Innerself Issue 19 - East West / 2010

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Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events FREE Issue 19 • East/West


Consciousness the new Currency

Connecting to Feminine Essence through the BREASTS


year of the Unreasonable

Why some people HEAL while others stay STUCK

Women of the 21st Century



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AN EXQUISITE SHIFT by Sky Shayne Innes




















HELLO 2010 by Nichola Burton




EYE ON THE SKY by Robert Crawford


CRYSTAL CHILDREN by Rachelle Terry


THETA HEALING by Susanne Meaney




10 TIPS TO BECOME A TOP PSYCHIC by Elisabeth Jensen













WOMEN OF THE 21ST CENTURY FEA TURE FEATURE As the world continues to undergo massive change, women are coming to the fore in leading the way in their own field.

Pages 18-20

Whenever I put pen to paper I link to This.This that’s always here. Acting as Its instrument, I listen gently and openly. As each word enters I do my best to write down just what’s being offered. As Its scribe, I don’t know any more than the next person, all I’m doing is taking dictation. Over the years I’ve learnt to honour the process, trusting that where the words are coming from is a true and sacred place. I’ve come to see that This that whispers is vast, eternal, and always, already present. I’ve come to trust This totally, implicitly. How can I do otherwise? For I’ve come to know that This that whispers is also This that looks through these eyes, It’s also This that breathes into and animates this form, It’s This that allows for thought and feeling to exist. And This I am. This you are. And falling back into This is forever liberating. Not long ago I received a letter from a Zen teacher, pointing out where I’m falling short in my understanding of certain things. He suggested that maybe more zazen (meditation) was needed; and he’s right of course. I felt, well, firstly honoured that he’d taken the time to write to me; but I also wondered ... I’m just listening and taking dictation, it simply flows out of my pen. As I’m writing, I don’t know what’s coming, I don’t plan my next word, right or wrong, it simply happens. I’ve trusted this process all my life. And I know it’s not coming from “me”, not the little me anyway. I’ve come to see that this vast and eternal presence, this still, gentle, formless beingness contains and holds it all, yet simply sits and waits. Waits for what? For us to finally see through the misidentified reflections of what we think we are and to simply fall back in to the Eternal Vastness we really are and have always been.

I’ve learnt to trust and surrender to This, knowing without a shadow of doubt that This can never be lost for This always is, simply “awaring” itself awake through all and everything. This I am, This you are, simply This.

Sometimes you hear a voice through the door calling you, as fish out of water hear the waves or a hunting falcon hears the drum’s come back This turning toward what you deeply love saves you. Rumi

You can visit Leo Drioli’ lo g - Eter nal Drioli’ss online bblo log Eternal Vastness aatt www .leodrioli.b lo www.leodrioli.b .leodrioli.blo

InnerSelf, the wholistic publication awakening Body, Mind & Spirit now with 297,000* readers Australia-wide, in SA, NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, NT ,WA& ACT InnerSelf


Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events FREE Issue 19 • East/West


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Consciousness the new Currency

Connecting to Feminine Essence through the BREASTS

2010 year of the Unreasonable

Women of the 21st Century

Why some people HEAL while others stay STUCK

ISSUE 19 (EAST/W est Edition (EAST/West Jan-March 2010)

DISTRIBUTION We have two separate editions of InnerSelf. An SA edition and the East/West edition (covering VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD, NT and WA) with a total combined readership of 297,000 readers across Australia. DISTRIBUTION OUTLETS: Free copies of InnerSelf are circulated at over 2,000 public distribution points such as health food stores, bookshops, new age retailers, alternative health clinics, organic outlets, healing centres and body-mind-spirit festivals as

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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.


We expect stories to offer something of value to our readers and to carry no "advertorial hook". Advertisers are given no special consideration with regard to acceptance

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The opinions expressed by writers in InnerSelf are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice is nonspecific and readers are advised to seek professional advice for personal or health problems.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. INNERSELF is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2009

This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at MagEastWest19.pmd


1/8/2010, 12:13 PM



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BY ISIRA Have you noticed that the more conscious we become, the more we recognise our limitations? Ironic, isn’t it, that this greater awareness reveals just how little we really do know. The more awareness we have the more we see how small and confined our field of experience is! Initially, when we are so identified with our self as the ego – the body– mind – it’s as if we are living in a fishbowl. We really believe that our fishbowl is the whole extent of life. However, the more we know the fishbowl, the more we sense there really must be something more beyond its confining boundaries. We begin to realise that the edges of the bowl – the edges of our mind – are not really boundaries but rather the beginning of a greater field: there really is a vast ocean of life beyond the bowl we have known. As we begin to recognise this we can’t help but want to extend our self into the greater expanse of life. It is fascinating then to see how we can be aware of this yet still continue to operate from the known confines of the bowl. We may even be able to see beyond the boundary of the bowl because we cleared away some of the grime that has clung to it. Yet we remain so comfor table with the parameters we have known that we are afraid of extending our self much further. We remain caught between the desire to grow and expand and the fear of letting go of what we know. These are common experiences in the process of awakening. Perhaps we should ask – awakening what? I see two primary aspects in our awakening process. The first is awakening to the awareness that is our true self beyond the boundaries of our mind. The second is awakening to the energy that is our true being beyond the confines of our body. These are really the same being, but we experience them as unique aspects of our self. To awaken beyond the boundaries of the mind we must dive deeper into our awareness. We can do this by suspending our usual occupation with thoughts. In our efforts to understand more we can mistakenly use the tool of the mind to create greater knowledge or to achieve greater powers of awareness, but more ‘knowledge’ is just another element in the same bowl of the same mind. We may be able to broaden our concepts by replacing limited ideas with more encompassing ideas, but as long as they remain ideas our whole experience is still limited. This is a mistake. Trying to encounter the ocean of awareness through knowledge or a process of the mind is like trying to capture the entire ocean in a thimble (or – a fishbowl!). Similarly, to awaken beyond the borders of the body we must dig deeper into our energy. We must suspend our usual occupation with our mechanical bodily habits. Again, most people are still using more methodical habits in the attempt to awaken to boundless energy, and here also, this is a mistake. As long as our physical activity is based on habitual behaviours, our energy remains confined to the very small reserve of superficial energy that is


the body. Most of us are like misers whose efforts are being driven by the same limited field – the fish bowl of the body–mind. And how can it be anything but miserly, if we are forever trying to preserve and protect energy in order to have more energy. We hold back negative thoughts in an effort to create more positive thoughts. We hold back some physical expression in order to have more energy elsewhere. We hold back from loving a particular person or a particular moment so we can have more love for a different person or moment. None of this is satisfying. It cultivates a deep subconscious current of dissatisfaction. And it drains us. We need to deconstruct the miserly individual by breaking down learned behaviours. This requires tenacity, courage and surrender – a decisive shift away from all that is learned and to surrender to that which is unfamiliar. It requires us to wake up a different dimension of energy. Yet, oddly to do this, we must first exhaust the body and the mind by going to the very edge of the body and the mind – to be willing to let go of the last little reserves of the energy held in their identity. This is why very few people truly go deep – because there is still such a strong identification with the body–mind that there is great fear to let it run empty and exhaust itself completely. So what is it, then, that will carry us over that hurdle? What is it that helps us suspend our attachment to those last reserves of the body–mind? B R E AATT H Why breath? Because breath is the bridge between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Breath is the bridge between the body–mind and eternal conscious being. When we consciously enter deeper breathing we suspend and transform thinking and automatic learned behaviours. This is why, in every program I give, I make the firm assertion that we must master and attend to breathing. It is also why I offer a program that focuses specifically on breathing. With sufficient and specific rhythms of breathing we are carried into deeper dimensions of awareness, and into realms of energy, that unlock the current of our true and authentic being. When we unlock this current we are able to access boundless energy and awareness. Without this the energy pattern of our body– mind remains contracted and incapable of shifting into a unified state of our greater Self or a higher creative capacity. It is through breath that confined and narrow channels are opened and through which identified thoughts, emotions and habitual behaviours can be emptied out. And another irony – the more we empty, the more we are filled. If we can create a state of constant openness and surrender to authentic currents of universal energy, we can awaken to limitless energy. Along with this awakening is the true realisation of our Self as the all. It becomes our living experience rather than our concept of living. And this is what it means to be truly alive. It is only when we have surrendered our known identity – our concepts and habits – that we


The Journey Versus the Destination

awaken to the boundless life that we truly are. I invite you all to take the journey deep into breathing. The good news is – we all have it. So really there are no excuses… it’s not like someone else is somehow privileged and you aren’t. Star t experimenting – keep bringing your attention back to your breath consistently throughout the day. Let your breath be deep, full, flowing and steady. Watch and be aware of what happens. Without any effor t, without having to preser ve anything – gradually more energy will awaken in you, bringing wonderful new awakenings in your life. Isira is a universal spiritual teacher who embodies love, peace and liberation. It is her goal to assist in raising global consciousness. Her teachings show us the certainty of our inner power so that we can live and respond in Presence, to impact the earth and humanity positively. Her core teaching, The Presence, is a living meditation, enabling us to experience and access the power of true presence within. Isira has been presenting regularly in Australia and overseas for over twenty years and has published her extraordinary autobiography – “A Journey of Awakening”. Her celebrated teachings facilitate awakening through profound, practical and simple tools. For more information and program schedules visit or phone 02 9091 6833

Consider for a moment the long journey that has brought us to where we are right now. We’ve had to pass through many trials and tribulations, a myriad of life experiences to get here. On the personal level, it has been like walking through a labyrinth to discover and eventually transcend a paradox, which is; that where we were going is always where we are. In the context of this realization, now what do we do? If the momentum of the search is still strong and we have climbed to the heights and glimpsed eternity, then we may venture into new challenges and goals that drive us on. This is entirely our creation with its own consequences. Although we subliminally recognize the truth, we may not be ready at this point to fully accept it. We may also tend to conceptualize where we are in our life. This philosophical positioning draws us further into the mental world with all its alluring ideas and unlimited possibilities. The future beckons us. It seems comforting to know that there is more to achieve and cer tainly more to do in this dynamic existence we call life. The essential question is, what do we love more, the journey or the destination? Both realities are absolutely essential to mirror different aspects of our selves, but if there is any attachment in relation to one of these realities, it will create a sense of separation in us. The key point is that any decisions we make while on the journey will affect the outcome, but it is a mystery that when we’re one with the destination we are divinely without choice. By being in existence, we are conditioned to follow the desires of the mind and hear t. We are literally swimming upstream. While there is a process of unconscious resistance, we will most likely not want to follow a life based on spiritual law. The truth is that we are always in the flow because, in eternity, surrender has already taken place and this is the only real fulfillment. While we believe that this relative existence is where it is at, the world of personal growth will motivate us to move forward in life, face our fears and break through to a happier future. Our egos however, tend to separate and limit us. They can eventually

lead us to live in a state of existential confusion where doubt can arise. On the one hand we may think that we are the sole architects of our creation; on the other, we may believe ourselves to be predetermined pieces of a puzzle that stretches far into the past. Being out of balance one way or the other is often caused by the identification with who we believe ourselves to be, that is, the chooser. Everything that supports the notion of our self actually creates separation from the whole of our being. Our personal world is made up of endless choices that we believe are necessary to function effectively in the world. Any personal results however, are secondary to discovering the stillness of creation, the foundation of life on earth. Choice is part of the relative realm and in ignorance we tend to imagine that we can find ultimate fulfillment in it. This is absolutely untrue. When we travel through life following human laws, we unknowingly create outcomes of intricate consequence. By retracing our footsteps, we can set off old programs that recreate our personal world of assumptions and opinions, and our interpretations of how we see ourselves to be. What we project we tend to believe. When we attempt to make sense of things, we think that what we believe is true. We give things meaning. However, what’s true for now is not the truth, because it’s prone to change. Impermanence is a Buddhist term describing the nature all things that arise and pass away. Relatively there are outcomes that can bring temporary satisfaction because of what we choose. The real power behind choice lies in a still place inside us. With enough pause to reflect, our discerning perception can listen for the right decisions before we act. We have an opportunity to respond, rather than react. Without this pause, our future is often an expression of the past that involves patterns repeating themselves. With the momentum of our modern lifestyle we often have too many choices to consider. Our minds tend to oscillate between one or more alternatives and this can create a stressful mindset that distracts us from enjoying the simple things in life. A helpful

thing to ask is… What do I really want? Freedom is beyond the mind because if the eternal moment calls us deeply enough it will override all our other desires. We will be showered with benediction and gratitude. While we are standing on a mountaintop, it can dawn on us that there is nothing more required other than enjoying the view. This is the reality of spirit, feeling the passion and enjoyment of simply being alive. This profundity is the secret that unites the body/mind as one. PeterJi is a spiritual teacher who ignites the flame of freedom. After awakening in 1980, he did many more retreats in the Satipatthana tradition and with another master master.. In 1992, he began teaching nondenominationally and has since travelled abroad. His first book called ‘The Secret of Eternity’ is now available. For more information Contact April Mai on 0414 544 817 E:

In the tr uest truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved. F r anklin DD.. RRoose oose oosevv elt

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1/8/2010, 12:14 PM


WATERMELONS AND ZEN STUDENTS Watermelons and Zen students grow pretty much the same way. Long periods of sitting till they ripen and grow all juicy inside, but when you knock them on the head· to see if they’re ready, sounds like nothing’s going on. Peter Levitt, Zen teacher


AN EXQUISITE SHIFT IN AWARENESS - How Aware are You of Your Magnificence? ○

BY SKY SHAYNE INNES In the last issue, I wrote about heart awareness. The start of this new year of 2010 heralds an exquisite shift in awareness. What we call mindfulness requires a shift to that of heartfulness. Like the butterfly, we must emerge successfully from the cocoon of what we are ordinarily aware of. It seems to me our current awareness is very material and very limited by that materiality. Psychologically we call this conditioning and it leaves us essentially reactive to the conditions around us. I would like to explore a view of awareness, not just as awareness but as it is the creative principle. How we experience life is all about our awareness. It really is all about what we have awareness of. What are we aware of? How is our awareness shaping the world we live in? Do we recognise that what we have awareness of, is the world we live in? Einstein said that each of us has to make a decision as to whether we live in a benevolent world or an antagonistic world. In other words, a God of love or a God of fear? Even though the Bible explicitly says, “God is love”, many of the theistic narratives seem to focus on separation and therefore, fear. The awareness that comes with such a choice colours our entire way of being. It creates trust and optimism or contracts us into doubt and apprehension. When our awareness is of negativity, for example, our world is fundamentally shaped by this very factor. We can never spread our wings to take flight with the assurance and confidence of who we really are. We can never know how magnificent we are. If we have an awareness of something wrong or missing, our world must reflect this. As within, so without. There is always a very significant moment during the Love’s Alchemy course where there is a realisation that we do not live in a material world; that the world around us is an illusion. Even more dramatic is the awareness that we are also that illusion. The body we have, the thoughts and feelings we have, even the actions we take are all the illusion. In the words of Wei Wu Wei, “99.99 % of everything you think and everything you do is about yourself. And there isn’t one!” Mostly this realisation is cognitive, a cerebral understanding based on what quantum physics has discovered about reality. The physical world is not physical. There is no final objective reality. We live in a mental world and this is made up of our concepts and constructs. Our concepts construct the world we live in.

Underlying this cerebral understanding is a deeper awareness, visceral in its power. This is a felt experience of the immateriality of matter and something that we can only feel as really real. Its power is that it is an experience, not simply an understanding, thought or even a belief. Touching the true nature of reality through experience is


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1/8/2010, 12:14 PM



transformative. It takes us outside form and matter to a deep knowing of that which is beyond all knowledge; of that which is beyond the conditions of our human experience. Until we have touched such awareness deeply, our purity of being lies lost in the constructs of our minds. To be aware of that nameless mystery expands us, much like the emerging butterfly. From this awareness, true awareness, we are perfected. To overlook it is to remain cocooned through our very own awareness; awareness of the illusion as if the truth. To keep the lie of our limitation alive is ignorance that will foster further ignorance. The grub knows not its butterfly self. This is an extraordinary and remarkable time. What makes it so remarkable is this opportunity to realise our magnificence and to be aware of every moment of life as miraculous, sacred, holy and whole. It is that always already, with or without our awareness. Our great blessing is this very awareness, ineffable and pure. The Koran puts is so simply and so truthfully. “Wherever you turn, there is the face of God.” True awareness is giving up the idea that there is anything other than God, which is love. In stillness we give ourselves the space to be aware of the Truth. Otherwise, we are simply aware of the stuff of the mind, identified with the ‘me’ that we think we are. The ascent of consciousness evolves through awareness. True awareness is the feeling of unlimited being. It transcends the limited identification you have of yourself in your mind and allows a pure and true experience of being. It is a boundless feeling, blissful in its presence. This presence, the profound power and wisdom of pure awareness, creates an aperture through which love enters. When love enters, all is transformed. Pure awareness illuminates life through love. The balance of wisdom with love is the balance of mind with heart. To still the mind is meditation. To still the mind allows true awareness. Therefore, true awareness is true meditation, bringing with it the grace and blessing of love. You gain what is needed to move forward. Your knowing is heightened so that circumstances and conditions fail to collapse your perfected vision. Earlier today I was asked what I thought about a beautiful man who identified himself as the reincarnation of Jesus and therefore the Messiah. My response was to honour his awareness, not as material reality but as heartfelt truth. Indeed, are we all not invited to embody Christ Consciousness. What are you aware of now? What are you meditating now? Change your awareness and you change your world. Through heart awareness you are naturally connected to feelings of happiness, gratitude, abundance and peace. This is your awakening, revealing your magnificence. This is the great shift in awareness of this time. And thus, the butterfly flies with sunlight upon its wings.

