March 2010 Rooster

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Hello my adoring fans, its Allison again. Lots has happened since my last article. I’m growing real big real fast. Let’s get down to business though and I’m gonna tell you about the last dune trip. The week before the dune trip Daddy left Mommy and me at home by ourselves while he went to the arctic tundra for work. It’s okay he was gone though cause he brought me home presents! While he was gone he sent Mommy flowers. I really wanted to chew on them but Mommy would only let me touch them. The day after he got home we drove out to Glamis. I got to see Grandma Nancy at the dunes. I showed her how I chew on my favorite toys. Her and Grandpa Jim kept eyeballs on me while Mommy and Daddy took my puppies for a walk but I got afraid Mommy left me forever. On Sunday it was Valentines day. I got to be Mommy’s Valentine, my shirt even said so. Mommy and me took the puppies to see Daddy on a dune ride. I didn't know he dorve his buggy to a restaurant. Mommy let me chew on a tomato slice and it was yummy. They don’t have high chairs at this restaurant so I got to sit right in the middle of the table. I like being the center of attention. After all the buggies got back to camp we drove into Yuma for dinner. We went to the Golden Corral but I don’t know what kinda corral they are talking about cause I didn't see any ponies. I still had fun cause I chewed on Miller my caterpillar and Patty hung out with me while Mommy and Daddy went to go get their food. We got to go home on Monday this trip because Daddy didn’t have to work because of a bunch of guys. I don’t know why these guys are so important but Mommy says I’ll learn about them when I get older. On the way home I realized Daddy forgot to bring the trailer with us. He told me we’d come back and get it but Jerry and Linda, and Don and Shirley would watch it for us while we went to work. Apparently they don’t have to work anymore because they are retired. I told mommy I’m (Continued on page 2)

eggs and adults hunt for them. It’s  There’s a two day Glamis trip sure to be a great time. planned in March, it’s hard to believe it’s the last Glamis trip of the  It was great to see Brandy Tidball season. back in the dunes after his surgery. Welcome back! We also got to see  This year Easter and our Spring Dave Medlin in the sand, he’s still Break trip coincide, we’ll be at working on getting a car together. Gordon’s Well from April 2nd through the 11th.  Thanks to the Fords and the Tranthams for keeping an eye on all of  Bring 10 plastic eggs for the Adult the rigs for the President’s week Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday trip, you guys made it possible! morning. Fill your eggs with things you’d like to find! Kids hide the

The Rooster

March 10th: Club Meeting at the Denny’s in Redlands, 7PM March 12-14th: Off Weekend at Glamis, Wash 6. April 1-11th: Spring Break and Easter at Gordon’s Well. Plan on an adult Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday, April 4th. April 14th: Club Meeting at the Denny’s in Redlands, 7PM April 30th-May 2nd: Weekend at Dumont! This has become a traditional last trip of the season.












































































ready to be retired and she told me that I have a long way to go before that happens. I did get to take Friday off work though and we came back out to get the trailer on Thursday night but decided to stay until Sunday. When we got to our trailer Mommy and Daddy saw that our refrigerator had shut off sometime while we were gone so they were gonna starve cause there wasn’t any food. Friday morning Mommy, me, Grandma Anna, and Auntie B went into Yuma to buy food. We had to go through Dillards on the way to buy food and we looked at pretty dresses and Mommy bought me some new bows for my hair. Then we went to my favorite store Target and I took a nap in the basket. Mommy got me some new bowls to play with and chew on and Grandma Anna got me some new clothes too, I really like new clothes. I got to hang out and watch the fire for a little while on Friday night in my pony jammies Daddy brought back from the arctic tundra but it got cold and Mommy and me went inside. In the middle of the night I woke up cause there was noise in the roof of the trailer, Mommy woke Daddy up and he rushed outside, when he came back in he was all wet, I don’t know why he had to take a bath outside in the middle of the night, we have a perfectly good shower in the trailer. I got to do the dune ride thing to the restaurant again on Saturday but this time I got to ride in Grandpa John’s truck with Grandma Anna, Janece, and Mommy. At the restaurant Mommy remembered it was my birthday, I was afraid she was gonna forget. Dean got me a sucker for my birthday to chew on and Walt gave me some of his icecream. Mommy’s kinda mean though and won’t let me chew on the sucker. We went to Mama Jeanie’s for dinner and I had to say hi to her. On Sunday it was really really windy. I was afraid I was gonna blow away. I had fun this trip, I’m doing a lot better sitting by myself and I’m working on getting my first tooth. My next trip will be Easter. Mommy says the Easter Bunny comes to the dunes too. I can’t wait to hide Easter Eggs for the old people and find my first ones. Until next time keep your naps regular and your diapers changed and don’t forget something to chew on! Allie Kastle

Fifth Time's The Charm (from Shirley Ford) A man was driving when a traffic camera flashed. He thought his picture was taken for exceeding the speed limit, even though he knew he was not speeding. Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. He thought this was quite funny, so he slowed down even further as he drove past the area, but the traffic camera flashed yet again. He tried a fourth time and the same result. The fifth time he was laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past at a snail's pace. Two weeks later, he got five traffic fine letters in the mail for driving without a seat belt. Men! And they say blondes are dumb.

