Innerself NSW

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awakening one community at a time . . .



Threading the Path to Enlightenment in the Age of Information “Content” is very much the buzzword in today’s age of information. It refers to everything from a news bulletin to cancer research; video games downloaded to your mobile phone, laptop or tablet; online dating channels or the latest Scorsese film. The way we take it for granted certainly gives no hint of user-related problems, and the dis-content it may cause the human nervous system. Yes we may know content as enter tainment, education or just information, but it also impacts on the inner realm of human life experience. And in today’s fast-paced, time-poor lifestyle, practices for working on one’s self, both ancient and modern, assume a whole new significance - par ticularly as the effects of information overload and addiction become better known. In fact, some interesting alternatives for tackling these modern day issues emerge when you consult the wisdom of the past, including spiritual traditions some of which go back hundreds of years. Philosophers such as Descartes, Hume and Berkeley all investigated the inner sanctum of human perception, exploring questions of reality and what constitutes true knowledge. When it comes to human nature, traditional philosophical enquiry seeks to answer questions about the nature of existence as it is. For spirituality, on the other hand, the age-old question concerns our human potential, and what we might become. Here perception has the potential to evolve, to become finer and more receptive through disciplines such as meditation, breath awareness and the practice of cultivating stillness. For Armenian mystic George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1866-1949), the human being is a processing plant for “food”, of which there are different types – dietary, air and impressions. Our level of consciousness plays a key role in how we assimilate this food we need for our proper functioning. If we fail to rise above what Gurdjieff called the “law of accident”, it really only sustains

the basic physical level of existence. But with the effor ts necessary to remember oneself and awaken, to bring the intellectual, emotional and physical centres into balance; it is possible for men and women to attain higher levels of consciousness and realise their God-like potential. In the Gurdjieffian system, content as we know it today can be viewed as par t of the food of incoming impressions. Depending on the level of one’s inner development, this information can either be received haphazardly and so maintain one’s subservience to the law of accident - or used creatively as the raw material of transformation. It depends on the extent of our “waking sleep” as Gurdjieff called it, or conversely, our capacity for self-remembering. It is primarily a question of being, of who we are. In this age of information, we may think of content as an absolute necessity for the modern lifestyle. Can you imagine not being able to shop, buy or sell, book or search online, or instantly access news, email or social media? It makes no sense at all not to take advantage of quick, easy to access information that enhances our quality of life. The key question is about managing the process. How can we manage content, so that we get the benefit without compromising our mental health in the process? There are cer tainly ways and means available for each of us to put our lives in order, both inside and outside, even in the midst of the proliferation of content that constantly demands and distracts our attention. Feng shui, for example, is an ancient oriental system, which recognises the interplay between the external environment and the inner world of the human senses; it is based on principles designed to maximise the flow of energy or “qi”. Author of Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui Karen Kingston refers to the Balinese culture as an example of an entire society using feng shui to promote happiness and abundance. Perhaps today we need to space-

clear our minds as much as our environment. Much is already known about the negative consequences of clutter in our homes and workplaces - but what about our inner space? We need to find ways to practice feng shui on the inside too, among our thoughts and feelings. And, in relation to the tsunami of information that presses upon us daily, perhaps we need a kind of vir tual feng shui. What we don’t need is more congestion to add to the oversupply. We should take every step possible to ensure we are not swallowed up by information that only perpetuates dis-content – leaving us starved of knowledge that nurtures our soul and sets us on the path to becoming creators in our own right. Even the most brilliant content curation tool cannot answer one big question for us: what information do we really need? Time is life. If we are addicted to content that serves no creative purpose, even the most efficient management strategy becomes a waste of our most precious asset. It is time to consult the wisdom of our forefathers, seek out true knowledge and time-honoured ways of being – and see clearly for ourselves the path that leads to enlightenment for us and future generations. Steve Denham ( has been published in Insight Magazine and Living Now newspaper. His book “A Plate of Eggs” (now available as an eBook at was published by Zeus in 2011 and is dedicated to the mateship of soul. Since 1982 he has been a member of the Sydneybased group Leonis (www.leonis. org) dedicated to bringing the benefits of stillness to everyday life. Stephen Denham

Re-Think Watch!

