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inspires & uplifts

Your Holistic Your Holistic Community Community Guide Guide in in SA SA


Volume 28 - Issue 1

The Joy of Service by Andrew Harvey

Reduce your estrogren overload for better health!

Proudly serving the community since 1988 3 MONTHS


LIFT OUT MAR-MAY 2015 Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body & Soul


the PEARL of the HEART Challenges, Engagements and Possibilities for 2015

SPECIAL FEATURE Women Making a Difference

awakening one community at a time . . .








4 EMOTIONS AND HEALTH by Dr Graham Williams



4 THINKING CREATES THE ILLUSION by Linda Clair 7 THE JOY SERVICE by Andrew Harvey and Karuna Erickson 7 THE OTHER HALF OF THE SKY by Enza Vita



6 THE FEAR POINTS by Sahaja 14 A STATE OF MIND by David Lane 18 LIVING AN EMPOWERED LIFE by Sharyna Sharman






14 LOVE AND COMPASSION by Susanne Marie




awakening one community at a time . . .





Our whole life truly is a song … one endless melody sung with the heart. Each year, each month, each day, each moment … is a part of this song we have come here to sing. And this sweet Heartsong, holding both the pleasure and the pain, the good and the bad, the highs and the lows … all of it, absolutely all of it, is par t of this divine manifesting. And, we aren’t simply practicing to sing it … we are actually singing this song with every breath we take. In all its mystery, the events in our lives can, at times, appear as chaotic and seemingly without rhyme or reason, without purpose, yet … in every moment, we are actually playing each note of the eternal melody. This Heartsong is this very life we are living, this life … from beginning to end, filled with days of connection and disconnection, knowing and confusion … all following the natural blueprint that our hearts were birthed with when we entered these bodies in this lifetime. So, how is your song sounding today? If joyous , good. If not, fine. Practicing the Way of the Third Patriarch is actually a beautiful Heartsong in itself:

If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind. When the deep meaning of things is not understood, the mind’s essential peace is disturbed to no avail. The Way is perfect like vast space where nothing is lacking and nothing in excess. Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject that we do not see the true nature of things.

If we step back a bit and attune to the currents that flow through us in our daily lives, we meet the possibility of discovering that just where we are … Joy is available. In fact, this Joy is the “true nature of things”… the very music that sings through us moment by moment. It’s our true essence and if we make the time, the music in our hearts can be heard and will raise us Home. Here’s Rumi’s invitation to listen with the ear of the Heart:

We have fallen into the place where everything is music. The strumming and the flute notes rise into the atmosphere, and if the whole world's harp should burn up, there will still be hidden instruments playing, playing This singing art is sea foam. The graceful movements come from a pearl somewhere on the ocean floor. Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge of driftwood along the beach wanting, wanting They derive from a slow and powerful root that we cannot see. Stop the words now. Open the window in the centre of your chest, and let the spirits fly in and out! Much love, Leo Drioli & Enza Vita

awakening one community at a time... CONTACT US

inspires & uplifts

Your Holistic Community Guide in SA


Volume 28 - Issue 1

The Joy of Service by Andrew Harvey

Reduce your estrogren overload for better health!

Proudly serving the community since 1988 3 MONTHS


LIFT OUT MAR-MAY 2015 Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body & Soul


the PEARL of the HEART Challenges, Engagements and Possibilities for 2015

SPECIAL FEATURE Women Making a Difference

VOLUME 28 - Issue 1

Proudly serving the community since 1988

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The InnerSelf editorial team is working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone.


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awakening one community at a time . . .

in the FLOW


Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University.


Traditional psychotherapy and medicine have accepted the view that mental and physical health are merely the absence of mental and physical illness. However, following research conducted in the last couple of decades, this view is being overhauled as researchers have discovered that freeing a patient from anxiety leads her, not to being happy, but to just feeling empty. Medical research is also discovering how large a role emotions play in maintaining good physical health. There is now a significant body of compelling evidence to demonstrate that good emotional health is strongly associated with cardiovascular health and protection from viruses.

Health is not just the absence of illness

Good psychological health is not just the absence of illness but also the presence of good feelings. These don’t just happen – they need to be trained just as you train your body for fitness and health. I don’t like to use the terms positive and negative to describe emotions. While they are commonly used and there is even a discipline called positive psychology, to my mind, both physical and mental health exist on a spectrum and we all sit in different places within it. This often depends on our genes, interests and natural proclivities. Researchers have found, for example, that many personality traits and even debilitating emotional states are inherited. I avoided playing sport at school but as I got older I took up exercise in a way that is fun and enjoyable. So on the spectrum for physical fitness I’m more in the middle, however, on the emotional health spectrum I’m thoroughly trained and in the higher end of the spectrum.

Emotional pain can be healthy

We don’t talk about being physically positive, we talk about being physically healthy. Similarly, I think it’s more helpful to talk about healthy emotions rather than positive ones. And in the same way that physical pain exists to warn you that you have stepped over a line or your system is getting out of balance, emotional pain exists for the same reason. Anger and sadness exist to protect you; they only become destructive when you become stuck. The way we tend to treat emotional pain is the equivalent of falling over physically and then mulling over the pain instead of realising we have simply lost our balance. We understand that physical pain is the body’s way of letting us know this, and that we need to get up and regain our balance. The same principle applies to emotional pain: when we lose our balance emotionally the solution is not to attempt to get rid of the emotion, but to regain our emotional balance, and then the pain will heal. When we learn how this works we become emotionally stronger and less afraid of painful emotions. So getting rid of painful emotions is not the solution for good emotional health, learning how to keep your emotional balance and strengthening healthy emotions is.

Where do emotions come from?

At the core of the meditation tradition is the understanding (which the psychologist Albert Ellis enunciated) that emotions don’t come from what happens to you (as we all assume) but from your thoughts about what has happened. Just imagine if the building you are currently in caught fire. Some people would get out as quickly as possible, others would panic, others would call for help and yet oth-

ers would begin helping everyone. Totally different responses to the same crisis.


Your mind is a sense organ

Becoming caught in thinking is what causes us to become stuck in an unhealthy emotional state. There’s a very good reason for this: you’ve got an amazing movie playing in your head all the time that forms your stream of consciousness. This is your mind. It has colour, light, sound, and you can smell, taste and feel, so all of your thoughts are sense experiences. This can be surprising until you realise that if you think of your closest friend you can see them clearly in your mind, hold conversations with them and feel warmth towards them. And the incredible thing is that your body responds to this in exactly the same way as any other sensory experience. Your mind, then, is a sense organ, and your thoughts, and the emotions that arise from them, have a direct, physical effect on your body. For your body, emotions are real physical experiences, so you can imagine the effect habitual emotional patterns have. The barrage of pain from the unhealthy emotions you become caught in can eventually wear down your body’s resistance. On the other hand, the pleasure and bliss that healthy emotions stimulate literally nourish your body. This is exactly what meditation is for. It provides a versatile, proven, highly enjoyable tool kit which nourishes your body with healthy emotions. You can practise them in the same way you can practise physical exercises, until you can sustain them, no matter what life throws at you. And your body will thank you for providing it with such healthy and enjoyable emotional meals. Dr. Graham Williams has over thirty years’ experience teaching both meditation and mindfulness, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. He has written two books, Insight and Love which is in its third edition and Life in Balance. They are both available online. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P 8379 9001 W

Anyone and everyone can meditate. rs Over

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Non-sectarian meditation teacher and author of the book, ‘What Do You Want?’

Thinking Creates The Illusion of Time

Question: I find the concept of time fascinating. Can you talk about time?

Linda: Well, time only exists in the mental realm. It only exists when we think about it. Thinking creates the illusion of time. You can’t be really here now and think, as thinking is actually a movement away from ‘now’. As soon as you start to think, you create the illusion of relativity – there is a subject and an object, and when there is a subject and object there is space between them and it takes time to cross this space. When there is no thinking there is no movement in time – just complete stillness. But, in reality there is no time. Nothing exists. Nothing comes and goes in reality. There’s no yesterday, there’s no tomorrow, there’s no birth, there’s no death. For me, during my practice, this belief in time became intolerable because I knew everything that began would end. That’s what an experience is – it always begins, it always ends, and I wanted something that never ended. I wanted something that was beyond experiences, beyond the thinking mind. When the thinking process starts to break down, there’s no longer a progression of time where there seems to be a sequence of events. Thinking creates this sequence of events, so when there are breaks in thinking, this breaks the chain of thoughts, which create the idea of a past and a future. Reality is timeless. It has no beginning and no end. It’s always now. But reality, the absolute, also contains the relative - that’s the

great paradox. Timelessness contains time. The absolute is not really absolute because something that’s absolute is finite - it finishes. Our deepest fear is that if we realize that everything actually happens now, that there is no past and no future - no time - then we will have to face the fact that when we die it will be now – not tomorrow. Enlightenment is actually our deepest fear, as it is the realisation of eternity by completely accepting the mortality of the body – now. Question: Sometimes when I’m meditating I suddenly realize that nothing has happened for a short time, a bit like sleep but without that heavy feeling from when you wake up from sleep. What is this?

Linda: It’s a level of what most people call Samadhi. It’s that timeless state that I talk about where you just don’t know what’s happening– there’s no one there to know anything. That’s an initial stage of it, where you go in and out of it. You know it’s not sleep, but it’s very similar to sleep. That’s not how it is eventually. You have to practise being conscious in that state. After a while, you do get used to it, but at first, you go in and out of it, and you really don’t know what’s happened or how long it’s been because there’s no one measuring time – there’s no thinking. It’s exactly what I was trying to describe before, saying how thinking creates this illusion of time. At first it feels a bit like a dream, but then you start to realize that it’s actually reality, and that what you

thought was reality is the dream. That’s why people often use the expression ’awakening’. You wake up from the dream. Question: Are you saying there comes a time when you’re conscious within that?

Linda: Yes - it becomes the natural state. Eventually, enlightenment is the point where you go into it and you never come out of it again. Question: Where does fear come from?

Linda: All our fear is based on the belief that I am the body, that when my body dies, that’s the end of me. Everybody is going to die one day– that’s a fact, and all our fears stem from this fear of death of the body. Meditation is about going deeply into this fear, deeply into your body, and facing this fear of the unknown, this fear of death. Linda Clair is a non-sectarian teacher and author of the book, ‘What Do You Want?’ She holds meditation sessions and retreats in Melbourne, Adelaide, Canada and the USA. She is currently also working on her second book. For more information, please visit or phone Christian on 0451 595 092

Meditation “Enlightenment is not a state of mind...” Non-sectarian meditation sessions and retreats in Melbourne with Linda Clair

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The Fear Points

In this edition, we continue our discussion of the enneagram by exploring the group of three character fixations that manifest their primary viewpoint and experience in the mental body. I’d like to begin by emphasising that when you read literature about the enneagram and the types, it is essential to recognise that you are not a fixation. You are consciousness shining through, and infusing, a form with a mixture of characteristic operating system ‘programs’ we identify as character fixations. We all experience our defined sense of being a separate self through a combination of the mental, physical and emotional bodies. When life is experienced through a fixation primarily embedded in the mental body, the viewpoint is dominated by thoughts, ideas and beliefs, and although one feels emotions and body impulses, the response of these fixations to external triggers will arise in the mind. The primary objective of the mind is ‘doing’ things for the body’s safety and sur vival. Internal dialogue and the use of ‘mind over matter’ is pronounced for these people, where typically beliefs, ideas, knowledge and thoughts are used to protect and control the body, avoid emotions, and manipulate others. Though we call them fear points, initially some people don’t even recognise themselves as fearful. It is actually a fear of fear, so defence mechanisms are attuned to avoid feeling fear and pain. The core point of the grouping is the six fixation, with it’s deep lack of faith that manifests in cynicism, paranoia and doubt. The universe, oneself and others, particularly authority, can’t be trusted to maintain safety and security. As a generalisation, fear points move away from people but the flavour varies with the interiorised five fixation withdrawing with an avarice for holding on tightly to their inner experience, or the exteriorised seven fixation who plan with a gluttony for pursuit of pleasurable experience. For sixes the world is a dangerous place, for a five it is threatening and overwhelming with a terror of a strongly perceived inner black hole, and sevens are future based ‘enjoyers’ terrified of being in the present moment. A sample of other key traits of a six form are; chronic uncertainty in decision making, hyper-alert, timid, ingratiating friendliness, others more important/worthy than self, being loyal and dutiful, betrayal, hierarchy impor tant, need rules to get things right, projecting onto others, fear of being nothing, terror of being cut off and alone, pushy/ submissive, psychic capacities, deviant, strong, beautiful, crusaders, heroes, speak fast, set limits, neediness for food/shelter/money, well-stocked pantry, machismo, and counter phobic. All of these veil the objective true essence of pure, empty intelligence, and the experience of knowing Being as one’s

inner essence that it is intrinsically good, loving, dependable and positively supportive. A sample of other key traits of a five form are; solitary/isolationists, know a lot, extensive specialised/ encyclopaedic knowledge, seekers of knowledge, hypersensitive, autonomous, aloof, minimalists, protective about own space, inventive, geniuses, attachment to ideas and inner fantasy world, observers, impoverishment, sense of emptiness, avoidance of life and own feelings, vulnerable, negative/depressed, fear of engulfment, lost capacity to value the ordinary, and good actors. All of these veil the objective true essence of peace, and knowing oneself to be a unique but inseparable aspect of the universal mind, the totality of existence. A sample of other key traits of a seven form are; fantasisers, charming, charlatan, good story teller, happy and amiable, idealists, narcissistic, pretended superiority, selfinferior, martyr to family, optimistic, magical thinking, well-travelled, avoid ‘negative’ emotion and the unknown, health conscious, ‘experience surfers’, rationalisers, manipulative, attracted to communes, value extended family, seek variety and the extraordinary, cosmic travellers, diplomatic ‘equalitarian’, lack of commitment, seductive and helpful to buy love, and opportunistic. All of these veil the objective true essence of absorption and the knowing that an evolutionary, universal plan is unfolding moment by moment with its own intelligent laws, and harmonious momentum. The invitation; to surrender to the life that is living you. Next edition we will explore the group of physical body fixations, the anger points. Sahaja is devoted to living as the clearest expression of True Nature possible, and being used in support however that looks. Currently this is available as one-on-one assistance with self inquiry. Further information, or contact Sahaja, http://truenaturewithsahaja. com Further reading: “From Fixation to Freedom” Eli Jaxon-Bear For Upcoming Enneagram Retreats:

Multi-award winning and acclaimed singer-songwriter, sound designer, and qualified sound therapy practitioner.

In Sound Health

Imagine laying in a hospital ward bed, you’ve just been through surgery, or had some big news about your health… you’re holding it all together for your loved ones… there’s worry, concern and stress… it’s busy and noisy, with hospital trolleys rattling by, and random TV’s blasting from the bed next door… it can be hard to sleep and get some much needed R&R. This scenario is often the case for many patients whilst they visit hospital, making it more difficult for the body to heal from illness. That’s where a special type of medicine can help lower stress and ‘sooth the soul’. What is it? … “Music-Medicine”. For tunately Australia is home to some of the largest and most diverse “Arts in Health” programs in the world. Arts in Health enriches healthcare environments with the healing arts, spanning across visual, musical, movement, and text based ar t forms. Patients whilst visiting hospitals with an Ar ts in Health program in operation are able to engage with professional artists in either a participatory creative process, or a passively received relaxing experience, both of which positively affect patients’ health and wellbeing. Music and sound has been used in ancient times for healing across a range of cultures like ancient Greece, Native America, Egypt, India and Tibet. The ‘medicine men’ from these ancient cultures knew the power of music, sound, drumming and chanting to ward off ‘bad sprits’ which in modern day language can refer to helping rid the body, mind and emotions of illness ranging from physical, mental, emotional or spiritual dis-ease. The very man who orthodox medicine is founded on, Hippocrates of Kos, Ancient Greece, used the power of live music by playing it to his mental patients in 400BC. Now in 2015, actual Music Therapy practice began in the 1940’s with the establishment of the profession as we know it now, which originated when musicians played live music to soldiers who were injured after World Wars I and II. Working in healthcare Music Therapists have knowledge in psychology, medicine, and music, and it’s the combination of these methods which have seen results in helping stroke victims regain their speech,


Conscious Music in Adelaide

older adults to lower the effects of dementia, premature babies to develop better sleep patterns and increase weight gain, and autistic children to improve communication skills. Along with Music Therapy, healthcare also benefits from a collective of professional music and sound based modalities, such as Sound Therapy which uses polyphonic gongs and singing bowls with harmonic overtones to induce the Alpha-Theta relaxation response with sound-meditation treatments; along with Harp Therapy (also known as Music-Thanatology) whereby harpists offer prescriptively played music ‘vigils’ to palliative patients, helping assist in end of life care; and also Sound Massage which can help energetic and cellular rejuvenation by playing Himalayan singing bowls directly on the body. These complimenting modalities help serve the psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of patients, allowing them the opportunity to reduce stress and pain symptoms, which improves function of the immune system, autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, and increases production of serotonin, dopamine and melatonin, all related to positive attitudes, contentment and relaxation. The old saying “music soothes the soul” is very true, and has a special role in healthcare by touching a profound ‘healing place’ inside of ill patients when sometimes, nothing else can. Heather Frahn, Creative Director at Conscious Creations, Australia Phone: 0417 897 850 Skype: heather.frahn Email Website: consciouscreations

Have you noticed the difference in the way you feel when listening to a song with a positive message, opposed to music with negative or sleazy lyrical content? What music uplifts you and makes you feel good? Perhaps take a moment to reflect on the songs that uplift you. There is a music movement on the rise and Sonic Heart is playing a part in bringing it to you… it’s called Conscious Music. For millennia across the globe sound, word, song and music have been shared at gatherings and rituals, with intention for balancing, restoring, curing, or facilitating a connection to the divine. Conscious music reclaims these roots. It is music that is written, played, performed, recorded and delivered with the intention of bringing people into their heart space; elevating our vibration; raising consciousness; reminding us of our true loving essence and interconnectedness. “The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment” - Pythagoras (569- 475 BC) Sonic Heart is honoured to support local and visiting conscious music artists; promoting, co-ordinating and hosting events in Adelaide. Sonic Heart now collaborates with OneSpace ( to bring conscious artists from all over the world to Adelaide, as part of a national touring circuit, and also works with the Sacred Music Adelaide project. Come along to a Sonic Heart event and be uplifted, inspired and fulfilled by divine conscious music, in a nurturing environment. See our website and like us on Facebook for news of upcoming concerts and kirtans. Coming Soon: Markandeya and Sundar! “Expanding Hearts with the Power of Sound, Word and Music”. For more info contact Deanne Orenda on 0417 816 585 or email Sonic Heart also provides information and on-line services to connect people with the transformational qualities of sound and music. New on-line sound directory and events calendar coming soon! More details in next issue of InnerSelf with a huge sound feature!


awakening one community at a time . . .

