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My name is Brandon Allton; I am the owner of Dying Breed Tattoo, located in Sacramento, California. My goal is to create a place for up-and-coming artists to grow and learn the industry in a safe and inspiring environment. Some of my greatest achievements are opening my own shop and mastering my craft. I’m very passionate about life in general ⸺ Who or where do you get your inspiration from? I get my inspiration from other artists. I also get inspiration from traveling and enjoying life ⸺ What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? I come from a religious background, but my family and friends were always super supportive of me and my art ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part about my job is creating people’s visions through my artwork to give them beautiful tattoos to wear for life ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? My first time in a tattoo shop, I fell in love with the ambiance and vibe the artists created, and it was that moment I knew I wanted to be a part of the industry forever ⸺ Have you ever had a bad tattooing experience, and what was it? For the most part, I’ve never had a bad experience. The things I don’t put up with are inappropriate behavior, bad vibes, and cheap people ⸺ What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? Take your time developing the style of tattoos you do. Try out a few different styles and see what you enjoy working with most. Always push yourself to make each piece your best piece. Never stop growing in the industry ⸺ How old were you when you started tattooing? I started tattooing at 18 years old; I am currently 31 years old ⸺ What pushed you to start tattooing? I lost a lot of friends growing up, and that geared me towards doing something I loved in life for the simple fact that life is short and should be lived to its fullest potential ⸺ Do you regret any of your tattoos? No, I believe tattoos are like a timeline of your life. I enjoy looking back at each tattoo and remembering life and what I was going through at that time. It’s a never-ending evolution of growth. ✕


Michigan native, currently based in East Lansing, with design and illustration degrees, learned tattooing well after college in S.Korea and tattooed there for 10 years before finally returning to the States in 2022.

Who or where do you get your inspiration from? I love how art nouveau has gained a lot of traction in tattooing, especially in the past decade. That 1800s movement as a whole remains unique and inspiring to this day.

What would you say is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of the job is when a client is gung ho about whatever I want to do for them – when we both are on the same page.

What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing?

Probably when I was a young teen and saw all my favorite music artists (i.e., MxPx) who were covered in tattoos, and I thought they not only looked so cool but that they flipped that taboo stereotype on its head and were awesome, friendly people who loved other people and built people up rather than tearing them down.

Was it hard getting an apprenticeship? How was yours? I was living in Korea for 13 years, and 3 years in, I found a Canadian guy, Jeff, who was tattooing on his own, and I asked him to show me the ropes. He was cool enough to say ‘yes.’ The apprenticeship was tedious, but everything worth doing may be tedious but worth the wait when you see yourself improving over time.

Have you ever had a bad tattooing experience, and what was it? Any time I get cocky (which is rare, I promise) and create ugly blow-outs! The worst feeling ever. And any time my client stinks.

What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? Never get a big head. REMAIN TEACHABLE and humble. Admit your mistakes before they’re pointed out. Know when to quit (for the day), take a breather, and start again tomorrow. Set big goals, and the big achievements will come; however, also congratulate yourself on tiny achievements rather than putting yourself down.

Where do you see yourself in the near future? Traveling around the world and sharing my passion for tattooing with others. I love traveling and meeting new people I personally connect with. If you want me to do a guest spot near you, let me know! ✕