May 2020 Newsletter

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The Rooster

May 2020

THE ROOSTER A monthly update from the Inland Empire Offroad Association

What’s New As we continue under “Safer at Home” for another month of avoiding the Corona virus, the action in the desert has not stopped, as there was a nice Glamis trip and a trip to explore the desert near Calico.

Wrapping Up at Glamis Since nobody went to Glamis for Easter, the Spring Break trip was likely the last Glamis trip of the season. We still have Dumont coming up though.

Dumont Trip We have a Dumont trip planned for May 1-4. Dumont is still open and people are looking forward to getting out there.

Wash 6 March 22-April2, 2020, COVID-19 By Jim Kastle We planned this trip a couple of months ago, but with the pandemic, plans were subject to change. P.J. and Melissa gave the issue a lot of thought, and badly wanted to come, but decided there was no way Marshall would understand the concept of social distancing, putting those of us most at risk of the virus at even greater risk, so they reluctantly decided to skip this trip. Tom and Sarah, parents of Jacob and Aubrey, reluctantly made the same decision. It was hard, but in retrospect, they did the right thing. Many adults, even those with no children, or preexisting conditions, thought the idea of leaving one’s home and going to Glamis was a terrible idea. I remember reading several Facebook posts to the effect that if you respect the Corona Virus you will stay at home. Several of us thought differently, and decided it would be perfectly healthy to get out of confinement and enjoy the open air of Glamis while continuing to honor social distancing. In a concession to the virus, we canceled our traditional omelet boil. I’m glad we made the trip. It certainly will be one we’ll remember! Jerry and Linda arrived on Sunday the 22nd and found Wash 6 to be fairly crowded. They were able to cone off a good sized area at our usual spot. Ray and Janice arrived Monday. I guess all four of them dedicated a significant amount of time to gathering wood left by the weekend crowd, as they had quite a pile of firewood. I arrived


The Rooster

May 2020

Tuesday around 1 o’clock and from the wash Road could easily spot Ray and Janice’s new green strobe camp locator, even in the bright sunlight. Mike and Pat arrived later Tuesday. It was windy so we didn’t take a ride, or even have a campfire.

Upcoming Events • May 1-4: End of Season Dumont Trip: Come on out for one last fast ride of the season.

Wednesday morning we went for an easy side-by-side ride lead expertly by Mike to the area around Olds, Comp and to Hill 3. Back in camp I installed a new radio that has our new channels in the yellow trailer. I then replaced a headlight that cracked and broke on my buggy last trip.

• We don’t yet have anything for June, but we’ll be at Coral Pink from July 8 through 17th.

Pete Hagen arrived Wednesday afternoon and John and Anna arrived Wednesday night.

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Thursday Ray led John and me on an afternoon ride to comp, the big bowls near comp, olds and the swing set. The sun made visibility terrible, but Ray somehow found great lines. We had a ball! Then in camp I installed the new air compressor for the yellow trailer, replacing one I bought about 30 years ago, as one of our first tools dedicated to duning. Dave Huggard arrived Thursday afternoon, as did John, Mike’s cousin and wife Melinda, with their 4 seater Turbo Can Am “limousine.” I met them at Dumont two weeks ago. They are both very friendly and lots of fun. They enjoyed Dumont and our company, enough to make their first Glamis trip. Friday the side-by-side‘s took a ride to the mines below the Ogilby Crossing and then looped north around a mountain. They returned to Ogilby Road about 6 miles north of the railroad tracks. That means they took a really long ride somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 to 70 miles. All reports are that they had a great time. While the side-by-sides were exploring, the buggies went for a pretty fast ride in the old closed area beyond the swing set. At times we were able to talk to the side by sides on the radios. At Friday’s campfire the buggy drivers decided on an 8:00 AM Saturday morning ride. John; Dave; Pete; Barry and Ann; and Randy, his son, Cainen, his daughter Paige, and his “other daughter”, Sheree, Paige’s best friend, in the RZR, followed me to the flag, the swing set and beyond. Because of the early start we had great shadows which allowed us to drive faster than usual. We have become really fond of riding in the area beyond 2