The Joy of Service

BY ANDREW HARVEY AND KARUNA ERICKSON “Fuse the powers of the sacred heart with the energies of the body, and you can transform everything.” -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin In the stress and busyness of our daily lives, we often find it challenging to remain connected to a source of inspiration that can fuel and sustain us and help us remember the essential joy of life. A daily spiritual practice which unites body, mind and heart can keep us connected to the joy that is the essence of our being, and so be able to serve others joyfully. As it is written in an ancient yogic text: "From joy all beings have come, by joy they all live, and unto joy they all return." All authentic mystical traditions proclaim with one strong voice: The aim of spiritual awakening is not merely to realize one's own divine identity, but to serve all beings with compassion and a commitment to justice. The enlightened life is one that balances ecstatic inwardness with dedicated action; profound inner surrender with unceasing service to others. A great Indian saint, Anandamayi Ma, once said, "Just as God is both utterly peaceful and utterly dynamic, so the being who realizes God is at once sunk in a calm that nothing can disturb and active with a love that nothing can defeat. It is so simple." She added: "through sacred practice you breathe in divine inspiration, divine strength, divine peace, and divine passion. Then you breathe them out in acts of wise compassion. This is the real life all of us are called to." In these chaotic and difficult times, the union of grounded passion and peaceful joy in the body and heart that everyone needs to keep strong, creative, and inspired by love can be awakened by a spiritual practice such as yoga. A heartcentered approach to yoga, like Hear t Yoga, unites an awakening into the luminous body with and settling into a meditative peace of mind. From this sacred marriage of body and mind, your heart will burn with the holy desire to see all beings safe, protected, and happy. To stay connected to this natural desire of your hear t, begin your practice by sitting quietly and noticing how you are feeling. By listening to your body and mind, you can choose whether you need a heating, awakening practice or a cooling, restorative practice. When you sense that you need grounding or extra vitality, or if you're feeling distracted, unfocused, or not present, an active, heating practice can help you return to the strength of your body and restore your energy, intention, and clarity. Strengthening yoga postures develop courage and stamina for the practical healing, creative, and transformative service you do in the world. When you're busy and not attending to the messages of your body, hear t and mind, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, ineffectual, stressed, or burned out. Reconnect directly with your own source of inspiration with a relaxing, restora-

THE OTHER HALF OF THE SKY Q & A with Enza Vita, author of “Always Already Free” tive yoga practice, bringing you to the place where the desire to serve others naturally arises. Those who come to know and trust in the sacred heart, and act from its passion of compassion are Sacred Activists. Sacred Activists unite peace, strength, and courage with the holy desire of the heart to see justice established everywhere. They work passionately to see the poor housed and fed, the environment cherished and protected, and all sentient beings revered as divine, and so in turn experience the joy of service. With bodies infused with the inspiration of the transcendent, and with mystical awareness grounded in the present moment, those of us who are responding to the call to serve the creation of a new humanity will be able to devote ourselves to service whole-heartedly without growing exhausted. Through our ever-deepening experience of the power of spiritual practice, we will find the strength and wisdom to serve all beings, and to live in deep peace and joy. Through living and serving in this way, we become the new humanity we are longing for. We both embody the light and serve the light's compassionate desire to illuminate and awaken all beings. The practice of yoga, when united with a precise and luminous mystical consciousness, offers an unshakeable foundation for the great work ahead. This is the great work we have been destined for since the beginning: the birthing of a humble, generous, tenderhearted, illumined divine humanity on Earth. Through our own direct experience, we realize the ultimate purpose of embodying the light, which is to be a light for ourselves and others, and to serve all beings with a full and glowing heart. Andrew Harvey and Karuna Erickson have co-authored "Heart Yoga: the Sacred Marriage of Yoga and Mysticism," which has been endorsed by Deepak Chopr a, Marianne Williamson, and Caroline Myss. Andrew Harvey is an internationally acclaimed author of more than 30 books and the director of the Institute for Sacred Activism. He can be reached through www. Karuna Erickson has been a psychotherapist and devoted yoga teacher for more than 40 years and is the director of Heart Yoga Center. She can be contacted at

My life is full of problems and I am struggling with intense emotional and mental suffering. Apart from my regular meditation, what else can I do?

It is possible to achieve freedom from suffering, the one that we cause ourselves with our attachments and aversions, and the suffering that we cause others as a result. Here is what may help: • First we need to try to stay in the moment as much as we can. This doesn’t mean we can’t think of past and future but if our mind gets caught up in these thoughts we bring it back, gently. • We investigate what this thing called “suffering” really is and we notice the bunch of sensations constantly changing from one moment to the next, regardless of how solid they appear to be. • We don’t ignore the suffering (or try to push it away) but we try to soften the resistance we may feel toward it by treating the pain as we treat a loved one who is suffering. • We expand our awareness to include any pleasures that may be happening in our physical, emotional and mental experiences in the present moment; being cared for by loved ones, the sun streaming through our window or the trees outside, swaying in the breeze. Eve-

ry moment is an opportunity then to learn to come back to the entire field of what is happening now in our lives where our suffering is only one of several things that we are aware of. • Once we hold this vast view we then practice letting go of the view by allowing it all to arise and to dissolve moment by moment. And through the intensity of our suffering and our willingness to investigate it, we develop the possibility of liberation. What is the difference between enlightenment and liberation?

Awakening to our true nature (also called enlightenment) is only half of the journey. The realization of Self or Truth of our essential nature feels like the pinnacle of a mountain that we have attempted to climb for thousands of years, the end of a great journey but really it is only the first leg of it and it is sooner or later followed by a period of adjustment, sometimes called embodiment or liberation where every aspect of the bodymind unit is going to be exposed to the light of awareness. We may experience the unloading of all our unconscious drives and any clinging to old mental habits and viewpoints will bring great dis-

tress to the mind. Or we may experience infinite expanses of emptiness, which is wonderful to the soul but terrifying to the mind. In fact any conditioning that hasn’t been shifted by the realization will come up to test and challenge us to surrender all our past habits and tendencies to be divided until the Self or the Oneness comes completely forward in our lives. Gradually as this Oneness becomes dominant in our lives, a sense of deep peace, love and compassion is sensed beneath the waves of turmoil on the surface but these qualities are not chosen by us but bubble up spontaneously from the essence of consciousness within. The physical body/mind is still there, sometimes working on everyday tasks, at other times empty or blissful but one is no longer identified as this because the story of us has faded into oblivion. To live without the story is to live the awakened life. What knowledge gives us the realization of the Ultimate Reality?

Awakening is not a transcendental journey into a cosmic plane and it is not the process of having experiences, however ecstatic and profoundly mystical they may be. In fact to wake up we need to surrender the personal identity seeking experiences, and begin to ask the question “Who/what is having these experiences?” Then by resisting the habit to search for the answer in thoughts or emotions, we look toward that which lives through us and is always present through every experience. Spiritual awakening is realized when awareness loses the sense of self with which to identify itself, and yet it still knows itself as being aware. This is a realization that occurs right here, right now, in this body and this world. Like the sun and its rays, every moment of our life is the luminosity which radiates from the core of our being, born spontaneously from the empty nature of our being.

The “unawakened” state does not exist and so we don’t need to go anywhere or act in a special way to attain an “advanced” state of consciousness in the future. All that it is needed is to simply rest in this moment in a natural, effortless way without manipulations or strategies. By taking a break from making anything happen or not happen, we stop trying to be anything or anyone, or to change or accomplish anything. We just rest in what is happening moment by moment, in the spontaneity of our natural, unadulterated being. We allow everything that arises in our experience (thoughts, sights, sounds and sensations) to be as it is and we meet the thoughts, feelings, or experiences as they are, without judgment. We simply rest as awareness, aware of itself. Surrendering to this moment now, purely, simply, without fabricating, rejecting or changing anything, is awakening. Enza Vita is the coeditor of InnerSelf Newspaper and founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the awakening of all beings. Enza is the author of the soon to be released book Always Already Free. Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free, guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that spiritual enlightenment is not a faraway dream, but the ever-present reality always available here and now. Free download of 3 chapters from the book Always Already Free, are available from

To ask Enza a question, send a message to


How to get it, if you want it... and how to keep it if you got it

This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness. Enza’s personal awakening story, in the first few pages, is worth the price of admission. Enlightened wisdom is like an endangered natural resource today, which we overlook at our peril; let’s join in exploring and developing our own innate transformational resources for a change. — Lama Surya Das, international bestselling author of Awakening the Buddha Within This is an outstanding offering to our appreciation of the genuine voice of Pure Presence. It brings us to a deep awareness of what it truly means to study and realize the self and our intrinsic true nature as that which is already perfect, whole and complete. A book certainly worthy of your time and attention. — Genpo Roshi, international bestselling author of Big Mind, Big Heart

For FREE book download (3 chapters) visit

awakening one community at a time . . .


Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul

BUDDHA HOUSE A centre for all seeking a peaceful and compassionate attitude to life.

Buddha House opened in Adelaide in 1981 as a Tibetan Buddhist centre providing access to the Mahayana Tibetan Buddhist tradition under the auspices of the FPMT. The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition FPMT, Buddha House’s parent organization, is devoted to the worldwide transmission of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and values, through teaching, meditation and community service. FPMT provides integrated education through which people’s minds and hearts can be transformed into their highest potential for the benefit of others, inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility and a commitment to creating harmonious environments and helping all beings develop their full potential of infinite wisdom and compassion. Teachings, ceremonies and ritual practices at Buddha House are based on the Buddhist tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa of Tibet as taught to us by our founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe and our spiritual director, Kyabje Thubten Zopa Rinpoche (pictured on the left). His Holiness the Dalai Lama, guru of Kyabje Thubten Zopa Rinpoche, is the greatest source of inspiration for the Foundation and so it is not surprising that service to His Holiness is one of our primary activities also. In relation to His Holiness, Kyabje Thubten Zopa Rinpoche advises the following, “His Holiness’ Office is very happy with the organization. He has compassion you see, gives advice on things we request. Doesn’t have time but, out of compassion, He does the Dharma activities, creates the centres, gives teachings, like that. Actually there is not time, but kindly He accepts. Always giving. Giving advice, looking after, much concerned. So I think we must also offer much service from time to time to His Holiness.” (photo of His Holiness the Dalai Lama courtesy Middlebury Magazine, US). Learn to Meditate classes are a central focus at Buddha House and are open to all. Attendance is by donation and classes are held in the meditation room (Gompa) which offers a rare retreat from the busyness of modern living. Teachings, meditations, ceremonies and workshops are also held in the Gompa which, when not in use for programmed events, is open for personal meditation. Classes are held weekly with the emphasis on basic, simple and reliable methods of finding peace and meaning through meditation. Classes can be attended by anyone: those new to meditation and those who are experienced meditators looking to strengthen their practice. One need not be Buddhist nor subscribe to any particular belief to benefit from Learn to Meditate classes. Buddha house offers a rich range of other courses, catering to the wide range of needs and levels of students and enquirers. Buddhism in a Nutshell introduces complete beginners to Buddhism in the Tibetan Mahayana tradition, presenting basic Buddhist philosophy and principles in a relaxed informal atmosphere, by means of talks, discussions and simple meditation. This course covers a five week period and is popular with those seeking to learn about Buddhism. Discovering Buddhism is a more in-depth study of Buddhist teachings, with modules held over six week periods, exploring subjects on Mind and Its Potential, Karma and other related topics. This ongoing intermediate level course provides a solid foundation in Buddhist philosophy and practice designed to equip participants with the skills to integrate Mahayana Buddhist practice into daily life. Study materials are provided and the course expects some homework. Accreditation follows completion of each module. Venerable Thubten Dondrub, one of FMPT’s senior teachers, has led many courses at Kopan Monastery in Nepal and other international venues. Don’t miss his week long retreats at our sister centre DeTong Ling which offers retreat facilities set amidst bush-land and lakeside scenery. One-day retreats are held monthly at Buddha House offering meditation and teachings on specific topics led by our resident teacher Venerable Thubten Dondrub. These retreats offer the best of both worlds; teaching and meditation combined. And because we care about all sentient beings, Animal Blessing Days are occasionally facilitated by Venerable Dondrub at Buddha House. Buddha House Gift and Book Shop stocks Tibetan crafts, books & CD’s relating to Buddhism and Meditation. The library has a large collection of books which may be borrowed by library members. ALL ARE WELCOME at the regular traditional celebrations held in the Buddha House Gompa. These ceremonies are especially dedicated to generate healing, peace and well-being to all sentient beings and provide insight into spiritual and cultural aspects of Mahayana Buddhism. If you are searching for meaning and peace of mind in your daily life come and visit us, either at the centre or on our website. We are all interconnected, so by engaging in Mahayana meditation and practice, we take a further step towards creating a peaceful, compassionate and caring community. Buddha House Director, Gabe Edwards, 1 Fisher Street, Tusmore SA 5065 Phone: (08) 8333 2824. Web:


What is the sound of one hand clapping? If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear it? These are two of the most famous ‘koan’ of Zen Buddhism known in popular culture, but very few people have experienced traditional Zen training or realise that it is available here in Adelaide under the guidance of an authorised Zen teacher. Bob Joyner Roshi was given Full Dhar ma Transmission in 2003 within a recognised lay lineage and is resident teacher of the Adelaide Zen Group. This lineage, stemming back to monasteries in Japan, combines aspects of both Soto and Rinzai Zen traditions. Zen itself originated in India with Shakyamuni Buddha and over the centuries was passed down from teacher to student from India to China to Japan, and is now is firmly rooted in the West. Every Sunday morning the Adelaide Zen Group meets, and the public are invited to attend. Often the teacher is available for ‘dokusan’, which is a private interview wherein you may ask questions about your meditation practice. Throughout the year the Adelaide Zen Group holds sesshin (retreats) and zazenkai (intensives). For further information please visit our website

How’s your Sound?

