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I am a 21-year-old artist and tattooer residing in the Sunshine State. I eat, sleep, and breathe art - my only goal in life is to create and give everything I have to that. I am traditionally trained in watercolor and illustration for animation ⸺ Who or where do you get your inspiration from? Most of my inspiration comes from animation and film. Companies like Studio Ghibli and animation companies alike inspire me to create colorful and magical pieces. Fellow artists and tattooers inspire me every day with their beautiful works and passion ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? Meeting people! It sounds cliche when I say it, but I love connecting with people. I have never been a people person, but ever since being in this industry, I have loved getting to meet my clients and other artists! They are the fuel to my passion ⸺ Are there any tattoos you would refuse to do? (face, private areas, etc.) Absolutely! Gang-related, racist or anything along those lines is a clear no. I also refuse hand, face, and throat tattoos unless the person is heavily tattooed or is older with no job concerns. Essentially I won’t do a job-stopper if you are not secure in your life, so no younger people will get those from me ⸺ What is your favorite placement to tattoo? It will sound absurd, but I love tattooing ribs/sternum areas and kneecaps! They’re utmost challenging spots to tattoo but easily my favorite; granted, I have consistently had the most badass clients that handle these painful placements like champs ⸺ What do you want to achieve in the tattoo industry? There are so many things I’d like to achieve during my tattoo career, but I must say it boils down to just inspiring people through my passion and love for what I do. Whether I inspire clients to go after their own dreams or inspire other artists and tattooers to push themselves. I just want to create amazing things and inspire all these beautiful humans ⸺ What would you consider your style to be?


My style is a mix of everything I love - Neo Traditional, Japanese Traditional, and Anime/Kawaii things. I have such a deep love for all of these styles and elements - I have created and integrated so much of them into my art to create something unique and different. Something I can look at and am truly in love with. ✕

My name is Jaclyn Bergantino; I was born and raised in New Jersey and moved to the Tampa area in 2010, where I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of South Florida. I have since made Fl my home, and together, my husband and I are raising two beautiful and headstrong little girls. I worked for a couple of local tattoo shops and quickly learned that opening my own studio would be more beneficial for my family. So, with the help and support of my husband, we opened The Ivy, fine art & tattoo in Largo, FL which has been incredibly successful. We have an all-female staff now, and we are truly invested in creating a safe space for all bodies to feel comfortable and welcome. Now I can make my own schedule and never miss a thing with my kids. I love my coworkers and clients, and I truly appreciate their trust in me.

I prefer to tattoo in a painterly realism style featuring florals and faces. I really love doing realism nipple/ areola tattooing and mastectomy covers.

What advice would you give to someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin) I would advise anyone getting their first tattoo to first and foremost do their research. Decide what you want and find the right artist for that style. Social media makes viewing portfolios so easy. Look for healed photos and make sure what you’re asking this artist for is something that they enjoy doing.

What would you say is your favorite part of the job? My favorite part of the job is when I can see the look on a client’s face when they see their tattoo for the first time. Especially when I get the honor to do nipple/ areola and mastectomy tattoos, these are truly life-changing for some people, and I love helping them feel whole again. I dedicate one day per month to doing free areola/nipple tattoos for those who have lost them.

Are there any tattoos you would refuse to do? (face, private areas, etc.) I will absolutely never tattoo hate symbols. I do permanent makeup, but I do not do regular tattoos on faces. I have the luxury of being able to tell people no. So, no. I will not tattoo genitals, either. ✕

5 Years Tattooing

Largo, FL Location

TheIvyArts Owner/Artists

Realism & Watercolor Specialty @jaclyn.artist Instagram & Facebook @theivyarts.com Instagram theIvyArts .com