David Icke - Exposing the Dream World We Believe to be Real - (2005)

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Beyond the Veil Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong Oscar Wilde


s I followed the clues that revealed the extraordinary scale and depth of the global conspiracy it soon became clear that even this was only one level of the story. From the latter years of the 1990s, the synchronicity of my life was leading me into areas of knowledge and awareness beyond the five senses. Understanding the nature of these other dimensions or realities was fundamental to identifying the force that was behind the Illuminati. Everything in what we call Creation is energy resonating at different frequencies. The slower it vibrates the denser it appears to be (like a wall); the faster it vibrates the less and less dense and 'solid' it appears until the energy is vibrating so quickly that it leaves the frequency range perceivable by the five senses. What we call matter is energy resonating to a slow vibration. Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc2, written in 1905, says that mass/matter is a very concentrated form of energy, and concentrated is certainly the word. If you converted all the energy in one kilogram of sugar or water it would power a car non-stop for around 100,000 years. Other dimensions of reality, which some call the 'spirit world', are simply realms vibrating too fast for us to see. It is easier now to talk of multiple realities because many scientists have begun to catch up with the mystics, psychics and others who have been saying all along that this 'physical' world is only one reality within an Infinite Consciousness. These scientists would say other realities are parallel universes and part of a single unified energy field. Quantum physics, which explores reality beyond the 'physical' world of the atom, is saying basically the same as the mystics, and people like me, who talk of different dimensions and frequencies of existence interpenetrating our own. Spirituality and true science - in its open-minded, open-hearted form - are essentially at one. It is mainstream science and mainstream religion that has caused the apparent rift because they are slaves to arrogance, ignorance and dogma. One is not science and the other is not spiritual. They are two polarities of the same falsehood. The open-minded quantum physicist would have no problem with most of what I am going to say in this book, while the cap-touching, protecting-myfunding, mainstream 'scientist' would roll his eyes in bewilderment. Such is the 21

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