Imagine having at your finger tips a reper toire of recorded “songs” from natural items – a plant, a crystal, or a seashell for example – that have been placed in the memory of water. Then imagine you are able to read the voice of any human and accurately determine what note or notes are missing, and what imbalances exist as a result of the missing note or notes. Now imagine prescribing from the repertoire of “songs” the correct note or notes that are required to balance that human being out. This is the premise behind Phytosonus Bioresonance Therapy that has been developed by Colin Kingshott. It is the next healing genre to come through for those who work in Complimentary Alternative Medicine or Natural Health industries. UK born, Colin is a synaesthete, which is someone whose senses are so finely tuned that they can sometimes see certain words and numbers as colours, or they can hear natural phenomena emit musical notes. He says that the songs of the flowers, plants, trees, seashells, and even butterflies, are all medicines which we can use for our holistic healing. After establishing his company Florachology in the United Kingdom, Coin has set about for the past decade recording sounds, and creating the world’s first Energetic Medica / Plant Sound Library which can be used to help cure specific health conditions. There are some 4,000 recordings of plant sounds in his Energetic Medica. Each one of these sounds has a signature unique to itself that indicates which system of the body it will be used for. For example, the sound of pearl boosts collagen production, whereas the sound of the common seahorse impacts the skeletal system. A true pioneer in every sense, Colin has developed machines to read the chakras of plants and to map out their meridian lines. This information along with sounds from his Energetic Medica, are used to form part of his Phytosonus Bioresonance Diploma Course. Until now, this unique system has only been available in United Kingdom and parts of Europe. However in late April 2015, Colin Kingshott will be coming to Adelaide, Australia to hold his first Phytosonus Bioresonance Diploma Course. Join the journey and be amongst the first fully trained and certified Phytosonus Bioresonance Practitioners in Australia. Alchemy of the Ocean will be hosting this event. For an information pack please email, or register at, or phone 0405 477 246

Discovering Your Inner Resources with The Peace Education Program

“At the end of the day, we have some very simple needs, and on the top of the list has always been to feel contentment. Peace is not absence of war. Peace is a fundamental human need that needs to be felt from within.” - Prem Rawat You are warmly invited to participate in the Peace Education Program, a FREE series of one hour video-based workshops held weekly on Saturdays over 10 weeks at the Stirling Public Library. The workshops cover the following topics: Peace, Appreciation, Inner Strength, Self-Awareness, Clarity, Understanding, Dignity, Choice, Hope and Contentment. Each workshop includes videos from Prem Rawat’s addresses, times for reflection and reading material. Participation in the program is free and you can join the course at any time over the 10 weeks. Dates: Sat 18th April – Sat 20th June. Time: 2.30pm – 3.30pm Place: Stirling Public Library (Coventry Library) 63 Mt Barker Rd, Stirling For further information phone Colin on 0409 615 924, visit: www.tprf. org/en/programs/peace-education-program “The peace I am talking about is the peace that a soldier can experience in the middle of a battlefield…the peace I am talking about is the peace that a prisoner can experience in the middle of prison.” - Prem Rawat

True Nature with Sahaja

“A genuine desire for Self-discovery is one of the greatest gifts life can awaken in us. To awaken to your true nature is the most precious realisation of a lifetime. Staying true to what has been realised is the challenge of a lifetime.” Are you genuinely committed to a path of Selfdiscovery and staying true, but through various circumstances, find yourself limited, or prevented from attending paid retreats with awakened people in support of realisation or fuller recognition? Sahaja offers free one-on-one support in pointing to your true nature, and assisting staying true. We meet in silent truth with willing, open hearts for true Self-realisation, questioning patterns and sticking points, discovering traps, and identifying veils of egoic/fixated misidentification. Regardless of your circumstances, it is possible to access free personal and confidential interaction by email correspondence, Skype or phone, even if simply sitting in silence together. Sahaja is an ongoing student of Eli Jaxon-Bear, and uses the skilful means associated with his Enneagram of Liberation when appropriate. This is a non-religious, non-sectarian offering. Support is available to all with a genuine commitment, but a donation is appreciated from those who can afford it.

IKON Institute

The greatest mistake in the treatment of disease is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated. When one understands how the mind works, the premise for mind body medicine becomes selfevident. The mind is responsible for the smooth running of the body. Its prime job is to ensure we retain good health. It extends throughout the body, via the peripheral nervous system. It gathers information from the body, sends its commands via the nervous and neuroendocrine (hormones and neuropeptides) systems. Each cell of our body alters its function on command of the mind. The body in turn affects the mind. The mind receives its energy, nutrients, and fluids from the body. The body can also affect the mind by producing its own neuropeptides and hormones that travel to the brain and alter the functioning of neurons in specific regions of the brain. For example, insulin that is released by the pancreas travels to the brain and influences the function of some of the survival centres of the brain, affecting how we feel. Mind Body Medicine is an integrative approach that explores the relationship between a client’s symptoms and psychology using both counselling and body therapies. The interrelationships are analysed using constitutional analysis, postural analysis, primitive and postural reflex assessment, Chinese Medicine pulse and tongue analysis, and other complementary medicine techniques. Enquire now to study a Diploma of Mind Body Medicine SA | QLD | WA – The IKON Institute of Australia. W: NSW | The College of Complementary Medicine. W:


awakening one community at a time . . .

Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul

Body Mind & Psychic 2015 Dont Miss Out. It’s only on once a year

If you’ve never been to Body Mind & Psychic … you just don’t know what you’re missing … It’s like a Grand Bazaar of the unusual. Around 300 stalls in the largest pavilion at the Adelaide Showgrounds. Everyone’s there for a good time… were it be the Psychic readings … the healing … unusual books and gifts… exotic clothing … lotions … potions … jewellery … alternative health products and organic make up … the stage entertainment or the workshops where you can learn about the things you see at the event. We’ve expanded to include Adelaide’s Eco Living so there’s something for everyone … some people actually come both days so they can wallow in it. Stall holders come from all over the world and rapidly we’re encouraging interstate guests because there’s nothing like this in Australia. If you’d like to trade here … give us a call … 08 83961 007. If you’d like to visit … get a few friends together and come on down . It’s only on once a year. Check our Facebook Page or our webpage


It’s All Just Emotional Muck!

It doesn’t matter whether one has faith in God, the Universe, the Divine or more Pagan based beliefs such as Mother Earth or indeed nothing at all, we humans get ourselves into emotional strife. It begins in childhood where our tender ears are tuned specifically to hear negative messages. We hear them everywhere and often via family members, teachers, spor ts coaches, youth group leaders, even our friends. By the time we’ve navigated through and around a list of well meaning ‘supports’ and hit teenage years, we ourselves have become our best critic. We take the number one spot in terms of emotionally attacking ourselves. The majority of our daily thoughts are negative and repetitive. Self help books and CDs are a brilliant first step but many are unable to find the peace of mind they seek in a book. Professional therapy is really a re-education process. As we mature we learn to take ourselves seriously, to take our thoughts seriously because that is the mature thing to do, the ‘grown up’ way, even the professional way to present oneself. How is ‘having a laugh’ seen in your organisation or team? Time wasting? Immature? Non-professional conduct? The list goes on. All this is at odds with our base nature; after all, the number one quality many people state they look for in a potential partner, is a sense of humour. Professional therapy must address the imbalance of our upbringing, of social constraint, of the control factor and yet surely have some fun with it. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) does just that. One is re-educated on how to take those intrusive, negative and highly repetitive thoughts, lightly. Energy is finite; the older

we get the more fully we realise this. It makes sense to do what works with the least amount of effort. But the technique must work. And who said therapy and the learning process has to be all serious and heavy. After all, there is so much fun to have in this world, let’s save our energy for the good stuff. In the long-term trying to distract oneself from thoughts doesn’t work, denying those thoughts are there doesn’t work and certainly disassociation is most problematic. Ultimately, thoughts don’t go away, so don’t bother trying to eliminate them, you will end up exhausted and still have the thoughts. It’s so much easier and productive to ‘see’ them differently; more light, less heavy; more of a friend and less of an enemy. Don’t get me wrong, emotional work is the hardest work we can ever possibly do and due to this many avoid doing so for as long as they can. The problem being our health only gives us so many warnings; our bodies are incredibly resilient but they too have their breaking point. Emotional muck must be processed or it is literally stored in our bodies, until the cupboards overflow. It is a big job, but making one change is often enough to ease our minds. Living in this world our bodies are full of toxins. The air, water and our food are all contaminated. Look around and examine, just for bit, how many relationships in your life are also toxic? Do you love your job – would you do it for free if you had enough money? Do you regularly do things that allow joy to flow through your heart? Do you know how to ‘BE’; to just BE with yourself and be content? The spiritual journey may be one of connection; connecting with the human spirit. The rewards are immeasurable.

Do you suffer with a mood issue such as loss and grief, depression or anxiety? Are you addicted to a substance such as alcohol or sugar? Is the www. your entertainment, your friend, your, hmmm, way too much? Do your thoughts beat you up regularly? Do you over eat, over exercise, over ‘do’? Has someone close to you told you lovingly that help is needed? Is it time to seek professional therapy; is 2015 your time? If money has held you back, I offer a profession therapeutic Bulk-Billing (Medicare, GP referral required) ser vice, with no out of pocket costs (conditions apply). Therapy doesn’t have to be all hard, heavy, draining emotional and mental work. I offer a service that fully embraces ACT even down to having light hearted fun, in session. If you ready to start looking at one issue, one thing that is holding you back from living a richer, more fulfilled life, give me a call to arrange an appointment on 0435 469 123. All ages. LBG friendly. Louise Peacock BSW (Hons1); Grad. Dip Family Therapy; AMHSW (Accredited Mental Health)

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awakening one community at a time . . .


Events, Courses & Workshops for the Body, Mind & Soul The Adelaide Healing Energy Centre

Introducing You to Your True Soul Power Workshops and Online

Lorraine established the Adelaide Healing Energy Centre in 1999 that has seen programs delivery to the public of Adelaide, interstate and remote communities. Working with individuals and groups, Lorraine delivers a range of programs within safe and supportive environments. She also delivers inspirational training for individuals at Uluru, Central Australia twice a year as a ten day retreat, passing on her passion and knowledge of the healing journey to those that seek her. The ‘Healing the Past’ program was created by Lorraine and thousands of individuals around Australia have changed their lives because of this program. Assisting individuals to ‘close the door’ on some of the issues from their past that have prevented them from moving forward in their lives. The latest program that she has created is the ‘Alcohol Recovery’ Program that addresses an issue in society that she is most passionate about having been witness to the destruction of addictions close to her.

For further details phone 08 8342 4109 or visit www.adelaidehealingenergy.

Transformational Retreat in Bali I want change in my life - what do I do? Have you said something like this to yourself before? What happened? How did I get here? Why aren’t I truly happy at this point in my life? There could be many reasons and you’re not the only one! Sometimes we choose the wrong path, the wrong partner, the wrong career; and then we feel stuck. But it is never too late to make a change. So, you may have been thinking for a while now … “I want to feel alive, full of passion and energy and start to live again.” But it’s hard to make the change and it’s scary too. What you need is some sort of circuit breaker.

The key is to really get back in touch with yourself - your values, beliefs and dreams. And some space and support to do this ... Some time to think and work out what it is that you really feel. Well, a retreat can be just that. A chance to be good to yourself and take stock of where you are and where you want to be. Treat yourself to a week of peace and thoughtfulness - many other have and it has often ended up being a turning point in their life. “The retreat with Peter was the most transformational 5 days or my life” .. Says Moira Ocean after last year’s Bali retreat.

This course is designed to unearth your authentic power and all that it can bring into your life. The healing is carried out using a powerful Reiki or Chi like energy. The empowerment is achieved through attunement and reconnection to the Divine, Journeying to find your very own seed power, essential Soul energy. Attunements and cer tificates and a comprehensive booklet are included For more information contact: Carolynn Milne, Angelic Connections Healing Centre Healings, Clearings, Readings, Phone Readings and Workshops 0422 864 727 www.listentheangelsspeak.

I have helped many people over the years transform their lives on many different levels and from different backgrounds and circumstances. I’d like to invite you to make the time for yourself this year - 2015. Join me and a small group of like-minded individuals on a journey you will never forget. We will spend 5 nights in the most beautiful location on Earth in northern Bali and you will spend time each day learning about yourself and how to make the changes you want, to live the life you want. The retreat is the perfect mix of meditation, yoga, personal development and free time so that you feel totally refreshed, rejuvenated and transformed at the same time. Start your journey at my website and have a look at what other people have said about their transformation. Then you may want to take advantage of the cheap airfares right now (less than $300 return at time of writing) and be one of the first 4 to book for the special price of $1695 including your accommodation, all meals and all transformational teachings.

Please call me, Peter Radcliffe, to discuss this in person to make sure it’s the right choice for you - 0434 462 252 Check the website www.skillfulmind. for this retreat and other retreats in South Australia.

Come to paradise for your transformational change Inner Growth Bali Retreat - 26 July - 5 nights

• small group of like-minded people • transformational experience • beautiful Villa Boreh on north coast • includes all meals, accommodation & teachings with Peter Radcliffe Act NOW - first 4 bookings Only $1,695.00 *quote Inner Self*

Quantum Bioenergetics is a Revolution in Natural Healing

By using Quantum Bioenergetics your body enters a state where it focuses on damaged areas and reprioritises the natural healing system to repair itself. Think of it as a way of telling your body what’s important. The Quantum Bioenergetics Balancing Technique was originally founded by Melissa Hocking-Hughes This non-intrusive form of healing allows your body to be immersed in a series of quantum waves, operating on different frequencies, attuned to your body’s rhythm. The founder of Crystal Blue Butterfly, Raul, was personally trained by Melissa Hocking-Hughes and he holds an advanced facilitator level certificate. Many clients describe it as peaceful, relaxing and comfortable. For more information and/ or to make a booking visitwww. or contact Raul on 0408564382 “Transformation through Healing! ”


THE PEARL OF THE HEART The formation of a natural pearl begins when a foreign substance slips into the oyster between the mantle and the shell, irritating the mantle. Kind of like the oyster getting a splinter! The oyster’s natural reaction is to protect itself so it covers the irritant with layers of the same nacre substance used to create the shell. This forms a pearl. Guess what? We’re the same. We have an irritant (pain), our heart’s natural reaction is to protect itself so we build layers around our heart – not letting anyone in, causing pain to ourselves. Think about keeping a dark, dingy, locked room. Shutting down doesn’t only keep people out, it keeps ourselves locked in! Maybe as a child we felt unloved, unwanted; maybe we were abused; maybe our hear t was broken etc. Eventually, our internal pain forces us to look within so we can begin to heal. Everything comes to pass – not everything comes to stay, an important saying in these increasingly changing times. Clarissa Pinkola Estes speaks of childhood pain as being like writing with a fountain pen on cheap paper; the ink feathers and spills out around the edges of the words. She says childhood wounds are the same; they spread out and when

they are not dealt with, they stop us from living fully. The inner part of trees have to strengthen up to keep alive through winter. Humans who’ve been hurt put their toughness outside and tenderness inside. We all know people like that, tough, untouchable outside but whose tender insides ache to be loved, touched and held. We need to be like trees, wear our strength inside and keep the softness outside. Love never hurts, only our resistance to love hurts! T her e ar e few “functional” families… Why? Because lessons come through our life experiences. Babies are like sponges. Parents can’t give 24 hours a day, so babies close down a bit, life moves on, scars deepen. Scar tissue is very strong, far stronger than normal skin, so our wounds actually make us stronger. Whatever was inflicted by someone else, is yours now! What happened as children, needs to be dealt with in adulthood, because if not, it’ll come back repetitively… like Groundhog Day. Until we heal the children we used to be - we can’t be the adults we want to be… so how??? 1. Admit the truth about what isn’t working, e.g. I’m not loved,

11 appreciated etc. Look at all aspects of your life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Write it all down. 2. Understand, until you bridge that gap between conscious and subconscious minds, nothing changes. Writing affir mations repeatedly doesn’t work if your subconscious isn’t ready to accept them. The LifeLine Technique determines if the subconscious is able, ready, willing, safe etc to accept the intention. Most times, it isn’t! We change that and hey-presto, body accepts it. “I am wor thy, feeling loved and cherished” in the present but what about the past? We work with present, past and future to bridge that gap, so the person thrives. I have attended and run workshops for over fifty years and the only way to heal is do the work on yourself. You can’t get it from books, although they help; you have to find

a mentor, or workshop (or 2, 10, or 100) so you keep peeling off layers of the onion, so eventually, you feel whole and your hear t feels safe. Stuff still happens for me, but the difference is it doesn’t happen often, and I catch myself before or immediately after and I have the tools to change it. I was a very unhappy child; in my 20s I thought about suicide. People tell me how lucky I am to do what I love but it isn’t luck believe me! I hated myself so much that I just decided to do whatever it took to bring about changes. I wanted a life filled with joy and miracles and now I have that … but it came about from doing lots of work on me… and you know what? It was worth every cent I spent, every tear I cried, because here I am now, filled with a sense of awe at my relationship with myself! I leave you with one wish, that you too make the decision to do the work, because you deserve to live an abundant life so you can better serve

The Goddess Within

has been transforming the lives of women around the world since 1987.


Have you ever said: Who am I really pleasing? Am I getting what I want? What holds me back? If you have struggled with yourself, with relationships or if you just know there is more to life...

