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Hello, my name is Phoenix, and I’m an artist from Arizona currently based in Alabama ⸺ What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? I am the first generation, so it didn’t go over well with my mom at first, but ultimately she came around when she saw my happiness. My friends were supportive and helped give me my start with tattooing. I’m not sure I would have continued if it wasn’t for their continued belief that I could do it. Even when some of the work wasn’t so great, love you guys! ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of the job is connecting with people from all walks of life and gaining new insight from listening to their stories and seeing their confidence grow by looking at the art in the mirror ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? I always had a love for art, but I didn’t have an idea where I could apply it. I remember trying to get a job as a waiter with a friend and getting turned down fast with no real work experience on a resume. It wasn’t until I went to get the first tattoo that the idea sparked in me. I’m so thankful it found me when it did ⸺ Have you ever had a bad tattooing experience, and what was it? One time, I had a client try a failed attempt at sneaking some drugs passed me while getting tattooed. Then when their friend leaned over me for a photo of the tattoo, they snapped the table. To make up for breaking my table, he gave me a little cash and took the table. Not sure what happened with it, but I hope it found a good home. I don’t know whether to call it a bad experience or a learning experience ⸺ What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? I advise anyone starting their tattoo journey to remember to have fun. Don’t take everything to heart; learn how to grow from the critiques. Be in this for the right reasons because there are some humbling moments ⸺ What impact has tattooing made on your life? I’m lucky to be doing what I love while also being able to provide for my family. I understand the position I’m in, and I’m grateful for all that has happened. ✕


Black and gray/ Chicano black and gray tattoo artist based out of Marietta, GA, metro Atlanta.

What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? A couple of friends actually believed I would make a career out of it, but most people didn’t believe so. And, of course, my parents thought they knew what was best, and they were really against it at first until I helped them pay rent one day when times got bad.

What would you say is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of the job is the whole job, really. On Mondays, most people feel bad and complain about going to work; the way

10 Years Tattooing Marietta, GA Location

Independent Artist Black and Grey Chicano B&G Specialty reyf1989 @gmail.com