Why some people HEAL whilst others stay STUCK ○

JAAN JERABEK Emotional Integration. Sounds fancy ... like the expression ‘Emotional Intelligence’... Scientific nearly ... Conveys a sense of soul-full-ness and science at the same time ... Rightfully so ... Our emotional process has a science to it. Due to modalities such as Cathar tic Style Breathwork we are mapping/categorizing the stages of emotional growth & healing. As a result we are getting the answer to the classic question of why some people heal/transform their lives and move on, and why some people stay ‘stuck/stagnant/ in misery’ for longer or indefinite time periods. The answer to this question is very simple ... Emotional Integration. The re-experiencing of ‘Emotional Level Memory’ as opposed to ‘Conceptualization/theoretical understanding/ mental level insight collecting. People who enter into any form of therapy will eventually arrive at an understanding that in order to feel better or create change in an area of their life, they usually have to resolve early life or childhood issues. Early life issues such as family of origin issues, school trauma, abuse trauma and the like. They realize that they have to ‘bite the bullet’ and re-visit their past. The understanding that can be lacking in the collective is the fact that it is simply not enough to just re-visit the past by acknowledging the ‘things’ that happened and then deciding to ‘forgive & forget and move on’. Anyone has the intelligence to put two and two together and conclude a self analysis with ....’ because mum was not nurturing or emotionally available for me, and dad was absent working all the time and when physically present was not really emotionally present, I decided I was not good enough or worthy enough for their love’’. This is not healing, this is simply the first stage of four stages of genuine healing. I call this the CONCEPTUALIZATION OF ISSUES and AWARENESS/MENTAL LEVEL THEORY stage. It is a good start but does not do much, even if you tell yourself you are good enough and worthy a thousand times in front of the mirror and write a letter of forgiveness and burn it a hundred times. We all need to go to the second stage, which is the MENTAL LEVEL MEMORY PROCESSING. This is when using one of many regression style techniques available, people are guided to recall specific events in their past. Events during which the age, circumstances and child’s wording of decisions made as a result of an emotional/ unpleasant experience are uncovered. The decisions that need to be recalled are two-fold. Firstly, the core limiting/ negative belief we made about ourselves. Secondly, the core/limiting behavioural decision. I’ll give an example to make this distinct to the firststage, ‘the Conceptualization of Issues’ stage. Conceptualization of an issue is the before mentioned example, through self reflection and contemplation, coming to the conclusion that you felt not good enough because of something mum or dad did or did not do. The second stage involves going back to specific instances, the exact age you were, the emotionally charged or unpleasant experience that happened, who was involved, how it left you feeling, what you decided about yourself as a result of the experience and how you decided to act & behave from that day forth. The specifics behind the belief ‘not good enough’. Also at this level of understanding people discover the exact child wording of ‘not good enough’, as the concept of ‘not good enough’ is an adult, present day, logical concept. The uncovering of a child worded version is important. The child worded version is what truly lodges in the unconscious. It may be along the lines of ‘I’m not important to mummy’ or ‘daddy doesn’t care’ etc. Many people at this second stage will start to be set free from the unconscious motivations of their behaviour, actions and self attitudes. Unfortunately I have experienced that only approximately 20% of people need to only go so far as the second stage to transform their lives. The rest of us, the other 80%, need to go to the third stage. EMOTIONAL LEVEL MEMORY INTEGRATION. This is when the emotions are felt, hence released from the system. Emotions such as fear, grief, anger, shame and guilt. Most people need to go through this properly to free themselves from the past. It is the emotional energy that gives life to the decisions we made about ourselves. Each decision of ‘I am not important’ or ‘People do not care about me’ has a massive emotional energy charge of fear, grief and anger. This emotional energy charge keeps your core limiting beliefs alive and run-

Sky is becoming known as an inspiring spiritual teacher. Her incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 02 9362 9866 or visit

When you’re experimenting, you have to try so many things before you choose what you want, that you may go days getting nothing but exhaustion. And here is the reward for perseverance: The higher up you go, the more mistakes you are allowed. Right at the top, if you make enough of them, it’s considered to be your style. Fred Astaire




ning your life. Until you discharge the emotional energy charge, your life is used up by these beliefs. No matter how hard you try to change your self-talk, reactions and patterns of behaviour. This emotional memory unfortunately needs to be felt, often in proportion to the intensity and length of time we experienced it when young. Yes, that’s right! If we lived in a state of fear or grief for a few months when we were young, do you really think we can process those feelings in a session or weekend workshop? Let alone through a mental level insight? Unfortunately no. We usually have to integrate a big chunk of the emotion in a session of emotional release, such as what a session of Cathar tic Style Breathwork provides, and then expect to feel a chunk more of the emotion in life over the next few days to weeks to months sometimes. There is no ‘Magic Bullet’ or way to skip this for most people. There is only ‘Biting the bullet’ by calling upon our reserves of courage and letting ourselves in on our emotional pain. Those who try to avoid this, find that they may make progress through using will power and intention for a while, but eventually find themselves still at the mercy of their ‘case’ and experiencing the same relationship, addiction or abundance issues. The fourth stage is the BODY MEMORY INTEGRATION. This stage is effortless if the third stage is done thoroughly. It is the physical body expression of the emotional energy. The punching of pillows and tantruming with our legs to release anger. The curling up in the feotal position and heaving-type sobbing that comes with deep grief and despair, the shaking and tremoring and going cold of the body that is the processing of fear and so forth. All of the movements we wanted to express and release the emotion with in the first place. This results in the genuine version of the popularized expression of ‘Cellular Release’. This is when the emotional toxicity that is held in the physical cells is released. This comes out as what the al-

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chemists called ‘putresence’ as toxic breath, sweat, urine and so forth. So this is what it looks like ... If you have done work on an issue or are working on an issue that does not seem to go away... ask yourself, have you really gone to the root of it by firstly uncovering the foundation memories? And most of all, have you felt the genuine extent of the emotionality that your system holds around those memories? If the answer is no, at least you know what to aim for. We have been given a great tool that enables people to un-ear th the emotional level memory each and every time – Cathartic Style Breathwork ... It works. Jaan Jerabek is the founder of TEI and The Depression Solution. He has been in private practise for 15 years and training therapists for the last 8 years full time. He can be contacted on 1300 500 881 or 02 9985 7278 or visit his websites: and




BY DAVID LANE Our beliefs have a great influence on our level of consciousness and spirituality. How we perceive life and our judgements about what is right and wrong come from or at least are heavily influenced by our core belief systems. I mentioned in an earlier ar ticle in this series that most of our core beliefs are down loaded into our memory banks by the time we are four years old, before we are old enough to decide for ourselves. Therefore most of these beliefs are not our own but are from


other people. It doesn’t matter whether they were right or wrong, if they served our higher good or not, once they were lodged in our long term memory they became our truth. We need our beliefs because they are an essential part of the human function. Our perceptions are drawn from our beliefs. What we believe is our truth but it is not necessarily the highest truth! A problem arises when we identify who we are by what we believe because if our beliefs are challenged then we feel challenged.


If our self identity is threatened in any way we usually go into self-defence which is an action of the survival mode part of our brain. When this happens there is very little chance of change. People generally defend their beliefs and they can get very angry if these beliefs are challenged. They can feel attacked even if someone else is only expressing another point of view. This self identity with our beliefs causes many conflicts from interpersonal levels through to interna-

tional levels. One of the greatest obstacles to our spiritual evolution is our inability to allow our beliefs to be continually challenged and if necessary be changed for the better. This is not an easy exercise because old habits and beliefs die hard. We have to allow our beliefs to be reviewed regularly if we want to raise our consciousness. If a core belief is proved to be wrong we can have very strong reactions such as feeling a lesser person, stupid, a failure and a host of other negatives. One classic example of the friction caused by different beliefs is between religions. Let us use Christianity as an example. In the community where I grew up, the two main Christian churches were Anglican and Catholic and both had strong followings. I grew up in an Anglican family but I had many friends who were Catholics. We used to debate the different doctrines but because of our strong beliefs there was no

way we could see the common ground found in the bigger picture. A picture where we both worshiped the same God and believed in Jesus Christ. A picture which should create understanding and harmony. These two local church communities tried to project a united front but behind the scene there was a lot of disharmony over their different beliefs. To me this seemed a huge hypocrisy but to these people they were only defending their beliefs. Both denominations believed that they were right and the other was wrong. There was a lot of rivalry between the two groups and this helped create deep divisions. Sadly, never the twain shall meet and many will leave this planet believing that they were right, even to the extent their beliefs should never be questioned. Ironically, both sides believed that their truth was the right one. I need to mention that there were a lot of loving spiritual people with honourable intentions found in these religions. This illustrates the dilemma that is caused when our beliefs are so set in stone that we lose the ability to see a bigger picture. During my latter teenage years I started to question my religious beliefs because of the contradictory elements found in them. Firs: I had to own that I was a hypocrite with beliefs which had many faults. Secondly; I realised that it was not me but my beliefs that were faulty and hypocritical and that I wasn’t necessarily a bad person because I had bad beliefs. Third; if I am not my beliefs then I could change them any time I chose. If we can think from our higher self then we can observe and review the beliefs of our ego self. We can accommodate other points of view and truths without feeling threatened. As we gather more information we not only build a bigger picture but we see the bigger picture. It is very freeing for the soul if we can let go of our self identity being associated with our beliefs. It is said that ‘the truth

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will set us free’. On the other hand it is our own lesser truths that hold us back. EXERCISE You will always experience inner peace and harmony if your truth is the highest truth. Therefore when your truth is being challenged, monitor your reaction. If you have any negative reaction at all then you will need to open your mind up to the possibility of change. David Lane’s spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. His passion is about supporting people to discover and master their own path. He discovered that we all have an inbuilt feedback system that tells us how spiritually evolved we are. David has recently released his first book called ‘The Handbook to Heaven’ which is about how we spiritually evolve. It describes the steps that we need to take and how to monitor our journey. For more information go to David’s website; or phone David on 08-94148416 mob. 0414-352211




BY BRONWYN BARTER fering with alcoholism. I have seen many alcoholics in my life and they have one thing in common. Sensitivity. These people are so sensitive to the views and opinions of other people that they spend their lives trying to belong and be loved. They say or do the wrong thing, and the next day they beat themselves up for their misdemeanours, drinking away the pain of embarrassment and shame and all subconsciously covering up their feelings. The cycle of get drunk, behave badly and then get drunk again because of the shame of the bad behaviour is very common. Friends and relatives who try to help and find that they can’t, begin to own and deal with their own co-dependent behaviours and eventually drift away. Depression dependants are very similar to all other addicts. I know I’ve been one! Depression dependants are equally as unconscious of their dependency as most other addicts. They have a tendency to be affected by a situation or events and over a period of time and often due to the fact that as children they have not had good emotional role models, they shut down. It is vitally important that when we raise our children that we give them good emotional role modelling. The old idea of “if it’s not pleasant we won’t discuss it” encourages a child to bottle up their feelings, thoughts and emotions with no outlet or demonstration of how to deal with the unpleasant experiences of a lifetime. As an adult the emotionally untrained soul learns to create their own strategies to suppress or express their emotions. Without advised learning this process is fraught with danger as the beginner in the emotional playground can hur t themselves and others as they crudely learn their craft. Depression dependants find the idea of stopping being unhappy very challenging. I hear them say things like “Well, it’s alright for you, you don’t have depression”. Another thing that is very commonly said is “I can’t help it, it’s not my fault that I’ve got depression”. As with an alcoholic or an addict to any substance or behaviour, it is only when the person recognizes that they have a problem that the problem can be treated. Taking 100% responsibility for the situation is the most empow-

When we speak of addiction most of us think of the addictions to the substances that are commonly thought to be associated with the word ‘addiction’. Substances like alcohol and drugs, including speed, heroin, ecstasy, tobacco and cannabis. However there are other addictions and we have heard of or know of those who have addictions to gambling, shopping, food and stealing. But there are other addictions and dependencies that we are not so aware of. These are exercise, relationships, the internet, sex and co-dependency. I would like to add to the list depression or at least depressive behaviour. Any behaviour or substance that is difficult to live without, or stop long term, is an addiction or a dependency. Addictions and dependency behaviour are a result of the person attempting to cover up or deal with a situation that is unpalatable in some way. It’s the needy child now in an adult body trying desperately to get his needs met. These needs are quite simply love and approval and in their absence we find the cause of co-dependent behaviour and addiction. Food addictions are common today. The child who is given food as a reward or to appease them when they were upset sees food as reward and comfort as an adult. It looks different to him and his friends now of course, because now he goes out to dinner with his friends after he successfully signs a big deal and eats up big. The food addict celebrates everything with food. He is the party animal who wines and dines his friends or becomes a cupboard eater and quietly overeats in front of television. Because he deserves it! Another food addict, if she’s feeling low, will buy a tub of ice-cream and chocolate on the way home from work so that spending another night at home alone doesn’t feel so painful, now she has her foods to comfort her. Friends and partners suggest to the food addict to eat less. It all falls on deaf ears until they hit crisis point and due to health factors decide to take some responsibility for what they eat. Or not. Many years ago I was part owner of a country hotel, three bars and a late night licence. I have known those suf-

ering step that a person can take on the road to recovery. This may sound harsh, but it’s my understanding that all illness has a cause and a purpose. Finding that cause of the depression and what turned it on in the first place is a great start. Then becoming aware of the over-riding reason why the depression has gone on for an extended period of time and what the person has gained from the depression is the key to freedom. It can be very confronting for a sufferer to be truthful enough to admit that their long term depression has provided for them a range of benefits. It was on the bike trip that it came to me. I can still remember the realisation that my depressed state gave me an opportunity to make others wrong and me right of course! Depression gave me time to take stock of my life and have a good look at where I wanted to go. I had to admit that I had needed that time and space. I also recognised that whilst I was depressed I could use sulky and sullen behaviour to control others and that I could garner sympathy from anyone to whom I told my sad and sorry story. This is juice!! I HAD TO STOP. I took 100% responsibility for my own happiness and unhappiness and struggled day after day to do things that would make me happy, even if I didn’t want to. I was forcing myself to come out of my depression by doing different behaviours and stopping myself from being sad. If I felt those old feelings creeping back, I would quickly change what I was doing and put myself into a different place so that I could feel a different feeling. I used the technique of consciously denying my sadness and negativity and created a different outlook. It’s the old saying “fake it until you make it.” It works. Not every day was easy, however as days and weeks went by I began to feel all the heaviness lifting until I had a feeling one morning of actually wanting to get up out of bed. This was a good day! Very soon after that morning, my other feelings began to return to me, things like interest in things other than myself. I began to garden again, I star ted reading my books, I made new friends and slowly things turned around.

I was free of my dependency on depression. I am very fortunate that I did not resort to the pharmaceutical drugs to deal with my sadness. Something within me, probably the years of being a Rebirthing practitioner, gave me the awareness that people can come through hard times without the suppressant drugs. I had no idea how difficult it could be and I am really grateful for having the experience as it taught me a great deal about depression. Bronwyn Barter is a Rebirther,Rebirther trainer, Rebirthing consultant and author of the newly released book, Healing the Dependency on Depression. Bronwyn is committed the self empowerment of the individual. “Everyone has their own inner wisdom and truth. Life’s journey is the discovery and use of that innate knowing. When we access the courage and self love to truly know ourselves we can learn to live in integrity, then we experience peace.” To contact Bronwyn phone 0882602086 or email Excerpt from the book “Healing the Dependency on Depression” by Bronwyn Barter



is the motto of The T heosophical Society Society,, founded in 1875 The Sydney Branch, Blavatsky Lodge has, since its inception offered Members and Visitors a wide range of activities, such as Guest Lectures, Workshops, Yoga, Meditation and Tai-Chi. The Ad ar Adyyar Lending Libr Librar aryy, Level 3 of Theosophy House, has a unique collection of over 13,000 books, periodicals, CDs, DVDs, audio and video tapes, covering topics such as theosophy, religion, mysticism, yoga, health and healing. There is a large reference section. Browsing, reading, playing videos & dvds is free, low lending rates.Non-Members of the Society are welcome to join the Library. Ph: 02-9267 6807, Medita tion, our programme includes sessions most lunchtimes and early Meditation, evenings. Please see our website for more information. The Ad Adyyar Bookshop at 99 Bathurst St, near Town Hall, is owned and managed by The Society. Established in 1922, it is one of Sydney’s oldest bookshops, carrying the largest range of authentic metaphysical literature, music & gifts.. The word Theosophy originates from the Greek “Theos” and “Sophia”, meaning “Divine Wisdom”, and can be seen as a worldview that gives meaning to life and as a way of service that leads to peace and understanding.