This program is for you! The GoddessWithin is a journey into your self as you discover how to heal and honour the past, empower the present and celebrate the future.


the world. Time to be gentle with ourselves, to be authentic, speak the truth… each one of you are divine magnificent spiritual beings, here to love, be loved and be of service. Blessings…may 2015 be filled with miracles, love and healing. Breathe that in, then breathe it out to fill the hearts, minds and souls of those you touch. This is the only way to peace. It abegins within each one of us, so keep those hearts open and be grateful for the pain that caused us to do the work to allow our light to shine brightly into the world.


A beautiful collection of traditional chants and other hear t songs from East and West, uplifting and meditative. Adelaide musicians coming together to awaken, enliven and deepen into loving presence. Tracks include Gayatri, Om Mane Padme Hum and Viva La Musica.

Diane McCann Mathews, facilitator of The Goddess Within, and together with her husband Robert, facilitator of Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for couples. Web: beyondtheordinary.; Tel (08)8248 1281 Email: beyondtheordinary@internode.

Are YOU... looking for a life change?

awakening one community at a time . . .

For details phone 0439 465 944.

The Soul of a Dog

by Nicol Louise When I lost my beautiful dog Cinda, I looked for a book specifically on the loss of a dog in bookstores. Although they might exist, I could not find one. I know there are dog lovers out there who grieve as I grieved, so I decided to write this book. As a doctor in counselling, I have explored many different forms of therapy. I have an interest in the less familiar forms of therapy


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Where to from Here?

by Jacek Piesiewicz (M.Ed.) As I was transcribing Josef Boschitschek’s second talk titled The Question is God during the early hours of one morning (c.f. Where to from Here? Chapt. 2), my crown chakr a opened up enabling my consciousness to rise into the silent black firmament. When I had completed transcribing that talk, something drew me outside of the house. Perhaps I heard a noise which I felt needed to be investigated. When I did go outside, there before me was a huge Golden Orb suspended in the western sky. As I was drawn to gaze upon IT, my third eye opened up. When it did so, the veil of silence gave way to the sound of noisy activity which was around me. By this time my legs were shaking as I was filled with fear and apprehension. A number of months later, that same Golden Orb appeared to me in a dream. As I approached this Golden Orb while holding the right hand of a woman, I kissed IT. In that moment my whole being became instantly consumed in bliss. This state of consciousness – of infinite Divine Love – was an experience that cannot be adequately described with words. It was much later that I had come to realise that I had experienced Krishna Consciousness or Ananda. It was through the power of that chapter (in that particular instance) that I was able to have such an experience. Through my association with Josef I also had a wide variety of other experiences which enabled me to gain a greater understanding of the world we live in. It is my hope that the power and relevance of the many lectures or ‘talks’ compiled in this book will be recognised and valued by its readers as it enhances their capacity to make greater sense of their experiences and lives in general. Available in Dymocks (Rundle Mall and Glenelg), Matilda Books (Stirling), Dillons (Norwood), Theosophical Bookshop (South Tce.), Spellbound (Gawler), Crystal Wave (Grange Rd.), Gabrielle’s (Pt. Elliott), Dreamweaver (Springbank Rd.), A Life Abundant (Magill Rd.) and newsagencies including Hyde Park, Northpark, Sefton Plaza, The Avenues, North Adelaide Village and Arndale. to view the full range of topics/subjects and/ or download a number of complimentary chapters (inc. the introduction). E-book version $14.95. Mob. 0420657401

Anything is Possible... Yoko, Dave and me BY LEO DRIOLI, CO EDITOR OF INNERSELF Before going over to America a while back, I made a casual comment at our last family dinner gathering that “One person I’d really like to meet when I’m in New York is Yoko Ono.” Being a fan of John Lennon’s since my early teens, I felt that - besides Paul McCartney - a meeting with Yoko would be the next best thing to actually meeting the man himself. A family member asked in disbelief “Oh yeah, and how are you going to manage that?” “I don’t know,” I responded. “I haven’t thought about how.” And that was that. Three months later, while in upstate New York at my uncle’s house, my good friend Dave came over for a visit and suggested we explore the Catskills Mountains region together over the next few days. Dave is a real Soul Buddy and whenever we get together we always passionately lose ourselves in deep Sohbet (spiritual discussion). Sitting in a café in New Paltz, we were discussing the principle that truly anything is possible if we believe it. And we wondered, what sort of life could we live if we acted totally from that space.

Every Six Minutes

Just recently, I had read about a Sufi teacher who had said that in every day there are at least one hundred & fifty opportunities for profound awakening. He talked about there being a secret inner doorway that leads to a space where anything was possible. How thrilling... one hundred & fifty opportunities for profound awakening every day! I’m sure this wasn’t a literal statement, more a poetic one, but I couldn’t help but reach for a calculator to divide the one hundred & fifty opportunities by the sixteen hours that we are awake every day. The answer: “Every Six Minutes”. Pure magical delight and inspiration… Every six minutes of our waking day we have another opportunity to deepen our awakening! The teacher also described these moments as powerful manifestation points that we could tap into to realize our dreams.

Oh Yoko!

So, in sharing this with Dave, we decided to playfully make Every Six Minutes our theme for the next few days, as we journeyed through the “Bhajan Belt” of Upstate New York. Our stimulating discussions deepened and shifted us into the Zone, an extremely open and expanded state of exhilaration and child-like expectancy. So began this magical journey that would demonstrate the truth that, absolutely anything is possible... with Every Six Minutes as our mantra. Deciding to head up to Woodstock as our first stop, we entered a newsagency to buy a road map. As we walked out of the store my eyes fell upon the front page of the local newspaper, The Woodstock Times. A

photo of Yoko Ono caught my attention as I read the headline: “Yoko Ono to receive Honorary Doctorate Award at Bard University.” Excitedly, I purchased the paper and as we sat down for another coffee I began to share with Dave the significance of the up-coming event. “One person I’d really like to meet when I’m in New York is Yoko Ono,” I explained, was the casual remark I'd made back in Australia before we came over. “Ever y Six Minutes, Leo” was Dave’s immediate response. In full agreement, our mission was now to continue to ride on the "Every Six Minutes" energetic wave, all the way to the shores of Yoko’s presence, fully believing and trusting that it will be so because…Anything is Possible! At home at my uncle’s house that night we began the work of making the meeting a reality by preparing a letter to hand to Yoko, with copies of my publications Golden Age and Woman Spirit magazines. All was ready, except for an envelope to complete the package, which we planned to get at the university. My father looked on, somewhat bewildered, “But … how are you going to meet her?” was all he could say. “Don’t know,” was our unified response, relishing the thrill of simply flowing towards our inevitable meeting.

The Journey Continues

The next day we headed straight up to Bard University. Once on campus, we immediately made our way to the auditorium to check out just where Yoko was to receive her award. Passing promotional posters of her visit, the energy began to mount, as the reality that this meeting would really happen began to set in. As soon as any doubt crept in, we simply reminded ourselves with the words “Every Six Minutes”… that Anything is Possible! Walking into the auditorium, a test screening of one of John and Yoko’s films was taking place. We climbed straight up the stairs into the projection room and introduced ourselves to the half dozen students there. Explaining that we were here to cover Yoko’s visit for a magazine that we worked for in Australia, we asked how we could arrange an interview. The projectionist immediately picked up the phone, dialled a number, said a few words, then handed the phone over to me. We were totally winging it here…right in the moment. On the other end of the line was the PR person. “We’re here from Australia to do a story on Yoko’s visit, would it be possible to interview her?” I asked with false bravado. “Sorry, it’s invited media only.” “But, we’re here all the way from Australia, especially for this,” I urged. After a short pause, she relented. “Well, okay, meet me outside the auditorium at 6.30 and I’ll let you into the Press Gallery.Not exactly what we were seeking but a good first step.

The rest of the day was spent in the cafeteria, drinking coffee and playing pool with some of the students. At around 4.00pm we decided to head back to the car to pick up Dave's camera and the package for Yoko which we still had to find an envelope for. As we reached the car, Dave realised he didn’t have his keys on him. So, we started backtracking, up the now-familiar corridor towards the table we were sitting at earlier. Passing a small office, we enquired as to whether any keys had been handed in. A friendly man said no, but that we should enquire at the cafeteria office. “Who are you guys anyway?” he asked as an afterthought. “I’ve been watching you walk up and down this corridor all afternoon.” “We’re journalists from Australia, here to cover Yoko Ono’s award tonight. “Do you happen to have an envelope for our package?” I asked. “Sure,” he said, passing across a large white envelope. I placed the material into it, completing our little “Gift for Yoko.” Thanking him, we continued our way up the corridor towards the cafeteria. Suddenly the man from the office came rushing up behind us. “So, you’ll be at the dinner at the university president’s house tonight then?” “Umm…yeah, at the president’s house…what time is it on again?” “6.00pm” “Okay, we’ll see you there.” Dave and I looked each other in the eyes, beaming with exhilaration. “Let’s go back and get that guy’s card,” said Dave. We did find the keys just where we’d left them at our cafeteria table, and as we reflected on the day’s events we realized that if we hadn’t lost them, we would not have connected with the man at the office to be told about the special dinner tonight.

Off to the President's House

Just before six we started making our way up the hill towards the president’s house. “This is it,” Dave said. “But what are we going to do when we get there?” “Are you kidding?” I replied. “We’ve been riding the wave this far without questioning the magic…it can only get better!” “I’ll follow you then,” said Dave, stepping in behind me to take the lead. As we walked up the steps to the entry of the house, an invited guest in front of me held open the door to let us walk through. Walking inside, we pulled off our coats as the others were doing, and placed them on the rack. I looked around, taking in every detail. “Only a handful of people here,” I whispered to Dave. “Every six minutes,” came his response. A waitress walked up with a tray offering drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Helping ourselves, we almost started to feel as if we actually had been invited. A man walked up to me and quietly asked, “Excuse me…but who are you?” “I’m Leo and this is Dave, we’re here from Australia to write a story about Yoko Ono.” “Oh, okay,” he said, somehow satisfied with our reply. Slowly making our way to the dining room, we settled into a couple of sofas and began chatting with the guests. One woman, who seemed particularly fascinated by my Australian accent, asked me questions about who we were and what we were doing. Turning out to be the president’s wife, she introduced us to her husband as he entered the room. We shook hands and continued to chat. Suddenly the president’s wife leaned across and asked “But, tell me, how did you get in here anyway?”

Feeling like Crocodile Dundee in New York city, I matter-of-factly replied “Through that door.” “Yeah, sure, but who invited you?” Remembering the card I had been given by the man in the office, I pulled it out of my shirt pocket and handed it over for her to read ... “John…Stevens … the Catering Manager!” she read out in disbelief. “Yes, that’s right. He told us Yoko would be here and asked us whether we were coming along tonight.” At that very moment the energy shifted. Turning around I saw Yoko walking into the room. She made her way slowly to the buffet table. A young girl moved in front of her and started a conversation. I took in a deep breath ... as I watched this very real yet at the same time very surreal sight before me: Yoko Ono, with some sixteen other people … and me and Dave, all in this one room together. Looking across at Dave I said “This is it.” I stood up, package in hand and walked right up behind Yoko, and waited for her to turn around. As she turned, as if in slow motion, I realised: This is the Moment…She faced me with her diminutive frame and enigmatic smile and quietly said “Hello.” “Hello Yoko,” I replied... “I’d like to thank you for all you and John did for the world.” Handing her the package, I said “This is a gift for you, a sample of some of our work.” Taking it from me, she shook my hand and asked, “Who are you?” “I’m Leo Drioli, a journalist from Australia. “I know,” I heard her say. “You know?” I asked in amazement. “No…Oh no!” she clarified, wondering how a journalist had managed to become a part of this very select group of invited guests. Very diplomatically she thanked me, handing the package to her minder as she whispered a few instructions in her ear. I sat back down next to Dave. Turning to each other in amazement I said “We did it!” “Yeah, every six minutes, Leo.” “Every six minutes, Dave.”


What are the Odds?

Suddenly a woman rushed in towards us. “Who are you two anyway?” Before we even had a chance to explain we were being escorted out of the president’s house with a cur t reprimand “It’s invitation only.” So we headed down the path to the auditorium to watch the screening of the two John and Yoko films, and share in Yoko’s award presentation. A beautiful ending to a fantastic adventure. As we drove home I wondered just what the odds would be of meeting one of the most private people on earth in a city of twenty million people ... after having uttered the words “One person I’d really like to meet when I’m in New York is Yoko Ono! Leo Drioli is the author of “Every Moment’s a Miracle” and coeditor of InnerSelf Newspaper. Visit www.inner self. Leo is also a singer/songwriter, and has just released his first EP “Let Your Spirit Sing”, Get a free download of his single “Give It Your Love” at

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1 2 ME Enjoy the attention but do not be seduced by it. 3 4 MF Taking care of details ensures successful outcomes. 5 6 Full Moon F The Full Moon reveals thoughts, feelings and situations which need to be expressed and dealt with. There is a strong desire to connect with others and share ideas as well as experiences. For some this is a good time to seek intellectual or emotional support and it may require some level of trust to do so. 7 MG Maintaining good relations is important but not at the expense of voicing an opinion or point of view. 8 9 MH Do not be tempted to do anything underhanded as this will only backfire. 10 11 12 MI There is nothing like enthusiasm and inspiration to get things moving. 13 14 3rd Quarter Moon I Moon enters J There is a strong impetus to push through reforms or changes with some fanaticism or zeal. Caution needs to be exercised as these may only have a short-term effect if there are no practical outcomes. As the Moon changes sign, there is a need to take control, slow things down and take a realistic approach. 15 16 MK Be prepared to take a lateral approach as there may not be a precedent for what is being considered. 17 18 ML Emotions run high and may undermine decisions or actions being considered. 19 20 ] New Moon L Solar Eclipse The New Moon brings in a concentration of energy which sees a focus on establishing new objectives to the exclusion of everything else or the ability to eliminate something thoroughly. The energy can be experienced as both exciting, definitive and ruthless. Improvements or dissolutions happen quickly and the added flavour of the solar eclipse suggests that collective efforts and relationships can be successful as a result. 21 Sun enters A Assertive, Courageous and Impatient are the traits of Aries 22 MB Be prepared to be patient and take a practical view in order to get things done. 23 24 MC Information is the key to good outcomes. 25 26 27 MD 1st Quarter Moon D A time of action which includes the need to develop the art of persuasion. This can be done by emphasising connections with others characterised by respect and trust. A good time to follow up initial contacts through diplomacy and tact. 28 29 ME Praise is better when it is based on actual achievements rather than empty words. 30 31

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1 MF Doing the right thing by yourself and all concerned is important now. 2 3 MG Base decisions on objectivity rather than simply trying to please others. 4 Full Moon G Lunar Eclipse 14G The Full Moon this month sheds its light on necessary changes. For some this may come as a shock with restrictions or limitations. For others, this may be a confrontation which could result in a struggle for influence. The Lunar eclipse will highlight the need for collective efforts to achieve these changes. 5 6 M H The intensity of emotions may catch some by surprise. 7 8 M I Take a broad-picture approach to matters at hand. 9 10 M J Practical consideration is will get the required results. 11 12 3rd Quarter Moon J There is a struggle between independence and a desire to separate versus a strong sense of responsibility for matters at hand. Be patient as no amount of irritation, anger or irritability will contribute to getting things done. Concentrate instead on what you have and work with that. 13 MK Value knowledge gained even if it is from unusual sources. 14 15 ML Trust intuition as this can help indicate the direction needed. 16 17 MA Back your intentions with action. 18 19 ] New Moon A Moon enters B The Aries New Moon heralds the equinox with its symbolism of birth and new life. The energy of this period is one of rhythm and receptivity. A good time to instigate new endeavours and as the Moon enters Taurus there is the grounding influence which brings stability. 20 Sun enters B Sensual, Practical and Focused are the traits of Taurus. 21 MC Do not rely on rumours as a source of information. 22 23 MD Manipulating a situation to advantage may not have the outcomes you desire. 24 25 ME Look honestly at the situation rather than cling to pride. 26 1st Quarter Moon E Take the time to focus on what has been started and keep your feet firmly on the ground. There may be those that shower praises but only effort and endeavour can bring about results. 27 28 MF Be constructive with your criticism. 29 30 MG Compromise and cooperation are important but not to the detriment of objectives or ideals.


