Canon de Taichi Chen Xin de muestra

Page 38

陳 氏 太 極 拳 圖 說

The Taijiquan practioner must first of all study the theory and learn the classics to grasp the nature and core principles of Taijiquan. This will make the practice and mastery of Taijiquan easier. The Taijiquan practioner should understand the principles of yin and yang, opening and closing, as well as her own body, which is the natural embodiment of universal macrocosmic principles. A good master will have no need to add or detract from these principles, abiding them as the flawless doctrines of the Golden Mean. Although Taijiquan does not play a significant part in modern society, it exists still in some countries thanks to dedicated followers who do not treat it as a martial art, but focus instead on studying the theory of the art, applying its laws and principles during infantry exercises and marches. Compare this, in contrast, with the indifferent and negligent officials of this country, who during infantry exercises or combat, place more importance on using strength and brute force. How can such ignorant philistines hope to save society and maintain the integrity of this country? So, keep your mind open and do not be misled nor deluded by the words of such “grass and firewood collectors”! The Taijiquan practioner should not be involved in any vice such as robbery, gambling, adultery, sexual seduction, immoral acts, which only corrupt his heavenly soul and provoke the spirits and the wrath of gods. What can such a ‘practitioner’ contribute to the world? How can he possibly be of help to others?

陳 鑫


The Taijiquan practioner should not be impulsive nor fierce, a bully nor an oppressor. Those who indulge in these traits will be driven to crime. If the reader encounters any errors, omissions or missing words in this book, please do not hesitate to contact the publisher for corrections.

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