THE 3 OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY 1 - To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour. 2 - To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. 3 - To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in the human being.

Blavatsky Lodge of The Theosophical Society Levels 2 & 3, Theosophy House, 484 Kent St, near crn. Bathurst St. Website bsite: Email Email:



Stop the Vicious Cycle of Depression – The Natural Way! This revolutionary book debunks the myths about depression, and finally provides the solutions we’ve all been waiting for. No drugs necessary! No matter the trigger, clinical depression can make you feel like you’re stuck in a pit of quicksand. Many turn to common remedies: doctors, pills, or self-medicating with drugs or alcohol. But even the most dedicated can find themselves dragged back into their depression at the very moment they finally set themselves free. It is this cyclical pattern of depression that inspired Bronwyn Barter to write Healing the Dependency on Depression. Throughout her career as a Rebirther/ Breathwork Practitioner ad Trainer, she has come into contact with many people suffering from depression, and all of them share the same complaint: nothing else is working! Bronwyn now brings us her own unique take on depression, and how to heal it once and for all. Read this life-changing book, and get off the merry-go-round once and for all!

For more info call Bronwyn on (08) 8260 2086 or visit www .r e bir ther tr aining austr www.r ainingaustr

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Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Mahatma Gandhi


Consciousness The New Currency BY BRANDON BAYS

Consciousness the New Currency , offers a radical, unprecedented new paradigm for manifesting conscious abundance during these uncertain and challenging times. It has the potential to positively transform the way we think, the way we act, the way we are. It can transform our lives, and the lives of those around us, into ones of joy, richness, community and oneness.

Empower Yourself! “T he PPoower is not in yyou ou - ...IT IS YOU!” “The Helen Papadopoulos

Learn how to deal with your stresses and ‘issues’ easily using some or all of the following: Relaxation techniques (meditations, natural prouducts etc) Strategies to cope with loss/grief A new psychological processing method “The Three-point Therapy Technique (T3)TM” Means by which to release negative emotions and reinforce positive ones Referral to other helpful resources (organisations, books, websites etc) There are a variety of products and services to choose from which will help you help yourself: tions - advice on a particular issue or crisis involving an explanation of what you are Consultations Consulta going through as well as how to manage your situation (online and in-person service). Tutorials - learn the theories in the eBook “DIY Therapy: Simple, Self-help Strategies” in a three month course (online and in-person service). EBooks - “DIY Therapy: Simple,Self-help Strategies” focuses on changing your thinking. “DIY Therapy Chart: an Emotional Healing Guide” assists you to transform negative into positive emotions. (online only) Ar tic les - FREE downloadable pieces on healing and other areas of self-empowerment (e.g. Artic ticles metaphysics and social issues).

Present this ad in order to receive FREE your ffir ir st in-per son consulta tion (Melbour ne onl y) in-person consultation (Melbourne only) For mor or ma tion email helen@ne wagepo wer .net or visit moree inf infor orma mation helen@new pow

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In just a month I’ll be back in Australia and our exciting Australian tour begins, and I wanted to share with you my growing excitement about the new book Kevin (my life par tner and CEO of Journey Seminars and Conscious Company) and I have recently co-authored, Consciousness the New Currency. This new book, which is the 4th one since writing The Journey, I feel really reflects where humanity currently is, and it offers a radical, unprecedented new paradigm for manifesting conscious abundance during these uncertain and challenging times. For the first time ever Kevin and I have included some of the latest, up-to-the-minute teachings and process work from our premier programme, the Manifest Abundance retreat, as an offering – a gift – to our world, with the fierce prayer that millions will get the message that even during these unpredictable times, even in the face of crisis, we are all capable of opening into our innate greatness and experiencing true and lasting fulfilment. No matter what our life circumstances are we are all capable of clearing the silent saboteurs, the hidden blocks, the shutdowns that have prevented us from opening into our boundless potential. And we all have the ability to uncover our inherent genius and talent, to access creative inspirations and solutions. We all have the potential to open into the infinite field of all possibilities from which all manifestation is born, and we all have it within us to manifest healthy, all-embracing abundance. Bottom line, we are all capable of soaring on all levels of being, spiritually, in relationships, materially, in our health – in all aspects of life. And this book gives you the means to do this, in a very practical, down-to-earth, step-by-step way. It is a book we hope will reach the general population – not just those already interested in awakening and healing. It is written with everyone in mind: business people, organisations, entrepreneurs, leaders, teachers – people from all walks of life, and it gives us unprecedented teachings and tools to manifest wholesome, ethical abundance – an abundance that embraces life, gives back to life, an abundance that serves our families, our communities, our planet. It is a book that gives us all the ability to co-create the shift in consciousness our world needs to survive and thrive, even while experiencing genuine fulfilment in our

personal lives.It has the potential to positively transform the way we think, the way we act, the way we are. It can transform our lives, and the lives of those around us, into ones of joy, richness, community and oneness – where all of life is included in a holistic embrace of abundance. The kind of abundance we have all longed for – an abundance that just feels ‘right’.It is appropriately sub-titled, A New Paradigm for Manifesting Conscious Abundance, Lasting Fulfilment, and a Sustainable Future, and it delivers exactly what it promises: a means to manifest healthy, ethical, all-inclusive abundance.To launch it, Kevin and I are, for the first time ever going to share the stage for the Australian book tour. Together we will offer dynamic, experiential introductory evenings, where you and your friends will get a taste of the work, in the 2 key east coast cities in Australia, Sydney and the Gold Coast near Brisbane. It is quite an exciting whistle-stop tour, and I really want to encourage you to join us wherever we are. Bring your friends, loved ones, family, even your work colleagues. Anyone from any background or generation will be able to relate to this work. It will be down-to-earth, very practical yet revealing, and of course, fun. Many of our friends and colleagues who are fellow authors are stunned that Kevin and I are generously ‘giving the work away’ in the book. But we both have a fierce prayer that this radical new paradigm be made available to all of humanity. We really feel it has the potential to shift the way humanity views life, transforming our world view to one that is all-inclusive, caring, sharing – a world that is truly abundant in all ways. So if you would be willing to play your part and really support us in getting it out there, you would be actively helping this powerful and needed teaching of awakening and abundance get out to your own community and to the wider community – the world. I look forward to seeing you there.

Brandon and Kevin will be launching Consciousness The New Currency in 2 cities in Australia, 28 Jan in Sydney and 11 Feb in the Gold Coast. For full details please contact The Journey office on 1300 30 44 14.Also you can join Brandon and learn the tools from her original best-seller ‘The Journey’ at the upcoming Journey Intensive weekend seminars, 20 - 21 Feb Gold Coast, 27 - 28 Feb Sydney. For more information contact The Journey on 1300 30 44 14, or visit



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ReverseAGING with SANG WHANG, author of Reverse Aging

Q & A on Alkaline Water Q. Ho w does alkaline wwaa ter How help me? A. Alkaline water has no nutritional value to give us energy or medicinal value to cure any disease; it neutralizes the acidic waste in our body. Acidic waste thickens our blood and impedes blood circulation as we age. By neutralizing and reducing acidic wastes, alkaline water improves blood circulation. Improvement of the blood circulation gives us more energy and eliminates many disease symptoms. Alkaline water is the most natural way to improve our health without any medicine. Q. Ho How muc uchh wwaa ter do I w m uc need to drink and when? A. The recommended dosage is (5) 8-10 oz. glasses of water with a pH of 10.0 per day, but you can drink more and it will not harm you. Any excess alkaline mineral intake will discharge in urine. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your alkaline water, drink it between meals and in fasting (before breakfast). When drinking on an empty stomach, it allows for a maximum production of bicarbonates in the body. Q. Ho w long do wwee need to How drink alkaline water? A. As long as we eat food, we produce acidic waste; therefore, we need

to take in a high pH alkaline water or bicarbonate enteric coated tablets to keep our bodies balanced. Environmental pollution, stress, and lack of sleep, all contribute to acid production in our body. If we want to live, we need to replenish those bicarbonates to the blood stream. Q. Is har hardd wwaa ter bad ffor or health’? A. Hard water is water with a high content of calcium. It leaves scale residue inside the water pipes and is bad for washing machines and dishwashers. People use water softeners to replace the calcium with sodium to lower the water’s calcium content. Hard water is healthier for the body than soft water; therefore, a respectable water softener company brings a separate pipeline to the kitchen for drinking water use. If you have a water ionizer to make alkaline water, hard water will provide strong alkaline water. However, extreme hard water could shor ten the life of the water ionizer. My educated guess is that extremely hard water is highly alkaline and does not need a water ionizer; a simple charcoal filter could do to produce healthy alkaline water. Q. Ar Aree ther theree an anyy ne negg a titivv e side effects? A. Some people repor t minor

headaches for a couple of days in the beginning. It could be a sign of detoxification. The Japanese have been drinking alkaline water for over 50 years without any side effects. Q. Can cchildr hildr en drink alkahildren line water? A. Yes, but in proportion to his/ her body weight. E.g., for a child of 60 lbs. 2 glasses a day. Q. Can I gi givve alkaline wwaa ter to my dog/cat? A. Yes, animals also create acid waste after they eat. Q. Is it OK to boil alkaline water? A. Yes. Unlike acid minerals, alkaline minerals do not evaporate under heat, that’s why we can use it in coffee, tea and even cook with it, and still get the benefits of alkalinity! Q. W ha hatt is the shelf lif lifee of

Alkaline Water? A. The shelf life of alkaline water depends upon the grade of plastic material in which the water is poured into. The primary reason why the pH value goes down is due to the infiltration of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the plastic. After consumption, the lungs can exhale the carbon dioxide from the water, and par tial alkalinity may be restored. On the other hand if you use a glass jar, the shelf life can be as long as up to several months. Q. Ho w soon wwould ould I ffeel eel How the effect(s) of drinking alkaline water? A. It depends on the individual and the kind of symptoms you have. Many customers experience relief of gout pain, acid reflux, morning sickness, kidney stones, fibromyalgia, high altitude sickness, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. Some people feel the effects immediately (such as morning sickness and high altitude sickness). Some symptoms, such as high blood pressure, gout, high cholesterol, may take several weeks or even months. If you don’t feel any symptoms, you may not notice any effect. However, rest assured that alkaline water is neutralizing acidic wastes accumulated somewhere in your body. Remember that cancer cells are also acidic and thrive in an acidic environment. Mr. Sang Whang is a successful inventor, scientist, and engineer. Mr. Whang has discovered a new theory of aging and reverse aging. He explains the health and aging processes in layman terms in his book, Reverse Aging, regarded as the original scientific thesis of the new theory of aging.

does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will Mahatma Gandhi


So if one is serious about achieving optimal health and living a longer more fulfilling, more vibrant life what are the steps a person must take in order to seriously achieve this goal. There is an awful amount of nonsense out there today in regards to what is and what isn’t ‘health’ so let’s cut it down to what actually works for any and all individuals. You won’t find any one-sizefits-all approaches here, but more an individualised, tailored, client specific method of what you need to do in order to get healthy and stay healthy. The first step is to address diet, but how does one achieve this when there are so many diets out there to choose from? Simple … choose the diet that is tailored to your unique metabolism or in other words you need to find a Practioner that can Metabolic Type TM you. Metabolic Typing is the only nutritional system that is based on the approach that every person is unique... from our fingerprints to facial features, to organ size and locations and most critically to their individual nutritional requirements. When you know how to choose foods that effectively sustain your body’s unique style of functioning, eating is what it should be — easy, enjoyable and satisfying. Metabolic Typing TM can help and even solve concerns such as weight loss, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar regulation, moods and emotions, cravings, emotional disturbances, rashes, poor skin tone, fatigue and many other ailments that people are succumbing to these days. To get Metabolically TypedTM you first have to answer a detailed questionnaire looking at your physical, diet related and psychological traits. Based on your answers to the questions an individualised dietary plan is issued where foods are colour coded: green for all the foods perfect for your metabolism, black for foods that you can use for variety that won’t hinder your health, italics for foods that cause issues with your unique metabolism and red for foods that you should




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strictly avoid. Some of the improvements you can expect in the short-term from eating according to your Metabolic TypeTM include: your food will be efficiently conver ted to energy rather than stored as fat, you’ll enjoy plenty of physical and mental energy following meals and snacks, you’ll feel full and hunger-free, 4 to 5 hours after meals, you’ll lose your cravings for sweets and starchy foods, digestive problems — indigestion, gas, bloating — will subside, you’ll have sustained energy and endurance throughout the day, you’ll be capable of improved exercise performance, your ability to concentrate will be significantly enhanced, you’ll enjoy a renewed sense of well-being and positive mental outlook, irritability, anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity will fade away, you will become healthier from the inside-out - from a cellular level. The kinds of long-term health benefits you can expect if you stick to a diet that’s tailored to your Metabolic TypeTM include: natural weight loss without dieting or restricting calories, permanent weight loss, without struggle, deprivation or hunger, achievement of your ideal weight, whether you’re overweight or underweight, prevention of chronic disease, enhanced immunity, improved resistance to colds, flu, recurrent infections, reversal of chronic or degenerative health disorders and slowing of the aging process. In fact the longer you stay on your Metabolic TypingTM diet the healthier you will be. The next step after being Metabolically TypedTM is to address

InnerSelf any food sensitivities you may have. We all know of the common food ‘allergies’ such as a reaction to peanuts, but food ‘sensitivities’ largely go unnoticed yet cause serious health complaints such as inflammation, fatigue and arthritis. Unlike a true food ‘allergy’ where you may have swelling of the throat and lips for instance in less than 15 minutes upon exposure to a certain food, food ‘sensitivity’ reactions are largely delayed by between 15-72 hours, meaning that what you ate for lunch on Monday may not star t affecting you to Wednesday evening. This delayed reaction makes it very hard to pinpoint the actual food culprit so it is common to run a blood test where a sample of blood is exposed to over 150 common foods and gauging whether there is a reaction. This later test is called an ALCAT Food Sensitivity Test and is the best test currently available in Australia in identifying food sensitivities. Once you have identified what foods you should be eating and what foods you should be avoiding through Metabolic Typing TM and the ALCAT Food Sensitivity Test, you then run further tests looking at some of the body’s largest systems and in particular the immune, digestion, detoxification and hormonal systems. These four systems are known as the ‘4-pillars-of-health’ and if a person is strong across these four systems their health is typically very robust. Specific laboratory testing is usually the case with the client enjoying the convenience of home based test kits that they can do in the privacy of their own home. The client is asked to either provide a saliva, urine or stool sample depending on the testing they have been advised to do.


The results then indicate whether the client needs to address their digestion or detoxification concerns, correct any hormonal imbalances or strengthen the immune system. A specific protocol is usually then issued to the client for them to follow for the next 90-180 days. So there you have it … on the road to optimal health you must first identify what foods you need to be eating for your unique metabolism through the platform of Metabolic Typing TM, then identify what foods you may have sensitivities to that you are unaware of through running the ALCAT Food Sensitivity test, then go about testing and strengthening the digestion, detoxification, immune and hormonal systems through targeted supplements appropriate to not only the individual’s health concerns but also their Metabolic TypeTM. Brent Daisley owns and runs the Sydney Holistic Lifestyle Centre. He is a certified Metabolic Typing Advisor, a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and a CHEK Practioner. Brent’s Clinic is based on the science and practice of ‘biochemical individuality’, or that everyone has uniquely different requirements when it comes to their diet, movement and lifestyle. Brent states that determining a client’s metabolic individuality is paramount in advancing their health. Brent specialises in cases where a person’s knows they have a health problem yet their doctor is telling them there is ‘nothing wrong’. For more information on Brent Daisley and his nationwide services visit - www.TheHolistic or call 0416032905.