1 2 3 MH Deep feelings may be aroused which may cause others to back away. 4 Full Moon H The Full Moon this month brings to the surface some intense emotions. Most will centre on making connections with others but there may be some who will not be comfortable with the intensity. Take this in your stride and allow them the space they need. 5 MI Optimism can be inspiring but keep your feet on the ground. 6 7 8 MJ Take on the responsibility and do not look for scapegoats. 9 10 MK Take an unusual approach and be surprised by the results. 11 3rd Quarter Moon K A time of reorientation and readjustment to new conditions or circumstances. There may be those that enter your life now who are marginalised in some way. Be prepared to take a risk and put your ideas and ideals to the test. 12 ML An increased sensitivity influences actions taken. 13 14 MA Be prepared to face the challenges that come up. 15 16 MB A time to work things through systematically and achieve changes needed. 17 18 ] New Moon B Moon enters C The New Moon this month has some difficult challenges with the need for stability and security exposed to great pressure. The tendency will be to dig the heels in and resist but this may only lead to more difficulties especially in the short term. As the Moon changes sign to Gemini, make the effort to inform yourself and then take the action required. 19 20 MD There is a need to nurture and protect what you have started. 21 Sun enters C Informative, Curious and Versatile are the traits of Gemini. 22 23 ME Do not allow pride to dictate; humility achieves better results. 24 25 MF A time to focus on details but not to the detriment of the big picture. 26 1st Quarter Moon F A need for practicality dominates this period as the first efforts need to be consolidated. Detailed plans and meticulous execution will ensure that you achieve results otherwise there will only be frustration and exhaustion. 27 28 MG Encourage cooperation but refrain from trying to solve all the problems. 29 30 MH A tendency to overreact may be problematical. 31

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Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can easily

discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues.

A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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awakening one community at a time . . .

A State of mind


There are several descriptions of the mind and its functions found in the dictionary. However; we know that the main function of our mind is to create thoughts and thoughts are the first stage of anything we create because “thought, word and deed” are the three stages of any creative process. What I wish to explore is the relationship between ourselves and our mind. If we use our mind to think then it poses the question; Who is the we that is using our mind? When I ask my clients this question, their response is varied and it depends on who the person thinks they are. However; the usual answer is “I use my mind’” or ‘it’s me’ and that is the answer that I would expect. Then I ask them who is ‘the me’ that is using the mind, the answer is normally a direct reflection of their level of consciousness. Some start off by describing their human self and once they have thought about it more, say the spirit self is who they are. The more aware a person becomes – the more conscious they are. (You may be thinking that there is nothing surprising so far). There are several different levels of the mind and they range from the highest level of the mind to the lowest level of the mind. I will categorise them into three parts; the

higher, middle and lower levels in this model. Whenever we generate a thought we will be creating it from one of these levels. It makes sense that the higher mind creates thoughts with a higher vibration whilst the lower mind creates lower vibrating thoughts. Our human self operates in the lower levels of the mind and therefore it generates lower vibrating thoughts. There is nothing wrong with this because we need to operate on this level if we want to interact with the world around us. Our higher self uses the higher mind which generates higher vibrating thoughts. I realised that I was using a higher level of my mind when I chose to think from my spirit self as opposed to that of when I was operating from my human level. This provoked me to explore what was actually happening. If I had the ability to use either of these levels then I could be either my spirit self or my human/ ego self. The question was;”Who is the me?” If I can choose to be either of those then I can’t be one of them – I must be something else and this something else must be higher than both of those. I am my higher self! We are our higher selves! There is a lot of information that refers to our spirit self still evolving as it returns towards the Oneness

where it started many lifetimes ago and that each trip to ear th is designed to create challenges that will hopefully awaken it to its full potential. This means that our spirit must be still separate from the Oneness otherwise it could not be an individual spirit. This would also mean that it is not fully conscious and thus it would operate out of the middle to upper levels of the mind. There is also a lot of information that states that a part of us is fully connected to the Creator. Statements such as ‘God is within’ and a more controversial one; ‘we are God’. There is also the ‘I am’ and the ‘almighty I am’. Here is where the higher mind gets to be used. I am whatever part of the mind I am focused on in any given moment. If my consciousness is relatively unevolved then I will mostly be my human self and thus mostly operate out of the lower levels of my mind. If I am a spiritual person then I will spend more time operating out of the spirit level of my mind. In other words; ‘I am whatever I focus on’ and this is governed by how aware or conscious I am. Also; ‘whatever I focus on, I become!’ I have come to under stand that I have been limited by my own thoughts which have been limited by believing that I was my spirit self. This is because my consciousness had been limited to not being able to think beyond that. However; now that I see a bigger picture I have found a new freedom which is; I am whatever I am focused on at the time. The ‘I am’ has learnt to communicate with my spirit-self and help it to awaken to higher levels. I have found a higher level of inner peace that I only had touches of when I thought from my spirit self. I have also shared this concept with some of my clients and helped them to experience the same. We are beings with unlimited potential to expand our consciousness and whatever we focus on both reflects and creates the level of consciousness of our ‘state of mind!’ David Lane’s journey into higher consciousness includes many understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique path. David’s book is titled ‘Personal Power’. It is about how we evolve our consciousness and how to monitor our journey and is available online.

NEW BOOK Personal Power

connecting to the creative force within • describes the journey into self empowerment plus the tools to get there

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LOVE AND COMPASSION BY SUSANNE MARIE It seems I hear almost daily about people who are in situations where they feel alone, unloved, unmotivated or caught in such a hole, from which they do not know how to extricate themselves. I am so lucky that if I ever feel any of those things (albeit a very rare occurrence in my life any more) that I have the tools to quickly change how I feel. Thetahealing® and the continued daily practice of making a very loving connection with the highest Source help me to grow and to help others do so too. Being in that space makes it much easier to be compassionate to all points of view and to be in a place of love. Often I have clients who will come to see me because they know a very difficult situation is looming for them. Often it is because those two people have completely opposingpoints of view, each with its own validity. This can escalate to a point of hatred or bitterness. We then work together to find the best way to handle difficult situations. This means finding a way to see every circumstance surrounded with love. Approach each situation with a truly loving heart. As you do this you will feel love flow through you, and around you. Ask for each event to be surrounded with love that it may be resolved in the highest and best way, for the highest and best good of each person involved with the situation. I coach and guide people who have not yet taken my classes to visualise the situation as being com-

pletely resolved. I help them to imagine and visualise the event or series of events playing out in a way that brings resolution and restores balance. If you have a situation like this at the moment, close your eyes and see all of those involved surrounded in bubbles of love. Make sure you remember to include yourself. As you are visualising, be mindful of your breathing. Count to five on the in-breath, hold for a count of five and then slowly release your breath to a count of five. Repeat slowly and mindfully a few times until you have a clear picture in your mind of your desired loving - focussed outcome. Look on their situation with compassion and love. Only love will heal situations with a satisfactory outcome. If you are concerned about a broader situation in the world, again only send love to it. As love is of a high vibration it starts to raise our consciousness to a higher level. Never resort to speaking negatively or angrily of any situation. All that happens is that you attract back to you negative situations. Continue to always create the kind of world you want through your thoughts, words and deeds. I love helping to change people’s perspective on others. Help yourself and others to always see through the eyes of love and compassion. Sometimes it is especially important to be loving and compassionate to yourself. There are many occasions when a relationship with

a friend, partner or lover becomes so untenable that you need to be loving and compassionate enough to yourself to remove yourself from the situation. Last time I mentioned about my work with Primary school and younger aged children. Another group of people who really seem to benefit from the work that I do are teenagers. Over the past thirty to forty years the world has changed dramatically, especially since my three sons were at this age. There are many, then unheard of, extra conveniences and technologies at our fingertips. At the same time, many children are being born with heightened sensitivity and intuition. They do not always have the knowledge or understanding of who and what they are to be able to handle it. Some become behaviour problems, not because they are bad people but possibly because they have such sensitivity to the thoughts, feelings and emotions of those around them. Some sensitive children take on those from others and believe they are their own. This can lead to much conflict, both within themselves and with those around them. I have had concerned parents over many years bring some of these beautifully sensitive young people to me – both boys and girls. After two or three sessions I have seen great results if this is the source of the problem. Once children like this have been cleared of those energies and hooks and cords they begin to find their own sense of self and become much calmer. We work on their self esteem and keeping their energy separate and protected from others and strategies to help themselves. There are many in our world who can benefit from working with love and compassion so that they can become true to their own being. Susanne Marie is a Theta Healing® Master; Certificate of Science in Theta Healing®; DipTeaching (Prim); Dip Health Sciences(Remedial Massage); Dip Oriental Massage; Healer and Teacher of Theta Healing® for many years. Regular seminars (to practitioner level) and individual consultations available. Remedial Massage Therapist; Civil Marriage Celebrant. M: 0418 845 119. Consulting and Seminars in Payneham and Crafers.

Be Healthy, Happy and in Harmony Thetahealing® Master Susanne Marie’s passion is to assist people in being healthy, happy and abundant in all aspects of their being.  Theta Healing Consultations and Seminars As a Certificate of Science® in Thetahealing®, Susanne conducts a broad range of Seminars to the highest level available.  Remedial Massage Therapist  House and Business Clearing  Past life Crystal Journeys CRAFERS & PAYNEHAM • Ph: 0418 845 119



Naturopath, Herbalist, Cancer Support & Women’s Health

Reduce your Estrogen Overload for Better Health! Estrogen overload is associated with many female hormonal issues including PMS/PMT, endometrisosis, fibrocystic or painful breasts and increased risk for breast cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. Men can also suffer estrogen overload particularly as they age due to a relative drop in androgens or “male” hormones or if they are overweight. Men with estrogen overload are more prone to prostate cancer. Estrogen production, metabolism and clearance are influenced by many factors including poor diet, obesity, excess alcohol, high insulin levels, hormone replacement, exposure to pesticides, chemicals, plastics and the consumption of hormone laden meat. Correction of these lifestyle factors and minimising exposure goes a long way to correcting the overload and we can also use specific nutrients and herbs to help. Estrogen is metabolised through the liver down 1 of 3 pathways. One of these (2-OH pathway) produces weak estrogenic activity, the other two produce strong estrogenic activity and they are associated with poor health including an increased risk of cancer. Dietary approaches which promote the 2OH pathway include a diet high in cruciferous vegies such as broccoli, cabbages, kale and Brussel sprouts. Citrus contain a substance called d-limonene which promotes detoxification of estrogen. Additional nutrients for supporting the 2-OH pathway are EPA fish oils, B vitamins (especially B6, B12 and folic acid), Vitamin E and magnesium. Many herbs support the preferred metabolic pathway including Rosemary and others support liver detoxification in general including turmeric and St Mary’s Thistle. Nutrients with antioxidant activity, such as green tea, Vitamin C,

selenium and the amino acid Nacetylcysteine prevent problematic “oxidation” of the end products of estrogen metabolism. Zinc, green tea, resveratrol (from red grape skins and some herbs) and other nutrients also act to inhibit aromatase (an enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens) and so can lower overall estrogen load. Estrogen can be “bound” by something called sex hormone binding globulin. This essentially takes it “out of action”. Increasing fibre in the diet, specifically fibre containing something called lignans increases the binding. Flaxseed meal is one of the best sources of these lignans, but must be freshly ground as it goes rancid very, very quickly. It is crucial to clear estrogen not only from the liver effectively but also from the bowel. As it leaves the liver estrogen is “bound” to another substance called glucuronic acid. However, “bad bugs” in the gut can break this bond, leading to reabsorption of estrogen. Maximising your gut health through herbal medicines, probiotics and prebiotics and other treatments can help lower the numbers of “bad bugs”. Consider increasing fermented foods such as kefir and sauerkraut for the naturally occurring probiotics. Increase your intake of high glucarate foods including apples, broccoli, spinach and Brussel sprouts. Also increase your intake of insoluble fibre such as whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice, barley), oat bran, nuts & seeds (including quinoa), peas, beans, lentils, and berries. These help to bind estrogen in the gut and help “take it out”! If you are concerned about your liver metabolism of estrogens a simple urine test is available that can determine whether you are metabolising optimally. If your metabolism is less than ideal despite dietary and lifestyle changes there are sup-

plements & herbal formulas which concentrate the “active” ingredients found in the therapeutic foods and herbs. For example Indole 3 Carbinol or DIM from cruciferous veggies; limonene from citrus; calcium Dglucarate; Silymarin from St Mary’s Thistle and curcumin from turmeric are all available in concentrated form. Be sure to source good quality bio-available forms (available from qualified naturopaths & herbalists) as many over the counter varieties are not standardised and/ or don’t use high quality star ting ingredients. Be cautious about ordering on line for the same reason. Here’s your estrogen clearance “shopping list”. Get started today for better health! •Lemons & Limes •Broccoli, cabbages, Brussel sprouts, kale •Oily deep sea fish •Flaxseed meal •Green tea •Chamomile tea •Passionflower tea •Red grapes •Apples •Whole grains •Berries •Nuts and seeds •Lentils, beans and pulses •Fermented foods •Rosemary & Turmeric And don’t forget - buy organic whenever possible to minimise pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals that have estrogenic effects. For women’s health go to www. Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, RYT has been a registered health professional since 1986. She is a naturopath, herbalist, Master’ s prepared counselor, Registered Nurse and Registered Yoga Teacher. Belle firmly believes total health and wellness are only achievable through the integration of body, mind and spirit. She specializes in women’s health and cancer support and holds advanced nursing qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Belle has specialised in cancer support since 2003, is the founder of the Cancer Support Alliance (www. and was the Consultant Naturopath for Cancer Care Centre for seven years.” She has a particular interest in keeping cancer patients well during their chemotherapy and

radiotherapy treatments, combining knowledge from her extensive nursing background with natural medicine and dietary approaches. Belle teaches gentle yoga classes at her private studio, Serenity Yoga and also offers individual therapeutic yoga sessions for particular health issues. She is currently undertaking a Postgraduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy. Belle is located in St Georges (Burnside), SA. For more info see

awakening one community at a time . . .

awakening one community at a time . . .



Glucomannan Fibre - A Weight Loss Supplement That Works Lose up to 8-10 pounds(3.6-4.5 kg) of weight in 5 weeks* GLUCOMANNAN is a natural, water-soluble dietary fibre extracted from the roots of the elephant yam, also known as konjac. It has recently gained considerable attention as an effective weight loss supplement. GLUCOMANNAN absorbs water and becomes gel-like. It “sits” in your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories. It absorbs so much liquid that if you place 1/4 teaspoon into a bowl of water, the entire content turns into a gel. These

unique properties are believed to mediate its effects on weight loss.

1. It takes up space in the stomach and promotes a feeling of fullness (satiety), thereby reducing food intake at a subsequent meal.

3. It feeds the friendly bacteria in the intestine, which turn it into short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, shown to protect against fat gain in some animal studies. Feeding the friendly gut bacteria may also have other benefits, and some studies have shown a correlation between altered gut bacteria and body weight.

2. Like other soluble fibre, it delays emptying of the stomach, contributing to increased satiety and it reduces the absorption of fat

For weight loss, take a dosage of 1 gram (1/4 tsp) in a glass of water 15-20 minutes before your meals up to 3 times per day

GLUCOMANNAN is believed to promote weight loss via several mechanisms:


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* Three human studies showed that glucomannan, combined with a healthy diet, can help people lose 8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg) of weight in 5 weeks. (For more info on this study visit )


Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Oriental Diagnosis, and Teacher of Natural Medicine

Menopause Relief

I was sitting with one of my beautiful clients the other day, and as I looked at her flushed face she said “I’m feeling so grumpy, everyone’s driving me crazy, please help me Lynne!” I thought, the poor thing, she’s going through menopause. Does this sound familiar? Over the years in clinic I have seen many women suffering from menopause, at varying degrees and with a wide range of symptoms, sometimes quite debilitating. It appears to be more common in our western society and although some women breeze through this period of life, I would say around 70% are not so lucky, this is a natural par t of life really, when women’s hormones are winding down from her reproductive years to her post reproductive years. The idea from a natural medicine perspective is to support the body during this time of adjustment, we aim to support the body so that the hormones can ween down with minimal discomfort. There are a wide range of symptoms experienced as a woman goes

through this period of life and as we are all unique beings, symptoms can vary for each individual. Some of the most common symptoms are: hot flushes, brain fog, changes in mood, urinary tract infections, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, painful intercourse, heavy bleeding, insomnia, dry eyes and weight gain around the abdomen, just to name a few. So, let’s take a look at what you can do to help your body through this period of change. To start with

17 it is important to support your nervous system, women who have suffered from long term stress appear to have significantly more discomfor t. In clinic I would provide you with some lovely herbs to support this, however, if you can’t get in to see a practitioner for help, you could start by drinking some lovely herbal teas at home, for example, lavender, chamomile, lemon balm or valerian may be beneficial. Joining a meditation group, doing yoga or walking along the beach, in some parks or gardens maybe, perhaps you would enjoy doing a Tai Chi or Chi Kung class, these would all help to master the management of continual stress. Nature has also provided us with several fabulous herbs, which contain a group of phytochemicals called steroidal saponins, these beautiful herbs have the ability to help alleviate the symptoms of estrogenic withdrawal experienced around menopause. It is important to support the hypothalamic gland which is your master gland, along with your pituitary gland and adrenal glands, as these glands play a major role in regulating your hormonal system. One of the herbs which I find very beneficial in this instance is Tribulous, the leaf of this plant is rich in steroidal saponins and clinical studies using the European Tribulous have had remarkable results treating menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes etc. As mentioned before, if you can’t get in to see a practitioner, you could take sage to help hot flushes, this can be found in tablet form or drank as a tea. There are also beautiful herbs to help with libido, heavy bleeding and brain fog, and I think you really need to find a good qualified practitioner to help if you have these symptoms. For some women menopause can take a few years to run its course so to speak and therefore you need to have someone to help monitor your health and suppor t you through this time. Painful intercourse is quite common as the vaginal lining becomes thinner and the mucous membranes become dryer, there are some herbs

that suppor t the mucous membranes, also Sea Buckthorn oil may improve the integrity of vaginal epithelium. Sea Buckthorn comes from a plant and is rich in antioxidants and is a good source of omega 7. In clinic I have made up an amazing cream to help nourish the vaginal epithelium and to reduce painful intercourse, I believe, in combination with the Sea Buckthorn this problem may be significantly improved. Lastly, I’m going to talk about weight gain around your middle, which I’m afraid is nature taking its course, as oestrogen is stored in adipose tissue, which is fat tissue, your body hangs onto the fat around your middle in an attempt to hang on to oestrogen. I’m not saying we can’t do something about it, but you may have to put a bit of effor t in to correct this. Carnitine is one of many products that can help the utilization of adipose tissue for production of energy in the body, as well as helping with the wasting of muscle often seen after going through menopause. Changing your diet and taking up a well thought out exercise program is also advisable and therefore I recommend you seek out someone you feel very comfor table with to help you through this unique phase of your life. Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Constitutional and Emotional Iridology at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421618792 or email Web site:

awakening one community at a time . . .

