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The Rooster

February 2016

THE ROOSTER A monthly update from the Inland Empire Offroad Association

Whats New Lots of people made it out for Christmas / New Years and had a great time. The MLK trip is just a few days away.

A New Car! We’d like to congratulate Lynnette Amador (Bob’s daughter) on her purchase of Brandy’s former four seat sandrail. She brought the car out over New Years and had a great time.

New AED Lynette Amador provided an updated AED to be kept in the yellow trailer. While we want to always make sure to have one unit in the trailer, having a second one might open up the possibility of carrying one on rides. Thank You Lynette!

A Very Sandy Christmas By Mike and Ashley Bacon! Ashley flew out from Houston to share Christmas with the family then join me in the dunes for the week. We arrived Christmas Day to find the Tranthams, the Fords, and Steve Sturm holding down the fort. We got set up and just sat around the rest of the day. We had a camp fire that night, but the wind started coming up so we cut it short. The wind came up with a vengeance that night, must have blown Santa back to the North Pole, and blew very hard all day Saturday.



The Rooster

February 2016 Sunday morning we had omelets in what has become an IEOA tradition that I personally enjoy very much. We did a little riding after breakfast. After lunch we went for a ride over by Olds Hill. I went up a steep incline that was very soft and didn’t quite make it and when I tried to turn out of it the rear wheel just dug a hole and Ashley and I rolled over on our side.

Upcoming Events • January 15-18th: MLK Dune Cleanup weekend at Glamis, Wash 6. UDG will have the 19th annual cleanup on Saturday, with lunch provided by Rally’s and a raffle. • February 11-22nd: Presidents Week as Glamis, Wash 6. Many people get Monday the 15th off, and some will spend all week while others will leave their stuff in camp and do back to back weekends.

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After making sure we were OK everyone had a great laugh, then got to figure out how to get us back on our wheels. We had nothing broken, and nothing leaking, so they told us to just stay in the car and they would get us back up. This was accomplished with some muscle and Ray’s winch. We then duned back to camp as it was getting dark.


The Rooster

February 2016

A big THANK YOU to all who helped get us back on our wheels, and to those who made sure the roll-back-over video was on the web before the wheels ever hit the ground! Thanks, Janice! The next morning I offered to let Ashley drive the RZR, to make a trash run. She was “thrilled” to say the least! We had a number of really great rides, one with 22 vehicles! It was great to be leading that group and even with all the switch backs never seeing the end of the line! On one ride we ended up in the big dunes by Hill 4 when Jeff broke the belt on his RZR 4 seater. It was a quick fix and we were on our way again. At one stop Ray decided to try Janice’s Christmas present out and slide down a dune. It must have been a scary trip as he had to “relieve himself” at the bottom!

After a morning ride on New Year’s Eve we had our annual Pot Luck Spaghetti Dinner. Thanks to the Hagens for the use of their trailer, and to everyone who brought food. It was great and I followed tradition once again by eating way too much!


The Rooster

February 2016

The next morning Ashley and I had to leave as she had to fly home early the next morning. We had a great time, with great friends and can’t wait for next time. Happy New Year everyone! -Mike

Christmas 2015 / New Years 2016 By Jim Kastle! I arrived at Glamis about 3 PM on Saturday the 26th. Mike Bacon's, the Trantham's, the Ford's, Steve Sturm's, Walt's, Jeff Oliver's, and Mark's, rigs were set up. It was very windy and the only people I talked to were Walt and Steve Sturm. Walt helped me get the trailers from storage. It was so windy there was no campfire or activity of any sort. I spent the evening in the trailer and went to bed early. The furnace ran almost nonstop attempting to fight off the windy cold. During the night Ray and Janice arrived. Sunday morning we boiled omelets. Most everyone participated. As there were only two buggies, Steve Sturm and I went for a ride into the big bowls by Comp and down through the former closure to the flagpole. We took a break and the RZRs soon showed up. We had not planned it; It just happened. We returned to camp where most of us remained for the rest of the day. Mike, with Ashley as passenger, Ray and Janice, and several of their friends went for a late afternoon RZR ride. Mike climbed a hill, and saw he wasn't going to make it and started to turn around. I'm not certain of the details, but the RZR rolled on to its 4