BY ROBERT REEVES There are two main forms of ar thritis: osteoar thritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both of these require vastly different treatment approaches and so for the purpose of this ar ticle we will focus on osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is characterised by the breakdown of car tilage in the joints leading to a condition where bone is grinding on bone. In a normal, young, healthy individual the car tilage allows for a fluid movement to occur in the joints, however as we age or suffer from overuse of par ticular joints we can damage and wear out the cartilage. This is often due to the body not having enough resources available to produce new car tilage and thus provide a much more comfortable movement. When the joint is lacking cartilage and we are grinding bone on bone it can cause terrible pain and discomfort, often being described as stiffness. As always, before star ting new treatments check with your healthcare practitioners if this is best for you and if there are any risk of interactions with other medications you may be taking. NA TURAL APPR O A CH NATURAL APPRO NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Glucosamine with Chondroitin is probably your best choice when it comes to osteoarthritis as these sup-

plements have the ability to re-grow cartilage and therefore relieve your pain and your symptoms. Now since we are re-growing something that may have been gone for some time it can take a little while to gain the full benefit of this supplement and really feel that changes, so persist with it for at least 2 – 3 months. It is important that we get the right dosage in order to give you the best results in the shor test amount of time so you want to aim for a daily dose of glucosamine around 1800mg and chondroitin around 400mg. Take this in divided doses throughout the day. Fish oil is another supplement that will benefit osteoarthritis as it will help to lubricate the joints and help with pain and inflammation. When it comes to fish oil you want to make sure that you are taking a good quality supplement that has been thoroughly tested for heavy metals and purity. Have a look at the label and find the Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA quantity. The EPA is the part of the fish oil that is going to give you the anti-inflammatory effect. So rather than worrying about the general omega 3 content look at the EPA and aim for a daily amount of 600 – 1000mg, in divided doses. This means that buying a more concentrated and perhaps more expensive fish oil would be better as you may only have to take 2-3 capsules rather

than 6-10 capsules of a cheaper brand.

boswellia group still had remarkable improvements.

HERBAL MEDICINES Natural anti-inflammatory herbal medicines include Devil’s Claw and Boswellia. You may be able to find these in the health food store as they have been studied for their anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties, making them more available to the public. If not then you may have to contact your Naturopath and they will certainly be able to steer you in the right direction. Devil’s Claw is excellent to relieve inflammation, nourish joints and also provide some pain relief. Research has shown that patients can receive pain reduction in as little as 4 weeks. Boswellia is another exciting herb that can be used in ar thritis. One study in 2007 showed a comparison between a boswellia supplement and a prescription drug specifically for arthritis. The participants had to rate their levels of pain, stiffness and if they were hindered in their daily activities by the ar thritis. Whilst both groups showed great improvements the herbal medicine took 2 months to start working. They continued to take the medicines for 6 months and then stopped. After this we saw that return of pain for the prescription medication, but amazingly the

DIET AR DIETAR ARYY RECOMMEND RECOMMENDAATIONS There are many common foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. One such food is ginger which can be added to meals, soups and even taken as a tea. This warming and simulating spice will help to provide circulation to your body and to your joints giving you some anti-inflammatory benefits along the way. Tur meric is another common spice that can help to reduce pain and inflammation. If you are taking it for its healing proper ties then you should aim for ½ tsp at a time. Turmeric has a better action if it is taken with a fat, such as oil. This can be as simple as adding a little olive oil to your dish of Indian food with a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Alternatively you can take it mixed in a little yoghurt, yet if you can just add it to your meals it will be a lot easier and perhaps a lot more pleasant for you to take.

1/8/2010, 12:15 PM

Robert Reeves is a Naturopath that uses a range of natural therapies to assist you in achieving your goals. Phone: 1300 668 772 or (02) 4648 4200. E-mail Web:


InnerSelf may interest you.

ChineseMedicine with DR QUENTIN CHEN

What Does Sleep Have To Do With Cardiovascular Disease & Suicide?” If you are constantly stealing time away from your sleep, or you find it hard to get a full night’s restful sleep, then this could be the most impor tant ar ticle you’ll ever read about your health. First, let’s look at Sleep and Cardiovascular Disease Australia has one of the highest incidences of cardiovascular disease in the Asia-Pacific region. Approximately 40% of deaths among Australians are caused by cardiovascular disease. According to an article published by The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, the direct health system costs of cardiovascular disease were estimated at $7.6 billion per annum in 2004. In 2004/05, it affected 3.5 million Australians or 18% of the population and it is estimated that by 2051, it will affect one in four Australians. A study published in the medical journal Sleep suggests that people who sleep less than 7 or 8 hours each night are more likely to die of heart disease or stroke than those who do. Fur ther, scientists have found that poor sleep does more harm to cardiovascular health in women than in men. Researchers examined 210 apparently healthy, middle-aged men and women by a standardized sleep quality questionnaire. In addition, blood samples were taken from the volunteers and they were measured for levels of biomarkers linked to elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. Results showed that women who reported higher degree of sleep disruption also had higher levels of all the biomarkers tested. It doesn’t just affect the adults, but also teens. Dr. Susan Redline from Case Western Reserve University studied 238 boys and girls aged 13 to 16. She found that teens with

less than 85 percent sleep efficiency had nearly three times the odds of high blood pressure. In one of my previous articles, I discussed the increased risk, up to 33%, of coronary artery calcification (causing narrowing of the blood vessel supplying the heart) from regularly missing an hour of sleep. Even though sleep is not yet regarded as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease like stress, poor diet or physical inactivity are, there is no doubt an association between poor or lack of sleep with cardiovascular disease. Thus, as a practitioner, I would certainly incorporate a quality sleep program as par t of the over all healthcare plan as preventative measure to cardiovascular disease. Sleep and Suicide According to the World Health Organization, about 877,000 people worldwide die by suicide every year and 10 to 40 times as many attempts to kill themselves. Numerous studies have been conducted to find out why people contemplate or attempt suicide. So far, two main reasons have been concluded, depression and stress. However, a new study released at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress in April 2009 revealed a very interesting relationship between sleep and suicide that we should all know about. It indicated that compared with people who regularly get a good night’s rest, those with sleep problems are more likely to try to commit suicide or to think about it. It is also the first time that lack of quality sleep has been identified as the reason for people feeling suicidal. In the study, scientists examined the relationship between three characteristics of insomnia (difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep

and waking at least two hours earlier than desired) and three suicidal behaviours (suicidal thoughts, planning and attempts) over a one year period. The study involved 5,692 Americans, 35% of whom repor ted at least one of the three sleep problems during the previous year. Results showed that par ticipants with early morning awakening were twice as likely as those with no sleep problems to have had suicidal thoughts in the preceding 12 months, 2.1 times more likely to have planned suicide and 2.7 times more likely to have tried to kill themselves. Those who had trouble initiating sleep had 1.9 times the risk of suicidal ideas and 2.2 times the risk of planning suicide than people who reported no sleep problems. People who had trouble sleeping through the night were twice as likely to have thought of suicide and were three times more likely to have attempted it than those who had no sleep problems. How does this affect you? You might be thinking that you don’t have cardiovascular disease or you are not suicidal so this information has nothing to do with you. However, if you regularly sleep less than 7 or 8 hours a night, or suffer from sleep disturbance, or wake up in the morning not feeling refreshed etc. then you should look at improving your sleep as a preventative measure to the above conditions. In the last issue, I shared some simple ways on how you could improve your sleep quality. However, I also understand that many people have tried many different methods yet still find it difficult to get better quality sleep. In that case, the information on

Dr. Quentin Chen is currently the only Australian to hold Australian University Bachelor degrees in both Western and Chinese Medicine. In fact, there are very few people in the world that have achieved this status. Dr. Chen’s knowledge of both Western and Chinese Medicine is invaluable in assisting patient’s health needs. For more information Tel: (02) 9687 0288

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A woman’s breasts are the core of her feminine essence; the breasts and heart form the positive polarity in her body, meaning the centre from which her energy arises to flow through her body. The more energy, feeling and sensation in her breasts, the more a woman will exude feminine energies which nourish her internally. Through this inner nourishment a woman comes to know herself as the source of love, feeling herself as unconditional love which flows into the lives of people she connects with. This comes without effort on her part, as it is simply her expression of self as love. Sadly, many women have neglected their breasts and inner selves and as a result disconnected from the beauty, power, delicacy and joy within the breasts. This creates shutdown in her heart area, contributing to dissatisfying relationships with men as she is unable to penetrate his heart with her heart, disconnects her from her body and feeling nature and may eventually lead to poor health. A lot of women feel empty and will attempt to fill themselves with work, meaningless relationships, shopping, gossip, children and more. What she longs for is to know herself as love; this is the only way to fill the emptiness. The return to oneself can be strongly facilitated through opening the feelings and energies of the breast area. Connecting with her

breasts opens the heart, creating exquisite and delicate sensations throughout her being. “Many different kinds of orgasm will follow from the breasts being lavishly included in lovemaking. Naturally this involves man - how he caresses and touches the breasts - but only to a certain extent. At the deepest level it involves a woman’s interest in herself as an expression of the feminine.” Diana Richardson, Tantric Orgasm for Women. To support her return to her inner nature through the breasts, a woman can engage in regular practices of breast meditation and breast massage. To begin the breast meditation, lie down on your back with the spine straight, shoulders relaxed, feet slightly apart and a small pillow under the head so the neck is straight and comfortable. Place your hands over the breasts so that the breasts are gently cupped and supported with your hands. Take slow and deep breaths, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. Feel as though with each breath you are energising the breasts, drawing more energy into the breasts with each breath. Feel yourself melting and merging with the breasts, so that the breasts become the focus of your attention. The more deeply you feel and breathe into the breasts the

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stronger the sensations and feelings become. Allow the energy of the breasts to fill your heart and then overflow to fill the whole body nourishing you from the inside out. For the breast massage, place 4 to 6 drops of Lady Nada’s breast oil on each breast and lovingly massage into the breasts and surrounding areas with your fingertips. Work in a circular motion around the breasts with your right hand on right breast and left hand on left breast. Start with your hands underneath the breasts, bring the hands out to the sides of the breasts and then over the top of the breasts and in towards the centre of your chest, so you are always bringing energy up, around and in to meet in the middle. Continue in this circular motion, gently moving in towards the nipples and including the nipples in the massage. Also massage the sternum (the bone between the breasts) and the ribs above and below the breasts. Often the sternum holds a lot of tension and massaging this area gently helps to open the heart and feeling nature of a woman. Be gentle and loving in your touch always. Take moments throughout your days to feel into your breasts, dropping your awareness of breath and self inside to continue the flow of energy through your body. When a woman is open and active in the




1/8/2010, 12:15 PM

breast and heart area, her sexual energy is much more readily available and she will become much more responsive to herself, to life and man. “True feminine creativity arises when the breasts become active.” Diana Richardson, Tantric Orgasm for Women Martina Hughes of T a n t r i c Blossoming has been actively exploring sacred sexuality, tantra, breathwork, energetic healing and shiatsu for over 8 years. Martina’s vision and passion is to inspire men and women of all ages to feel their own natural energy, joy, vitality and bliss. She facilitates a space of greater awareness, openness and receptivity for people to experience the essence and freedom of their inner being. Martina offers mixed workshops, courses for women as well as Tantric consultations to women, men and couples to expand their knowledge and energy. For more information, visit or phone 02 9664 1110.

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1 …Full Moon D Solar Eclipse The Full Moon brings a realisation that a fight is need to ensure the existence of a project or matter at hand. Additional responsibilities are also indicated as a result of someone not being able to do them. The circumstances which bring these may be initially difficult however the outcomes are good for those who wish to take on the new commitments. 2 ME A sense of pride and honour colours attitudes now.

1 2 3 MG Pleasing others should not be at the cost

3 5 6 MG Striking a balanced outlook is admirable but not at the expense of your opinion. 7 ƒ3rd Quarter Moon G A time to refect and ponder what has been realised as a sense of duty colours things. Prudence and thoughtfulness in any subsequent action may be the way in which common interests shred with others can be brought together. 8 MH Passion and intensity are the hallmarks. Be wary of overreacting to any and all stimulation. 9 10 11 MI A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent.

12 13 MJ Be prepared to take a hands-on approach.

14 15 ] New Moon J Lunar Eclipse

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The New Moon highlights responsibilities and structures which may be compromised as a result of others’ neglect. In spite of scepticism and in some cases, severe criticism, taking on these commitments promotes a greater sense of harmony not initially evident. 16 MK A lateral and objective approach is called for.

17 18 ML Be prepared to back your intuition, as it may prove too important.

19 20 Sun enters K Objectivity, independence and a sense of uniqueness characterise Aquarians.

21 MA Objectivity, independence and a sense of uniqueness characterise Aquarians.

22 . 23 MB‡ 1st Quarter B Practical initiatives may prove to be a hard struggle and some force may be required to push things through. Emotional intensity may also fuel a zeal to achieve the desired results.

24 25 MC Keep your ear to the ground as news travels fast.

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4 MF Process and order provide the structure for successful outcomes.




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26 27 28 MD Be prepared to nurture what is important. 29 30 ME… Full Moon E The Full Moon highlights further need to push things through in spite of resistance. Difficulties could be overcome providing ego does not get in the way. 31 MF Attention to detail will help curb criticism.

of one’s point of view.

4 5 MH Increased sensitivity makes you protective of what has been realised. 6 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon H A difficult time with upsets resulting from haste, nervousness or excitement. These may be experienced as conflicts with authority or a hard struggle against what seem like high odds. 7 MI Take a long term view and keep options open.


1 … Full Moon F The energy at this time may be draining as demands are made on creative endeavours which may be successful. However, the resulting strains in achieving this may result in discontent or disappointment. There is a need to be realistic no matter how much is promised. 2 MG Consensus can achieve much but make sure that everyone does their part.

3 4 MH Be upfront with all your dealings and

activities may have compromised relationships or associations. Time to gain courage and face life again with renewed optimism. 9 MJ Be prepared to take a hands-on approach.

Moon in Aquarius sets the tone with inspiration from others’ achievements being a great influence. There is a lot of energy to initiate but some may experience this as a test of strength or will. As the Moon moves into Pisces later in the day, heightened sensitivities may colour actions.

15 16 17 MA Take the initiative and undertake some new challenges

18 19 MB A practical outlook is needed now.Sun enters Pisces: Compassion, empathy and sensitivity are the hallmarks of Pisces.

20 21 22 MC‡ 1st Quarter Moon C There is readiness for action and a desire to realise plans made previously. Some sacrifices may have to be made especially involving separation, working alone or at a distance. Communication becomes an important tool in ensuring both success and harmony.

be surprised by the results.

12 13 14 ML Hunches and intuition have a role to

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15 16 ] New Moon L Moon enters A • (02) 8243 5777

The New Moon is characterised by empathy and sensitivity but as the Moon then moves into Aries, an emphasis on achievement and setting an example comes into play. Scattered energies may be an issue.

17 18 19 MB Be practical but not stubborn about what you want.

20 21 MC Take note of news or information, as this will be helpful.Sun in Aries: Initiative, action and challenge are the characteristics of Aries

22 23 MD‡ 1st Quarter Moon D Activity nay centre on emotional needs as things move to a



24 25 ME There is much to boast about but be

cause problems.

sure that there is substance otherwise credibility is damaged.

26 27 MF Criticism can be useful as long as alternatives are offered.

These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

28 29 MG Keep the lines of communication open 30 … Full Moon G The Full Moon brings

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sociability and relating to the fore with the drive for cooperation and conciliation a primary goal. The ability to see things for what they are may also show that ideals are not all they are supposed to be. Some disappointment or disillusionment may result. 31 MH Nurture what is slowly developing.


A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth

G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water


Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can

easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than

Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8562 8358 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart.

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25 26 ME Take your pride in hand before it can

surprised by results.

10 11 MK Think outside the square and you may

23 climax. A greater sensitivity or impressionability 24 MD Emotional bonds with friends and family may leave some vulnerable to the influence of

27 . 28 MF Look after details and you will be

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things along.

being autocratic.

13 14 ] New Moon K Moon enters L The New

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avoid underhanded or secretive actions.

7 8 ƒ3rd Quarter Moon I The outcome of recent

but keep your feet on the ground.