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awakening one community at a time . . .


Certified NLP Practitioner, Life Coach and Meditation teacher

Living an Empowered Life

Empower ment is about making choices. Choices that fulfil you and make you happy. It is about understanding yourself and knowing what you want and need in life. And it is about loving and accepting yourself for the unique and wonderful person you are! How do you become an empowered person? The first step is knowing what that feels, or would feel like, to you. Being able to recognise when you feel empowered gives you an idea of the kind of thoughts, actions, situations and people you need to incorporate into your life. The other side of this coin, and just as impor tant is recognising when you feel un-empowered. When you notice yourself in low energy emotions, pause and ask yourself a few questions. What about this situation is causing me to feel this way? What do I need to do to get my power back? And how am I going to do it in a way that reflects the person I am and the values I hold? Always remember that empowerment is not about power over others. It is about you feeling like the best person you can be, knowing you have the right and ability to

make choices that align with your true self. Feeling empowered is claiming that right and owning it. Every day we are given a fresh start and a chance to create a life we love living. It is our choices that either keep us stuck in the same old pattern or moving on to bigger and better. Where would you rather be? We create our reality based on the thoughts we indulge in, the words we speak and the actions we take. Life reacts to us just as we react to it. Accepting that you cannot change the externals in your life means you can start focusing on changing your internal world. The magical thing about this is that once you star t working on yourself your external world suddenly star ts to change with you. Understanding how your thoughts, words, beliefs and actions make your life what it is gives you immense power. The power to create whatever you want (or don’t want if you’re not careful). In order to be able to put this wonderful power to work you must first accept full responsibility for ALL aspects of your life. Yes, it really is all your fault. All the bits you don’t want or don’t like AND all the wonderful, amazing

bits too! We have a tendency to forget that we are also responsible for all the great achievements, people and memories we have in our life, and instead focus solely on the ‘negative’ parts. Just note that whatever you focus on you create more of. Focusing on the bits you don’t like creates more of that, and focusing on the bits that are great attracts more greatness! If you still feel it’s impossible to create what you want in your life, remember that you created all the other great things in your life. If you managed it in the past is it not possible to do it again? Another big step towards empowered living is to ditch the words negative and bad. Realising there is no such thing means you can start seeing those things in your life as opportunities to learn and grow as a person. If you look at them this way they can become some of the best things that ever happened to you. Once you truly accept responsi-

Create a Life YOU Love! Would you like to: Boost your confidence and self Esteem? Create meaningful, positive relationships in your life? Become an effective and powerful leader either in work, or for yourself?  Join me for my upcoming March Workshop: An Empowered You!  Connect to your inner self at one of my meditation classes  Book a one-on-one coaching session Contact Sharyna Sharman for more information and bookings. Stop by my Facebook page for daily inspiration and insight at facebook/SharynaConsciouslyYou Connect to your Passions and make them a reality!


bility for your life and the decisions you make your world will literally open up! Suddenly there are possibilities everywhere and you feel that sense of empowerment which comes with the understanding that you do have control over your outcomes, based on all the choices you make. Once we can forgive and let go of the decisions we have made up to now that have not ser ved us in the way we wanted, we open ourselves up to a wonderful sense of liberation and EMPOWERMENT at the prospect of being able to make new decisions that are in alignment with the life we want. To start this process, I encourage you to start practicing positive reflection every day. The best time to do this is in the 45 minutes before bed, because you process the things you think about during this time in your sleep far more than anything else. Think

about all the things you are grateful for in your day and in your life. Start a journal and write your thoughts, feelings, ideas and anything from your day you want to let go of onto paper. Realise all the things you have achieved today and feel proud of the contribution you have made. Lastly, ask yourself three questions; where am I currently? Where do I want to be? And what do I need to do to get there?

Sharyna Sharman is a certified NLP Practitioner, Life Coach and Meditation teacher. Having life long experience with horses, she also specialises in Equine Assisted Coaching to help people better understand themselves and the deep connection we have to each other. She currently offers individual sessions, programs, workshops, seminars and classes. Contact 0431 922 407 or Sharyna.sharman@live. for more information.

Laughing Goes with EFT Tapping WITH ANNIE O’GRADY What has this woman got to laugh about? Well -- it’s the course she’s taking, her EFT tapping training course. How about a roomful of people tapping on themselves and laughing with relief and joy as their own personal problem melts away? Yes, this is a typical Emotional Freedom Techniques beginners’ class in Adelaide. EFT tapping is the multi-purpose acupressure technique that calms your ner vous system and your brain’s fear centre, often quickly, and so immediately frees up new possibilities. Beginners calm their anxieties and even their physical pain, and they get permanent access to EFT’s enormous range of application areas in life. Tappers learn to apply simple techniques to improve relationships and self confidence, lose phobias, neutralise painful memories and traumas, enhance peak performance in whatever they are doing from business to sport, and much more. (As an EFT Master Trainer, I need say that such results are obtained by people who are tapping correctly. EFT founder Gary Craig re-

cently said, ‘EFT is the most imitated healing aid in history’ – because Youtube is crammed with both EFT demonstration videos, and others where people present their own variations.) Tapping away stressful emotions immediately improves both mental and physical health. Noted cell biologist author Dr. Bruce Lipton says, ‘EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behaviour.’ How do we define this unusual healing aid? It is a leader among energy therapies that set out to release emotional, mental and physical stress through directly resonating blockages in the body’s subtle energy system -- in EFT’s case, in the meridian system utilised by acupuncture, but without the needles. Millions of people around the world are applying EFT tapping, in many languages. The method has been studied by more than 60 scientists, in 10 countries. It is rated by the conservative U.S. American Psychological Association as ‘evidence-based’ , and they approve it for study by their member psychologists, doctors, nurses, and social

workers. Thousands of U.S. war veterans have lost their crippling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder through a short course with one of many EFT practitioners. Children tap down their fears. People even soothe animals through tapping. (This year will see the first world conference on ‘EFT and Animals’ in the U.K.) There are so many reasons to laugh away stress this way. My Adelaide Cer tificate training courses are approved by the world’s largest professional association for tappers, AAMET. They comprise Levels 1, 2 and 3 Courses as well as EFT Practioner Training. #

ANNIE O’GRADY. EFT Master Trainer, holds private consultations both in person in South Terrace, Adelaide, and on Skype anywhere. She holds Training Courses from introductory to professional, gives talks, and her DIY book ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ is available online via her website, www.EFTemotionalhealing. com

Private Sessions (inc. Skype) – EFT Training (AAMET) -- Talks

Train in EFT tapping! Level 1 student: ‘EFT is helping more than I thought possible!’ Certificate Courses: Levels 1, 2, 3 & EFT Practitioner training

Consciously You

Be Extraordinary…

0431 922 407 •

ANNIE O’GRADY, EFT Master Trainer, author of ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ says, ‘This science-based acupressure process is an amazing life improvement tool – and you get it for life. Try it!’ Contact Annie now for next Adelaide Course dates M 0448 338 289 W E Consults: South Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia


Healing & Reconnection WITH ANTHONY CRAIG

Founder of Spectra Healing & Spectra Activating Consciousness certified Hypnotherapist and Social Worker.

Challenges, Engagements and Possibilities As 2015 unfolds we are seeing further and deeper impact from the events of 2014, both at a personal level and a societal level. Some people are beginning to make changes but struggle against the unchanged constraints of daily life to maintain their new and clearer focus. Changes are being made at the physical level but not at the other levels that are required to hold the changes in place. Understanding and awakening is still not occurring fast enough. People are still trapped in the mediocrity of societal existence, succumbing to the will and wants of others. It is really time that a new awareness comes to the fore so that we can move forward and onward without continually being constrained often by our own ignorance. It is only then that we will see real and permanent change both at individual and worldly levels. Yes we are part of the bigger picture and we need to all take responsibility in changing ourselves so that it evolves. We are but a cog that helps turn the bigger wheels and we must own that responsibility. Many people choose to remain

affected by the actions of others. These include in the workplace, family and friends, and all levels of our community. We have all heard the saying “What we believe in, we can achieve” It is often the environment we create around ourselves that affects the level of belief we can maintain, hence why so many people fall over in what they aim to do. Firstly we must learn to free ourselves from other influences. This needs to be a conscious decision. Action needs to take place, whether that needs to be changing the people we hang out with, or reducing the impact of negativity in our lives through the media etc. Look at the factors affecting the environment around you and decide what needs to change. If you can’t make the changes, then remove them. It is only by changing yourself that you can begin to effect change in others and the environment. Many slowly slide back into the old environment through complacency and laziness and then complain that positive change is not happening. Change is always possible and so the second thing to learn is how to maintain an environment

that is beneficial to you. It is up to you and you alone to do this. It is only by taking regular steps that you can maintain a positive and supportive environment. Do not give up. You must release the negative emotions that keep you pushed down. The biggest one is probably fear. What really is the worst that can happen to you that you can’t pick yourself up from? Why worry and spend emotional energy on things you can’t change? Why continue to live in the past? Learn to release it, use it as a historical perspective and move on. Don’t continue to waste emotional energy on it. Jealousy and envy come near the top of the list too. Our materialistic and judgmental society does not help here but it is possible to release from these negative emotions. The stress created by these emotions has a very detrimental effect on our bodies both physically and mentally. So what steps can we take to effect positive change in ourselves and consequently our worlds. Take steps to change your belief systems. Mix with like-minded people to where you want to be rather than listening to the continual putdowns from others. Surround yourself with a peaceful environment. Take time out to spend time with nature – gardens, parks, beaches etc. Bring back the balances in your life. Balance work and play. Take out time for yourself. Watch what you eat. Rid yourself of the toxins. Learn to meditate and practise every day. Starting simply with this can just be some day dreaming in the shower, relaxing quietly in the armchair, relaxing to some favourite instrumental music that takes you to another place, sitting at peace in a garden. If you want to go further

there are plenty of CD’s and groups around to help. Then the new levels of healing that are around today, such as Spectra Healing that combine both light and sound with hear t and brain, connect you back to the perfection that you are multidimensionally and interdimensionally and allows healing to take place on ALL levels, not just physically. Through this divine connection and change of consciousness with all parts of you and your soul, your body can be recoded and begins to recognise the bigger picture more easily. Healing is really about bringing balance and harmony into your body and this is what is needed to allow you to recognise and create a better environment around yourself to make better choices and achieve the dreams you want. To find out more, come to an information session or workshop on SPECTRA Healing. Practitioner training is also available. For more information or to contact and arrange an event in your area visit www. Anthony Craig is the founder (along with Divine Intelligence) of Spectra Healing and Spectra Activating Consciousness and a certified Hypnotherapist and Social Worker. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively as an Instructor and Practitioner, educating and expanding new healing work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Regular information sessions, workshops and seminars are held. See website for details in your area. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664. For further information visit www.

awakening one community at a time . . .


MEDICAL INTUITION VERSUS A MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS Being a former Registered Nurse and Midwife with a Diploma in Community Health Nursing is a great bonus for me in my work as a Spiritual Healer and Medical Intuitive but also the cause of some frustration at times for me too. Many clients are hopeful they can just sit down opposite me in my healing room and be told instantly all about their health concerns in a card reading with me also giving them a formal Medical Diagnosis but Medical Intuition is quite a different psychic science and my answers will be different to those given during a normal psychic reading or from those your Doctor would give you. Many year s ago I wor ked in country SA as a Nurse Practitioner seeing many patients in a GPs Surgery and treating them myself or referring them on to a Hospital or Specialist if needed. I was remarkably successful with my diagnosis and treatments at that time but as a psychic and healer I am not offering that service and legally simply can’t diagnose a major illness based on my Intuition alone. WHAT A MEDICAL INTUITIVE CAN SEE & DO Most Medical Intuitives like myself read the energy of a client first – both internal and external. So we all have an Aura or Energy Field that is both within the body and around it, and when a client is very ill it usually appears as a dull yellow gray or even black energy that looks heavy and very close to the body and actually feels heavy, sticky and unpleasant to touch. Healthy and happy clients have bright shiny auras that radiate rainbow like colours that feel smooth and soft to touch but most people simply have an energy field that is somewhere in between this. After a quick visual check of a client’s energy I then prefer to sit and touch the client lightly on the back with my eyes closed and to read their internal energy first with a type of “X-ray Vision” so if for instance I see the clients head filled with grey or dark energy I would then check the energy field with my hands off the body and probably sense a feeling of sadness and heavy energy over both the head and the heart so my intuitive diagnosis of would be of depression. This could probably be confirmed easily by the client and clearing the dark and heavy energy around and within them with spiritual healing would definitely relieve many of their symptoms. Sensing a recent hospital visit is always of interest to me as many people tell me they have “Never Been the Same” since they were involved in a minor car accident and spent a day or two in hospital – let alone after a serious illness lasting a few weeks. The cause of this can be their energy field is now seriously out of balance or even lopsided due to the force of the accident or maybe to survive major trauma part

of their Soul Energy left the body and didn’t ever fully return – again these are simple enough to treat with energy balancing and soul retrieval. Naturally your local MD is not going to make a similar diagnosis and medications for anxiety and stress can often cause more imbalances so meditation, being close to nature and natural remedies are best in this case. Then there is also the matter of connecting with strange energies and lost souls in a hospital. THE EFFECT OF THE SPIRIT WORLD As a Medium I see spirits who are loving and protective around many people and some who are just plain sad and confused around many others and its important to know we are greatly affected energetically and emotionally by those in the spirit world. So hospitals and bars play host to many unhappy and addicted spirits and whether you are under the influence of anaesthesia or alcohol or drugs some of these spirits can decide to stay close to you for their own reasons and soon you will feel low in energy and sad yourself perhaps even craving alcohol or drugs. An Intuitive again is definitely best to consult for this concern and simply sending the unhappy spirit to The Light will greatly improve your state of mind and energy levels. A DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS All major disease has an energy pattern and with experience it is possible for example to sense the energy pattern of a neurological disorder such as Multiple Sclerosis versus say a Stroke or Brain Cancer. Sometimes the answer can’t be found this way though and channelled information from a High Level Guide might perhaps reveal an addiction to Diet Coke is causing symptoms similar to say MS of numbness in the hands and lower limbs and temporary loss of consciousness. Past Lives affect us all and many times when few answers can be found to unresolved fears and anxieties and even major illnesses such as cancer consulting the clients Akashic or Soul Records instead of their Medical Records can reveal many answers and possible solutions. As a science Medical Intuition is still very new but it offers many insights and treatment opportunities for those concerns not answered by a conventional medical diagnosis. ELISABETH JENSEN first trained as a Therapeutic Touch Teacher and has taught energy healing for 20 years to many Health Care Professionals and Healers. She is the Principal of Isis Mystery School and has developed her own Isis Lotus Healing system as well as being a Triple Award Winning Psychic. Please see www. or call 1300 558075 for more information about her Courses and Consultations.

awakening one community at a time . . .