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the swing set. This is where the helicopter followed us a few years ago. The area has lots of nice bowls and long runs with good visibility so we can move pretty quickly. We were moving along pretty fast when John called “I’m broke!” We retraced our steps and found that John was facing the wrong way. Looking closer at his tracks we could see that he had done a 180 after his steering box came loose. John was surprisingly calm! We all worked together to improvise a way to reattach the steering box for the ride back to camp. We did so and made a medium paced ride back to Olds and then camp. As we arrived in camp I noticed that the side by sides we’re getting ready to go for a ride. I asked if they could give me a couple of minutes to get ready and I quickly put an ice chest on the RS1 and was able to join them on the ride. Mike led a nice easy paced ride to show John and Melinda some of the sites around Glamis. We went to Hill 3 and the Fireman’s Memorial and then on to the flagpole and then the swing set. We then made a return to camp via Olds. John and Anna had to make a trip to Yuma as their dogs Woody and Daphne both were feeling ill. Before they got back, Barry and Ann, Pete, Dave Huggard, and Randy and his family and I decided to go for a late afternoon buggy ride. On the earlier ride Dave overheard the girls saying that they really liked the purple car, that being Barry‘s. Dave asked if Barry would take the girls in his car. Barry mentioned that he only had room for one because his tools are in the backseat. So then Dave talked to Pete and Pete agreed to take one and it ended up that all three of the kids rode with Dave, Pete, or Barry. Randy’s kids are very much like Randy and enjoy riding very fast. They really enjoyed the buggies. Thanks guys for letting them ride with you. Shortly after we left camp we climbed Olds and I heard on the radio that Barry had broken. Sure enough it was another axle failure. (Barry has been hit with a rash of these over the last two years.) We were getting ready to send some of us back to camp to get a spare axle, when Ray called us and said that he heard on the radio to we need an axle and he offered to bring it out to us. Barry suggested he could bring just half of the axle and he had one in the in his trailer. Ray and Jerry loaded up the part and delivered it to Olds, saving us lots of time. While Ray was bringing the axle Barry was able to remove the broken part and the installation of the replacement part went very quickly. Within an hour of leaving camp the first time, we were again duning. Thanks Ray, Janice and Jerry! The buggies (and Randy) headed to the big bowls near Comp and Osborne and then left after finding them very rutted and headed west towards Gecko Road, once again in the former closed area. We had a good time and were able to move pretty rapidly. We had heard that because of the virus the BLM closed Gecko road to camping and were asking campers to leave. Although we saw no evidence of a mass exodus, there clearly were some people leaving and we noticed nobody arriving. Once we got back to camp John and Anna soon returned from Yuma and the vet. Everyone was concerned about the dogs and was pleased that they were given medication and seem to be doing better. The day ended with a nice two-tub campfire. The buggy drivers again decided on another 8:00 ride. Sunday morning the buggies and Randy left promptly at 8 o’clock and had pretty much a repeat of Saturday’s ride with the exception of John not executing any figure skating maneuvers. We were gone for over four hours. Randy took all three of the kids in the RZR and they loved it. It surprises most of the buggy drivers how fast Randy drives. We drive just as fast with him in the line as we do without. His kids didn’t fall far from the tree, as they also love going fast. While the buggies (and Randy) were on their