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5 6 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur

8 9 MJ Take control of matters at hand but avoid 10 11 12 MK Surprises may be the flavour of the day

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BY WAYNE MCDONALD There was once a terrible outbreak of disease in Africa where both adults and children were struck down with nausea and diarrhoea and then people started dying. Authorities were stumped. They eventually found that the local water supply from a mountain stream was polluted but were baffled as to why. Finally the exper ts trekked for several days up the densely wooded mountain to the source of the stream where divers found something amazing. What the divers discovered shocked everyone. A very large pig with several piglets had somehow fallen, drowned and had gotten stuck there. The rotting remains of the pigs were now polluting the usually crystal clear water! In no time at all the divers were able to dislodge and remove the pigs and the water could once again flow freely. There is something similar that happens in our lives. In our past we have all been hurt and had negative experiences. We have all suffered. The resentment, hurt, fear, frustration or rage has become lodged inside of us like those pigs and we’ve held onto it and we have become polluted and poisoned. Imagine yourself as a crystal clear stream. Over time as life happens and negative, difficult or painful experiences occur you are left with emotional scars. Left unresolved, these become your ‘pigs’ polluting your stream. These are the things that pollute your being. The longer you leave them unresolved the more they affect you. Just like those pigs in the water, the longer you leave the pollution of unresolved hurt, guilt, grief, disappointment, bitterness or resentment churning inside, the more toxic these issues become and the stronger the issue will

eventually show up in your life. Everyone is Conditioned If you are driving your car and come to a red light, you will automatically stop. If I asked you why, you would probably look at me as if I were an idiot and point at the red light! However, do you always stop at red lights? Have you ever run a red light? Why? You made a choice in that moment to run the risk — to do something different to what your initial, pre-programmed, conditioned response told you to do. In other words, you used your free will to take a different action to what you might normally take. Most of the time you stop. However, it is not the red light that makes you stop. It is your decision regarding that piece of environmental feedback that makes you stop. You have brought your past experience regarding red lights into the present moment. If you had no concept of red lights, you would not have stopped. If for instance, you had been raised in a technologically primitive society and had never even seen a car, let alone a red light, you would not have any internal reference points as to the meaning of a red light. You would not have ‘red light conditioning’. You would make no distinction between the different lights you saw. In fact, you might even sit in the passenger seat of the car, grab the rear view mirror and try to drive the car! If you have no personal experience with cars, you cannot make distinctions between the steering wheel and the rear view mirror. Both are just parts of the car. There is no internal distinction as to what the different parts are designed to do. The red light is not what makes you stop. Your desire to live is strong. That is what really makes you stop. Based on your training and perhaps a

past experience of seeing an accident resulting from someone going through a red light, you decide to stop. Or perhaps it was not even your own experience. Perhaps you spoke with someone who had a terrible ‘red light experience’ and they convinced you that the best thing to do was stop. You have then been conditioned and will react accordingly, unless you use your free will to respond differently. The quality of your life is determined on the inside. You are not a victim to your environment, other people or circumstances. You choose to take the action that leads you to stopping or not stopping. If it is external situations, circumstances and people that cause you to do what you do, you are a ‘Life Reactor’, acting like a machine with no will and free choice. The truth is that everything you do (or don’t do) is motivated from the inside. It is your choice how you view a par ticular event. It is your choice the meaning you give the event. You choose your actions and you are responsible for the consequences of those actions. You cr ea te yyour our oown wn eexperixpericrea eate ence · It is your choice how you respond to another person. · It is your choice how you respond to any situation. · It is your choice to be happy or miserable. To live a full and happy life, you need to take responsibility and start proactively creating your life as YOU want! You are not at the effect, but rather the creative cause of your experience of life! Wayne McDonald is the founder & author of the Total Success Program. The above is based on the 6-month multi-media Total Life Success personal development program developed by Wayne McDonald and Success KnowHow. This article is a brief extract from the Total Life Success selfdevelopment program. If you want to be happier and more in control of your life call 08 8339 6781 and order this multi-media program now.

HELLO 2010 ○

BY NICHOLA BURTON Some perceive that this first decade of the 21st century is quite the Hollywood blockbuster. Surviving the Y2K bug, we faced 9/11, Bali Bombings, Tsunamis, Wars, Climate Change and a Global Financial Crisis that changed the face of our geopolitical landscape. Others perceive this first decade as a science fiction classic with technology advancing faster than our perception of time. In the stories of the first decade of the 20 th centur y, families sat around the radio together each night to listen to the news of the world, we met our friends at the local Nickelodeon for the Saturday matinee, listened to Scott Joplin on the hand cranked victrola, ordered from a Sears Roebuck catalogue, grew our own vegies, navigated by the stars, shopped at the local five and dime store and managed business with the newly invented typewriter. Fast forward to 2009, and we live in vir tual online realities where technology has infiltrated our language as we daily Google, Skype and Facebook each other while managing the business of our lives on our IPHONE, shop on E BAY, buy groceries and exchange money online, watch movies on You Tube and navigate our way with the faithful GPS. Nothing has changed. Our stories are still the same. We simply seek to connect in other ways. Those Hollywood blockbuster events that we survived in this first decade created insecurity in the old models of economy and in many ways transformed traditional paradigms of employment. In turn this has stimulated a booming global on line industry with millions of enterprises offering products to service needs and voids that the modern world brings with it. Previously limited to shelf space and shop frontage, 21st century businesses can now easily register a domain, set up a

website, access free networking or blogging sites, create online shops with PayPal to be in business with the click of a few buttons and all from the comfort of your own home! The struggle to market, brand and promote product or service, is a common symptom of global business in every industry. I work with theatre directors, producers, public speakers, artists, musicians, government departments, community associations, retailers and health care professionals and regardless of size, structure, product and expression; they all share the same frustration. What is my value? What is the value of a customer and how can I attract and then service one? My grandmother, born in the first decade of the 20th century, lived by the motto “waste not want not”. As children we were fascinated by the magical colours of her legendary button jar. Carefully dismantling clothing, everything was catalogued and saved for future use. One child’s outgrown shir t would be unpicked and resewn into another’s dress, one brother’s jacket would be altered into his sister’s pyjamas until scraps of materials tired and worn out would be woven and quilted into floor mats and pot holders. On the smell of an oily rag, that woman kept her children well dressed and her home beautiful yet functional and running like clockwork. She was the ultimate in effective resource management! In 2009, many business mottos are the same - “waste not want not”. Regardless of the century, no matter who you are, what you have done, where you live or any of the stories you identify yourself with, you have things you like and dislike about yourself and your life. In seeking to connect, you have already collected a magical button jar filled to the brim with stories - behavioural patterns, beliefs, values and ways of doing things. As technology provides a platform and resource for us to add value to our daily lives, the stories we col-

lect provide a platform and well of resources for us to add value to our businesses. One fellow I knew shared his shame at the impending divorce of his fourth wife – a partner in his engineering business. This was not a new story. Over a 30 year period, this man had built and dismantled four businesses. He despised his pattern of moving into personal and business relationships so quickly (his average was 12 months) yet for me, this ability was impressive. A master salesman in relationships, he could identify value, capitalise quickly, build a new structure and maximise potential while servicing clients and maintaining a business. Once he appreciated the value of this behaviour pattern without judgement, he converted it into a business marketing strategy tripling his sales within 6 months. The only action required was to appreciate his stories, catalogue, unravel and reorganise them into new areas. Nothing had changed. He simply became a more effective resource manager. So hello 2010, regardless of what may come, value your collection of magical buttons and see what you can use to add value to the business of your life! Nichola Burton is an international consultant for The Business of Your Life Branding, Business Planning, P e r s o n a l Development, Human Behaviour Systems. She can be contacted at PO Box 86, Sumner Park Qld 4074 Telephone: 07 3124 4051 +61 414 975 201 Email:

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Living The Life You Always Knew You Could What would you do right now with your life if time or money where not an issue? In my business, fortunes are being made using the law of intention and desire. However, you need to understand how to use these laws of success before financial freedom will visit. For example, the forces of harmony, joy, and love, will create success and good fortune with effortless ease. Contact me today for a no obligation discussion of my business and how you can use universal laws to financial wealth.

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I’m currently involved with a project that is revelling in its unreasonableness. It came about when the project visionary received feedback from someone, saying that what she was attempting to do was “completely unreasonable” and that it couldn’t be done. The excitement around the project, the emerging understanding of what could be achieved if we let go of self-created barriers and assumptions based on old beliefs, is absolutely delightful and I am very much enjoying being part of such an experiment. Thus, I would love 2010 to be the Year of the Unreasonable. If you make any resolutions this year, consider making one of them to catch your assumptions out about what will happen if you do this or try that, etc... and to experiment with self-trust, stretching your self-belief beyond the point of no return. We are what we think, so let’s expand our thinking; to focus more on abundance and less on limitation. Here are a few bits and pieces to illustrate some of the expanded thinking we can all take into the new year. ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD One of the most common complaints is that there isn’t enough time. Not enough time to get everything done, to catch up with our friends and loved ones, to complete all those great projects we started. However, we are also very good at wasting time, losing time, even resenting time – we tend to compete against it (“racing against the clock”) instead of working with it. It is said that time is money, but few people value an hour the same way they would $50 in their hand. What is interesting about time is that everyone has exactly the same

amount... ...all the time in the world. No one has a monopoly on this precious resource, nor could they ever do so. Time teaches us about shared resources. If you spend an hour with a friend, you are both spending something that you both have, but could otherwise use independently. Few, if any, other resources in our reality work this way. Next time you find yourself “short on time”, remember that no one has any more, or any less time than you. You can’t run out of time, you can’t borrow it any more than you can lend it, you can simply spend it on whatever is most important to you in any given moment.

EMO TIONS ARE T O EGO WHA EMOTIONS WHATT FEELINGS ARE TO HUMILITY Semantics can sometimes make this discussion troublesome, so in this case, I am referring to emotions being more reactive (anger, sadness, happiness, frustration, etc...), whereas by feelings, I mean those still, hear tfelt sensations like joy, compassion and understanding. When our ego believes it is under threat, it reacts, which invokes an emotion. To suppress or sate the emotion, we feed our ego, which ensures its continued survival. We might blame the other par ty (“I’m so mad you did this!”), play the victim (“Why does this always happen to me?”), re-enforce co-dependent conditions (“I was sad earlier, but I’m happy now that you’re here”), or any number of other means by which to remain reliant on the external world. It’s this reliance that leaves us clutching to our ego, which is the only way we know how to play in that world. Our emotions effectively protect and build ego the way our feelings protect and build humility. This is obviously not a call to suppress emotions, but rather simply to not

MY “I CAN” IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MY IQ This is a small but important pearl of wisdom I picked up from Vicki Lucas, a truly remarkable teacher and healer. Someone who has a lower IQ but is more willing to commit to a task or role is infinitely more useful to that role than someone with a high IQ, but without the commitment to do anything constructive with it. This year is a good time to throw notions like IQ out the window and to focus on your “I Can”. LA CK AND LIMIT LACK LIMITAATION – THE BIGGEST LIE OF ALL That we can’t have, that we can’t do, that we can’t be – these are the foundations of separation between our current perceptions and our Divine nature. If you feel so inclined, then find a place in your home (and more importantly, your heart) for the following mantra: “I can have, I can do, I can be, because I AM.” Speak it, think it, breathe it and let it pave the way for you to do something wonderfully, delightfully unreasonable in 2010. An astrologer and Reiki master, Claire runs workshops and weekly meditation sessions in addition to seeing her own clients. She works out of Sahu Healing Space (, a centre she created to provide the space and resources for clients and practitioners to pursue their own healing journeys. You can contact Claire on 0407 359 347, or email

Richard Bach


make decisions based on them. If we watch our emotions as they rise but don’t make choices driven by them, we don’t feed our ego. Rather, if we RESPOND to events in our life through feelings, we protect and nourish our inner self, our humility, and reduce our dependence on external events and behaviours to bolster us.

Argue for your limitations and sure enough the y’ our they’ y’rr e yyour ourss.



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InnerSelf SKY INNES Sky is becoming known as an inspiring spiritual teacher. Her incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 02 9362 9866 or visit


Women of the 21st Century As the world continues to undergo massive change, women are coming to the fore in leading the way in their own field. Here are some original, wise, strong, passionate, and creative women introducing themselves and what they do. INGRID JOHANSSON


Ingrid Johansson an ordinary person on an extraordinary mission. Ingrid mostly worked as a Director of Nursing. Feeling burnt out she turned to complimentary medicine. In June 2009 Ingrid made a deep commitment to burst through the final barriers to understand her life purpose. From a pure heart and soul Ingrid enthusiastically shares her gifts to ignite the light in others, to support the freedom of humanity. Ph Ingrid 07 5441 3818

From software engineering to astrology, Claire has had an interesting journey. In 2006 she opened Sahu Healing Space, home to a growing healing community. Now a Reiki master, Claire runs workshops and meditation circles in addition to seeing clients. This year, she’s integrating her IT skills into her healing work by creating sacred healing space online for practitioners and lightworkers. Contact her on 0407 359 347 or, or else visit Sahu online at

Mar tina Hughes of Tantric Blossoming is dedicated to creating spaces of intimacy, compassion and openness for men and women. Through these spaces she facilitates opening into deeper spiritual experiences and higher sexual ecstasy. This leads to greater overall balance in life, inner bliss and harmonious union with others. 0438 271 637

SUE LAKE-HARRIS Sue has used Reiki on a daily basis for the last 12 years, and it has been a major par t of her professional life since 1998. A teacher for the Usui Reiki Network, past Chair of the Council of Australian Reiki Organisations, and heavily involved in professional standards development for practitioners, Sue credits reiki with the reversal of numerous long-standing health issues, including those that prevented her from having children - she is now a mother of 2 at age 45! Sue will be presenting 20 hour Reiki I Seminars in Canberra and Melbourne early in 2010. For further details phone 03 5153 2434 or 02 6254 3958

RACHELLE TERRY Rachelle Ter r y, a Sydney based therapist, has had an ability from childhood to clairvoyantly see the hu-

man aura. She works with local, interstate and international clients, helping them in making huge improvement in their life, health and being in “the flow”. *Baby and child readings also available* For phone or in-person consultations with Rachelle, phone 0414 317 323 or email

BRONWYN BARTER Bronwyn Barter is a Rebir ther, Rebir ther trainer, Rebir thing consultant and author of the newly released book, Healing the Dependency on Depression. Bronwyn is committed to the self empowerment of the individual. “Everyone has their own inner wisdom and truth. Life’s journey is the discovery and use of that innate knowing. When we access the courage and self love to truly know ourselves we can learn to live in integrity, then we experience peace.” To contact Bronwyn phone 08 8260 2086 or email

LISA BLAINEY-LEWIN Director of Golden Pathways to Harmony, Maleny. Qualified Aromatherapist, Meditation Teacher, Quantum Biofeedback Therapist. Lisa has a strong interest in colours, fibre, sound, and symbolism. In 2010 Lisa makes her debut as a recording artist with the release of her 2-CD Meditation Album SET YOURSELF FREE



Patricia Farren has always loved crystals so after many years in the film industry as a film researcher she opened her first Crystal Shop in Darling Harbour. Patricia has developed her healing skills over the years training in modalities such as Reiki, Crystal Healing, Counselling, Bach Flower Essences and Power of the Mind. She now runs New Lifenergy at Marrickville where she and her daughter Katie share their love for the work they do. A firm believer in the adage “As you think, so you are.” Patricia sees only the positives for the future, no matter how bleak the press like to paint it.

Yolanda is the founder of a business called Innerlight Journeys, where she has spent the last 15 years teaching Metaphysics, Parapsychology and Advanced Healing Techniques. She takes many people into these processes through yearly enlightenment courses of metaphysics and personal development. These courses are for those that are lost in past trauma, thirsting for knowledge or for those who are simply wanting to learn how to create in this universe. People are now beginning to move into their Divine Path, doing what they love, empowering themselves and walking away with the most powerful tools for transforming their lives. At Innerlight Journeys, Yolanda uses crystal bowls for group healing sound therapies and guides meditation classes for all walks of life. She loves her crystal bowls healing sessions, especially for healing larger groups of people within a beautiful dynamic and symphony of sound. She says they are very powerful for just anyone to come along and listen. She has recently produced a second guided meditation CD which is to assist a person to work on themselves in their own time and in their own space, anytime they like. Yolanda’s healing center is in South Penrith, where many come to transcend their pain, learn how to understand the creative process of life, energy and/ or learn how to let go. She say’s… “I simply love what I do”.

You can visit Patricia at New Lifenergy - 153 Marrickville Rd, Marrickville NSW or phone (02) 9519 9821

TRACEY STRANGER Author & Inspirational Speaker Escalating depression and fears in society compelled Tr acey, Time Line Therapist and Health Writer, to become a passionate author publishing How To Overcome Stress Naturally with foreword by HH The Dalai Lama. “Reach for the Stars everyday and strive for the good for all, daily! Earth is magical!” Phone Tracey on 0409 879 271 or visit


Jacquelene Close Moore is a naturally gifted, awarded psychic and medium, events and media experienced, and has completed over 10,000 readings since 1995. She has communicated with and painted spirit since childhood, her connection amplified after a neardeath-experience at 5 ½ yrs which clarified her purpose and path.

Sheena-Gaye, also known as LitEl Star, came into this world consciously aware of her own divinity. Speaking with the Creator and aware of her Guardian Angels from a very young age, her life has been an ever-deepening and sharing of the Eternal Spiritual Being that she knows herself to be. For SheenaGaye, each day is a new day offering infinite Joy and Wisdom from her Angel Guides, and she offers herself as an oracle, healer and teacher for all who seek it. Many attest to her wonderful gifts of healing and insight which you can read in her “Book of Praise” on her website. She has recently established Angel Essence House as a place of inspiration, refuge, and healing.

M:- 0439 488 558 W:- Phone: 0402 504 415 or


For more information visit Or call (02) 4732 4031

SEGOLENE FERRARI “When I star ted searching for meaning, peeling the veils of everyday life to reclaim my authentic truth, the Sacred Feminine was first to open its arms to me. This path offers a deeply healing and nurturing process that is crucial for all people, especially women who wish to reclaim the sacredness of being WOMAN.” Segolene Ferrari, qualified Life Coach and Mentor, offer sessions, online courses and mentoring programs to empower women, heal relationships and restore the beauty of the Sacred Feminine as relevant for the 21st Century.

