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My name is Joey Hulsey; I am the owner of Villa Rica Ink. I am a tattoo artist and piercer. A good friend Eddy Miller got me into tattooing, taught me what I needed to know, and got me on the right track to becoming the tattoo artist that I am today. I still learn every day, and that will never stop. I am Christian, and Jesus comes first in my life, then my amazing, hot wife Samaria and my 4 boys, then my shop. I was a youth pastor for 17 years and a worship leader for most of that time as well. I still play drums at my church. I strive to be a positive face in the tattoo industry because there are so many negative thoughts in people’s heads about tattoo artists. We also have a non-profit called iNKED ANGELS, where we use the tattoo industry to help people in need ⸺ Who or where do you get your inspiration from? Most of my inspiration comes from other owners/tattooers, Craig Foster of Skinwerks, Andy Cagle and Grant Loveless of The Marked Society, and Impala Pat, owner of 4 shops, 1 being Defiant Tattoo Company. These guys have helped pave the way with advice and guidance in this industry. Another huge inspiration is my wife, I always look for her approval, and she will be the first to point out my flaws in a good way. She helps me become the best me. But my biggest inspiration comes from Christ. I pray before tattoos because there are some that I feel that I just can’t do on my own ⸺ What is a way you can be positive in the tattoo industry? To try to make a positive impact in this industry, I help an organization called ARI. It is a non-profit that helps people that have been rescued from sex trafficking. ARI bring these amazing people to me, and any markings or brands that have been put on them I cover for free. To cover something that reminds them of something so terrible is a blessing to me. We also run a non-profit called INKED ANGELS. We use the tattoo community to help people that can’t help themselves. For example, If someone’s house burns down... We will make a post using our tattoo social media and tell people what we need for this family... within 30 minutes, we will have everything they need. Also, every year we do a backpack drive and give close to 1500 kids in our community backpacks and school supplies, haircuts, dental exams, and sports physicals. My wife heads that up and surpasses anything I could ever do with it. ✕
