Innerself Issue 38 EW/2012

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Innerlight Journeys now Trading as Serenity Love Unit 1/26 Preston Street, Jaminsontown (Penrith)


by A Student of The Health Arts College Imagine being your own boss and in control of your own destiny for a change? IT IS POSSIBLE… I have always loved caring for others and dreamt of finding a vocation that made sense. I wanted to make a difference. My dream of going back to study was always being sidelined by either lack of money or time. Late in 2009, I became involved in some self- development workshops and received different types of treatments in complimentary medicine. It turned out that I loved it! I became certain that pursuing my passion of helping others by developing a career in complimentary medicine was exactly what I needed at that point in my life. I knew then that it was exactly what was missing and what I had been looking for to fulfil my life, both personally and professionally. For years I slugged away at an unrewarding job, each effort I made going unappreciated, looking out the window and dreaming of something different. I wasn’t sure if I could make it in a new career. I was sure that I would go crazy or become very ill if I didn’t do something. But I was afraid and lacked confidence. I made excuses for my lack of action and as a result, nothing changed. Finally work was making me so unhappy that I decided to make my dream a reality and give it a shot. I rationalised that anything had to be better than my soulless 9-5 existence. To study massage would be a great personal development tool, and no harm would be done by studying part time while working. I would still have my job and be able to try a new skill – no learning is wasted. I was worried I could not afford it though, as I had heard it cost many thousands of dollars to study complementary health. I mentioned this to a work colleague who was studying massage at the time and loving it. He graduated and quit his job to do massage full time. I told him how envious I was of his success but that I would have to skip massage as I had bills to pay. That was when I decided to find a reputable College that offered training in Diplomas on weeknights and weekends. This meant that I could continue with work and family duties whilst pursuing my dream. I did find such a College and enrolled in a Diploma of Remedial Massage. The College I attended embraced and encouraged me throughout my learning experience. The instructors were of an exceptional calibre, thoroughly professional and caring in their approach to instilling their wisdom and experience in me. The way in which this fed my passion was invigorating. I felt the challenges were set at just the right level to motivate and push me to do my best. I achieved more than I had thought possible. The students became my friends and we supported each other as friends, family, study partners and eventually, colleagues. The College had a fantastic system in place which enabled me to get the practical experience I needed to become a professional, confident and experienced practitioner. They had VET FEE-HELP, so that with this Federal Government loan the issue of finances vanished. In Victoria, the College is also approved for the Skills Victoria subsidy, which is a grant you do not have to pay back. What a great opportunity! As I developed as a practitioner, I undertook professional practice hours in the attached student clinic. Whilst I was nervous to begin with, the staff and instructors, and even the other senior students encouraged and supported me. Within a short while I felt and acted like a professional. Clients were telling me how much I made a difference to them and how I had changed their lives. They were walking out with a new perspective on life, which I had contributed to! It felt amazing. More and more Australians are now more interested in their health and wellbeing than ever before, and you have a booming industry that presents many opportunities for a career change and better work-life balance. Complementary Health is a gratifying and stimulating career option for people who feel that they can make a difference to the health of another. It’s a job that requires maturity and life skills for the most part. It can impact on your own health in many ways that you may not even have considered. For example, less stress. Finally, the satisfaction of choosing your own path and being successful gives a health boost that money cannot buy. If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding complementary medicine and complementary medicine schools, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, kinesiology, aromatherapy, reflexology, and others get you started! Explore the opportunity for learning in a vocation that appeals to you and embrace the prospects in complimentary health. For more information on beginning YOUR dream contact The Health Arts College via email on, research all your choices at or you may call to speak with YOUR personal course advisor on 1300 658 326.

It has come a time for growth of Innerlight Journeys who have expanded their business in the most recent months. Innerlight Journeys, now trading as Serenity Love, has opened the most beautiful, serene atmosphere to enhance comfort and encourage meditation and personal development travellers to find their peace in the midst of busy Penrith. Now you can find the space that you are looking for, right in the heart of the Outer West, without having to travel long distances. We are offering tribal drumming classes, crystal bowls sound healing classes, guided meditation classes, children’s meditation and art therapy courses, healing courses, chanting (Kirtan) and short weekend workshops. From the 21st of April 2012 we are placing a new time slot for group healings and meditation classes every Saturday at 4pm. You do not have to bring anything except comfortable clothes to relax and discover. We have everything in the centre, including mats, blankets, pillows, chairs, futons and bolsters for optimum comfort. We are not taking bookings for our classes as our meditation spaces can fit 150+ people in them. Everyone is welcome. The name of our business was guided by spirit, who downloaded information and direction for this new beautiful place. It has always been my dream of having large groups of people in meditation classes together, as the process of group meditation has always proved to enhance people’s internal experience, move energy in the environment around us and in us at much deeper levels, help nature with the love that it places in our hearts, connect people of like mind to have others to talk with and share experiences and assist the healing and awakening process of the human being. We are in this together and without each other, we are unable to reach high points of enlightenment at the rate that is offered to us at this time of our lives. I invite and welcome you all to come and join and experience the peace and connection that is given at our beautiful new space at our centre. There is plenty of parking onsite with easy level floor access for those who cannot or wish not to climb stairs.

free Meditation Class for Innerself Readers Special if you cut out the advert and bring it along to the next class

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