The Rooster

President’s Day 2010 by Jim Kastle President’s day started for many of us on Thursday, the 11th. I arrived at Wash 6 to find the Fords, the Tranthams, Doug Becker, the Grossmans, the Hagens, and the Loers already set up in camp. They had a good fire going, and after quickly setting up the trailer and workbench, I joined the group at the fire. The weather was pretty warm, and remained so through the first weekend. Friday we went on a couple of relatively uneventful rides. Uneventful, except for Doug Becker losing third gear in his very reliable type 1 trans. Doug drove it back to camp, however. Dave and Cindy arrived during the day Friday and P.J., Melissa and Allison arrived Friday evening. Other arrivals included John, who was solo for the first weekend, Scott and Sandy, Nancy, Brandy, Shawn, the Olivers, the Stuttes, the Tharps. I’m sorry if I missed anyone, but I’m writing this nearly two weeks later. Saturday saw more rides; again seemingly uneventful (at least two weeks later they seem uneventful) rides. One group headed off to the drags where they reported a pretty good crowd and one rollover. We had the traditional Mama Jeannie’s Pizza dinner, and filled up three tables. Plans were made for an all-day Sunday ride to Gordon’s Well and Buttercup. Sunday morning about 8 buggies headed off for Gordon’s Well. I decided I’ve waited 3 months for NASCAR, and passed on the ride to watch the Daytona 500. A few others also skipped the ride. I’ve heard the ride was exceptional, with fast speeds, smooth dunes, and very few mechanical issues. The Swedish National Women’s Volleyball team was reportedly at Duner’s Diner, and the staff at DD was reported to be smiling and friendly. When I heard that, I knew the reports of the ride were being slightly exaggerated. Swedish volley players? Possibly; friendly staff at DD, not a chance! In any case, the ride must have been a good one as everyone arrived back in camp around 5:00 P.M. smiling from ear to ear. Those of us in camp were more than a little surprised to find John towing Steve Tharp’s car back to camp. It seems there were some unexplained difficulties near camp and John was quick to offer the factory car a tow. Back in camp the car started and ran fine. More stuff like the smiling Duner’s Diner staff? Who knows, but they sure seemed to have had a great time. I sure made the wrong choice, having watched them fill a pothole for over two hours at Daytona. I don’t think I’ll be quick to make that choice again. I just now figured out NASCAR races forty some days a year, and we dune less than 5 full Sundays a year. The math just doesn’t work out. I blew it! We had planned to go to Texas Roadhouse in Yuma for dinner Sunday night, not realizing it was Valentine’s Day. When we called the restaurant while leaving camp, we were told it would be 3 hours till they could seat a group of 10. Thanks to cell phones, we quickly changed plans to the Golden Coral where we were quickly seated, and had all we wanted of some darn good food, but it’s just not the same as the Texas Roadhouse. Monday some of us went for a morning ride, while others headed home. After the ride, several of the rest of us left our rigs and rides in the care of Don, Shirley, Jerry and Linda, and headed off to a short work week. Brandy, Shawn, Justin, Chuck, Melissa, P.J., Allison, and I were all able to return to the dunes Thursday evening to continue the fun. John, Anna, Matthew and Brianna also arrived. We arrived to find the biggest pile of firewood I ever remember seeing in an IEOR camp. It seems Linda and Shirley, with some help from Jerry and Don spent all 76 hours we were gone picking up firewood! They didn’t look tired, but they had to be. Sometime during our short absence Walt arrived. He must have been recruited to haul firewood as well. Dean Carver arrived Thursday evening as well. It seems he also heard about the volleyball team. Friday we went on a couple of good rides, with more discussion of the epic (gawd, I hate that word) Buttercup Ride. It was decided an encore ride was in order for Saturday. John managed to convince Anna a truck ride to Duner’s Diner would be fun, and somehow Janece, Melissa and Allison agreed and they volunteered to transport gas to Gordon’s Well so the buggies wouldn’t have to carry their own. Apparently one of the volleyball players must have messed with Shawn’s gas cans the week before and he reportedly lost his gas can three different times on the earlier ride. He was happy to have someone else carry his gas can this time. Scott and Sandy arrived back at camp Friday night There was some miscommunication about the departure time for the ride, and some waited an hour until (Continued on page 4)

