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Who or where do you get your inspiration from? I gain inspiration daily from the amazing tattooers and artists whom I choose to surround myself with in any capacity. You know who you are. WC ⸺ What advice would you give to someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin) Drink water, eat food, sleep, and show up ⸺ What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? I received unconditional support from most, which is where I chose to focus my energy. There will always be people who want you to fail; it’s only because you are doing something they could never do ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? The relationships made that span the years mean so much to me; so many conversations, laughs, and great tattoos with fantastic clients, friends, and family ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? Seeing old bold tattoo flash changed my life ⸺ Was it hard getting an apprenticeship? How was yours? My apprenticeship found me naturally. Two quality tattooers/ friends/brothers presented me with an opportunity that, looking back, changed my life in so many ways ⸺ Are there any tattoos you would refuse to do? (face, private areas, etc.) Of course. Email me your ideas, and I’ll let you know if you make the cut ⸺ What do you think is in store for the future of tattooing? Tattooing evolves daily, accepting that it is harder to do than we admit. With the right amount of tradition and advances in technology, the future of tattooing will never fade ⸺ What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? Draw, draw, draw. Be present, ask questions, and try everything. Trust your Master. ✕
