Guide to attractions Liptovsky Mikulas

Page 1


A guide to attractions

July – November 2016





bus station

petrol station




car park

police station




thermal lido

wheelchair access

information centre





post office

cycle routes



train station

2 Centre of Koloman Sokol (page 2)

1 Church of St. Nicholas (page 2)

3 Museum of Janko Kráľ (page 3) 4 Torture chamber (page 3)

8 Liptov gallery of P. M. Bohúň (page 6)

6 District house (page 5)

5 Metamorphosis Fountain (page 4)

9 Our Mother sculpture (page 7) 10 Liptov museum Čierny orol (page 7)

7 Synagogue (page 6)

11 Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and... (page 7)




here are numerous reasons why

English queen grew up and at the

to stay in Liptovský Mikuláš, a

old evangelical parish house, where

town located in the heart of a beau-

the most significant representatives

tiful mountainous countryside that

of the so called Štúr generation used


is rich in history. The Háj-Nicovô hill

to meet, the pioneer of Slovak tour-

Free guide services in English language every Friday at 16:00 in front of the INFORMATION CENTRE. The guides introduce the biggest attractions and most important achievements of tourism in Liptovský Mikuláš in the past and present. The 1-hour tour around the historical centre ends at a unique skeleton exhibit of the cave lion in a remarkable interactive museum – Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology. Clients that use guide services get up to 50% off on all expositions.

on its edge offers a breathtaking

ism, Miloš Janoška spent his child-

view of the ridges of the Low and

hood. Fulfilled visions of him, top

Western Tatras, the Chočské vrchy

achievements of tourism in Mikuláš

Mts. and majestic Mt. Kriváň. Down

and what the town is offering to

in the valley, there is the shining

its guests today are introduced by

surface of the Liptovská Mara dam.

tourist guides with green umbrellas

Except the free tours, guide services can be booked for any other date: groups under 14 people 35 €/hour, over 14 people 2.50 €/person/hour.

There are 6 more sightseeing tours at disposal: 1. 730 years of Liptovský Mikuláš – landmarks of the rich town history 2. TOP 11 places in the historical centre of Liptovský Mikuláš – the biggest tourist attractions 3. Traditions of Liptovský Mikuláš – stories not only about sheep cheese products and tanners

And when standing on top of Háj, one every Friday in July and August. can also see the whole panorama

Visit the most modern Slovak muse-

of the town which started to grow

um with them – the Slovak Museum

around the Church of St. Nicholas

of Nature Protection and Speleology,

730 years ago. In summer, tourists

which can rival top world museums

can take a look around this ancient

of its kind. Personalities of Mikuláš

temple with an audio guide. In

are paid tribute to also at the Meta-

front of the opposite building – the

morphosis Fountain. On sunny days,

Museum of Janko Kráľ, a catchpole

water splashes around here, children

invites tourists with a street organ

whoop with joy and it is difficult for

to visit the museum. Similar “law-

their parents to “pull them away”.

men” caught the best known Slovak

But other treasures of the Liptov

bandit´s captain, Juro Jánošík 300

region may be attractive for them

years ago. What he had to survive

as well... A secret map helps find

during the trial, one can see in the

four of the treasures in the historical

4. Artists of Liptovský Mikuláš – lives and works that were known also beyond the borders of Slovakia

Torture chamber of Mikuláš, which is centre. Towards evening, the area one of TOP attractions of the town.

around the fountain becomes silent

5. Tour of Jánošík – in the footsteps of a legendary bandit´s captain

More information about this and all

and one can enjoy a beautiful sunset

6. Mikuláš´s Jews – life stories of a once significant local community

in a tourist mobile app which takes

the Summer of Mikuláš are held here

tourists around the whole historical

every Wednesday. Popular activities

centre. Town houses which line the

include film screening in the open

town square hide numerous stories

air as well as a rich culture pro-

of their former inhabitants. Roman-

gramme at weekends. The summer

tic poet Janko Kráľ was born in one

in Liptovský Mikuláš is manifold.

of them, the founder of the famous

One just needs to choose and enjoy

publishing house Fischer Verlag in

their holiday here, in the heart

another one. Just within a stone´s

of the picturesque Liptov region

throw, a great-granddaughter of the

to the fullest.

other interesting places can be found from summer terraces. Concerts of

7 6 3



8 9







TOP 11 of the


3| Museum of Janko Kráľ

historical centre

1| Church of St. Nicholas


Most facts of the 730-year-long history of Liptovský Mikuláš are introduced in the exposition called Chapters of the town history. It is installed inside the first district house and the former Strauss house, where the town museum is located.

The oldest monument of the town from the 13th century is the biggest Early Gothic construction of the Liptov region. Its biggest jewels include

beautiful stained-glass windows, precious Gothic altars and a stone baptismal font from 1490.

2| Centre of Koloman Sokol


Námestie osloboditeľov 28 phone no.: +421/44/5620035 admission: adults 1.00, children 0.50 € open all year round: Tu-Sa: 10.00-17.00

Right: A bust of Koloman Sokol on a memorial plaque made by academic painter Ján Hoffstädter is placed at the front of the Centre of Koloman Sokol.