The Rooster

February 2016

side. The group decided it would be best to right the RZR with Mike and Ashley still inside rather than struggling to get them out of it with it on its side. Five beefy guys couldn't right it as they had to roll it uphill. They used Ray's winch and were able to right it. Mike and Ashley were on their side for 15-20 minutes or more. The only damage was a little bit of bent plastic. The best part was that Janice videoed the rescue and we saw it in camp before they got back! We had a campfire that again featured Ray and Janice's apple cherry cobbler. As always, it was great. Monday I decided to go on the RZR ride, forcing Steve to either not ride, or follow the RZRs. He opted to follow the RZRs. There were lots of RZRs, ranging from Walt's 800 to a couple of turbo 1000's, and several quads of various sizes. After playing in the small dunes west of the flats, we stopped by a rental place on the flats where we added a rental 1000 to the group. Don and Steve peeled off and returned to camp. We continued on a long ride down past hill 3. At one point I smelled what seemed to be burning cotton. I hoped it wasn't coming from my RZR. Soon I noticed what appeared to be smoke coming from Jerry's RZR. He was right in front of me. I radioed him to stop. Everybody came running, one with a fire extinguisher. We realized t wasn't smoke, but steam. After investigating, we determined that a coolant hose had split. Janice collected water from everybody and we were able to improvise a patch using electrical tape and wire ties, both provided by Jeff, one of Ray and Janice's friends. In talking to him I found he has a vacation home in Lake Havasu City, and knows Fred and Nina Nass. It is indeed a small world. We were able to drive Jerry's RZR back to camp. Back in camp Janice texted a friend who had borrowed their truck, and was in Brawley. She included a photo of the defective hose. He checked with the Polaris dealer in El Centro, and sure enough, they don't stock the hose. Fortunately he was able to find a hose that could be made to work at an auto parts store in Brawley. Jerry and Ray were able to install it, and even fabricated a heat shield to protect the hose from a nearby exhaust pipe. Don,Shirley, and I went to Yuma for Texas Roadhouse, and some shopping for me. I ran them all over Yuma, but got everything on my list. On the way back to camp it sprinkled on us. Back in camp it was beginning to rain so I quickly put the RZR in the white trailer and covered the buggy seat. I retired to the trailer for the night. Tuesday morning we went for a many-RZR ride with Ashley again riding with Mike. We were on a good. , fairly fast ride when around hill 3 when one of the RZRs broke a belt. It was soon replaced, in large part due to Ray's help. We got back to camp with no further trouble. Dave and Cindy Huggard and Pete, Linda, and Jeremy Hagen arrived. Later we went for another RZR ride to Sweet Marie's for ice cream. As we fired up at Sweet Marie's, Jerry's RZR clutch stuck, much like mine did earlier this season. We were able to get the RZR started and made it back to camp. In camp Jerry, Ray, and Don took the clutch apart, and found no broken parts, so they cleaned and polished the parts, reassembled, and tested the clutch, and it seems fine. We'll 5

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February 2016

know more tomorrow. The day ended with a well attended campfire topped with Dutch oven pineapple upside down cake. As always it was wonderful. Thanks Ray and Janice! Wednesday morning we awoke to find a layer of frost covering everything. Both the buggy and RZR rides left about 10 AM. Mark, Trevor and Breauna; Dave; Pete; Jeremy on his quad; and I made the buggy ride to the big bowls near Comp, then through the former closure, to the flagpole, and past hill 3. My radio stopped working, and as I have become very dependent on it, I missed it greatly the rest of the ride. The sand was pretty rutted, but we did OK until hill 3, but then I couldn't find a decent line. I don't think it is possible to find a worse route from hill 3 to camp. The RZRs seemed to have a pretty good ride past hill 4, but due to my radio problems, I didn't hear them. Jerry later reported that his clutch that was worked on last night worked perfectly. As we returned to camp, Dale and Rebecca arrived. I decided to make a trip to Brawley for propane, as the cold weather greatly increased my propane usage, and some miscellaneous groceries. The RZRs went on another ride. I don't have many details, but apparently Jerry's clutch was again malfunctioning. We had an early, well-attended campfire that continued well past 10 o'clock that was highlighted by some peach cobbler again provided by Ray and Janice. Thursday morning, the last day of 2015, started with both RZR and buggy rides. The RZRs left first followed soon by the buggies. I led the buggy ride and Mike led the RZRs. Mark with Breauna, Pete with Jeremy, Dale with Rebecca, Dave with Trevor Rhoades, and I driving solo, headed towards hill 3 and beyond. I tried my best to make up for yesterday's ride. I was able to pick a much better line and we drove past hill 3 and into the former closed area. We were moving along at a pretty good clip, for quite a while, when I noticed a big guy waving at us a few dunes away. I wasn't sure if something was wrong or what, but headed towards him. As we got closer, I realized it was Ray. We had not discussed where the rides were going, but we ended up in the same area. It was really against the odds, acre upon acre of dunes and we ended up in the same area. We enjoyed a break, and watched Ray and the other kids ride Janice's new snow sled down the dune. After the break the two rides separated and arrived in camp about the same time. Back in camp Bob Amador, LuAnn, Kaiden, and, Bob's daughter Lynette, and her daughters Arayah, and Tianna, had arrived. I noticed a strangely familiar orange four seat sand rail parked by Bob's trailer. It turns out Lynette bought Bruno's turned Brandy's, turned Cam's, turned Brandy's, sand rail. It's neat that it remains in the IEOA family. We had decided at Wednesday's campfire, because of the cold weather, to eat early, at 3:00 P.M., just like Thanksgiving. In typical IEOR style we had a feast. We had several types of spaghetti sauce, garlic 6