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10:00 for me to finish up some work on my buggy. 10 cars left on the ride, and we had great, wet, virgin sand all the way to the sand highway. John led us on a great ride all the way to the Duner’s Diner. Thanks to cell phones and text messages, the buggies and the truck all arrived within two minutes of each other. We had a good, albeit somewhat expensive lunch served without a smile at DD. P.J. reported he heard the words “Thank You” from the manager, but the report was unconfirmed. Upon leaving Duner’s Diner, Dean Carver had a little trouble with his steering box, but with lots of help, it was soon fixed. We headed across the freeway to Buttercup and had a great, fast ride in near virgin sand. Most of us would have liked to spend more time at Buttercup, but limited gas and daylight made heading back to camp the prudent thing to do. We had a few minor mechanical and electrical issues, but all the cars made it back to camp just about 6:00 P.M. under their own power. My GPS showed we had traveled 83 miles. It was a great ride, despite the absence of the volleyball team. We’ll have to check the calendar for their next appearance at Duner’s Diner and schedule another ride! Dinner at Mama Jeannie’s followed by ice cream on the flats, and a great campfire ended a nearly perfect day of duning. Sunday morning it was one last ride for most of us, and then we packed up and headed home. I always dread packing up all the stuff, especially the workbench, but am always pleased at the help everyone offers. Everyone who did any work at the workbench was there to help pack it and load it. I really appreciate that, and too often forget to mention it. My thanks again to the Fords and the Tranthams for their willingness to watch our stuff; it sure makes for a great trip. When we left, the Fords, the Tranthams, Steve, and Walt stayed behind for another day. I just received a picture of the Monday morning ride. I love my job, but I want to be retired. I guess owning a successful furniture business would be pretty good as well, but that’s not gonna’ happen! Let’s go dunin’!

I Need My Desert Fix! Due to unforeseen circumstances we hadn’t been to the desert since New Years and “I Needed My Desert Fix” to keep from going in to Desert Withdrawals. So at the last minute I called Doug and bribed him with a Travertine dinner to make an Anza trip for President’s Day weekend. I arrived on the outskirts of Salton City about noon on Friday to find the whole area teaming with camps and activity. Our usual spot on the cul-de-sac was taken, but the one next to it was open so we set up there. Doug arrived about ten minutes later. We headed off to the Travertine to discuss the situation as Mona and AJ were due to arrive Friday night, and Kris was due in Saturday morning. Saturday morning AJ unloaded his bike and was out right away practicing his wheelies. He’s gotten pretty good at them, but his mother was less than thrilled! Kris ended up being a little late arriving on Saturday. As it turned out Devon had been bitten by something on Friday afternoon and had an allergic reaction. Kris had to take her to the ER to get it under control. Devon was feeling much better by Saturday afternoon so Kris felt better about coming out. We went for a couple of shorter rides and had a nice fire that night. Sunday we all got up ready to attack the desert! We went north of Hwy S-2 and explored a number of canyons and hills around Telephone Hill. One area we had to go down a steep hill with a lot of rocks. AJ and his bike do a real good job of following us, but we really run way too slow for him. He nosed his bike over the edge on this hill and should have just gassed it, but Doug was still on the road and AJ didn’t want to hit him. His front wheel got caught in a rut and he went down. Classic slow-motion fall, but AJ scraped his arm on a rock when he went down. We got to the bottom and turned up the canyon to a shady spot for a break. When AJ came up we noticed

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Sharon Porter Gary Stump George Henry Sharyn Sherman

3/1 3/5 3/6 3/8

Jerry Trantham 3/14 Don Ford 3/22 Darrell Harju 3/23 AJ Bacon 3/24 Brianna Cole 3/30

his arm was bleeding a little. Note I said “a little”. Nurse Kris and Panicicky Mother Mona obviously saw things differently and went in to ER mode. All I can say is it’s a good thing we didn’t have splints or a stretcher available or I’m sure AJ would have had them used on him! He just kept looking at Doug and me with that “help me” look on his face! That afternoon we made a run down to the Salton Sea. When we arrived at the shore we were being very careful about where we went as you could see a lot of wet areas and we know what the famous Salton Sea Mud is like! We noticed just down from us a ways a couple of kids had stuck their quads in the mud. Their fathers arrived to help get them out and they were not happy! They finally got them out of the mud, but everyone involved was covered head to toe in yucky mud! We made it back to camp without incident and Mona went up to the Travertine and brought back chicken for dinner. Mona and AJ took off after dinner to go home, and Kris had to go home Monday morning. Doug and I both decided to stay until Tuesday morning, so we went off for a ride. We made a big loop through the Ocotillo Wells area and ended up back at camp in time for lunch. We just relaxed for a while and then went for a ride late in the afternoon. We rode down to the big hill by the camping area and I was amazed. Monday morning that area was packed with camps. Now there was only one or two rigs left. Talk about a mass exodus! We made it back to camp and loaded all our things up for an early morning trip home, then had a nice fire again. We had a great time and the weather was just about perfect. We’re hoping to get back out again in a couple of weeks. Have Fun! -Mike Bacon

