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What would you say is your favorite part of the job? Overall I love being able to give my clients artwork on their bodies that makes them feel confident and express who they are. Even when I am not having the best day, seeing the smiles on their faces makes everything worth it. I also love a clean outline, so lining is my favorite part of the tattoo process!

What do you think is in store for the future of tattooing? I hope that we as artists continue to try and push the limits of what we are capable of so that we can prosper and pass on our knowledge to future generations!


Have you ever had a bad tattooing experience, and what was it? I’ve definitely had some interesting experiences while tattooing, experiences that I won’t get into specifics about. Most are just uncomfortable situations in which clients or friends/family members of clients show inappropriate behavior in the workplace.

What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? Never stop trying to learn and grow, take classes, ask questions, and continue to push yourself when things feel difficult. If you show up every day and do the best job that YOU can do, then you are on the right path.

What are the different types of services that you offer? Currently, I am trained and certified to perform body tattoos, permanent makeup for eyebrows, and saline tattoo lightening/ removal. I also provide intuitive tattoo services, in which clients can receive a design based on their cards pulled in a tarot reading! ✕

I’m a queer artist both from and residing in Columbus, Ohio (no, it’s not ALL corn out here)! I’ve been tattooing since 2016 and co-own a private studio named Last Moon Tattoo. Outside of tattooing, I enjoy hiking, kayaking, biking, and camping. I love horror movies, mystery novels, and true-crime podcasts. I live with my partner and our two cats ⸺ Who or where do you get your inspiration from? It may sound cliche, but nature. A lot of my work is plant and animal-based. Traveling and outdoor recreation have been huge proponents in boosting my creativity by supplying me with a clear head and fresh ideas ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? Making clients feel more at home in their bodies. I love being able to be a conduit for this. Knowing that your client has a more positive relationship with themselves after a tattoo is the most rewarding part ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? I have loved the idea of tattoos since I was a little kid. I used to beg my mom to let me put Lisa Frank’s temporary tattoos on myself whenever possible. I felt SO happy wearing those little designs. This led to watching tv shows about tattooing throughout my adolescence, getting tattooed, and eventually pursuing it as a career ⸺ Have you ever had a bad tattooing experience, and what was it? Overall yes, I’ve had some creeps here and there that have crossed boundaries and even participated in some light stalking behavior. The worst was my own tattoo experience with another artist. He and the other artists with him were condescending towards me to the point where I didn’t feel comfortable coming to appointments alone. I had started a large project with this artist, so there were a lot of long, silent hours spent together after that first appointment. It took a full year after that experience for me to want to get tattoos again ⸺ What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? There are going to be a lot of days that suck. Keep going, and be kind to your clients. Building a solid return clientele offers stability and the relationships you’ll create are the most rewarding part! ✕