The Rooster

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ride, the side-by-sides also went for a ride. They apparently covered the area from comp to Hill 3. All reports were positive. Back in camp John and Anna and Barry and Ann had to pack up to go home. Sunday, right about sunset, two teenage boys rode into camp on motorcycles and went directly to Jerry and Linda’s motor home. They explained that they were on a ride and they found an overturned RZR about a mile from camp. The people were OK but they couldn’t turn the razor back on its wheels. The driver and passenger told the boys that there was a white Dodge pick up in their camp. Remember, Jerry and Linda have a white Dodge pick up. Jerry and Ray got in their side by sides and followed the boys. They found the camp with the white Dodge and Jerry asked if they were missing a RZR and the guy said yeah that’s my RZR, and I told the guy not to leave the vicinity of camp! He was not a happy camper! Jerry explained that it was overturned. The guy got in Jerry’s RZR and they followed the kids to the roll over. In the meantime, Janice had taken the truck and was looking for camps with white Dodge pick ups. Ray contacted her and told her they had found the camp. As Ray neared the rollover he noticed a woman walking towards Wash 6. It turns out she was in the RZR when it rolled, and was trying to get to camp for help. When they got to the RZR, it was already back on its wheels. They all came back to their camp together. Everyone was very impressed with the two teenage boys and their maturity in handling the situation. We then had a campfire. Monday morning Jeff and Renee and friends Gary and Debbie joined us for a ride. Ray led a very eclectic group: two two seat Cam Am turbos, a turbo 1000 two seat RZR, a naturally aspirated 1000 two seat RZR, Jerry’s turbo 1000 4 seat RZR, and my RS1 1000, on the best dune rides I’ve taken in the RS1. Once again Ray amazed me with his great lead in the bright sun through virgin sand. Monday afternoon I packed up the yellow trailer and my buggy trailer and took them to the storage yard. Then Ray led Jerry and me on a ride to Olds and the big bowls between Olds and comp. On a break we could see portions of Gecko road, but couldn’t see any RVs. That made me curious about whether they indeed did empty Gecko Road. Tuesday morning I 4

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asked Ray to include Gecko Road on the morning ride. As we approached Gecko it was eerie. There were NO rigs in the Gecko campground. We then headed south to Keyhole and Roadrunner, both of which were also completely empty! So much for the “Facebook lawyers” who had vociferously proclaimed “They can’t close it down.” We then headed up the sand highway along Gecko and there was not a single RV the entire length of Gecko Road! On the way back to camp we stopped at Osborne, and found it empty with a locked gate across the road. Back in camp I loaded up, said my good byes and thank yous and headed back to the soon to be locked down Arizona. I’m glad we made the trip. In fact, during the week we were at Glamis, I entered only one store, that being the Glamis Store, and that was only for 5 minutes to say hello to Jeannie when there was only one other person in the store. My exposure to the virus was considerably less than if I had stayed home, where I would go to some business almost every day, as I have to do something to keep busy. I hope this is not the end of the Glamis season, but suspect it probably will be. I’d love an Easter trip, but Easter is only three weeks away, and I KNOW this virus threat will not have ended by then. If we can get a group together to spend a few days of isolation at Glamis, I’d be glad, as I still have to make one more trip to pick up the buggy trailer. Let me know if you want to squeeze in one more trip!


The Rooster

May 2020

A Note from Randy Ray Thank you for inviting us into this group.. I don’t have anyone else's number or anything but if you relay to em we said thank you, we had an awesome time! My daughter is actually excited about going again soon, which I have seen in years, she normally only comes once a season and is not happy about it at all… The kids absolutely loved their rides in the big cars so thank you guys.

Social Distancing at Glamis By Mike Bacon & Pat Starr Pat and I went out to Glamis to enjoy the Spring Break week, social distance ourselves from other people in town, and introduce my cousins to Glamis. When we arrived the wind was blowing, and would continue to blow off and on for the entire trip, at least our part of it. On Wednesday afternoon the wind died down a bit so we took a short ride to Olds and Hill 3. It was the first time in the sand for the new Talon and it did pretty well, once I remembered to put it in four wheel drive. Thursday we awoke to more wind and it blew most of the day. My cousins arrived in the afternoon and we got them settled. No fire due to the wind. Friday morning the wind had died down a bit and we took off for a ride to the mines down south. We arrived at the rock cabin for a break and a little exploring. We then found the rock wash we had used last year to get through the mountains to the other side. While in the wash we had to traverse a small rock ledge where Jerry & Linda had a belt issue. He was actually in a near perfect spot to get under the back of the car and change the belt so that didn’t take long. We ate some lunch then proceeded on through the wash and to the back side of the mountains. Last year we went right, around the mountain and came back to the Olgilby crossing. This year, with Ray’s leadership we went left and found a great Jeep trail that led us around the other mountain and back to Olgilby Road. We ended up about 6 miles up the road from our crossing point, so we skirted the road back to the crossing then headed back to camp. It was a long ride, about 60+ miles, but we had a great time.


