SQly Fall 2013

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Art Class Announcement I M PRESSI ONI ST OI L PAI NTI NG ³WKH VWXG\ RI WKH HIIHFW RI OLJKW RQ FRORU´ With Fine Arts Colorist, Mark Hierholzer

Learn about the beauty of Impressionist Oil Painting through the works of some of the most accomplished impressionists and colorists of our time: Henry Henche, Cedric Egeli, and Frederick Guess.


Oct. 5 9AM -5 PM

Nov. 2

Select any or all sessions- $50 per session; Materials/supplies available for $10 per session per student All session will be held outdoors (en Plein Air) weather permitting

mATTIE ARTS CENTER 10 Oyster Creek Road (Historic Courthouse) Swan Quarter, NC RESERVE A SEAT BY CALLI NG JUDY MCLAWHORN AT 252-943-8991 jhmclawhorn@aol.com Pay Pal may be used only after making your reservation. Please pass this information along to others who do not have email

Labor Day Issue 2013


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