Ingeus Justice Brochure

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Transforming lives


safer communities


Our mission is to enable better lives. We help governments and employers design and deliver services that create opportunities and drive social change. Our specialist justice services transform lives, break the cycle of re-offending, and create safer communities.



Offending damages society and people in trouble with the law often find it difficult to change their behaviour, even when they want to. Rehabilitating people both protects the public and builds a stronger society in the long term.

Ingeus supports people at every stage of the justice system through specialist rehabilitative services. We design and deliver interventions in the community and in prison. Our services offer a whole-person approach, supporting people with their health and wellbeing, housing, employment, training needs and much more.

We have worked with people in the criminal justice system since 1997, more recently as the lead partner in the Reducing Re-offending Partnership (RRP), managing two Community Rehabilitation Companies, where we supported more than 50,000 people.

Our award-winning teams and comprehensive evidence base give us a unique insight into what works, and we constantly challenge our thinking to improve outcomes for people on their rehabilitation journey.


Our services

Our extensive experience provides an ever-growing range of services to people involved in the criminal justice system. We have proven and independently evaluated expertise leading and delivering services in a wide range of areas including:

Education, Training & Employment (ETE)

Housing support

Through-the-gate resettlement

Cognitive Behavioural interventions

Domestic abuse (perpetrators and survivors)

Peer mentoring

Women’s services



Arts-based interventions

Work with young adults

Gangs and knife crime


Benefit & Debt Health and Wellbeing

Restorative justice Substance

How we work

Our approach is to lead by example - we are the main delivery partner in all our contracts. This is what sets us apart.

We are proud to have a highly skilled and committed team who provide a foundation of expertise that drives innovation and high quality in all that we do. Many of our team started their journeys as people using our services – giving us direct knowledge and understanding of what works, and what doesn’t.

This doesn’t mean we do everything ourselves. We believe in collaboration and our teams are embedded in national, regional and local networks, creating strong and equal partnerships with a statutory, voluntary, and private organisations.

We work with like-minded partners to provide the right solution and prioritise the best possible service; and our size allows us to flexibly deliver services to meet local needs as well as give national scale.

Flexibility an d creativity

We take different approaches and adapt service provision to the needs of a specific prison or local community.

mocA m i t m enttoour se rvice users

We focus on each individual and their personal needs and circumstances.

6 Ingeus Justice
In all our services, we promise:

We invest substantial resources to improve service delivery; examples include a dedicated accommodation fund and trauma-informed training and clinical support for every member of our team.

Lived e xperience

We value the experience of people on probation in designing services and integrate peer support throughout interventions for both people in prison and in the community.

Equal p artnerships

We adopt a collaborative approach to supply chain management and build ongoing relationships with a wide range of organisations to deliver high quality services.

Inv e s tment

We invest substantial resources to improve service delivery; examples include a dedicated accommodation fund and trauma-informed training and clinical support for every member of our team.

We are proud to have a highly skilled and committed team who provide a foundation of expertise that drives innovation and high quality in all that we do.

A person-centred service

One of the things that makes Ingeus different is our commitment to lived experience –we place service user involvement and the influence of people with lived experience at the heart of everything we do.

This enables us to design (and re-design) interventions which are better suited to meet the needs of our service users. Our Peer Mentoring programme has been critical to supporting thousands of people on probation supervision. Peer mentors provide a lived example of success as well as advising, encouraging, and supporting people to turn their lives around.

The Ingeus Academy is a formal supported routeway through which people on probation can gain employment with us and receive ongoing support as they make the transition from volunteer to employee.

We actively recruit from our service users, providing an 8-session programme of training that allows people to work as volunteer mentors, delivering appropriate aspects of our services. As paid roles within our justice division become available, we encourage and support our mentors to apply. Once successfully employed, we provide additional wraparound support to ensure that people can sustain their employment and progress within our business.

We have increased the diversity of our workforce and developed a new recruitment pathway. The Ingeus Academy values lived experience and delivers a workforce with a high level of personal motivation to help others.

What our customers say about us


Our Through-the-Gate work was officially rated as “outstanding” by HM Inspectorate of Prisons who highlighted:

“Good examples of leadership and innovation, supported by enthusiastic staff and providers who are committed to providing effective services to prepare people for release from prison.”

The Ingeus Reset course ran at HMP Leeds as a group session… and it was fantastic!

It was delivered on the Resettlement Wing to 3 individuals who were all on recall. The course aims to support recalled individuals with wellbeing and smart goal setting. All participants were able to identify positive things about themselves, measured their current situation and future goals using the ‘wheel of life’ … it was a great way to


Over the past year we have had the pleasure of working with Ingeus on several projects. Our pilot project, First Act, was successful because of the level of support and engagement provided by Ingeus. We have been all over the UK providing training to Ingeus teams and

build trust for further work pre and post release which Ingeus offer.

