IQ Premiere edition

Page 15


For so many years, I lived in fear of one thing or another, with God as my guide, I no longer needed to be afraid. In fact, my spirituality empowered me to go on Facebook on the 26th of March and proclaim that I am transgendered. Publicly the post was receieved well. The negativity remained relegated to private messages and back room conversations. However, the good news was that I no longer cared. For the first time in my life, I could not be bothered with small minds and negativity. I had found myself and I was going to live as free of fear and negativity as possible. I am still on that path. There are so many people who are struggling with the same issues in our community. There were a couple of transmen that helped me and I believe in paying it forward. So I am always available to anyone who is struggling with this issue. I love being me. I am a transman. Page 15

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