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February 2016

bread, salads, and of course, deserts. Jerry counted 40 people, and all had plenty of food, with the possible exception of plain pasta. There was so much sauce, we ran out of pasta, but not until many of us had seconds. We stil had plenty of spaghetti with the sauce already on it. After dinner we had a campfire, but by 10:30, everyone left. I don't know if anyone returned for midnight. I was in bed, but did hear a lot of fireworks. Friday, New Year's Day, we awoke to find Mike and Ashley had left, as Ashley had a Saturday morning flight back to Texas. There were again both RZR and buggy rides. Ray led the RZRs, and I the buggies. I still was having radio issues, so I was unable to hear where they were, but we did cross paths in the general vicinity of the flag pole. When we stopped, I found I had a flat right front tire. We aired it up and found it was leaking from the bead, and by the time we were ready to head back to camp, it was flat again. We filled it again and made it to camp with it still having some air. I found that Ray had led the RZR ride, and apparently did a fine job, even wearing out some buggies who tagged on for a while. The RZRs went for an afternoon ride, and by all reports it was also fast. Ray must have tired himself out, as he went to bed at 5:30. I note the time because his early bed time deprived the rest of us of half our cobbler team. Not to worry, Bob Amador, and Joe, one of Ray and Janice's friends, teamed up to mind the coals. Janice put together my favorite, apple cherry cobbler, and Bob and Joe did an excellent job. As always, the cobbler was great, and this time was enjoyed by 20 of us. At the campfire Lynette presented IEOR with a new AED. She says she remembers the club as a kid, and really enjoys it as an adult and parent, and wanted to do something for us. THANKS LYNETTE! The new AED will live in the yellow trailer. Our original AED is there as well. I recently replaced the batteries, and the pads still have about a year before expiring. I am looking for suggestions as to what we should do with it. If we replace the pads it should be good for another five years or more. One suggestion might be to get a good case for it and carry it on rides. Of course there would be questions about who should carry it, a RZR or a buggy. It just seems redundant to have two in the trailer. Let's talk and decide what to do with the original AED. Saturday morning we again boiled omelets, and seemingly everyone in camp participated. We had a three types of potatoes, and just about every type of omelette ingredient imaginable. We used two turkey friers, and they were both full. Everyone seemed to enjoy breakfast. I love the camaraderie. After breakfast we had a combined RZR/buggy ride. We did so because the only buggies in camp were Pete's and mine. Ray did a fine job of leading and made it fun for both the RZRs and buggies. After the second break, Jeremy Hagen took over the wheel of the buggy for the first time in the dunes. I was following him and was extremely impressed with how well he did. There was no way anyone could tell by watching him that this was his first time driving a sand rail in the dunes. It reminded me of the first time I followed P.J., seemingly just a few years ago. Sunday Ray lead another combined RZR and buggy ride. Janice and Don followed him in the RZRs and Pete and I in our buggies. Ray led a pretty fast ride, and took great delight when the RZRs and Pete made it up a hill that I did not. I think that made his entire trip! By the time we got back to camp the story was that he towed my buggy up three hills! I still don't know what happened, but several times I thought I should downshift to second, and found I was already in second. I had a great time following Ray and the RZRs. After the break Jeremy again drove, and did a great job until Pete became car sick. Jeremy let his dad drive the rest of the ride. Back in camp we began packing up in an attempt to beat the rain forecast for tomorrow. I went to Yuma for dinner and fuel. I thought I'd eat at Texas Roadhouse, but it was very crowded, and I wanted to get back for the campfire, so I went to another of my Yuma favorites, Firehouse Subs, instead. I got back in time to enjoy the campfire. While I was gone, Janice, Ray, and Jeremy (on his quad) went for


