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my business partner and brother from another mother. It wasn’t hard, but the journey definitely wasn’t easy. In the beginning, I was working a full-time job, a part-time job, and apprenticing. I went one year without one day off, but I wanted to get a tattoo so badly. I knew this was my calling. I dealt with sexual harassment, belittling, and bullying from shop owners and artists that I looked up to. They still taught me lessons, though, on exactly what I never wanted to be like.

What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing? Don’t listen to anyone who doesn’t look happy. Don’t take advice from people who don’t have their shit together. Social media is free promotion. Don’t rush anything; let everything flow naturally, and be patient with your journey and yourself. Learn how to take constructive criticism; it will only make you better and wiser!


What’s the weirdest thing you ever tattooed? A chicken wing. And when I asked my friend why? She simply replied because I just love chicken, and that’s a whole mood.

What are some goals you have for 2023?

I’ve recently been diagnosed with lupus, so I’ve been raising awareness and advocating for that. I also want to meet more artists around the world and see beautiful, new places. Tattooing has given me the freedom to travel, so I want to take advantage of that. ✕