Iowa 'no party' letter (version 2)

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(your street address) (town, state, zip code)


Dear fellow citizen, My name is (your name), and I am a volunteer from Pennsylvania writing in support of Congressman Ron Paul, a candidate for the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. I have never been actively involved in politics prior to this campaign, but after hearing Congressman Paul’s message and researching his record for myself, I knew that he was a very special candidate—honest, principled, and consistent. Congressman Paul’s simple message—which is based on the belief in following the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution, promoting a free society, and limiting the power of the federal government—has inspired a steadily growing wave of grassroots support across the nation. I am writing to ask you to consider voting for Congressman Paul in the 2008 Iowa Caucus on January 3, 2008. As a Congressman, he has proven his commitment to working for limited constitutional government, balanced budgets, sound economic policies, and protecting individual liberty. He believes in a strong national defense, but does not follow the neo-conservative philosophy of enforcing democracy in the world with military force. He believes in the advice of the founders of this nation who admonished us to be friends with foreign nations, to talk and trade with them, but not to become engaged in entangling alliances. He would only engage our military in war if it were required to protect our national security. Congressman Paul believes that the best ways to protect our interests are to respect the U.S. Constitution, to bring our troops home, and to engage in diplomacy with foreign governments, rather than building an empire overseas that we can’t afford. Please consider researching Congressman Paul’s record for yourself, so that you will be able to see why the prospect of this great patriot becoming our next president is causing so much excitement and enthusiasm across the country. I and other Ron Paul supporters have been working very hard and making great sacrifices to show that Congressman Paul is a viable candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, and to show that he is in fact the best candidate to protect our constitutional liberties, to implement sound fiscal and foreign policies, and to provide for a strong national defense. I invite you to visit the official campaign website at, where you can learn much more about Congressman Paul and his positions on the issues that matter to Americans. A steadily growing number of people who favor major tax reform, individual liberty, and the principles upon which this country was founded are supporting Congressman Paul’s campaign. If you also want to support his campaign, I hope that you will be able to join other Ron Paul supporters in casting your vote in the Iowa Republican Caucus in your precinct on January 3, 2008. “No party” (or independent) voters can register Republican on caucus night and vote for Congressman Paul. Iowa is one of the earliest and most influential states in the 2008 primary elections. Your support and your vote for Congressman Paul could make a real difference for the future of our nation. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, (your signature) (your name), (your position in meetup: Volunteer, Organizer, or Assistant Organizer) (the name of your Ron Paul meetup group) (town or city where your meetup group is based), Pennsylvania E-mail: Iowa headquarters phone: Ron Paul 2008 website:

(use your e-mail or campaign headquarters: 1-888-828-PAUL(7285) or (515) 280-1136

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