The Rooster Two child’s helmets for sale: Both were purchased at Chaparral, 3 years ago. Both are full face with visors. Exterior is in good shape, minor scratches. Inside is in perfect shape, foam intact, no tears. Black one is a child Small and the Yellow one is a child Medium. $50 each Contact Pete Hagen at: (760) 451-0845

P.J. and Melissa have a Yamaha Golf Cart For Sale: 1996 G14 Gas golf cart with lift. Floor sits 24 inches above the ground. Stock motor, runs well. $2000 obo Contact P.J. Kastle: (951) 285-8459

Don and Shirley have their Fiberglass Dune Buggy For Sale: 1600cc dual port engine, street legal, beautiful paint job, must see to appreciate. $6500 Contact Don or Shirley Ford: (928) 680-0657 Home

Walt has his Shortstar Sandrail For Sale: Megasand Transaxle, 18 inches of travel front and rear, 1.25 inch Chromoly tubing, Aluminum side panels and wing trunk, 3.5 Liter Shortstar with Turn Key computer, Tube Frame Suspension Seats, 1300 lbs complete. $20,000 Call Walt: (909)641-3045

The following press release is courtesy of SVENSKA VOLLEYBOLLFÖRBUNDET, The Swedish Volleyball Association:

Women's National Volleyball Team head coach, Dr Lorne Van Der Linden conducts player camps in California Desert The Swedish Volleyball Association is pleased to announce that Dr. Lorne Van Der Linden, the head coach of Sweden’s National Women's Team conducted female player camps and a coaching clinic at Gordon’s Well, California February 13-14. The purposes for the visit according to Van Der Linden were: to practice in the fine sand of the California desert; to see if there are any athletes that should be invited directly to our youth or junior national team camps; and to get a chance to meet and interact with locals in the region who use the area for motor sports in their specialized dune buggies. When asked about the success of the event, the coach said, “It went great, but I never ruin a good story with the truth.” The Swedish Volleyball Association is one of best growing national sport federations in Sweden and is a member of the Swedish Sports Federation (RF). It's also a member of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) which has 219 member countries. This month we would like to thank Allie, Jim Kastle, Mike Bacon, and Shirley Ford for sending in newsletter content. It really is your articles that make the newsletter interesting. It is hard to believe that there is only one more Glamis trip scheduled for the season, but that means Gordon’s Well and Dumont are coming up fast, and the Coral Pink is just around the corner. What a life! - P.J. and Melissa Kastle

Inland Empire Offroad Association P.O. Box 132411 Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Membership Application Please Print


Name: _____________________________________


Spouse: _____________________________________














Address:____________________________________________ City:


Home Phone: ___________________________


Zip Code:____________

Cell Phone: _________________________

Email Address: _________________________________________________________________ Would you like your name and address put into our club directory? (The directory is given to club members only)

YES NO If you would like your business included in the directory please include the information below: Business Name: __________________________ Address: __________________________ City:


State: _______

Zip Code: ___________

Business Phone: __________________________ As with any organization there are guidelines we operate within. Please read and abide by the following: 1. NO FIREWORKS ALLOWED WITHIN CAMP BOUNDRIES 2. DOGS MUST BE KEPT UNDER CONTROL AT ALL TIMES (BLM law) 3. ON A RIDE, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE VEHICLE AHEAD OF YOU AND THE VEHICLE BEHIND YOU. If they stop, you stop and wait for the group to return to you. This prevents separation and in this manner we never leave a member in the dunes. Remember, it’s easier to find you if you stay still: “a moving target is harder to hit” 4. PLEASE OBSERVE THE “RIDE RATINGS” ON THE CLUB BOARD AND SELECT THOSE RIDES YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN. If you wish to lead a ride, put the time and type of ride you want to lead on the board and then stick to that time. No passing on rides (except #6 rides). You can always change your place in line at a break or if you are waved on by the driver ahead of you. 5. REMEMBER, WE ARE A GROUP OF FRIENDS who share a common interest in riding in the desert. Always keep in mind how your actions affect the other members.

SIGNATURE:_________________________________________DATE:____________________ How did you hear about the club?___________________________________________________ Annual dues are $35 per family. Each 12 month membership includes a monthly newsletter. Send your check or money order to: Inland Empire Offroad Association P.O. Box 132411 Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

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