SOUL TO SOUL BY CINZIA VUAT Dear Cinzia, I have a lady friend in my life. We have been good friends for some years now and recently her relationship ended. I now find that I am starting to get feelings for her. Is there any possibility of this becoming a long term commitment? Barry ASCOT PARK.

Hi Barry, Yes absolutely it will – you do not need to do anything except to continue to be yourself and it will evolve naturally. A word to the wise Focus only on your friendship at this point. Let her have her time to settle after the ending of her past relationship. That may seem to be the slow path but in fact I see things will take shape quite quickly if dealt with this way. It is, as they say in the classics a “definite”! Regards Cinzia. Hi Cinzia, can you tell me if my financial situation will improve? Maggie GOODWOOD.

Dear Maggie, I see you have been putting your energy everywhere but into your finances for the past four years or so - and in the process have depleted your resources. I see that there is a large home that you will sell and downsize happily from. This will both bring your finances back into balance but also free up time for you to put your energies into the things that matter to you. Lots of luck! Cinzia. Hi Cinzia, I am booked to go overseas and find myself frightened to travelWill I get there and back OK and do you see any issue with the plane encountering problems such as going missing? I know it sounds silly but I keep going over it and I want to know if I’m just imagining things or there is more to my concerns. Sandra CAMPBELLTOWN

Dear Sandra, we are all intuitive so your question has my total respect, sometimes it’s hard to distinguish

between those moments of intuition one ought not ignore and simply over thinking something which we are all prone to do from time to time. Anyhow, I want you to know your trip will be absolutely safe. Totally. In fact you are going to have a wonderful holiday which is going to be a springboard for you pursuing new goals and plans for the rest of 2015. Bon Voyage! Much Love Cinzia


Thank you Cinzia. You counseled me to focus on my father when I came to you with a “terminal” cancer diagnosis regarding my mum and my concern as to whether she would pass quickly. You said, despite her age and contrary to expectations that she would respond well to the treatment and go into remission. You warned me about Dads heart even though he was in good health and that I should focus on him as he may pass suddenly and soon. That’s exactly as things turned out. Because of that advice I stopped worrying about mum and spent as much precious time with Dad as I could. I am so grateful for that time. Otherwise I would have missed out on what I was able to do with Dad and was able to stay positive for both of them through Mum’s treatment. My thanks. - Jane PROSPECT As a child Cinzia suffered from selective mutism, frightened to speak, her healing search began and intensified after a near-death experience resulted in awakening her uncanny psychic ability, now a psychic medium Cinzia is available to Innerself readers who have a pressing question they would like answered. Please indicate in any email whether you give permission for extracts to be published and pseudonym if required. Reply emails also welcome. Phone: 0410 456 540


ACCESS YOUR FUTURE TODAY Your important questions anwered accurately and quickly. Readings may be taped so Cinzia’s gentle guidance lasts

Satisfaction assured or no fee charged Special Discount Please mention inner self when booking to receive a discounted 1 hour reading By appointment only

Phone 0410 456 540 North Adelaide


The Wisdom of Archangel Raziel


BY CAROLYNN MILNE, THE LADY THE ANGELS TALK TO Raziel came through very quickly and clearly. I had a vision of a still pool rippled by a single droplet. Water is the symbol for the subconscious. ~“Your subconscious on that plane is your conscious on this plane, this plane of the Angels. On this plane you are eternal. On this plane you are a creator. On this plane, you know everything. “This is why it is important for you to learn to work with your subconscious, this plane where the Angels dwell. “If you can work from a place where you know everything, you cannot fail at any enterprise you under take. Think how this could enhance your lives and the lives of all humankind. “Whatever time and effort it takes to reach this plane of perfection will be well rewarded by the wonderful gifts you will receive.”~ We are encouraged so often to meditate, to still our minds, but Raziel puts it into a new light. These benefits cannot be ignored. This great Angel then talks about the New Age, and why we need this wisdom. ~“Each has a par t in the New Age of Divine love and wisdom. Each Soul born into this time has been born into this time for a purpose. Fear not what yourpurpose will be. If you are following your heart, you are following your divine purpose. “Fear not that you will be unable to fulfil your destiny. Each Soul is given only what it can achieve with ease and grace. There are no mistakes or accidents in the Divine light. “Wisdom and love is there for all to share. No one is handicapped or limited except by their own fear and greed. “Plan now to use this gift of life wisely to enhance your Soul on the Ear th plane. Act out of love and

Lina Todd


compassion, so many ways to give and help with acts of kindness. Look for opportunities to show someone you care. “Don’t fear death because of your selfish attitude or because of greed or hatred. Work at enhancing your Soul by engaging with your subconscious now. Those who have ascended, or enhance their Soul, go to their deaths knowing it is only a transition. “Call upon the Angels to help you enhance your Soul. Call upon the Angels for Divine Grace and ELOHIM now, and the blessings will be yours.”~ A compelling message and a further insight into death. Can we afford to ignore it? ~“Love, love is all, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. Without love, there is no beginning and no end. God is love. It is that simple, all heartache and complications are caused by man.”~ This ending is my favourite. It is such profound wisdom. Blessings, Carolynn. Subscribe to my web page today to receive my gift of a channelled message, from the Angels or Masters, emailed to you each week or phone 0422 865 727 to talk to me direct.www.

awakening one community at a time . . .

by Cinzia Vuat In the course of my readings I get all manner of insights into the future, not because I’m calling for it but because it is relevant in some way to the reading I am doing for that particular person. Sometimes it’s just a once off but some things come up over and over, like recurring themes in the fabric of time. It’s those I will share here even though at times it’s hard to believe what I’m getting. For what it’s worth I do not feel the future is set in stone but exists (and is seen by me) as a “most likely” outcome at any point in its past. I do believe we have the power to change this “most likely” outcome, namely we are not simple flotsam and jetsam in a predetermined world. In short - Yes we matter for we are, all of us, wondrous creators. Some years ago I began to see the global environmental problems we are now experiencing with floods, tornados, sink holes and ear thquakes and wildfires on a large and repetitive scale. These will be ongoing and present continuing challenges for Australia and the world. Lately Sydney has started to come up with some sort of environment based “disaster” - I see water so I’m thinking flood or Tornado which I get doesn’t have a great precedent that far south but it’s star ting to come up in different readings. If I get anything more detailed in terms of time or cause I’ll post it but it’s beginning to show up and it’s definitely Sydney. Before I get on to the big one I keep seeing, for those wondering, Michael Jackson’s passing was no accidental death though for obvious reasons I can’t say more about it here. So what’s the big one? I see in the not too distant future that there will be a news announcement that all the governments of the world have been in a class action suit against the USA to release UFO information that they all signed an agreement to keep from the general public years ago – and that we would be told in the news flash that America has lost! What that means for us is the release of new and amazing technologies much needed in these challenging times. We will see in all of this the beginnings of an era change, the rise of the machines. Worldwide robots will replace manual repetitive labour with a corresponding rise in unemployment. I see the world reshuffling work priorities, land usages and a globalisation of work possibilities. I was told in a recent reading that China has already commenced this process. Literally we will increasingly become citizens of the world and global entrepreneurs. Initially it’s going to look scary and unpredictable but ultimately our lives become full, exiting and positively challenging. May all sound whacky but it keeps coming up - big changes and big opportunities. More on this next time. Phone: 0410 456 540

Lina is a clairvoyant medium and healer who channels information through her spirit guides. She was voted Psychic of the year (SA) in 2011. She has been psychic all her life but didn’t know what it was until in her thirties when she met a lady who became her mentor for many years. She is a member of the Australian Psychics Association. Lina has been reading professionally for about 25 years now. She channels information through her guides to provide insight into her clients lives and as a medium connects with their loved ones on the other side. Steve Ashby from Psychics Connect says “I am pleased to describe Lina as an accurate, confident reader whose manner is friendly, bubbly and uplifting.” Lina is also a spiritual healer and a member of the South Austral-

ian Healers Association (SASHA). As a spiritual healing practitioner Lina prefers to be guided, making her healing work highly intuitive. Lina reads from the Eternal Spirit Goodwood on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays . For appointments phone Eternal Spirit on (08) 8271 9666.

Communicate with AA Michael through an Angel Card Reading with Raul Estevez

My relationship with Archangel Michael started when I was 8 years old; I was jumping over the fence from my friend’s house to mine, when I collapsed and fell to the ground. As I was laying on the ground I saw a blue light and a friendly voice said to me, ‘My name is Michael, I

am your Guardian Angel. I have with me my friend Raphael and we are going to help you, just relax please!’ I then saw a green emerald light surrounding me, I was placed into a healing bubble, it was a comforting feeling for me as a young boy! I suddenly went to sleep very peacefully! Then after a while I woke up to the voice of Michael saying “Raul, Raul wake up and look at the blue light” and I did then he proceeded to help me up and to walk home, from that moment onwards Archangel Michael has been My Wingman. Now I can help you get messages from him with an angel card reading!

For more information and/ or to make a booking visitwww. or contact Raul on 0408 564 382 “Believe with all your heart! ”

Nothing Matters, Nothing has any Meaning at all BY FRAN TOMLIN This is the title of a chapter in a very small, but a great treasure, of a book by Neale Donald Walsch. And of course, it’s true. It’s a great wisdom in fact. Its akin to advancing in age and experience enough to know that in the end you know nothing about anything...or at least, there is nothing to say about anything. Because it all just IS. There is no one reality...there are many, because there actually is no reality. What that means is we assign meaning to our own ‘realities’. Our perspectives are our realities. The ‘windows’ we look out of are our ‘worlds’, & through them we create our realities. Simply for the experience. And some of us become trapped in the experience of experiencing, lifetime after lifetime; caught up in the emotions of pain, suffering, confusion, conflict, wars etc until at some point we are brought up short by a recognition of ourselves in a split second moment. THAT’S when we choose to jump off

the ‘treadmill’ (the hamster wheel) and begin to realise there is a different way, a different perspective to explore..we become awake. Open to other ‘realities’...which takes us onto another level of experiencing. So basically nothing matters, nothing has any meaning at all other than the meaning we put upon it. And that can mean the ‘whole world’ to us, or not. This difference in perspective can be a painful knowledge to those still unawakened, as they see or draw comfort from us all being from the same world & needing us all to be in agreement with that world. Wars have been fought over this, and still are. This is part of where the creation of where our ‘worlds’ can take us, and “more than likely the meaning we give them is most often not related to what we are actually each experiencing, but rather to what we are told should be true for us” ... (to quote Neale Donald Walsch in that instance). Life is a singular experience so what we have

and share with others is a bonus. In other words I am my Universe & you are now playing in my Universe. You are your Universe & I am playing in your Universe. So in fact nothing really matters other than the meaning you or I assign to any one thing, person or happening. It all just IS an infinite experience. It all just IS . Nothing more, nothing less. Contact Fran on 0405 687 930 or email at or Facebook page Copyright FRAN TOMLIN.

PSYCHIC MEDIUM FRAN TOMLIN known as “The Soul Whisperer” • Quality Readings w/General Information, Spiritual Guidance • Deceased Connections & Past Lives • Psychic Dev Courses & w/Shops – Meditation Classes • Past Life Regression – Spirit Guide Paintings • Soul Art & Other w/Shops – Spiritual Practice Circle Qualifications: Cert. Hypnotherapy, Cert. Advanced Counselling, Reiki 1 & 2, Cert. Energy Healing, INTERNATIONAL Psychics Assoc ( IPA)

NOW AT MAGILL & PARALOWIE Phone: 0405687930 • Email: Facebook: Fran Tomlin Psychic Medium •


awakening one community at a time . . .

others, enormously.

My DIY book ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ is available via my website, www.EFTemotionalhealing. com, mobile 0448 338 289.

Susanne Marie

Pina Di Ghionno

Pina is a Sound, Crystal and energy Master. She has been wor king in this field for over 13 years. Her business name Angelic Divine Universal Healing encompass all that she represents. She is a Divine channel for the divine light and Unconditional love with the ability to channel Divine Energy, God/Goddess, Angels, and Masters to work through her, to assist you upon your journey. She channels Soul Songs and healing in the divine light language which cuts through consciousness to deliver a higher energy vibration and healing. Bringing forward what is ready to be cleared so that you can move forward on the next par t of your Journey. Pina connects and brings forward the divine energy that the High Priestess held in Lemuria and Atlantis, she also channels the divine light from the star systems Pleiades, Orion and Sirius. Pina works with the energy of the Seraphim Angels and with the 7 rays of the Archangels and their Twin Flames. Goddess Isis Of Lemuria and Atlantis, Mother Mary, Athena. Quan Yin, Buddha, Jesus, Ganesh are just some of the guides that assist in the healings She delivers. Pina also provides Reiki & Isis Healing (Master) Release of Emotional Blockages Chakra and Aura Balancing Spiritual Guidance Past Life release Attunement to Atlantean and Lemurian Energy Healing Pina runs workshops, Meditations, Sound Baths and group healing session and retreats. Long distance Angelic Healing, Sound Healing and Reiki by phone or skype. The above is a part of what I do. One of my specialties is to advance other healers and unblock them from what is slowing them in their progression to fulfil their life purpose. Pina has a Sound Energy and Cr ystal bath on In March Date: 27/3/2015, Date: 28/3/2015 or Date:29/3/2015 Angel and Goddess Spiritual Ascension retreat in October 30/10/2015 – 1/11/2015.

Full details are on the website www.angelicdivineuniversalhealing. com or call Pina for Information or appointment booking on 0414 295 629

Dian Booth

35 year s ago, after a career of 25 years as a professional violinist in Sydney, Melbourne and London, I began working Healing through Sound and Colour. My task was, like many sound

healers, to bring back knowledge of the use of this modality from many ancient cultures. While many have brought back this practice from Atlantean times (scientific approach), my focus has been more on Lemurian (Pacific area) practices, about creativity more than science. In recent years I have re-created and up-dated a healing instrument previously used in Egyptian Temples (Atlantean). The sound elements of the instrument now contain items from both Atlantis and Lemuria. At first I used this instrument only in Initiation ceremonies for my students. In 2014 I was asked to up-date it again, to address healing needs of both humans and Mother Ear th, at this time of dramatic change. Now, it is time to teach others how to use this multi-dimensional up-dated instrument. The training workshops begin in Melbourne in June, more in England in November, and other Australian States in 2016.

For further details phone 0417 800 219, visit

Cheryl Ueding

On the edge of the Barossa Valley in Tr uro you will find a newly opened Spiritual Café ... Soul Star Café. Behind the face of Soul Star Café is Cheryl Ueding, a spiritual healer, teacher and founder of Soul Star Connections. Many people now are not able to digest ‘wheat’ products or food containing wheat because of the gluten content and she believes this is due to its genetic modification over the last century. The challenge of finding good quality gluten-free food easily has led her to opening her own café specialising in gluten-free food adjacent to her antique shop in Truro. Cheryl’s deeper passions lie in helping people rid themselves of toxic emotional traumas with Emotional Rescue®. Her Shifting Gears®, Living Authentically and the Be Your Own Healer, Be Your Own Life Coach live and home study courses offer people a variety of entry levels to work through any problems or challenges in their life history enabling them to be able to live freely, passionately and powerfully. These courses are available via correspondence or through her Spiritual Centre in Truro. She is a co-author in the forthcoming book ... Embraced by the Divine - the Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Passion, Power and Purpose ... out this year. This book has been written for women everywhere who are no longer content to stand in the shadows, who are ready to reclaim their personal power and boldly step into and own their magnificence, turning their dreams into reality To find out more about Cheryl and

Soul Star Café visit her website ... download one (or both) of her free audio downloads ... or visit Soul Star Café on the Sturt Highway, Truro, SA. She is available by email ... cheryl@ soulstarconnections or phone (08) 8564 0412.

Lorraine Webb

Lorraine is t h e fo u n d e r o f Adelaide Healing Ener g y Centr e, Author, Energetic Healer and Trainer, teaching others how to reach their highest potential. She was selected to be included on the ‘South Australian Women’s Honour Roll 2011’ in recognition of her work in the community. She is well known for her development and delivery of healing programs around Australia. Lorraine established the Adelaide Healing Energy Centre in 1999 that has seen programs delivery to the public of Adelaide, interstate and remote communities. Working with individuals and groups, Lorraine delivers a range of programs within safe and supportive environments. She also delivers inspirational training for individuals at Uluru, Central Australia twice a year as a ten day retreat, passing on her passion and knowledge of the healing journey to those that seek her. The ‘Healing the Past’ program was created by Lorraine and thousands of individuals around Australia have changed their lives because of this program. Assisting individuals to ‘close the door’ on some of the issues from their past that have prevented them from moving forward in their lives. The latest program that she has created is the ‘Alcohol Recovery’ Program that addresses an issue in society that she is most passionate about having been witness to the destruction of addictions close to her.

