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Tito Rodriguez has been professionally tattooing since 2009. Tito grew up in Paterson, NJ, and was introduced to art at a very young age. Tito credits all his artistic talent to his uncle, “Zoro,” who is a graffiti artist and Tito’s biggest influence growing up. Witnessing Zoro create art from just thoughts in his head inspired Tito to follow in his uncle’s footsteps and pursue art. Most of Tito’s family is heavily covered in tattoos, so it wasn’t long before he asked to get his first tattoo. Once tatted, Tito was driven to leave his mark in the tattoo world and asked his first tattoo artist to help him get into the game ⸺ Who or where do you get your inspiration from? I get most of my inspiration from other great artist in the industry. I love taking my own photographs and turning them into tattoos. The freedom inspires me to create things I never knew I could ⸺ What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? I am very blessed that my family and friends were completely supportive. My family is heavily tattooed, and when I mentioned I wanted to get into the tattoo busi- ness, they were 100% behind me. My father, Hector, and my uncle Zoro bought me my first tattoo machine 14 years ago. That was the beginning of my tattoo career. That machine is one of my prize possession, and I still have it to this day ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of the job is being able to create art every day. Seeing my thoughts come to life is such an amazing feeling. I have the greatest clients ever, and when I see their excitement about a tattoo I did for them, it inspires me. I strive to become a better artist every Day ⸺ What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? The best advice I can give is to respect the art of tattooing. Be patient; this skill does not come overnight. Continue to gain information about not just tattooing but art itself. Light source, color theory, flow, and composition are all super important. You will never know everything there is to know about tattooing, and that’s the beauty of the craft. Even after 14 years of tattooing, I’m still learning every day. Invest in knowledge. ✕


I am a tattoo artist from Huntsville, Alabama. I’ve been tattooing for eight years. Now I specialize in color, realism, abstract realism, and coverups ⸺ Who or where do you get your inspiration from? Early in my career, I started following as many artists as I could from around the world. I have taken inspiration from many different places, from other tattoo artists, painters, and sculptors ⸺ What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? MMost were very supportive! Some did not agree, but at the end of the day, I am in control and responsible for my own life! If you’ve lived your entire life pleasing other people, you haven’t lived your own life ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? Specializing in coverups, I’ve always taken great pride in the idea that I can turn someone’s old mistake or nightmare into a beautiful piece of artwork! I have really changed some lives doing this ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? I was a manager for a fast food restaurant while I was going through college to be an architect when a tattoo shop opened up in my parking lot! It was very tiny and only lasted for about two months, but I was interested and started going to see him. One day he asked me if I wanted to be an apprentice, and I was taken away from there ⸺ Was it hard getting an apprenticeship? How was yours? The parking lot shop closed down fairly soon, so I began my hunt for a real apprenticeship. It wasn’t very difficult for me to get started, but once I got in, I realized how much hard work and dedication were involved. It was tough, very tough. But in the end, it was so worth it ⸺ Are there any tattoos you would refuse to do? (face, private areas, etc.) I try not to discriminate on location or subject matter. I don’t tattoo gang or hate-related subjects. I try to keep religious values, political beliefs, and personal preferences to myself. However, due to the demand of inquiries I get, I am a little choosy with the projects that I take on but ultimately would not refuse them ⸺ What about college or a backup plan? If you really put the time and effort in, you won’t need a backup plan. ✕