1 minute read


What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? The concept of taking your art and permanently putting it on your skin was always fascinating to me.

Was it hard getting an apprenticeship? How was yours? Finding a traditional apprenticeship was difficult; I ended up finding a way to teach myself instead. It was a lot of trial and error, plus using resources such as YouTube.


What are some of the most common misconceptions people have about the tattooing industry? A common misconception would be that we’re all party animals and money gouging, but what we’ve done here at Legacy is prove that we can do amazing art professionally and have become a more fair and family-friendly environment.

What do you enjoy most about tattooing and working with clients? I enjoy being able to give people an experience they want to come back to, really building that trust in a comfortable environment. Being able to express myself artistically while having to challenge myself to push my limits.

Can you tell us about your favorite tattoo that you’ve ever done? I was able to tattoo a vintage Halloween toy from McDonald’s on an arm. We actually ended up winning 1st place for the small tattoo category at the Middle of The Map convention in May this year.

How do you stay inspired and motivated as an artist? I’m inspired all the time by the great artists that both work here or that I’ve come to know. Through sharing ideas and hosting art nights, we do what we can to motivate each other.

Can you discuss any challenges or obstacles you’ve faced in your career as a tattoo artist? The biggest challenge in the industry was finding a place that would take me on and seriously as an artist, on top of going from working at a mental health facility to being accepted at a private studio to building my own shop.

How do you balance the demands of being a successful artist with your personal life? Always make the most of your off time with friends and family and enjoy other things you love.

What do you do outside of tattooing? I like to do leather and woodworking, being outdoors, fishing, and riding motorcycles. ✕

6 Years Tattooing Grimes, IA Location

Legacy Tattoo and Art Co.

Owner/Artist 2020


6 Resident Artists

Neo Traditional/ Pop Culture Specialization broclogantattoo @gmail.com

@broclogantattoo Instagram Legacyartco .com