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Gabrielle Elise is the co-owner of Bombshell Body Art in Janesville, Wisconsin. She has a passion for black and grey floral as well as stylized realism. Gabrielle has been tattooing since 2017 and has been a co-owner of Bombshell Body Art since 2022.

Who or where do you get your inspiration from? I gain most of my inspiration from my clients as well as my fellow artists. My co-workers, Heather and Lie, are both amazing artists and help inspire me every day.


What advice would you give to someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin) If you are getting your first tattoo, make sure to research your artist and get to know their style and personality. It is important for you to like their work and have an artist that values you.

6 Years Tattooing

Janesville, WI


Independent Artist

Black and grey floral Stylized realism Specialty

@ink_fox_art Instagram inkfoxartistry @gmail.com

What would you say is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of being a tattoo artist is working alongside other artists and creating meaningful tattoos (and experiences) for my clients.

What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? I have had an interest in tattoos from a young age. I have always loved the concept of being able to wear art on your skin and carry your life stories with you.

Are there any tattoos you would refuse to do? (face, private areas, etc.) I refuse hateful or oppressive tattoos. I also don’t tattoo genitalia.

What do you think is in store for the future of tattooing? I think we will continue to see advancements in the equipment and design side of tattooing.

What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? As a new artist, you should always try to improve and learn from your clients as well as your fellow artists. We are never done learning.

What is your design process? I have a collaborative design process with my clients. During the consult, we go over their reference material, then start a rough sketch. The design is then refined after the consult and approved by the client before their appointment ✕