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Austin Lawrence, 32 years old. I was born and raised in Kalispell, MT. I’ve been tattooing 7 years and specialize in black and grey realism and coverups. I own Lawrence Ink design and tattoo studio out of Kalispell, MT ⸺ Who or where do you get your inspiration from? A lot of other artists I look up to, like Greg Nicholson, Michael Perry, Edgar Marquez, etc. Also, photography and music ⸺ What advice would you give to someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin) I’d tell them not every detail has to have a significant meaning. Keep it simple and let the artist do their thing ⸺ What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business? Everyone was super supportive and excited that I found something I’m so passionate about ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? That it doesn’t feel like a job, there is a lot that goes into running your own business but being able to support my family by creating permanent art that people carry with them for the rest of their lives is an amazing feeling ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? I’ve drawn for most of my life, and art has always been therapeutic for me. Seeing bikers, musicians, and convicts all covered in tattoos was just something that always grabbed my attention. Before tattooing, I wasn’t doing anything positive with my life. Between drug addiction and federal prison, tattooing gave me a way out of that life and fulfilled a desire and passion I had been looking for for so long ⸺ Are there any tattoos you would refuse to do? (face, private areas, etc.) I won’t do a tattoo I feel is not gonna hold up over time, all these micro, super small tattoos I see lately can look good when first done, but most don’t age well ⸺ What do you think is in store for the future of tattooing? That’s hard to say, the quality of equipment and the level of craftsmanship is insane right now ⸺ What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? Keep your focus on the art and your client, not on social media. ✕
