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What advice would you give to someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin) Take your time in planning ahead and avoid last-minute ideas. Work closely with an artist and bounce ideas back and forth to help create a design that you truly love ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing?


When I saw a photo of a large realistic tiger portrait on someone’s back, I couldn’t believe that it was possible for a tattoo to look so real on the skin, which I believe is the most difficult canvas. I looked at the industry from a different perspective ⸺ How was your apprenticeship? Was it hard to get one? I was lucky to be accepted at the first tattoo shop I called. I remember how I was so excited about the opportunity of breaking into the industry that I couldn’t sleep at night. I started helping out at the shop and studying the tattoo process. The first tattoo I actually did was in another shop where I could focus on developing my art. It helped me build confidence in my ability and skills. I am grateful to everyone who helped me during my first steps

⸺ What do you think your biggest accomplishment as an artist has been? I think my biggest accomplishment is still ahead. I will be very proud of myself when I develop a unique style I specialize in. I am working on my own recognizable style within black and grey realism ⸺ How do you see the tattooing industry evolving in the coming years, and how do you plan to stay relevant and adapt to those changes? The process of learning tattooing will probably become even easier and faster with new technologies and loads of free information. It will keep attracting more people who want to try tattooing. I learned that you have to be special and create something no one else can do to make people want to fly across the world for you. And that is my plan ⸺ What do you enjoy most about tattooing and working with clients? I love when clients come back and become your regular. It makes me feel good as an artist, and our tattooing sessions become even more fun ⸺ Can you discuss any challenges or obstacles you’ve faced in your career as a tattoo artist? The challenging part is being your own promoter, sponsor, manager, creator, and editor. ✕