon Signature Programs: Known especially for its excellence in product and transport design, Strate Collège has recently launched an interdisciplinary degree in innovation management in partnership with engineering school Ecole des Mines. Graduates of this one-year degree often go on to become translators between design and engineering at the managerial level in major French companies.

Tongji University Shanghai, China 529 students, both grad and undergrad Art and Design Partnerships Academic: Cumulus member, partnerships with Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), UIAH (Finland) Business: Does consulting for Nissan, Volkswagen, and Decathlon. Top Employers: LOE Design, Pan Asia Automotive Center Claim to Fame: Song Xiaofeng of Sony Design Center, Japan, is an alumnus. Signature Programs: Through Tongji's consulting arm, Greenchain, design students do work for international corporations like Volkswagen and Nissan.





ILLUSTRATOR Michael Thompson lives in Easton, Pennsylvania, United States. He studied graphic design at The Jamaica School of Art, now the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts in Kingston. Also known by his Flickr profile FREESTYLEE: Artist Without Borders. Michael uses his art effectively with social media to stimulate awareness globally, and to spark conversation about many social and political issues. He design poster art to express solidarity or protest issues that he feels passionate about: war, global poverty, racism, peace, justice, “One Love,� and the environment. He also designs posters celebrating and promoting his historical and cultural Jamaican heritage.











ILLUSTRATOR Andreas Steinbrecher is currently studying graphic design at University of Applied Sciences, Duesseldorf (Germany),where he is focusing on illustration and typography. The subjects of his drawings often just come to him as he takes a walk, watches TV or rides the train to the charmingly boring suburban town where he lives.His approach is reduction in material and technique – by working without color, for example –, which allows him to formally grasp the essence of what he sees. Using traditional drawing utensils, like India ink and pen, in some cases also computer, he carefully places his lines (or just drops some ink), which become faces, everyday objects, patterns – sometimes resembling a webbed netting.









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