The Rooster

February 2016

one last ride. At the campfire Ray was proud that they all climbed the hill I missed earlier. You're welcome, Ray. We finished packing up and plan to hit the road by 9:00 AM. Around 3:00 AM I heard rain, just as had been forecast. When we woke up it was barely sprinkling and we finished packing without getting soaked, or even wet. Ray and Janice, the Fords, the Trantham's, and I were ready to leave by 9:00AM. We said our goodbyes and left the Hagens to fend for themselves. I really hate to leave a single rig in camp, but they insisted they would be OK. As it's now 10:00 PM, I guess they were right. In just nine days I plan to be back to Glamis as I had lots of projects planned for this trip that I never even started. I just don't want to miss any activities, so I keep putting off projects. I'm not complaining, I had a great time. But, maybe being there alone a few days before MLK, I will be less distracted. -Jim

Lake Havasu RZR Ride Shirley sent this to me in October, but through the glory of i-messaging it only went to my iPad and I didn’t see it until recently. Here is her belated report. -P.J." Don and I joined a side by side organization here in Havasu. There are approximately 80 members. Including Mama Jeanie her friend Devin and Jim Kastle. It's called Havasu Side by Side Trail Association. Saturday October 17th we went on a 70 mile ride to Topock for lunch and back. The rides are split up in 3 different groups. Fast, medium and slow. We chose the slow. We have never rode with the group before so we decided end to chose slow. I'm glad we did. Bobby Amador and his girlfriend LuAnn Van Pool and Bobby's friend Josh Thompson and another friend Mike. His friend Mike went on the Medium ride. Bobby and Josh chose the fast group. OF COURSE HE DID. On a straight away Josh got up to 74 mi per hour and he said the (WHAT THE HECK) a Can Am caught up to him. He couldn't believe it. See why we went on the slow ride, it wasn't really slow it was at a normal speed. We stopped and saw many different sights that we didn't even know that were even here in Havasu and Topock. Bobby said they saw the same sights but they just got there faster. There were 17 in the slow group and about 18 in the fast group. I think there more in medium group when they pulled out. We pulled out every 15 minutes.


The Rooster

February 2016

The Fallbrook Gang - New Years Trip 2016 By Pete Hagen! Its been a while since we've posted an article, but wanted to share the events during our 6 days in the dunes. This was our first trip of the sand season. One of our twins was missing this year. Karissa who graduated in Biology from the U. of San Diego in May, is in Ohio with her BF while he starts his 5 yr Phd program. But Jeremy was with us again. He just arrived home on the 21st after spending the last 6 months in New Zealand studying abroad. He finished his Mechanical Engineering program and has graduated from U. of San Diego. We arrived on Tuesday (12/29) late in the afternoon to find camp pretty well established. The circle had approx. 12+ rigs with plenty of room to expand. The wash was not as congested as last year. As we unloaded, the temp dropped as soon as the sun went down. Jeremy helped me swap the summer storage tires to the paddles on the buggy. After dinner we headed to the camp fire and caught up with everyone about their summer adventures. Janice and Ray baked a delicious pineapple upside down cake in their Dutch oven. Wednesday morning the Razors left with Mike Bacon in the lead. Jim led a small group of only 4 buggies (Jim, Mark Rhoades, Dave Huggard and myself). Jeremy chased us on his quad. It was a fast ride that took us out past the 2 flag poles and back. The weather was perfect. When we got back a few more rigs had rolled in camp. After dinner we enjoyed the camp fire with several others. Janice and Ray treated us to peach cobbler. They have this down to a science, they monitor the temp with a laser heat gun and have perfected the baking with just the right amount of coals. Thursday was another sunny day, there were 5 buggies now with the addition of Dale. All the cars ran great. Jeremy rode with me in the buggy to give his arms a rest. Since it was New Years Eve, we had scheduled the Spaghetti Pot Luck dinner for 3pm. I believe we had over 40 people show up and the trailer was full of food. The breeze had kicked up so it was a little brisk outside. It is great that we all take part in this event. That night we stayed inside and played a marathon game of Mexican Train with Dave and Cindy. We spoke with Karissa at 9pm (midnight on the east coast) as they rang in the new year in NY City with friends from college. She said it was super fun but very crowded. By 10:30 the winds were a little stronger and everyone left the fire early. For the first time in many years we did not have any Christmas trees to burn and we did not stay out by the fire. We did stay up until midnight and watched all the fireworks from the comfort of the RV. New Years day (Friday) was slow to start and I was not feeling 100% so I decided to stay at camp while the 4 buggies and Jeremy on his quad headed out. The ride was cut a little short after Dale's transmission started making noise. He thinks the ring and pinion broke a tooth. There was a big crowd for the camp fire, so we started a second wash tub to keep everyone warm. The Dutch oven desert that evening was cherry cobbler, my favorite. Saturday was the group breakfast where you cook your omelette in a zip-lock baggie in boiling water. Its 9