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Dian Booth - Master Soul Healer Sounds from Aboriginal Australia, Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria. Come to the heart of our wonderful country and listen to the sounds of your soul. “One of the truest healers of our age” (Alan Gutierrez, Emerald Energies, USA) Sacred Journeys, Healing CDs, Tapes. Diploma in Sound and Colour Healing Ring Dian: 0417 800 219



Feminine Source Academy

Bring to w moder togg ether ancient eter nal wisdom with a ne new modernn paradigm of feminine expression and relationships. Embr ace Sacr ed Li ving w er ment and per sonal Embrace Sacred Living ving,, empo empow c larity in an authentic wwaa y. “ A wwonderful onderful letting ggoo of ne negg a titivv e ener energg y ou . ” and embr acing of wwholesome holesome lif embracing lifee ener energg y. T hank yyou – Melissa, WA. “ I realised the joy of celebrating our life as woman. as rreall eall er y po w erful. Honouring eevv er ything a bout us us.. It wwas eallyy vver pow erful.”” – Car men, VIC VIC.. Online cour ses vidual or couples sessions or kshops ses,, indi individual sessions,, per sonal ggrr o wth pr proo g r ams ams,, wwor kshops,, Australia-wide. Join us for a FREE weekly telephone class! Follow your calling! • EMAIL se or VISIT US ONLINE AT http://se http://segg olene segg olene@se olene@seggolene PHONE 08 9407 4310.

1/8/2010, 12:16 PM

InnerSelf Visit Feminine Source Academy Feminine Mysteries to Heal the Soul! or (08) 9407 4310.

MORTHERN SPEARS Morthern Spears chooses to move in the world as an authentic woman, restoring balance by honouring the feminine within herself, thus bringing her joy and wisdom to those around her in all she does. She is passionate about working with the feeling and emotional aspect of our beings, bringing together the “Gratitude Diary” as a wonderful gift to work with the natural lunar cycles in harmony and balance in our lives. Phone: 0433 880 405

DIANNE SMITH Dianne Smith is a Clairvoyant, Reiki Master/Teac her and Spiritual Development Teacher/Adviser who works intuitively with the Ascended Masters, Arch Angels, Guardian Angels and Beings from the other Realms, who lives and works in the Macarthur region of Sydney. Dianne is the creator of the Home & Aura Cleasing Kit. As a Reiki Master/Teacher Dianne has been teaching and holding classes that run every Saturday Morning at the Library in her local area since July 2005. Dianne would like to welcome you to the thru the realms website, and if you have any questions or would like to contact her. Email

HELEN PAPADOPOULOS The life journey which led to my becoming a self-help author, consultant and tutor began over twenty years ago when I sought therapy for childhood trauma. The profound healing I experienced ignited my passion to help others heal. My aim is to assist each client to help her/himself by sharing my life’s wisdom and information gained through study (psychology and alternative therapies). This includes stress relieving techniques (e.g. mediations and natural remedies), a psychological strategy I developed to deal with personal issues – The Three-point Therapy Technique (T3) ™ - as well as online ar ticles and eBooks on healing. Email or visit

NICOLE CODY Nicole Cody is a Channel, Soul Guide and Metaphysical Teacher. She works globally to help people discover and understand their Gifts and Talents through her channelled sessions, workshops and seminars. Her wish for everyone is that they come to know how loved, unique and necessary they are to the fabric and evolution of this planet. We all have a purpose. By being true to yourself you can come to know and live that purpose, and embrace the joy of inner peace that being YOU will bring. Nicole can work with you no matter where you are.


ANNE T. CLARK Anne Clark, author of ‘THE POO IN YOU’ & IN THE RAW, is sharing her healthy inspirational living with clients and friends at her new retreat SUNSHINE RIDGE RETREAT, in Cooroy, SOUTH EAST Queensland Anne is also a Lifestyle Health Consultant, Guest Speaker for Health and Wellbeing and a NES practitioner. Anne Clark also runs Natural Food Preparation Classes, Bowel Health Workshops and is available for public talks on Health and Wellbeing. Ph 0402 166 187

ANNIE STEWART Annie Stewar t is a respected corporate coach, author, speaker and founder of The Callings Program™. Annie’s work encourages and guides people from all walks of life to discover and sustain their life’s purpose and passion. 02 8243 5777 Level 2, 50 York Street, Sydney.

SHIRLEY COVENTRY Shirley Coventry helps people reclaim their power through her work as a medium. Her guides are with her to reveal that we are not alone and that we are eternal spirit and it brings much joy in acting as an instrument in giving people their own (07) 3256 0815

Heal the past, Live in the Present, and Create the Future you Desire Joanne’s guidance helps you step into your power and live the life you dream.

Continued on page 20

Treatments Seminars Workshops

THROW AWAY YOUR GLASSES and see the way Nature intended you to For Natural Vision Workshop information call Rita 039803 7990 or email Is your emotional baggage dragging you down?


DR. ADRIANA JAMES Dr. Adriana James is a Certified Master Trainer of NLP and has earned international recognition in more than one field of endeavour. Adriana James was a highly successful concer t violinist and won numerous international awards as well as holding the position of Concert Master at the prestigious Sydney Opera Company before embarking on the field that will allow Adriana to propel herself forward to become who she is today. Adriana James became aware of a phenomenon that sparked her intense curiosity about Human Potential and Performance that took her beyond the world of classical music into the study of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). The phenomenon Adriana observed repeatedly as both an accomplished performer and as a Manager in her role at the Sydney Opera Company, was that the difference between those performers that reach the pinnacle of success and those who failed to achieve success lies inside the deepest levels of consciousness. Adriana sought out Dr. Tad James to train her in the science of Human Potential and Performance, NLP, as he is considered one of the pioneers in the field. Adriana left the world of Classical Music to open her own NLP Training Company in Sydney, Australia and continued her studies in Alternative Modes of Consciousness for which she received her Ph.D. Years later Tad and Adriana reconnected and married in 2001 in Hawai’i. The partnership has proven that 1+1 is much greater than 2 and the synergy of this charismatic husband and wife team is attracting crowds to their trainings on both continents. Adriana has built on the foundation of Tad James’ work and added new processes and paradigms to the evolving field of NLP and Time Line Therapy™ with developments in health, relationships and the body/ mind connection. Dr. Adriana James is an incredibly strong and positive role model for women all over the world. Her genuine warmth and intelligence combined with her desire to empower both men and women is enchanting and irresistible. To contact Adriana phone 1800 133 433



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20 WOMEN OF THE 21ST CENTURY proof of survival. Shirley also runs the Temple of Illumination, a meeting place for Spirituality and Art, offering workshops, readings and healing and a gift shop, situated at 102 Railway Ave, Ringwood East, Melbourne. Phone (03) 8215 9204 visit

PATRICIA CUMMINS Patricia Cummins is an internationally recognised practitioner and teacher of Master Choa Kok Sui’s no-touch P r a n i c Healing. This clears tired and contaminated energy from chakras and the auric fields and rejuvenates the body creating good health and wellbeing. Patricia practises Arhatic Yoga and Twin Hear ts Meditation for self-healing and world peace. Phone 0414 761 783 (07) 5536 1157. Or email

JOANNE ANTOUN Joanne is a Lecturer in the field of Personal Growth and Consciousness. A Gifted medium, Joanne sees clients for a life transforming Combined Therapy Cocktail and runs workshops that inspire, motivate and empower, leaving you feeling a new level of connectedness and awareness that motivates you to be the best you can be. Her life’s journey, like most has been interesting filled with many challenges, allowing her to truly understand, connect and free people from all walks of life no matter what their experience. Joanne captivates you with her quick wit and easy going style, her kindhearted approach to issues and limiting beliefs makes it easy to evaluate and release them. On meeting Joanne it’s clear that she has accepted her calling and she can show you how easy it is to live life with passion. For details visit

NICHOLA BURTON As the CEO for a major Australian Music industry business since 1991, Nicki, nominated for the 2008 Telstra Business awards, consults for corporations, SME’s and individuals around the world. A senior international facilitator for The Demar tini Method™, Nicki has worked with Dr John F Demartini in London, Dublin and across Australia since 2000 cofounding The Concourse of the Ear th global association in 2007. Qualified in Business Management, Training and Human Behaviour, Nicki facilitates clients through a discovery of their unique language, currency and operating system and puts them to work in the business – the ultimate expression of your story.

KARINA SCHELDE Karina Schelde is internationally recognised as a pioneer of sound therapy and voice healing. People around the world


are touched by her compelling and intuitive Soul Voice method. Originally from Denmark, choosing home now in New Zealand, Karina is a passionate workshop facilitator and often travelling. 2010 will be a unique year where Karina offers you the chance to experience the intensive and lifetransforming Soul Voice workshops in New Zealand and Australia. In the Soul Voice workshops and trainings you will experience Karina’s unique synthesis of 25 years of professional experience in alternative healing. With a professional background as a therapist, rebir ther, bodyworker, counsellor, shamanic healer and actress Karina suppor ts individuals from all walks of life into full realisation of their potential, and their life vision. The unique Soul Voice teaching goes beyond what you can imagine is possible to express and heal with your voice. Karina Schelde has produced music CDs, videos and written a book (the second edition is available now), presented at conferences worldwide and made numerous appearances on radio and television. For compassionate and authentic guidance meet Karina Schelde see or phone Melissa on 0414 918 142.

MANON DE JONGH I feel very passionate about helping people through my aura reading. If we all bring out our true essence, the beauty which lies within us, we will be much happier with ourselves. By spreading our happiness, we will affect our surroundings and will create heaven on earth. Distant reading or in Bondi $ 97, Now First Reading $ 75 0431 286 940

GERRY TAYLOR-WOOD Gerry founded the unique ‘sacred waters’ company GRAIL HAVEN ten years ago, following prophetic dreams. Archangel Michael visions led to the “SACRED SITES TOURS”; pilgrimages to the world’s most mystical places. A year of ‘seeing’ plant Devas produced the inspired ‘33-GRAIL HAVEN FLOWER ESSENCES’.

VIOLETA JARDIN Violeta is the owner & inspiration behind Violeta’s Garden… Her aim is to provide a place of beauty & hope . To help & guide others, in whatever form that may take. The purpose my shop is to provide a smile, reassurance, & a place to slow down and breathe. To help others make organic & nourishing choices for the body & spirit, restore a love for home cooking to heal & delight through herbal tisanes & teas, to inspire women especially to care for themselves, to provide a place to share, laugh & cry if needed, encourage those who have lost faith in themselves to believe & trust once again with the help of the Crystal Healing Bed from Brazil. Ph 9399 9747


InnerSelf BRANDON BAYS International best-selling author of The Journey, Br andon Bays, has been a key figure in the mind-body-healing world for over 2 decades. Developing Journeywork through her own personal healing story, she has dedicated her life to helping people realise their innate true potential. Her work has touched the lives of tens of thousands around the world making emotional, physical and spiritual transformation and awakening accessible to people from all walks of life. Recently awarded Europe’s Rainbow Spirit festival’s humanitarian award for her deeply liberating teaching and process work, and for being a living example of her work, Brandon continues to travel the globe sharing these tools. Phone 1300 30 44 14

DIAN BOOTH Dian Booth has been recognised by Native American Healer, Bruce Hardwick, as one who is in the vanguard of bringing forth The new form of Healing from Australia. We’ve always known it was coming, and called it ‘The Healing with No Name’. Dian will begin this exciting programme with Ceremonies which include Indigenous Healing Knowledge, Sound and Colour Healing, Dolphins, Crystals, and much more. Phone (08) 8952 2259

SUSANNE MEANEY and concerts across Australia and Japan. She uses her classical piano training and angelic voice to help people relax and heal, connecting deeply with their Soul, always with great gentleness and compassion. Christine was guided to work with sound, music & colour when she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue fifteen years ago. Composing music played an big part in her recovery, and her workshops and CD’s now help other people regain their own health, energy and enthusiasm for life. Ph: 0408 181 208

HELEN GREGORIOU Helen Gregoriou, Change Catalyst, invites you to join her on a magical journey of self-discovery in the Outback of Australia on sacred Indigenous land. Corporate lawyer and Ayurvedic Practitioner, Helen Gregoriou runs self-development journeys through spiritual discovery, imparting her knowledge and teachings to initiate the changes needed for the life you deserve. Initiate Tours 0423550668, (02) 9665 5718

CORAL SMITH Coral has been working with health equipment for some 15 years – promoting and selling all over Australia, mainly at Health Expo events.. “However I have travelled to the country promoting good health and demonstrating my zen chi at field

days including Cleve field day in S.A last year. I enjoy taking my products to people who really do not have a chance to visit city events as they are hungry for the latest healthy living products. I have other massaging equipment available – I really believe this machine is a MUST for every household. Contact Coral on (07) 3279 4308 or 0411 865 196

INNA SEGAL Inna Segal is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and the best selling author of The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Healith & Wellness. She is an internationally recognized healer, professional speaker, author and television host. Inna travels worldwide leading Visionary Intuitive Healing® transformational training programs, impacting the lives of millions of people.

PETA PRIOR With over 25 years experience as a professional psychic, Peta has worked on many well known psychic lines around Australia and the United Kingdom. She is now a regular on Peta’s deep desire to make her reading more effective for her clients has seen her develop her natural ability through study and metaphysical training. You will find Peta’s unique style of reading is honest, healing, insightful and inspiring. To book your telephone reading call Peta on 1800 72 77 62 or visit

Susanne Meaney from Vital Harmony is a Theta healing practitioner and teacher. Susanne recently spent some months in USA completing her Masters in Theta healing and Certificate of Science in Theta healing- the first time this has been offered. It enables her to teach all of Vianna Stibal’s Thetahealing subjects. Also offered are individual consultations, mentoring, house & business clearing and past life journeys & healings. Bringing about positive change and self-empowerment for people around her, is her focus. Her many years as a school teacher specialising in drama and music enhances her abilities in all areas of her work. Ph (08) 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119.

MARIA-ANN Maria-ann is a business owner who has managed to juggle the demands of motherhood whilst studying for her doctorate. As an expat for most her career, Maria-ann returned to Australia after giving birth to twins and is currently the CEO of ChiBall World pty ltd

CHRISTINE MORRISON Christine Morrison is a unique Australian composer and sound healer. She composes music specifically to soothe the Soul, and conducts workshops, individual sessions

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AMANDA NEUBAUER Amanda has overcome many challenges including a near death accident involving her daughter, an unfilled marriage and a financial rollercoaster, Amanda now experiences a more fulfilling life with abundance and has a great relationship with her 2 children. Amanda has been able to move forward positively through learning, practicing, teaching Reiki and Theta Healing on herself and sharing this knowledge with others.

JUDI SPARRE Judi Sparre is a Theta Healing Practitioner, a channel for automatic writing with guides and angels and an Angel Intuitive trained with Doreen Virtue. She is a young thinking woman with a passion for all things of spirit. She is following her life purpose as a healer to all humankind and does this in the light of the creator. Phone JUDI SPARRE on (07) 3293 4484 or 0414 634 114

MICHELLE AND VANESSA Women are at the forefront of change. Urgent change is needed. Michelle and Vanessa are making a difference through the newly formed “Organicbox” – cer tified organic fruit, veg and more delivered to your home or workplace. Organicbox understand that health and sustainability can be achieved through organics. For more information visit




BY RACHELLE TERRY ‘What am I doing here?!!!’ The baby being whisked into a shopping centre by his mum asked me that. Well, not in so many words, nor even by the surprised expression on his face – but almost telepathically. This was no ordinary baby. He was a Crystal child. Ever since reading Doreen Virtue’s book on a new wave of children she calls Crystal children, I have become intrigued by babies’ auras. I have noticed some children have beautiful crystalline auras, in the shapes and hues of translucent crystals. These children are extremely sensitive because of their finelytuned vibrations. Negativity in its many guises is confusing to these children who need a peaceful environment and large doses of nature. Another ‘Crystal child’ experience that completely blew me away oc-

curred after a busy day with clients. Again, I was in a shopping centre, when I suddenly became very faint and had to sit down in an effort to stop my head from spinning. The cause of this vertigo was a vortex in my aura above my head. A baby, who had been wheeled in a trolley over to my seat, was transfixed on the funny looking blob of purple energy (unresolved emotions) which was hovering in a shop assistant’s aura. He then transferred his attention to the vortex above my head, mumbled some baby ‘gobbledygook’ as he reached out to the vortex. His hands emitted a beautiful golden light which entered my aura and straightened the vor tex. My head was reeling for a different reason now. This baby was healing me! After looking away and jabbering in baby language, he looked at my aura again and repeated the process. I

finished my shopping with a new level of energy, kicking myself for not getting his business card. When I was a flight attendant some years ago, on a long flight, a screaming baby could not be consoled by its mother, or a bevy of flight attendants. When a colleague brought the baby to me in the galley, his aura revealed inflammation in the bowel area and I wondered if this was

how colic looked. I became aware that the baby had stopped crying the minute I began to observe this and the rest of the flight was peaceful. Shocked by the baby’s sudden silence and his interest in me, my crew asked what I had done. From then on my ‘baby-whisperer’ title became a running joke amongst my work mates. This experience illustrates why we cannot underestimate the sensitivity

Whispering Angels N E W A G E S H O P & S E RV I C E S • Readings include Tarot, experienced mediums, photos, numerology, angel cards and Aura Soma. • Massages include Lomi Lomi, relaxation, sports, pregnancy and hot & cold stone. • Healings include Reiki, Theta, Kinesiology, Colour, Bush Flower Remedies and Crystal

Janeen The shop includes a range of mystical gifts, crystals, incense, feng shui products, jewellery, body piercing jewelllery, rock salt lamps, belly dancing clothes & accessories and much more!

