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28-year-old shop owner with eight years of tattoo experience. Owner of Blackbird Ink Tattoo in Longmont, Colorado. Working my way up from a rough apprenticeship, to working out of a street shop, to now currently a shop owner, I am proud of where I am today.

What would you say is your favorite part of the job? The freedom and ability to travel. Aside from living the dream of doing art every day, I would say the best part about being a tattooer is freedom. Not only do I have the freedom to make my own schedule, but it is a job I can do almost everywhere. I have guest-spotted and done conventions all over the US; no other job would let me travel to all the amazing places I have. I am truly grateful to have the job freedom I do.


8 Years Tattooing

Blackbird Ink Tattoo


Denver, CO Location

Animals/Botanical Specialization k.yorkarts @gmail.com

@yorkietats Instagram blackbirdinktattoo .com

Are there any tattoos you would refuse to do? (face, private areas, etc.) I would never agree to do a hateful tattoo. Everyone is allowed to have their opinions, but this is a limit to what I would agree to tattoo on someone.

What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? Draw, draw, draw! The better artist you are, the better tattooer you will be. I think most people overlook that we are artists first and tattooers second. In my opinion, the best tattooers have extremely strong drawing skills. Work on your drawings, and never stop improving.

What do you think is in store for the future of tattooing? Who knows! In my eight years of tattooing, I have seen such an advancement in the industry it is hard to imagine what could come next. I learned how to tattoo on coils, and now I use a cordless machine. I’m excited to see what is to come.✕