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important to put your name on the bag so you can find it later. Thanks to Jim for starting the 2 big pots of water early in the morning and to those who donated the tasty ingredients. While it may not sound appetizing, it actually tastes great and is the quickest way to feed 25+ people quickly and have no skillets to clean. The weather could not have been better, warm and sunny at 9am. After breakfast a few rigs rolled out of camp and the buggy population was reduced to just 2, Jim and I. We were invited to tag along with the Razors. Ray said it would be a slow ride as compared to a buggy ride. Well......... it was not a slow ride by any definition. Ray found some really nice dunes with some virgin sand in a few areas. I hit 4th gear several times as we swept from 1 bowl to the next out past Hill 5. After our first stop, Jeremy wanted to try driving the buggy. His first "dune" ride as a driver. He did fantastic and kept up without any problem. He picked some great lines and never got stuck. I have never been a passenger on a "dune" ride, so it was an experience for me too. It was a very fun afternoon and I enjoyed seeing him drive so well. He said he liked it too, but still likes horsing around on his quad a little bit more. Doesn't look like there will be 2 buggies in our family any time soon!! The evening ended with another well attended camp fire and of course another Dutch oven treat of pineapple upside down cake. It is a big hit, we might have to get 2 ovens soon. The next morning there was a steady stream of rigs heading home. The wash road was jam packed and it took close to 30 mins to get to the Hwy 78. As the wash emptied we tagged along for the second time behind the Razors. It was another fun ride out to Hill 4 and 5. After our first stop, Jeremy drove the buggy again. Unfortunately my stomach got the best of me and I had to stop the ride for a short rest, not sure if I would see my breakfast again. Don gave me a few Rolaids and that seemed to help calm things down. We made it back to camp with no other troubles and my breakfast intact. The afternoon started clouding up with the impending rain storm heading our way. There were only 5 campers left in our circle. We spent the afternoon packing up for the ride home on Monday. The wind died down and the cloud cover actually helped keep the air warmer than the earlier evenings. The camp fire was small and cozy and the wash was very quiet. The rain started around 4am and sprinkled on and off. Everyone said their good-byes and we were all on the road by 9am. The ride home was easy and we encountered no traffic. Over all it was a great way to ring in 2016 and we look forward to seeing everyone for Presidents Day weekend. Not sure if we'll make MLK weekend."


The Rooster

February 2016

We Need Club Flags Over 20 years ago the club decided to come up with a unique flag design to make it easy to spot members in the dunes. In the time since, we have had the familiar red white, and blue flags made by a variety of different vendors using different materials and construction techniques. We haven’t had new flags in many years, and as the picture here shows, many of our old well traveled flags are just wearing out. The last time we had larger flags made they were about $40 each, and that was a long time ago." A few people have mentioned over the years that they might be able to get flags made. Now is the time for us to help make this happen. The only real requirement for the flags is that the red portion on top be at least 6 x 12 inches to meet the BLM’s requirements. If you can get a quote on flags, you will likely have other members in the group willing to join you in purchasing some flags. As flag options become available, the rest of us can support those who do the work to get the flags produced by committing to buy some flags promptly to get quantity discounts and avoid inventory cost. It doesn’t matter if we wind up with multiple vendors, it will actually be nice to have options available. If you get a quote, please share it with the group so that others can decide whether to join in and purchase flags. I know that I am definitely in the market for at least one new flag, and potentially two or three. - P.J. "

Marshall Update Since we missed seeing everybody in the dunes, and we have a bit of space left in the newsletter we figured we’d share some more about our newest little duner. He’s already up to just over 12 lb, and is wearing some of his 6 month clothes! He’s a good eater, and sleeps pretty well too, usually letting Mom sleep for a couple of hours between his snacks. We’re looking forward to introducing him to everyone during his first dune trip over Presidents Day. -Paul, Melissa, and Allie

This month we’d like to thank Shirley Ford, Mike Bacon, Jim Kastle and Pete Hagen for writing articles and Mike Bacon and Janice Petersen for sending pictures. It is your contributions that make the newsletter enjoyable. Eleven pages of content is great, and we hope you enjoyed it all. Thank you all for your contributions and for being part of a great group of friends. -Paul, Melissa, Allie, and Marshall.


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