• Extra services include Ionic foot spa detox, Counselling, Spirit art, ear candelling, self defence classes and other classes & workshops • There’s a time out area to come in and relax and read from a huge range of secondhand newage books available

Whispering Angels - 3 Rebound Court, Narre Warren (next to Invitation Indian Restaurant)

Phone (03) 8790 5760 MagEastWest19.pmd


Medical Intuitive Rachelle Terry

Your aura stores memories, blockages, shock waves and emotions resulting from previous experiences. If these are left unattended, recurring patterns can form, affecting your relationships, career, behaviours, health and life events. Rachelle, a Sydney based practitioner, sees and pinpoints the cause of these patterns, using her ability to view the energy field. She then uses highly effective therapy techniques including Theta Healing to shift the negative patterns on a deeper level.

For appointments with Rachelle in Sydney (phone/Skype consultations also available):

M - 0414 317 323 • E -

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Light Conversion Going beyond your DNA and dot matrix by Ingrid Johansson

Your human body is like a computer which is capable of being decoded and recoded by a process called Light Conversion. Since a young child, I have been deeply saddened by the suffering of others. Light Conversion is a process which gives you the ability to re align your frequency beyond your DNA and dot matrix. It is one of the processes received as a result of my own desperate prayers. Light Conversion is about my transformation, your transformation and the transformation of humanity. I am guided to first share an extract taken directly from my teachings gifted to me by God or my Pure Source. The teachings received during intense prayer and meditation are always related to the reasons for all forms of suffering; ranging from minor levels of unhappiness, dis-harmony and dis-ease along with the formulas for uplifting others and ultimately for the freedom of humanity Light Conversion is a gift of pure divine love from God or your Pure Source. ”We all resonated pure love before fear entered the ear th’s plane. We were in a state of harmony. Our frequency contained no fear. As fear developed throughout the generations, as individuals were born the fear compounded, until a resonance occurred where we needed a reaction to fear and this developed as anger. Anger as a reaction allowed us to not be suffocated from the violation of fear we felt within our beings. We were trapped in a frequency mi-aligned to God or our Pure Source. A frequency unfamiliar to us. A mini war began within our being. These mini wars spread to our relationships, our families, our friends, and eventually groups fought as fear pervaded and invaded them. Over the ages those that fought developed to

large scale wars as all of these individuals were not longer aligned with a pure frequency. And, those who are forced to fight in wars often face great conflict, as at the core of their sub-conscious, super conscious mind and sub – atomic structure it is in conflict with the light. It is in conflict with truth and love. As fear increased our beings became subjected to greater stresses and we became the target or susceptible to dis-ease states or states of dis-harmony. Our free will and choice was taken away. We no longer knew the true frequency of love, the love of God or our Pure Source. As in love we held no fear, anger, dis-harmony or dis-ease. As love radiates pure light and the pure frequency of God or our Pure Source. In the essence of the state of love we have freedom from dis-ease. Universal Alignment with God or our Pure Source incorporates the integration of a golden mesh like gossamer and the pure white healing light which allows the resonance of our being to undergo conversion conversion back to the pure resonance we once knew so many eons of time ago. Once you are able to reinstate or anchor the golden mesh and the pure white light within your body and whole being Universal Alignment with God or your Pure Source begins to occur. You are able to feel an improved resonance of love within your being, and as this strengthens you clear dis-harmony and dis-ease. You begin to feel a state of bliss.” Extract from guided writings being prepared for book release in 2010. Light Conversion - A process “owned” by God Light Conversion is one process that allows you to transcend to a place beyond false ego. A place of pure harmony which over time allows your

whole being to align and to resonate totally with God or your Pure Source. To a place where dis-harmony and dis-ease fail to exist. To a place of absolute freedom. Light Conversion is a very blessed, sacred process needing to be treated with reverence and respect. Light Conversion is a powerful yet extremely simple process which contains set words and phrases allowing you to re attune your body and whole being to harmony via your thymus and heart chakra, capable of creating radical transformation for your life. It is a gift from Pure Source which ser ves to compliment, strengthen and to expand on your own pure processes. Dramatic results are commonly experienced during your first session. When you attend a personal session we can monitor your progress by using Poly Contrast Interference Photography (PIP)developed by Dr. Harry Oldfield. PIP allows you to view the exact formation, size and real life colour of your chakras before and after your process. Some people’s photos show pure white and gold healing light after their first session. Once you have anchored this pure frequency your body requires cellular repair and adjustment time; as this occurs your begin to transcend all dis-harmony and dis-ease allowing synchronicity and flow in your life. Words are beyond the ability to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to God my Pure Source for being gifted the process of Light Conversion.

Ph Ingrid 07 5441 3818

Universal Alignment for You


The most amazing and beautiful light exists within all of you. It is inextinguishable, it is your soul. When you are able to ignite this light within your physical being Universal Alignment with God occurs. Ingrid Johansson Simple processes for your life changes all ages 1 onwards Achieve your life’s direction Unlock your personal brilliance Create joyful and radiant relationships Achieve amazing health and harmony Expand on your gifts and talents Realise and achieve your life’s dreams Unlock the luck factor PERSONAL SESSIONS OR BY TELEPHONE OR SKYPE For more information visit Universal Health for You • Ph Ingrid (07) 5441 3818


22 and intuition of young children. I have discovered a fantastic method called Theta Healing to assist my clients and their children in overcoming ongoing health, relationship and behavioural issues. Theta Healing works by addressing the core beliefs underlying a problem and removing patterns from the subconscious level. I have also experimented with using Theta Healing by distance as I have the ability to see auras over the phone, I am able to target the patter ns and obser ve when and where the patterns have cleared by seeing the colours change, move and shift in the aura. As distance is not an issue when it comes to working on an energy level, I conduct many consultations via phone. Children and babies respond remarkably well to Theta Healing sessions. It seems their thoughts are not dominated by our beliefs such as we cannot heal immediately, or that if we do heal, it will take time, pain and a healing crisis. Recently I treated a client’s daughter for emotional outbursts resulting from troubles within her school environment. After one session, my client phoned to tell me that she had collected a different daughter from me. I assured her that there had been no mistake, it was her daughter. She was still the same, beautiful child but now free of the patterns and emotional blockages which were no longer serving her. In addition to helping children directly, I have found that when there is an issue in a child, I will treat a parent and find that the issue in the child subsides. Partly due to generational patterns and par tly as a result of “triggering” which can occur on an auric level. Often I have found that when there is an issue in a child, I will treat a parent and find that the issue in the child subsides. When one of my clients expressed her concern about her teenage daughter’s decisions, I noticed a huge wall of white, static energy emerge around my client’s heart, solar plexus and throat. The client’s deeply held fear about the expectations of others was affecting her daughter’s decision making. When we completed a Theta session, I saw the wall disappear and be replaced with a beautiful, vital, golden energy. She sat up in her chair and said, “Now I can feel really excited about the new journey my daughter is taking. I can’t wait until she gets home today!” This healing completely changed the dynamic between mother and daughter and the daughter went on to make some brave and empowering decisions with her mother’s blessing. Their relationship has improved noticeably. Whether a baby has been born with a “new wave” aura or not, I believe they possess an intuitive ability which has not been fettered by societal perceptions of “reality”. This uncovers unlimited potential for the healing and development of our little people. Rachelle Terry, a Sydney based therapist, has had the ability to see auras from the age of seven. She is able to identify the soul level purpose, talents, health issues, life patterns and any constrictions preventing you from living life in the flow. *Baby and child readings also available* Contact Rachelle: M: 0414-317-323 E:

Theta Healing ○

BY SUSANNE MEANEY Do you want to be healthy and happy? Do you want to be physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally fully responsible for yourself? Do you want to be accountable for all you do and to be able to make good choices for your own life? Would you like to have greater awareness of yourself and those around you? Would you like to be a practitioner who can help others achieve these? Would you like to be a teacher who inspires others to do their best? Theta Healing™ may be the way to help yourself and others to easily accomplish any or all of these goals. When I first began Theta Healing™ I had a low opinion of myself, had attracted many painful experiences in to my own life and had made many bad choices. Now I make good choices, enjoy life to the fullest, am surrounded by wonderful people and have satisfaction from seeing many people improve their lives and I feel blessed that I am able to experience life in the best possible way. I can relate to positive people from all walks of life in all parts of the world. Even though I have been a healer and intuitive for over 30 years, the last 5 years have taken me on an intensive healing and teaching journey which culminated in 41/2 months in the USA this year. During that time I have had intensive Theta Healing™ training in Idaho Falls, ID, USA, with Vianna Stibal who discovered and developed Theta Healing™. I also taught classes and conducted many individual consultations in Idaho Falls. It was a life changing experience to be living and working in a community of people who are committed to enhancing their lives and tapping into their full potential. Theta Healing™ harnesses our own naturally occurring theta brain waves to enhance spiritual, physical, mental and emotional healing and facilitate healing in others. Around 5 years ago I became a teacher of Theta Healing™ basic and advanced courses, an experience I love and which built on my many years teaching as a school teacher. Vianna’s Manifesting and Abundance courses continued the process as well as the Rainbow Children’s class. By taking the above seminars it is possible to learn how to easily achieve the theta brainwave and to clear many blocks to your own happiness. Rainbow children’s class helps children and adults alike to foster, enhance and enjoy their natural intuitive abilities. Manifesting and Abundance shows you how to attract what you want into your life easily and with joy. In the 5 years since I have been teaching Theta Healing™ and attending to many people, I have seen miraculous changes in my life and in the lives of many others. As a child many people have very painful experiences which have an effect on their whole life. These experiences often hold them back from having the best health, the best attitude to life or the ability to make their best choices for themselves. Even though many of us do well, we often wonder if there is a way to do things better, a way to feel more confident in our own abilities, a way to overcome our inner doubts. Theta healing™ does this and

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much more. In Idaho Falls people from all walks of life were completing their Masters in Theta Healing™ and – for the first time a group of 50 of us from around the world also completed the Certificate of Science in Theta Healing™. There were psychologists, nurses, a prominent surgeon, doctors, teachers, people working in government departments as well as those who are working as full time Theta healers and teachers. It was also interesting to see many races, many religions and creeds represented. It is our responsibility now to step up and do all we can do to improve our lives in e v er y wwaa y. I ffeel eel wwee all need to look at making the world a better place ffor or eac eachh other other.. And we can. If we clear as many beliefs as we can about ourselves and actively encourage those around us to look at the world in a more positive way we can all take our par t in rraising aising the spir spir-itual energy of our wonderful planet ear th th. Each of the subjects offered in Theta Healing™ helps us to identify and change more and more that is blocking us. · World Relations helps us to identify and clear our conscious and subconscious prejudices and beliefs about other races, creeds and religions. · Intuitive Anatomy helps us to identify and understand beliefs relating to any of the systems of the body helping to release any physical, mental and emotional challenges associated with them. · Disease and Disorders helps us to understand the physical illnesses and diseases related to the body and the limiting beliefs we have around them. · DNA 3 is a subject of pure joy and fun. It can help us to push our intuitive abilities to the limit and bring alignment and joy into our lives even further. I love Theta Healing™ as it has such high integrity. It does not compete with other modalities. Instead it heals and enhances the lives of all who par ticipate in it. It helps those working with other modalities to clear any beliefs that may limit what they already do. For those who may work in a job or profession it can help to make life much more positive and successful on a day to day basis. Susanne Meaney T h e t a Healing™ M a s t e r, Certificate of Science in Theta Healing™, DipT Prim, Dip Health Sc, Dip Oriental Massage Healer and teacher of Theta Healing™ for many years. She conducts regular classes and individual consultations. For more information, contact, T: 08 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119




Healing Rituals You Can Do at Home



Practicing the

Presence your per sonal encounter with the Di vine personal Divine

Facilitated by Phil Morimitsu, this special event will cover tools to help you: • Practice the Presence through special Spiritual Exercises • Discover the Peace and Happiness available right now • Recommit to your Journey to the Heart of God Phil Morimitsu is the author of two books that have gained him popularity with spiritual seekers around the globe: In the Company of ECK Masters and The Seeker. WORKSHOP: Saturday 24 April 2010 - 10am - 4pm Suggested Donation $95 for two (usually $95 each) - Includes light lunch & refreshments RETREAT + WORKSHOP: 23rd April (6pm) - 26st April 2010 (11am) Suggested Donation $395 - Includes accomodation, all meals and study material Venue: Rymill Centre, 37 Spring Gully Road, Piccadilly South Australia

For inf infoo and bookings phone 08 8396 1379 or email inner self@netspace innerself@netspace Presented by Eckankar in SA. Copyright © 2010 ECKANKAR PO Box 27300, Minneapolis, MN 55427, USA.

Are you ready for Living in Harmony? Susanne has been a healer for many years. She now has a Thetahealing Masters and a Certificate of Science in Theta Healing, one of a small group in the world. Theta healing Consultations and classes in: • DNA 1 & 2 Basic and Advanced • Rainbow Children’s class • Vianna’s Manifesting and Abundance • Intuitive Anatomy • Disease and Disorders • World Relations • DNA 3 Civil Marriage Celebrant Remedial Massage Therapist

ALDGATE Ph: 8370 8557 Mob: 0418 845 119 MagEastWest19.pmd




Often we look outside ourselves to find comfort, and to release and heal emotional and energetic blockages and traumas. While there are many loving and qualified people available to help us, sometimes the most simple and intense healings we can have are ones that we conduct on our own behalf. The most important ingredient here is Right Intent. The purpose of Ritual is to focus your energy and concentration, and to put your Ego, conscious and unconscious Self on notice that this is important! Over the next year in Inner Self I will write about healing rituals for each of the Major Chakras Make sure you read each ritual thoroughly to be clear about what you need to do, and what tools you may require so that you begin in an organised and calm state. If you find these rituals helpful, please write and let me know. I love and appreciate your feedback! Ritual for Healing the Sacral Chakra (Second chakra, about 3cm below navel) The Sacral Chakra is our energetic centre for sexuality, creativity, personal finances, relationships, pleasure and passion. It deeply affects our lower back, kidneys, sexual function and organs, circulation of all fluids in the body, and our emotional balance and expression. Purpose: This healing is for people who are exhausted from overwork, who are creatively or sexually blocked, who are very controlling or out-of-control, or who feel disconnected and unable to feel pleasure or passion. It is especially good for people who have grown up in a repressive, or non-supportive environment, who struggle to express themselves creatively or support themselves financially, who no longer enjoy or desire sexual intimacy, or who have issues of addiction. This ritual is cleansing and nurturing, bringing a sense of renewed energy and creativity. Tools: An orange candle. Three carnelian crystals. A large glass of water. A small amount of apricot or sweet almond oil (1/4 to ½ cup), infused with half a dozen drops of bergamot essential oil. Clean loose clothing. Some coloured pens, crayons or similar. Large sheets of blank paper. Method: Read through this carefully before you begin. Leave yourself at least half an hour, and some quiet time afterwards for integration. Create a space where you can sit and lie comfortably. Position the orange candle in front of you. Place the carnelians in front of the candle. Light the candle, sit before it and concentrate on the flame. Draw the flame into the carnelian crystals with your intent. You will feel when the crystals have been ‘charged’. Take one crystal and place it into the oil you have prepared. Take another and drop it into your glass of water. Then when you are ready, bring your attention back to the candle and visualise yourself drawing this healing orange flame into your abdomen, filling yourself with orange light. When your belly feels warm and relaxed from this energy, dip your fingers into the oil and rub this oil clockwise into your entire abdomen. Say these words “I Am in flow. I honour my emotions and creativity. I claim my energetic power. I am connected to the Divine.” You can say this once, or repeat it as often as you prefer. Then lie down and hold the other crystal over your sacral chakra using both hands folded over the top of the stone. Pour Universal Light through the stone and into you. Let the energy of the stone, and the healing Light of the Universe deeply penetrate your abdomen. Visualise a bright orange flame spinning around in your belly, emanating from your sacral chakra, energising and healing you. Feel the energy and warmth start to flow and circulate within your body. As you relax, say these words, “I am Safe. I am Worthy. I am Whole.” It is fine to fall asleep during this process. When you are ready, open your eyes. Take some paper and some crayons or other art medium, and just allow yourself to express, as a child would. Enjoy this experience. If you need to cry, don’t suppress this or any other emotion, for this is a ritual of release. Then drink the glass of water that has been energised with the carnelian crystal. You may wish to perform this ritual more than once, as it is a powerful unblocker of what can be a very stuck chakra. Each night for a week, massage the oil into your belly before you go to sleep. The water crystal can be used for up to one week without recharging. 2009 Nicole Cody is a Metaphysical Teacher and Channel who runs seminars throughout the World in Spiritual and Personal Development. She specialises in Soul Blueprints and Life Direction Counselling. For more information contact 07 3256 0815 or Light and Blessings be Yours!