The Re-Think Watch looks and works like any ordinary digital watch, however it can be set to gently vibrate at a desired interval. The gentle vibration can be used to • remind you to be present in the moment, the ‘here and now’ • remind you to be grateful • remind you to re-inforce a positive message for your life • it can be used to remind you to do a physical exercise, eg. stretch at your desk, do a physio exercise, re-align your posture

Re-Think... change your life! •



As the Sun star ts setting later in the evening and rising to bring its rays of life to our world much earlier each morning, we start to feel a sense of ‘renewal’ and awakening in our lives. For many of us, the coming of Spring signals a time for the cleaning out of the old, and spring cleaning commences on many levels. As a child I have fond memories of my Mother heralding in the Spring with the announcement that the curtains in all the rooms were coming down for a wash…that the windows and the skir ting boards were all getting a good clean… and that it was time for our ritual 1st Sunday in Spring – taking out all of our clothes in the wardrobes and doing a genuine ‘culling’. We would go through everything and anything that hadn’t been worn for a couple of years went into the ‘one more year and you are gone pile’ (yes my Mother was a little bit of a ‘hoarder’ ) and others were put into the bag for the Salvos. We would then put all of the remaining Winter clothes in suitcases to be stored for another year. Then the suitcases with Summer clothes would come out and what a fun time that always was…it was like an early Christmas with gasps of ‘Oh I forgot I had that! I can’t wait to wear it again!’ and ‘Thank goodness I didn’t throw that out... it’s back in fashion’. These days, although my Mother is long gone to a better place, every change of season I still do this ritual and this Spring is no exception. The difference is that this year something has happened in the Winter months, something that has really shifted in my mindset. In talking with many of my friends and clients I’m surprised to discover it is not only me. Many of them have indicated that over the Autumn/Winter period of 2013 world events and local issues have been looked upon by each and every one of them with a more enquiring mind. The direction of our global economy has been playing havoc with all of us. Whilst some governments have chosen to ‘move funds around’ in order to protect the community from the full force of the global financial crisis, others have chosen to face it head on and take the fall now rather than delay the consequences. In discussing these

strategies, most of us have agreed that when there is a serious issue that is faced, the bravest move is to face it ‘head on’. By doing that, we are able to see the consequences, plan for the ‘hit’, investigate options of resolvement and learn from the lessons. And in most cases… come out the other side in much better shape along with increased wisdom and gratitude. Trying to ‘soften the blow’ artificially as some governments have done, by attempting to ‘stimulate’ the economy with cash giveaways and raiding the government savings accounts to ‘cotton wool’ the financial crisis is a short term solution which in the long term, still has to be paid and…invariably, just delays the ‘hit’ that others take straight up. When we have an issue in our lives, be it personally, emotionally, financially or in business, finding ways to ‘delay the inevitable’ and still have the issue is not the answer to strength and peace within. These issues with our various governments have been the topic of discussion and have created an increased awareness of how impor-

tant it is to be grateful for what we have. To be grateful for what we are able to create on every level in our lives, for that is what each and every one of us is…a creator. If we want abundance on any level in our lives, we can have it…we simply have the ability to create it if we truly desire. The opposite can be said as well, it lies simply within us all. This increased awareness and gratitude has permeated many, so as we enter the Spring of 2013, as we ‘cull’ our wardrobes we aren’t putting so much into the suitcases for next year…we are placing the items in bags for the Salvo’s now. As we spring clean our homes and make decisions on what we really do need, we don’t put them in ‘storage’ we pass them on to others. This creates an amazing ‘flow’ in life and as we increase that ‘flow’ our abundance increases. In business, ‘spring cleaning’ is essential. Working through our clients and their needs and whether we continue to be the right fit or whether we need to change strategies, is all part of growing, developing and increasing abundance. We

REMEMBER ‘Everything is Possible’ Have you ever wondered how the intangible becomes tangible or how a miracle occur s? Or at what point does the impossible become possible; whether it be material, physical or spiritual? People are doing the impossible all the time; rising from the depths of despair to great heights of personal success. Others manage to heal themselves, but how does this happen? Something within us must take place or change. A ne w book Remember, ‘Everything is Possible’ written by

Michelle M. Wright explains what does happen within us and how a miracle occurs. She explores and explains concepts such as what a thought is and how it becomes a manifestation. Michelle gives readers a simple, yet powerful technique that will teach you how to unlock your hidden potential. While it is a meditation, the process is easily understood by readers new to meditation or those just simply looking for a pr actical, step-by-step process to achieve their goals.

You will learn how to create, change and bring into your life the outcomes you desire. It explains how to negate the doubt cycle, dissolve blockages and even how selfhealing occurs. The list is endless!

To purchase a hardcopy or ebook, or register for future workshops, visit:

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