The Code to the Matrix - Silver Edition

Page 55

I will make it clear: if it wasn’t for the brain screwing by those sinister

groups that administer Medical Drugs and Procedures, Cartoons, Candies, Toys and Education to kids while they are in their most sensitive growing phases, naturally we would have a beautiful world full of joy. For those that came out ill, they would be showered with love and positive vibration. This would bring up their frequency thus curing them, simple. So there is someone to point a finger at and this is exactly why the New Age movement has hatched, because people once again are rising up as the burden is getting heavy. One now has to work 2 or 3 jobs to keep things going, not to mention their habits and they are tired of this and with just cause. Silently we know this is not our fault and when I found the Code in the language -- at that moment I knew it wasn’t the peoples fault. Before then, religion had me thinking that it was because they didn’t worship the right God so they were suffering, or it was some past karma form another life so they were paying in this life. I would silently think, “can we be sure of that?”

This is what I came to stop, the misinterpretation of the Most High

and I give my life proudly exposing everything that I can to make the world

Reason 38: There can be no doubt the Elite are implanting the

better and to restore the power to the people for free. Why not it be a

children with corrupt ideas. They propagate and insinuate war while

noble deed? What else do we really have if we lose the Earth and don’t know where our next home will be? People expect the afterlife to be some big happy festival where something invites you into a higher realm with

the child is still growing; thus it becomes more natural later on in life. It is no “Sur”prise to see the Dragon and Skulls mixed in with this poor child’s cache of death dealing plastic.

rivers of warm Honey and Milk, streets of fine Ophaz Gold with Gems and

basking in the glow of the God. You can see how that can lull a

Diadems running through the current of Sweet Water -- cool to the touch

person into a deeper sleep then they already are in. What is

as compatible Mates are all around you

being described here is something you can have on Earth. The real Heaven is much, much more, if you but knew.


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