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Consultations & Workshops with

Nicole Cody! Acclaimed Australian Psychic, Channel and Metaphysical Teacher

Nicole Cody has the answers! Make the most of your life! Nicole’s ability to connect with her guides and yours, her spiritual gifts and her channelled wisdoms will really help you get your life on track. Discover how to make the most of your own gifts and talents through a personal consultation or workshop. Life Direction Readings.............90mins During a Life Direction Reading Nicole works with you to clarify the essence of who you are, why you are here, and what you can accomplish in this lifetime. No matter where you live Nicole can work with you through a distance or face to face consultation. Life Purpose Readings................30mins An intense 30 minute session where Nicole reads and interprets your Soul Blueprint, explains your Life Lessons and gives you a strong overview of your Life Purpose.

For more information about upcoming events, workshops and consultations see our contact details below: 07 3256 0815 PO Box 636, New Farm Qld 4005



Seeking Psychic Protection?

Eye on the Sky

This practical booklet by international lecturer and teacher John Fitzsimons explains how to get (and keep) you, and your home and work environment “clearer”.

with Robert Crawford, Astrologist and Teacher

NAVIGATING AHEAD Planetary Review - January - March 2010 “From the Sea, unbreakable and fresh – All that we know of spirit comes from flesh” Elliot Coleman The poetic eloquence by Elliot Coleman (above), gives great insight into how best to navigate the next three months, the last three signs of the zodiac – Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.The spiritual path (Pisces) and an evolving, collective consciousness (Aquarius), is born from the human condition and its aspirations (Capricorn). “From the Sea, unbreakable and fresh – All that we know of spirit comes from flesh” From an ‘age old’ consensus believing the Earth was flat, stationary and the epicentre; to the knowledge that the Sun is the hub of our galaxy. The solar-self’s heroic journey into self-individualisation through the rational mind, evolved. Our capacity to calculate, control and consume has left its mark as we now enter another historical period in time. The Earth, Sun and Cosmos are all inter-connected and our living must accommodate this principle to restore purpose to our being, our earth and our cosmos. We have currently entered a period for re-orientation. To weave reliable disciples and new life structures into the greater fabric of our lives (Saturn square Pluto). The pioneering of new ideas and technological advances are in sight with Uranus’ move into Aries (June 2010). Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are central to socio-economic occurrences, their orbits slow in duration and influence trans-personal. The faster moving planets of note over the next three months are Mercury and Mars, their orbits faster and influence more immediate and personal. What makes them noteworthy within this 3 month period is their slowing and appearing to move backward in orbit (retrograde). The retrograde phase allows their influence on the psyche time for introspection and integration. Mercury ‘the messenger’ gathers and ar ticulates conscious and subconscious information. Mars arms itself with the need for assertive, ac-

tion. To get things done is his motto. Jan - March – Mars stationary/direct 11 th March. Mars ends its retrograde phase from 20 degrees (end Dec 09) back to 0 degrees Leo. Mars in Leo regards its individual prominence highly – nicknamed the king/queen complex. Beginning its retrograde phase opposed to Neptune and Jupiter allows the Mars in us all too now consider how our actions affect others. An excellent opportunity exists for self appointment to align with and for the collective agenda. Places and Faces influenced by Mars in Leo: Kevin Rudd, Malcolm Turnbull, Barack Obama and Prince Charles India and Pakistan’s differences, China & USA’s relations and nationalism in Israel. Plus many actors and singers whose statesmanship could influence humanitarian objectives? . Solar Eclipse – 15 th Jan Mercury stationary/direct, attaches itself to this Eclipse. Dubbing it a thinking person’s eclipse, it carries the energies best described as the ‘active intelligence’ needed to step up to the plate of personal responsibility and administer change to determine progress. From a political bent, the Sun, Moon, Venus then Mercury and Pluto all in Capricorn instigate emerging sets of control in which to govern the populace. The viewing of the eclipse, suggesting where it may be of most influence (over the next nine months!) covers half the world; most significantly Central Africa, India, Burma & China. Australia is a Capricorn country; the position of Mercury and Pluto under this ecliptic sway likely to affect the agricultural and mining industries. Home buying legislative reviews as well as housing and status entitlements for refugees. *(Australia’s midnight chart)

“If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on the spiritual path.” -Denise Linn, international lecturer, healer and writer Available from good bookstores or direct from InnerSelf for $19.95 (includes p&p) Ph 1800 451 317


For details of Australian SEMINARS, MEETINGS and CLASSES on PAST LIVES, HEALING, MEDIUMSHIP, PSYCHIC PROTECTION etc, write to the above address or contact us by email or phone. (See us in person for individual counselling or book purchases on these topics)

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Today, the heroic modern self appears to be at the end of its long day’s journey: It descends into the lunar ground, into its unconscious, the night sky the anima mundi, the soul of the world. To be transformed conjoined with its polar opposite, made whole again on a new level, and reborn. Abridged version: Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas Prepared by Robert Crawford Phone: 07 4057 4554 0427 795 534


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Spring Equinox – 21 st March The Sun’s ingress into Aries, the season of Autumn (southern hemisphere) and the seeds to later grow,



are all sown or factored into our psyche from this symbolic reference point. Saturn in Libra (retrograde) opposite the Sun in Aries pits the need to act, against deliberation. Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Aries and fuel the Arian Sun’s desire to act with idealistic tendencies, whilst Saturn is unrepentant to build wisely on realistic expectations. Mars in Leo and Sun in Aries is a cocktail for enthusiasm, often head strong but weak in sentiment. Mars is in a resolution phase, having spent 3 months in redress can now inspire with restitution added to the mix; for the Aries Sun to act within the controls that Saturn advises. My commentary as you may note has done a complete loop and come back to how best to utilise one’s Mars energy throughout this period, be it an individual or a nation. Each of us is an autonomous yet equally responsible participant in cocreating a world view and future, inter-dependent rather than independent of the Ear th and the Cosmos.

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1/8/2010, 12:17 PM


TEN TIPS TO BECOME A TOP PSYCHIC By ELISABETH JENSEN Being psychic is a great joy because it’s our natural and true state of being and we do all have psychic and healing abilities that can and should be developed. But how do you become a well paid professional psychic? Is it possible if you are not an extremely naturally gifted clairvoyant? Being a true professional psychic takes as much work as studying to being any health care professional.

I developed my psychic skills while working as a Registered Nurse – a formal background in working with people that is a huge advantage to me now. In reality I only wanted to be a spiritual healer but quickly discovered I couldn’t earn my living that way – so with the prospect of spending the rest of my working days as a Night Duty Nurse I decided to offer psychic readings as well... and now I

travel worldwide and train many professional psychics for my living! Here are my ten top recommendations 1/ LET YOUR LOGICAL MIND GO! Being psychic and following your intuition is not at all logical – if you don’t follow that hunch or listen to that little voice in your mind you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or your clients will be ... Be or-

ganised in your life but allow for flexibility and to simply”Go with the Flow” 2/ MEDITATE EVERY DAY Guided imagery CDS are helpful here for newcomers. You need to learn to quiet your mind so you can hear the words of your angels and spirit guides and receive clairvoyant visions. 3/BECOME A VEGETARIAN To raise your energy vibrations

and develop sensitivity plus build up good Karma I highly recommend this. Definitely recommended if you want to become a Pet and animal Medium! 4/ READ BOOKS ABOUT THE LIVES OF PSYCHICS & MEDIUMS Many psychics seem to have difficult childhoods or first marriages. As you read about their lives and can relate to their experiences often their spirit guides come to YOU with words of encouragement and helpful energies. Some developing mediums have a very hard time emotionally and you can learn many lessons

25 ENERGY HEALING the easy way simply reading about the lives and psychic experiences of others. 5/ READ PSYCHIC AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT BOOKS Essential really plus of course you do actually need to practice the aura reading, remote viewing, tarot reading and crystal ball gazing exercises to exercise and develop those psychic muscles. 6/ ENROLL IN A PROFESSIONAL PSYCHIC READINGS COURSE Nothing can beat training with an established professional who can encourage and mentor you. Some psychics skip this step or feel a few basic courses are enough but being a clairvoyant or medium can quite a challenging profession at times. Again many psychics are very clairvoyant but they never learn to present their findings to clients in a way they can really utilise the knowledge for their personal and spiritual growth. The idea of a clair voyant reading is not to prove the readers psychic abilities - even though some clients often seem to spend quite a time checking on this thus wasting much valuable time and money and leaving the new psychic reader doubting themselves. 7/ STUDY COUNSELLING OR LIFE COACHING SKILLS Many clients come during a time of crisis or grief for a reading. Having people skills and an understanding of simply how to “Be There” for a client is a great advantage here. Our futures aren’t fixed – helping a client follow the path best suited to them is a great service. My first few mediumship readings my clients cried the whole hour - a release for them but a little disconcerting for me till I realised this was meant to happen to allow for the healing process to happen. 8/ STUDY A SYSTEM OF ENERGY HEALING Working with healing energy helps you to see auras, read energy and develop medical intuition skills. Plus many clients really need spiritual healing more than a reading and combining both in a consultation offers a much more holistic approach. 9/ BRUSH UP ON YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS Many psychics are shy and pass up on presenting at expos or accepting radio interviews thus missing out on valuable publicity about their special skills. Giving public readings is service work that helps to educate and inspire many people. 10/ BRUSH UP ON YOUR WRITING SKILLS Writing for New Age and other magazines will assist you to reach prospective clients. It’s unpaid and you don’t get free ads either because of it but I truly enjoy the process. Writing with the thought in mind that your articles will be VERY helpful to many people sets a positive intention that seems to lead to this actually being the case and your articles being accepted. Writing a book is of course essential if you wish to be truly famous plus be of fur ther service to many people. ELISABETH JENSEN was voted National Psychic of the Year 2010 by the Australian Psychics Association for her work as both a psychic and Soul Healer. She teaches widely and is highly regarded as a Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive and Channel. Visit Elisabeth’s website to read more helpful articles or sign up for her FREE Newsletter.



1/8/2010, 12:18 PM





BY BEVERLEY JOHNSON This was not the first time I had travelled through the ancient and sacred lands of Central Australia. Signing up for a Spiritual Healing and Meditation tour with Remote Spirit & Initiate Tours however, was definitely new to me. Eleven other travellers would accompany me, with our tour guide and spiritual guru Helen Gregoriou, on a pilgrimage across the Red Centre. We were all looking for some deep relaxation, a better understanding of indigenous culture and a little enlightenment. Travelling along the path of the Rainbow Serpent, we would learn some of the creation stories passed on by the great Ancestors and the traditional indigenous owners of this land. Our guru expected nothing, only that we leave ourselves open to new experiences. Not familiar with spiritual healing and fairly new to meditation, I was a little sceptical of what lay ahead, however I was not the only beginner on tour so felt at ease. Our first destination was Rainbow Valley. The sandstone cliffs saturated in streaks of multicoloured light glisten as the late afternoon sun sets against their jagged edges. We welcome in the Ancestors of this ancient land and begin our meditation practice. Eyes closed I focus on the soft, angelic voice of our guru. In amongst the mysterious formations, I begin to feel in touch with Mother Earth. The sensation of meditating feels heightened from the energy of this special land. After spending the night in Alice Springs we head out to Honey Moon Gap. Indigenous owners take turns guiding us through their country. They teach us about bush medicine and the art of finding bush tucker. We are smoked into the land and welcomed to their country, in a traditional ceremony that takes place around an open fire. Having aboriginal guides teach us about their ancient culture was important. I felt a much stronger connection to the land after time spending time with them. As we travelled through the West MacDonnell ranges, there was plenty of time to stop and explore this spectacular landscape. An array of colourful steep-sided, gorges and waterholes were perfect places for meditation and individual reflection. Later that day as our guide arranged a splendid feast, we pilgrims sat down with local aboriginal artists, Ilene and her daughter Tanya. Joined by Jenny Dietrich from the Alpitye Art Studio in Alice Springs all three women talked us though the signs and symbols used in aboriginal dot paintings. Each given a fresh canvas, we painted our own stories. We spent the night at the Glen Helen resor t. Our accommodation was optional, there were fixed tents with beds, or we could “swag it” like a true bushman, under the stars. There was plenty of time for a walk down to Glen Helen Gorge, a piping hot shower and a drink in the local watering hole before we sat down to a delicious candle lit dinner. At first light Mount Sonder majestically dominates the skyline. We sit down to meditate and greet in the new day. The heat of the morning


sun warms our faces, as the first birds call. The natural energy of the land has touched us all. Feeling energised, we head South-West along the Mereenie loop, a long dusty road. Brumbies hide from sun in amongst the green scrub, whilst dingoes stroll along the red dirt. Stopping to yawn, patiently waiting for us to take their photo. For two nights we are camping out at Kings Creek Station, a working cattle station famous amongst tour guides and travellers for its splendid coffee and very hospitable owners Ian and Lyn Conway. The station offers camel and quad bike rides and is a shor t 30km drive from the Watarrka National Park, home to Kings Canyon. Evenings around the camp fire are heavenly. Sitting under the Southern Cross we indulge in the delights of camp oven cooking. Each night as we drift off to sleep one can almost touch the stars that shine so bright. We take hours to explore the 6km hike around Kings Canyon. The sandstone rock formations are said to have been uplifted some 350 million years ago. Weathering has created ancient dome-shaped structures that stretch across the plateau. The sun is glistening on the waterhole down in the ‘Garden of Eden’. The Willy Wag Tail chirps in a tree, whilst finches circle and tease each other in amongst ancient spe-

cies of plant. Without any need to speak, we all relax. Deep within this special place, we are enchanted by its magnificent energy. It is a three hour drive to our next destination the Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park. The mysterious formations of Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (Olgas) lay on an ancient site that we are told, stands on the Ear th’s solar plexus chakra. These are lines across the land that link to other scared areas across the globe. A tour in the Red Centre would not be complete without a visit to the iconic red rock, famous across the world. Having seen Uluru before, I am still captured by its mysterious presence and its obvious power. While in the National Park we take time to explore the Valley of the Winds walk at Kata Tjuta before we marvel at the ever changing colours of an outback sunset against these two amazing formations. On our final day were up bright and early for the sunrise at Uluru. As the dawn breaks and the sun hits rock nothing else matters. We have had an amazing journey over the last six days and an experience never to be forgotten. Uluru is the solar plexus of the spiritual planet. Come with us on a journey and traverse this unique part of Australia at the pace nature intended. Be traditionally smoked

into the land and become one with spirit. Learn of the ancient Aboriginal song lines that has guided life for some 60,000 years. Tours vary to accommodate each genre of spirituality and wisdom: Ayurvedic consultations, yoga, spiritual healing, guided meditations and many more. We often forget we are human and insist on controlling life through our heads getting tangled up with thoughts. Learn to simply observe this fast paced life and sail its forceful seas with the energies of the universe.


Qantas and Tiger Airways Companies: Remote Spirit & Initiate Tours Includes 7 days (6 nights), transport from Alice Springs airport, accommodation including one night in an Alice hotel and swags under the stars, all meals, park passes, guide and spiritual guru. Companies: Initiate Tours | in conjunction with Remote Spirit Tours | Contact: Helen Gregoriou | Change Catalyst | Initiate Tours | M: 0423550668 | T: (02) 96655718 | E:

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Initiate Tours 2010 INNER JOURNEY DEPARTURES •31 January – 7 February: 7 day Cultural/Spiritual Tour •1 April – 8 April: 7 day Cultural/Spiritual Tour •21 May – 28 May: 7 day Cultural/Ayurvedic Tour •11 July to 18 July: 7 day Cultural/Meditation Tour •1 September – 8 September: 7 day Astrology/Cultural Tour Planned tour dates. Personalised group bookings and corporate group workshops also available on request.

TOUR ACTIVITIES TYPICALLY INCLUDE: 2 nights stay on Aboriginal Community Land Traditional smoking into country Interactive Workshops with Aboriginal Elders Guided walks on Sacred Indigenous Land Learn and experience Native Bush Medicine/Dreamtime Stories Guided nature spirit meditations 10% of all profits donated to Ayurvedic consultations a Youth Foundation helping Tarot Readings to create a better future for Aboriginal communities Numerology Readings throughout Australia Sunrise Qi Gong Astrology Readings/night sky wisdom teachings FOR ALL BOOKINGS CONTACT: Helen Gr Greegoriou | Change Catalyst | Initiate Tours | E: | M: 0423 550 668 | T: (02) 9665 5718 Apmara anchina a pitcha the ankuna a yeye alitchika (Come to my land I’ll tell you a story)

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