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My name is Katya (riruza in social media), and I am an artist with a passion for bringing the imaginative ideas of my clients to life through my drawings. I have been drawing since childhood. I also have a family of artists, which has only added to my love for the arts. I am a graduate of both a school of academic painting in Ukraine and an Academy in Poland, where I studied Digital Media and defended my diploma on Japanese tattoos and the relationship of tattoos with the art of ukiyo-e. (That’s why I’m such a big lover of Japanese and Neojapanese tattoo styles). I grew up in the 90s, where I was heavily influenced by the Internet and popular culture.

What advice would you give to someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin) Tattoos are a permanent form of self-expression, and it’s important to take your time and choose a design and artist that you are confident in. Don’t rush into getting a tattoo, as it will be with you for the rest of your life.


1. CHOOSE A MEANINGFUL DESIGN: Think about why you want a tattoo and what it represents to you. A tattoo that holds personal significance is more likely to stand the test of time.

2. CONSIDER THE PLACEMENT: Think about where you want the tattoo and how it will impact your daily life. Some areas of the body can be more sensitive and may take longer to heal.

3. FIND A REPUTABLE ARTIST: Look for a professional and experienced artist who is knowledgeable about the best practices for safety and hygiene.

4. AFTERCARE IS KEY: Make sure you follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist to ensure proper healing and to help the tattoo retain its color and vibrancy.

What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? My mom wanted me to have a more traditional career, like working in a bank, but she’s come to terms with my choice to pursue

5 Years Tattooing

Calgary, AB Location

Independent Artist


Neojapanese Specialty


Instagram riruza.tattoo @gmail.com riruzatattoo .net