Huss-Carpozi - Red Spies in the UN (Russian and Chinese infiltration of the UN and US) (1965)

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Red Spies in the UN

g) Organization of pressure groups to oppose American legislation adverse to Russia. Hillenkoetter further went on to describe how Russia went to extreme lengths to select personnel for service in the United States and the UN, and extreme pains to pick diplomats and other officials who would not defect and who would make good spies . The concern over Red spies in the UN eventually diminished, but with the Gubitchev-Coplon case came a new ground swell of fears and apprehensions about the world organization as a seat for espionage . For the first time, the critics could point to Gubitchev and say, "See, we told you . . . the UN is reeking with Red agents ." The New York News, which could look out of its own imposing skyscraper across 42nd Street and see the mammoth 39-story UN structure blotting out the magnificent view of the East River, wrote a bitter editorial about the UN after the Gubitchev-Coplon case . At the time, Congress had not yet allocated the $65,000,000 U .S . loan for the construction of the building on property donated by the Rockefeller family. Every precaution should be taken-and put in writingagainst letting the UN serve as a spy hideaway and retreat [wrote the News] . Congress can force such restrictions, too, if it so desires . That $65,000,000 U.S. "loan" for the UN palaces in east midtown New York has not yet been okayed by Congressand need not be, as long as the UN is the least bit stuffy about limiting diplomatic immunity . Or, if Congress should feel like just inviting the UN to take its world HQ the hell out of this country and move them to Geneva, Switzerland, we think that would be even better . It seems a safe bet that, no matter how severely we limit diplomatic immunity, some clever spies, Russian or other, will always be able to make dangerous uses of UN world HQ if they are in the United States . Needless to say, the United States okayed the loan and the United Nations remained, even though the News chose not to be a friendly neighbor. Before too long, the News and other opponents of the UN had something more to cackle about when the Senate Internal Security Committee in Washington touched off a full drive against subversives

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