For fur ther details phone (08)8342 4109 or visit www.

Annie O’Grady

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) , author, Master Trainer & Advanced Practitioner (AAMET). Hi, I love doing work to change people’s lives for the better, often quickly, with this finger tapping acupressure-and-mindfulness technique. This could be by releasing everyday stresses, or crippling trauma, or physical pain, or phobias, or reading disabilities, or destructive beliefs about themselves that hold them back from realising their dreams – well, whatever their problem is. And I love teaching these science-based skills too, enabling people to empower themselves, and

Susanne Marie from Vital Harmony is a Thetahealing® teacher and practitioner of many years’ experience. Susanne is a Thetahealing® Master and Certificate of Science in Thetahealing®. She teaches in Australia and internationally. Susanne uses her intuitive and healing abilities to bring about positive change and self-empowerment for all who desire it. She uses all of her many and varied life experiences to bring more value to the healing modalities she practices. Susanne offers Thetahealing® seminars from beginners to the highest level. She offers classes, individual consultations, mentoring, house & business clearing and past life journeys & healings, as well as Massage Therapies.

She can be reached on 0418 845 119. Website: au . Email: Susanne@vitalharmony. Consulting and teaching at Payneham and Crafers.

Dr. Khurshid Shroff

D r. K h u r s h i d Shroff is a Bharata Natyam dancer and chor eogr apher who teaches the art of Classical Indian dance in Adelaide to people of all ages and backgrounds. She presents performances and workshops for cultural, charitable organisations, schools and univer sities. Through the dance, students get to experience Indian art, philosophy and culture and also the therapeutic aspects of this holistic art with its physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Khurshid was awarded a Doctorate in Fine Ar ts (Dance) and an Honours Bachelor of Science by the University of Mumbai.

Please contact Khurshid to discuss more details on dance sessions, workshops and performances or to arrange a meeting with her. Contact: Tel. (08)8344 4482

Sharyna Sharman

Be Extraordinary! “ Consciously You” is about becoming aware of YOU. It is my passion to help all of us develop a better understanding of ourselves and those around us, be they human or animal. Specialising in confidence, relationships and leadership coaching, I work with the principles of Compassion, Connection and Commitment as the foundation of all my work to help you discover who you truly are and how to create the life you want. Let me help you get to where you want to be! Call me today for a FREE half hour consultation and take the first step towards living an Empowered Life. For more information and/or to make a booking contact me on 0431 922 407,

Diane McCann

Diane McCann attended her first workshop at thirteen! For 55 years she has continued to both learn and share her vast knowledge worldwide. Recognised as a pioneer, having brought great speakers and seminars to Adelaide, in 1987 she created ‘The Goddess Within’ to empower women to live more consciously. Together with her husband Rober t she cofacilitates Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples. Inspiring, empowering, humorous, with wisdom in both spiritual and health arenas, Diane brings out the full potential of those she works with. With a vision of world peace, she has an absolute passion for making a difference.

For more details phone (08) 8248 1281 or visit www.goddesswithin.

Sarah Rajkotwala

What would you do if you could talk to the plants and fairies in your garden? What exciting things would they tell you? Are the plants in your garden aware of you when you work in your garden? What exactly do fairies do in your garden? Find out how handy it can be to be able to communicate with nature and for it to communicate with you. Sarah Rajkotwala who is a fairy and angel telepath teaches these things and many more in the workshops she holds in her garden on Sundays, ‘How to talk to the plants and fairies in your garden’. It’s like tapping into this vast resource that you have just outside your front door. Have an adventure without even leaving your front gate. As a psychic and telepath as well as holding weekly spiritual development classes, Sarah delights in teaching others about the world of spirit in particular working with your angels, guides and fairies. She works closely with the fairies and plants in her garden gleaning many interesting facts from the fairies themselves. It’s like you are working in partnership with spirit instead of randomly going about things, you can get your information directly from the world of spirit, giving you the advantage of foresight, love and harmony.

Sarah Rajkotwala – owner and teacher at Petals & Buds Spiritual Teaching and Nature Classes, Ph (08)8581 1882 Em ail – petalsandbuds

Erika Laxis

My name is Erika Laxis, and I have worked in the self-development industry for over nine years. I began at a motivational business in Sydney, where I accessed leading edge information on the Law of Attraction, and Quantum Physics. There I found my real self, understanding the power of my thoughts and feelings. Through shifting my perception, my world transformed! I healed cancer, traveled to many different countries, met the most impressive philosophers, including Ester Hicks and Michael Beckwith, and mani-

fested a life filled with love and joy. In 2009, I developed the ‘Energy Drive Technique,’ which is a powerful ‘consciousness shift’ tool used to assist individuals to break free from their limitations and conditioning. In February 2011, I held the first workshops in Los Angeles CA, where I also had some inspirational articles published by the entertainment magazine “Magic Image.” Now in Australia, My team and I have held over 100 distinct, fun and powerful events, in four different states (NSW, VIC, TAS, SA). Our intention is to assist the awakening of individual divinity and infinite potential. You can become the master of your life, and create a fulfilling journey. Join us in our upcoming events or private sessions! Erika Laxis Consciousness Shift Coach You ARE, Life IS Po Box 91 Willaston SA 5118 M: 0421 386421

Lindy Poirier

Lindy Poirier can change your life! Lindy Poirier is a qualified Psychotherapist with many year s of experience. Lindy grew up with a passion and ability for helping people starting with friends and work colleagues and then progressed to a successful career as a psychotherapist treating individuals of all ages and from all walks of life. With warmth, empathy and insight Lindy addresses the cause of your problem and assists you to overcome your emotional issues, break sabotaging behaviour and gain control. She is committed to improving your life - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Lindy is results driven and has a range of highly effective techniques that are integrated into her therapeutic approach to achieve personal awareness and growth and the ideal outcome for you. These include: counselling, EFT/TFT, cognitive therapy - the power of positive thinking, deep relaxation, hypnotherapy and past or current life regression. Lindy’s affordable therapy is shor t term and can achieve fast, yet permanent changes. She specialises in: anxiety, stress, depression, fears, phobias, panic attacks, loss, grief, pain, trauma, low confidence and self-esteem, relationship and work issues, lack of motivation/direction, weight issues, bullying, anger, smoking and other addictions, obsessions, worry, guilt, insomnia and more.

Need help? Need to talk? Call Lindy - 0422 070 942 www.lindypoirier.

Gerry Crow

Your Spiritual Psychic for Life and Soul Matters … Ger r y Crow is a natural born psychic and her amazing abilities in this field have her standing as an internationally renowned and respected Psychic, Clair voyant, Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Healer, for 35 years. Her connection with Spirit was noted early in life and she uses her direct channel to Spirit through the tools of Tarot, Astrology, Psychometry,

23 Shamanic/Spirit Healings, Meditation and Sacred Ceremony. With numerous accurate readings and soul-care healings conducted in her practice, Gerry has compassionately shone the light to clients’ paths, brought hope to their many difficult life situations and assisted to manifest the seemingly impossible! As well, she has appeared on Psychic TV, written ar ticles for the Psychic Directory, astrology for the A-Zen, featured in the Sydney Morning Herald and on ABC Radio. Plus she is registered with the International Psychics Association and is a professional member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists and is based in Sydney. Gerry conducts in-person and phone readings, in-person and remote healings. Additionally she is teaching Courses and Workshops: (Beginners) Awaken your Psychic Ability and Develop Spiritually, (Advanced) Psychic and Spiritual Development, Dream the Tarot, Unveiling the Mysteries of the Moon, Winter Solstice, Life Direction through the Lights of the Moon and running Healing, Meditation and Spiritual Circles.

“Warm, Friendly & incredibly Accurate Psychic Medium, Highly Recommend” – M.H. “Incredibly Insightful, Wonderful experience, can’t recommend highly enough” – M.L.

Contact her on 0405 687 930 or email at or Facebook page

Lee-Anne Michaelis

Care Centre, Unley SA and has specialised in holistic cancer support since 2003. Belle teaches gentle yoga classes at her private studio, Serenity Yoga and practices from St Georges.

awakening one community at a time . . .


F o r m o r e i n f o s e e w w w.

Barbara Lynne

BEGINNERS TO ADVANCED. Fabulous classes. Stunning setting. Just south of Brighton. Phone 8296 3859

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Clairvoyance, Tar ot, Astr olAfter a corporate ogy, Numerolcareer within the ogy, Past Lives, HEALTH & HEALING media, general Photo Readings, insur ance and BELLY DANCE ARABESQUE. Spiritual Guidance. then into my own I was born in Adelaide to a strict Dance and Yoga Studio. Beginners business within Anglican family, I was always con- to Advanced Classes. 23 Paynethe PR and Marketing industry, I fused about the colours and images ham Road, College Park SA. belfelt the time was right to move into that I used to see around people a new direction. As you tend to do and hid that from an early age. My P: 8363 5499 M: 0408 885 371 when you hit your mid 40’s I started clairvoyance was kept hidden until E: regan@bellydancearabesque. to question what I really loved, what I went to a well known Tarot reader my true passion is Food! in Adelaide. The reader did a rare MEGA CHANGE YOUR LIFE! ExGreat quality, gorgeous tasting, 78 card spread, one of two he’d perience the wonderful nur turing fresh food, but most impor tantly, everyone in his life. After he started of Thetahealing® by Susanne Mafood grown the ‘right’ way, well the reading, I remember reading the rie. Discover your true self. Help right way as I see it anyway, with no cards myself, it bought all clairvoy- yourself past life healing. Clear chemical interference, food grown ance out into the open . That was 25 your house or business of negative naturally. Food, wine, coffe and years ago. I have been reading and energies and entities and make it a place of Peace and Harmony. Semichocolate are my real passion, be- teaching ever since. nars and consultations. Call Vital side my wonderful family who always I do combined readings using Harmony on 0418 845 119. www. come first. Clairvoyance, Astrology, Intuitive Adelaide Hills REIKI I f yo u w a n t L i f e a n d S o u l Many years ago I shopped at Tarot and Spiritual Guidance. I am and now also Payneham AUSTRALIAN REIKI CONNECTION advancement, then contact Gerry: the Organik Store when my beau- able to access Past Lives through Mobile: 0449 865 473. Email: info@ tiful daughter was born, we had the Aura to give insight into how MEGA HEALTH RIVERLAND- INC. (ARC) EST. 1997. Advocacy always lived a healthy lifestyle, but Past Lives are affecting our pre- Clarks Arcade Berri SA. Selling of the Usui System of Reiki. Run by members for members with fellowVisit: www.psychicreadingsaustralia. you tend to think more about what sent one. I am dedicated to helping a large range of top brand Vitaship & suppor t. National referral mins, Health Foods, Body BuildPSYCHICsorMEDIUM FRAN TOMLIN t of food you are eating when people, whether it is what life has directory (conditions apply). Entitleing Products Plus much more.. known as “The Soul Whisperer” you have children, when the oppor- in store for them or guidance on a ment to membership in the profesFran Tomlin tunityReadings came upw/General to buy theInformation, business I particular issue. I read and teach • Quality THE SCENTED LOTUS AROMA- sional branch of ARC – the AssociaFran Tomlin has Spiritual jumpedGuidance at it. in SA, WA and NT. I teach Intuitive THERAPY. Natural scents to restore tion of Australian Reiki Professionals been involved in • Deceased Connections & Past Lives Since then we have smashed out Tarot, Psychic Development from the inner you. www.thescentedlotus. (AARP) (conditions apply) ARC INK • Psychic Dev Courses & w/Shops – Meditation Classes the par anor mal members’ magazine, informative chimney’s, painted, put Guide new shelvcom $10 Australia Wide delivery. • Past Life Regression – Spirit Paintings A – Z and Meditation. I am currently and psychic worlds website. Access to insurance & reiki • Soul Other mistakes w/Shops – and Spiritual Practicebased Circle in the Adelaide Hills at Mt. ingArtin,&made am still since a very young HOME SERVICES related products/ser vices. www. Qualifications: Cert. impatient to do soHypnotherapy, much more Cert. with Advanced Barker. child in Africa. It Reiki 1 & 2, Cert. Energy Healing, theCounselling, Organik Store & Café – now, HANDYMAN/PAINTER. EnvironMy Totem is the Dragonfly. They INTERNATIONAL Psychics Assoc ( IPA) Ph. 1300 130 975 was an everyday noneNOW of thisATI could have&done with are the messengers of change. ment Friendly. Free prompt quotes. MAGILL PARALOWIE occurrence to experience Spirits my amazing husband and under- When Dragonfly enters our lives, it is Pensioner discount. “We care.” S O U N D H E A L I N G Phone: 0405687930 • Email: around her ranging from full flesh Phone 0415 514 122. standing Facebook: Fran Tomlin Psychic kids. Medium • time to dig deeper, lift the illusion of ANGELIC DIVINE apparitions, Angelic and Alien enSo from here, we are focusing suffering and believe in or limitless PUBLISHING UNIVERSAL counters, receiving astral art Leson the website store, catering and divinity. HEALING. “Allow sons & ‘seeing’ the Supernatural. quick, fresh Organik offerings for For further information on classes MAKE IT HAPPEN NOW! Publish the love and light of your manuscript with Joshua Books. She fully committed to embracing those on the go…so much to do, or readings phone Barbara Lynne on Contact us on (07) 5493 1700. god to shine Withthis lifestyle both as a devotee, and 0416 093 330. in”. Sound, Colour lucky I love what I do! professionally as a therapist, after The Organik Store & Crystal Healing • READINGS 50 years of experiences, growth, 37 Broadway, Glenelg South Chakra & Aura Balancing • Reiki & MING-LEE. NAT. study & research, approximately Isis Healing • Spiritual Guidance • ACCRED. TEACHten years ago. Nowadays she is Past Life Release • Shaman Healing. Lynne ER/USUI RYOHO All healings assisted by angels, godknown as the “Soul Whisperer” for Singlewood REIKI MASTER – desses & ascended masters. Phone her deep insightful, empathic and Lynne Singlewood 20 yrs exp. Spiritual Pina Di Ghionno on 0414 295 629. accurate readings, which in them- is a natur opath Intuitive Trance MeAppointments & Gift Shop www.anselves become healings. One of her with a compassiondium - 40 yrs. Exp. specialities is Past Lives and Pat- ate nature. Her aim Please note new SPIRITUAL terning thereof. She also conducts is to help individuphone number: 0411 958 744. DEVELOPMENT Past Life Regressions. As a visual als to understand how to nurture BARBARA LYNNE. Clairvoyance, artist, Fran is also able to ‘see’ and their bodies physically and mentally, Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Past 2015 NEW YEAR ENLIGHTENchannel a client’s individual Spirit so they can have a better quality of Lives, Photo Reading. 0416 093 MENT INTENSIVE RETREAT. Guides, painting them as portraits life. This year she aims to work more Skype or telephone Healing Ses330 upon Commission. Having a Diplo- with foods, and to give people a few ma in Advanced Counselling, Fran gentle tips on how to change their is known as a Spiritual Coach and everyday diet to create health and teaches popular One day Psychic happiness. Development classes, as well as • Fears & Phobias eg., Fear of public speaking, crowds, social weekly Meditation/Spiritual Practice Belle MCCaleb situations, commitment, conflict, driving, flying, spiders, snakes, etc. Sessions in Magill, also Soul Ar t Belle McCaleb is a • Anxiety & Stress & various other Empowerment w/ naturopath, herb• Depression EXPERIENCE shops. Readings are done at Magill, alist, Master’s pre• Panic Attacks INSTANT RELIEF Goodwood & Paralowie. Having pared counselor, • Anger Issues & SIGNIFICANT, worked internationally, she is an Registered Nurse • Relationship Issues POSITIVE GAINS! accredited full professional mem- and Re gister ed • Worry & Guilt ber of the International Psychics Yoga Teacher. Belle firmly believes • Lack of Direction Association, and the author of the total health and wellness are only My passion is healing with warmth and sensitivity. I use successful techniques that can “Healing Energies from the Crystal- achievable through the integraremove negative emotions, blocks and habits. It’s short term, powerful therapy that can line Realms “ tion of body, mind and spirit. She resolve your problems, help you reach your potential and dramatically improve your life! Meditation CD. ‘Fran Tomlin Psy- specializes in women’s health and chic Medium’ . ** *Weight Control *Quit Smoking *Confidence *Self-Esteem *Hypnotherapy cancer support and holds advanced “Great Reading ,Highly Recom- nursing qualifications in obstetrics, Lindy Poirier - Psychotherapist, Dip. Adv. Psych., B.A. mend” - M.S. gynaecology and reproductive enPh: 8278 4090 Mob: 0422 070 942 • Email: “An Empowering Psychic Medium docrinology and infertility. She is the & Humble Teacher” – J.H. consultant naturopath for Cancer

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