Kate F. Stylebook

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Kate F. Style book

This book belongs to Matt Francis, founder of Kate F.

Kate F. Your leather soulmate

This style book embraces the identity of Kate F. You will find out what her graphic identity looks like and how it originated. This book also will tell you how her detail photography should look like and how you could integrate the Kate F. feeling into the atmosphere photograhpy.

Graphic identity

Base graphic identity

The logo originates from materials that developed an authentic character. The characteristic lines you can find in materials like that was the starting point for developing the graphic identity for Kate F.

Kate F.

Your leather soulmate Kate F. doesn’t like big texts. She likes clarity and quick understanding. But, if that’s not possible or she likes to write down her thoughts and poems, she needs a typography to do so. So for body texts, she will use this font. It’s clear, not to smart and friendly. She hopes this will make you like her big texts more.

Graphic identity





ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!€&@*) 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!€&@*) 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (.,:;?!€&@*) 0123456789

Europe Underground Regular

Europe Underground Light

DIN light

Logo: always leave the logo some space to breath. Use white or neutral background.

Make this font always 43% than her Regular brother. Don’t push it too close to the header, he needs some space to breath.

This font should be 28% of the subtitle Europe Underground Light. If you don’t use that one, then make sure it’s only 33% of the Europe Underground Regular font.

The Europe underground type family is a font Kate F. uses the most. It is a nice , simple font, good for her logo, headers and subtitles. It comes in regular, which she uses for logo and headers, the light version is for subtitles. For bodytext she uses DIN light. It’s a friendly, round typeface which is good for reading bigger texts.

Graphic identity


Colours for the graphic identity are neutral. Typography is always black so you’ll find the colours in paper and material such as cardboard hangtags and visits, sometimes supplemented with a piece of leather in that typical beige colour. For paperwork she use Reviva offset. It has a neutral, recycled colour and is white but you don’t have to protect your eyes for it.

Kate F.

Only use the line if there is a framework to put it in. Could be a frame like this, but also a cart or a screen.

Graphic identity


Kate F.

If there is no framework, then only use the name Kate F.

The line should always be positioned at the right of the image. About the half of it should cover the image, the other half next to the image. Always present it on a white or neurtral background.

Kate F. The line should always be on the right of the text. It should never touch the name but is alowed to almost do so. Always use it on a white or neutral background.

This is a no go. If there is no framework, then don’t use the line and never position it across an image.

Kate F. Your leather soulmate This is a no go. Never use the line across any text.

The line together with the font named before, forms the logo for Kate F. If possible, use the line wherever you can. If not possible, please don’t. The line is an aditional but sometimes it’s a replacement for the name itself.


Detail photograhy

It’s more interesting to have just a picture of a small detail, then you can dream all the rest around it. Because when you see the whole thing, what is there to imagine? -Dries van Noten. For detail photography, use details of the jackets with a bit feminine skin. Photograph on a white or neutral background.

Travel light, get lost and see trough She’s on a journey to nowhere, she’s just traveling. It could be a journey for days but it also could be a journey of just a Thursday afternoon. She likes to travel and look around, she has an eye for the unusual. She’s a dreamer.




Sun kissed, tomboy but feminine girl. She has some tattoos. Long hair, open look. She does what she likes to do.



Casting friend, hair & make up

She has two friends with her but their not playing the title character. Hair is simple and messy in a bun, braid or loose. Make up is natural.




Leather jackets are offcourse the key item of clothing. Underneath the model wears a simplistic style like cotton shirt and jeans. The jewelry tells you that she has been traveling and that she’s a collector.

Story I: Old car in gravel pit Old old car, Did you drove that far? I can see the signs of working on your skin. Can you please let me in? I woul like to geel what your journey was like and forward it, lets fix your engines and get you out of this gravel pit. I will invite my friends and we will have a city trip, Let’s go to Prague. It has style and history, just like you so you will fit.



Location & Props story I

The location for this story is a field next to a lane. This lane feels country but is nearby the city. You will need to find a car that could be found in this field.

Story II: Old building Do you see what I see? I see an old building. It’s left and they will pull it down. But once it was a shelter for someone. If you listen really carefully, you can hear the wisper of living. People have been happy and sad in it. It’s been loved and lived. I see an old building. I’d love to make it my home.



Location & Props story II

The location should be an old, expired building in the city. For props you need old stuff you can find in a building like that. Such as this old chair.

Made by Inge Tuinier en Inge Beentjes

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