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I finished my apprenticeship at 18 years old and have been tattooing full-time for the last 10 years. I just recently opened my first studio (Silver Lining Studio) in 2022. I’m a father to two beautiful children, my 9-year-old daughter Gracelyn and my 2-year-old son Karson ⸺ Who or where do you get your inspiration from? In the earlier years of my career, my inspiration came from Nikko Hurtado and Phil Garcia. As my career developed, my inspiration came from a few of the people I now have the pleasure of working with. They are: Brandon Herrera, TeeJ Poole, and Trey Dumbroski ⸺ What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? Some of them were very skeptical at first because of the “stereotypical nature” of the industry. It didn’t take long for most of my friends and family to get on board, though, and now they are some of my biggest supporters ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? It came by complete accident. In 10th grade, I started my senior project, which was on the history of different tattoo cultures. I went to a tattoo shop to start research and fell in love with it. Ironically in my 12th-grade year, they discontinued the senior project, so my whole career got its start from a project I never finished in high school ⸺ Have you ever had a bad tattooing experience, and what was it? In the course of 10 years, there’s more than I can count. I’d love to tell you some of the crazy stories I have, but you’ll have to come to see me, and I’ll tell you in person ⸺ What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? First and foremost, network and put yourself around good people. A good friend/support group is crucial if you’re serious about being in this industry. I wish I had networked more in the earlier part of my caree. Secondly, you need to respect the fact all of the artists you look up to have dedicated their lives to this craft and that if you aren’t prepared to do the same, it’s going to be hard to succeed in this industry alongside them. Stay humble and patient. Never get to a point where you feel you have nothing left to learn. ✕