“I was genuinely surprised at how well all 3 attendees engaged, one of them has really complex needs. The attendees said they enjoyed it very much.

This has got huge potential to offer an intervention to reduce the numbers of individuals recalled and reduce reoffending.”

Liz Sunley, SPO HMP Leeds

on every occasion, we have been met by enthusiastic, motivated and committed staff. We welcome Ingeus’ willingness to think outside of the box, to embrace the power of creativity, and to engage in dialogue with us about jointly developing new initiatives.”

“An amazing thing happened yesterday...”

Emma’s Story

“I was released from custody in 2014 and started attending probation at New Dawn New Day, where I met a peer mentor called Mandy. Mandy supported me through my sessions and helped me realise the service was there to support me and not trip me up.”

“After a few months she introduced me to the Ingeus peer mentor team and recommended me to start training to become a mentor myself. At first, I was terrified and could not come into the building on my own, I had someone come and meet me at the car and walk in with me to ease my anxiety. The training was good, I learnt a lot about myself and how best I could use my own life experiences to support others in a similar situation.

“With the support of the whole team my confidence grew and grew, and I was asked to be involved in more activities

alongside my mentoring. It opened so many other opportunities.

“I then went on to attend university to study law and then a Masters in clinical criminology, to help me better understand the processes of criminal justice and the journey of offenders.

“I have recently started as a paid member of staff with Ingeus, I work as a Health Trainer in the same office where the current peer mentors are training. I would not be here today without the support and encouragement I received whilst training and working as an Ingeus peer mentor.”

Independent analysis of a cohort of over 12,000 individuals receiving our ETE support found that their one year reconviction rate fell by 8.5 percentage points. 12

Our impact

We measure the impact of our work in a variety of ways, including independent outcome evaluations; via the formal assessments of commissioners and inspection bodies; and, importantly, by the change we make to individuals’ lives as illustrated by case studies like Emma and Zoe’s stories.

In 2021, we commissioned independent criminal justice expert, Russell Webster, to evaluate the impact of our two Community Rehabilitation Companies.

Highlights included:

• The first Prison Arts Festival in the world which is now broadcast in over 50 prisons.

• Recruiting more than 120 staff who have lived experience of the criminal justice system, and started their contact with us as users of our services.

You can read the full evaluation reports at justice/crc-evaluation-series


Delivery of services

We deliver a wide range of programmes across the UK, these currently include Commissioned Rehabilitative Services (CRS), Integrated Rehabilitative Services (IRS), CFO3, and CFO Activity Hubs.

CRS – Education, Training & Employment

South Central, East Midlands, North East

CRS/IRS – Accommodation

South Central, Greater Manchester

CRS – Dependency and Recovery

North East, North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire

CRS – Finance, Benefit, and Debt East Midlands, West Midlands, Thames Valley, Hampshire

CRS – Personal Wellbeing

East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber, North East, West Midlands


North East, Yorkshire and Humber, East Midlands

CFO Activity Hubs North East

Health Trainer Services East Midlands


Zoe’s Story

When 46-year-old Zoe found herself with yet another probation order five years ago, she knew it was finally time to change her life. Ingeus quickly recognised Zoe’s potential to support others and encouraged her to become a volunteer mentor. After just eight weeks, she was invited to apply for a job as a customer services site host, where she spent the next two years before becoming a paid health trainer in a new Ingeus service.

As a Health Trainer Zoe has face-to-face meetings with service users, signposting them towards ways to improve their mental and physical health – from organising appointments with a GP or dentist, to encouraging healthy

eating. She has already gained her level 3 Certificate in Health & Wellbeing Improvement and her next step is to turn the Certificate into a Diploma.

“It would have been much easier for Ingeus to recruit somebody with qualifications and experience in this kind of role. But they can see the benefit of someone helping who has been through similar situations. Ingeus is prepared to put time and effort into me, they see me as a person and have helped to re-build my self-worth and self-esteem.

“Getting a job with Ingeus has helped me to turn my life around. They have given me the right support to be able to take on the role as a health trainer. Now, it’s my turn to help others.”


Contact the team Adam Hart Chief Operations Officer

Peter Jones

New Business Director

Carrie Peters

Director of Operations

About Ingeus UK

Part of the international human services organisation, APM Group, our mission is to enable better lives. We help governments, employers, and local partners design and deliver services to solve challenges, improve opportunities, and create strong societies. Every day our teams across the UK help people improve their skills, employment, health and wellbeing. We’re purpose-led, passionate and proud to work with customers and communities to drive social change.

Read our story and meet some of the team


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