The Rooster

May 2020

Saturday the wind died down for a while so we took Jon & Malinda out in the dunes and showed them some of the highlights. We visited Hill 3, the flagpole, and the swingset. We especially wanted to see the swingset because rumor has it the BLM is taking bids to have it removed, so it might not be there next season. In the afternoon we visited the store and saw Dave & Devon Schellinger when we were there. They were out for the weekend with some of their friends. On Sunday we went for a ride to Olds and Comp for a while. It was pretty rough despite the wind the last few days as there were a lot of people in the dunes. After lunch we went for another ride around the area and found the wind had finally done its job and cleaned up the sand. We had very smooth sand for most of the ride. Jon & Malinda had to go home so they loaded up and took o once it got dark. No fun driving into the sun all the way home! We had a fire and went to bed fairly early as we were headed home in the morning.


The Rooster

May 2020

While we were in camp we had heard the BLM was closing Gecko Road to camping because of the Corona Virus. When we left Monday morning we still saw a number of rigs camped there, but they did have barricades up at the ranger station. So far it looks like the washes will remain open to camping, just don’t get too close together! We had also heard State of California was closing Ocotillo Wells and we saw them putting up temporary fences and notices at all the entrances to the park as we drove by on Monday. According to their website the park is closed to all camping and any and all “vehicular traffic”, meaning no riding in the park until further notice. So I’m not sure if we will get any more riding in this season. We hope everyone stays safe and healthy and we see you all again soon!

Exploring Calico Pt 1 By Mike Bacon, Photos by by Mike Bacon, Pat Starr, and Malinda Sudduth We have been talking for years about going to Calico and exploring the riding opportunities there. My cousins had been going there off and on for a while, so they offered to show us around. We arrived on Thursday to find the main road to the suggested camping area had been washed away and while trying to find a different camping spot I managed to dent my pickup bed with the trailer and break off my black tank dump valve handle. At least I wasn’t leaking black water! We did find a nice spot just off the highway where everyone could find us. My cousins Jon & Malinda arrived Thursday evening in time for dinner. We got some rain and wind Thursday night.


The Rooster

May 2020

Saturday morning dawned clear, bright, and windy. The sun was warm, but the wind was cold. Doug & Kris arrived and once set up we went for a ride. There are a lot of old mines in and around Calico and we saw a lot of them. Jon & Malinda’s son Kyle, and Malinda’s brother Mike joined us with his Jeep on Saturday and while out and about they found a mine they went down in to explore. They were gone about an hour and came back up in a place about 200 yards from where they went in! They are a lot more adventuresome than I am! When we got back to camp, we found Ray & Janice had joined the group. No fire that night because of the wind.

Join us next month for the continuing saga!


The Rooster

May 2020

COVID-19 Related Dune Closure Update On Friday March 27th the BLM issued a closure order and closed the developed areas of Gecko Rd and Osbore Overlook at Glamis. The dunes remain open for dispersed recreation, and you may camp at the flats or in the washes. Also note that as of April 15th, passes are not required for the rest of the off season. Dumont Dunes remains open as well according to the Barstow field office of the BLM. Continue to watch for updates related to restrictions imposed by the CA state stay at home order. At this time the dunes are still open, but we will alert members if that changes. -P.J.

This month we’d like to thank Jim Kastle and Mike Bacon for for writing articles and Janice for sending in pictures. It was great to have a 10 page newsletter for a month where I didn’t go anywhere. As you’re sitting at home avoiding the virus, take a few minutes and share what you’ve been up to. Please send anything you want to me at and I will publish it along with a calendar of events each month. -Paul, Melissa, Allie, and Marshall. 10

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