SVN Book

Page 212

Server Configuration

harry = CN=Harold Hacker,OU=Engineers,DC=red-bean,DC=com sally = CN=Sally Swatterbug,OU=Engineers,DC=red-bean,DC=com joe = CN=Gerald I. Joseph,OU=Engineers,DC=red-bean,DC=com … Once you've defined a set of aliases, you can refer to the users elsewhere in the access file via their aliases in all the same places you could have instead used their actual usernames. Simply prepend an ampersand to the alias to distinguish it from a regular username: [groups] calc-developers = &harry, &sally, &joe paint-developers = &frank, &sally, &jane everyone = @calc-developers, @paint-developers You might also choose to use aliases if your users' usernames change frequently. Doing so allows you to need to update only the aliases table when these username changes occur, instead of doing global-search-and-replace operations on the whole access file. Partial Readability and Checkouts If you're using Apache as your Subversion server and have made certain subdirectories of your repository unreadable to certain users, you need to be aware of a possible nonoptimal behavior with svn checkout. When the client requests a checkout or update over HTTP, it makes a single server request and receives a single (often large) server response. When the server receives the request, that is the only opportunity Apache has to demand user authentication. This has some odd side effects. For example, if a certain subdirectory of the repository is readable only by user Sally, and user Harry checks out a parent directory, his client will respond to the initial authentication challenge as Harry. As the server generates the large response, there's no way it can resend an authentication challenge when it reaches the special subdirectory; thus the subdirectory is skipped altogether, rather than asking the user to reauthenticate as Sally at the right moment. In a similar way, if the root of the repository is anonymously world-readable, the entire checkout will be done without authentication—again, skipping the unreadable directory, rather than asking for authentication partway through.

Supporting Multiple Repository Access Methods You've seen how a repository can be accessed in many different ways. But is it possible—or safe—for your repository to be accessed by multiple methods simultaneously? The answer is yes, provided you use a bit of foresight. At any given time, these processes may require read and write access to your repository: • Regular system users using a Subversion client (as themselves) to access the repository directly via file:// URLs • Regular system users connecting to SSH-spawned private svnserve processes (running as themselves), which access the repository • An svnserve process—either a daemon or one launched by inetd—running as a particular fixed user 188

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