Námestie osloboditeľov 27 Phone no.: +421/44/5522142 opened for the public in July – August: Mo-Fr: 10:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00 holy masses: Mo-Fr: 6:15, 18:15*, Sa: 7:00, 18:15* (*after summer time changes to winter time at 17:00) Su: 6:15, 8:00, 9:15, 10:45, 18:15

AUDIO GUIDE around the Church of St. Nicholas

Available in the tourist mobile app Liptovský Mikuláš

in the historical centre

The exposition contains personal items of master Sokol as well as photos of the artist made by Tibor Huszár.

4| Torture chamber of Mikuláš E5

The exposition in the underground of the Museum of Janko Kráľ depicts one of the cruellest trials in the history of Liptovský Mikuláš, where Juro Jánošík was held in prison and sentenced to death in 1713. There are even the gallows that the most famous bandit´s captain was hanging on, one can have Jánošík´s groschen minted here, meet a catchpole and have a picture taken as a real bandit. Námestie osloboditeľov 30 phone no.: +421/44/5522554, admission to both expositions: adults 2 €, children 1 €, 15/6 – 15/9: Mo-Su: 10:00-17:00, 16/9 – 14/6: Mo-Fr: 9:00-16:00, Sa-Su: 10:00-17:00

It presents the biggest collection of works made by an outstanding graphic designer, Koloman Sokol, who was born in Mikuláš and appreciated even by Pablo Picasso.

Altar of Virgin Mary


In summer, nostalgic tones of a street harp help create the atmosphere of the past.



5| Metamorphosis Fountain

6| District house


Metamorphosis Fountain with names of the most eminent natives of Liptovský Mikuláš inscribed in dark granite is the busiest and most photographed place of the pedestrian zone. The pride of place is taken by Aurel Stodola – an inventor and teacher of world-famous Albert Einstein. Northern side of Námestie osloboditeľov (square)


Inside the biggest building located in the middle of the square, there was the state administration located, and also the district court, a prison and the first museum of the town. The facade is decorated with the coat of arms of the Liptov district and beautiful stained-glass windows designed by Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková, the first lady of Slovak painting art, which leave light through to the staircase area. Námestie osloboditeľov 1



8| Liptov gallery of P. M. Bohúň E5

7| Synagogue


The third oldest gallery in Slovakia offers the biggest exhibition hall of all Slovak galleries and looks after more than 5,000 works of art.

– one of the biggest and most stylish synagogues in Slovakia has a richly decorated Art Nouveau interior. Hollého ulica, phone no.: 421/44/5522554, Admission: adults 1 €, children 0.50 €. Open from 15/6 to 15/9: Mo-Su: 10:00-17:00, in low season – arrangements via the Museum of Janko Kráľ. 1. The synagogue entrance is decorated by gravestones of the Jewish cemetery. 2. P. M. Bohúň: Portrait of Jozefína Thuranská, 1849. | 3. The GESHARIM BRIDGES event unites people of various professions, cultures and ways of thinking.

Tranovského 3, phone: +421/44/5522758 Admission to 1 exposition: adults 1.00 €, children 0.50 €. Open year round: Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00

9| Our Mother sculpture


– made by an eminent personality of Hungarian sculpting art, Alojz Štróbl, who was born in the Liptov region, is recorded at the Louvre museum in Paris as one of the most flawless sculptures in the world. Its bronze casting is displayed in front of Liptov gallery of P. M. Bohúň in Tranovského ulica (street).

10| Liptov museum NKP Čierny orol

2. 3.




The exposition of hunting and fishing in the region of Liptov presents the most typical representatives of fauna in the region. Ul. 1. mája 28, phone: +421/44/5514785, Adults 1 €, children 0.50 €, May-June: Mo-Fr: 8:0016:00, Sa-Su: 14:00-17:00, July-August: Mo-Fr: 9:00-17:00, Sa-Su: 13:00-17:00, September: Mo-Fr: 8:00-16:00, Sa-Su: 13:00-17:00, October-April: Mo-Fr: 8:00-16:00, Sa-Su: groups booked in advance.


11| Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology

The most modern museum in Slovakia presents precious exhibits – a prehistoric cult mask, a skeleton model of the cave lion, a meteorite model and various special attractions for visitors who can crawl through a cave model, find a fossil or enter a bear den. Školská ul. 4, phone: +421/44/5477210, Admission: adults 6 €, children 2.50 €. 16/6-15/9: Mo, We, Th, Fr: 9:00-18:00, Sa, Su: 12:00-18:00 16/9-31/12: Mo, We, Th, Fr: 9:00-17:00, Tu: closed, Sa, Su: advance arrangements only. Last tour one hour before closing.

Summer of Mikuláš – top events Retro dance hall (15th STREET MUSIC NIGHT (22nd LIPTOV FEST (23rd Night run (23rd

July) July) July) July)

Places outside the historical centre


that are worth visiting and experiencing... Jazz Festival of Mikuláš (29th– 31st July), Pohoda Festival of Mikuláš (20th August), Švábkafest (9th September), Joj TV in the town (11th September).

Rumanský Art Centre


Works of two brothers – academic painters Ivan and Igor Rumanský in a unique private gallery which is special due to its architectonic design.

Church of St. Peter of Alcantara The imposing architectonic complex of a church and a monastery, which count among the most significant medieval monuments in our territory, creates a perfect harmony on the bank of the Váh river in the town part of Okoličné. G11

artists present their art and weekends are dedicated mainly to music.

Ulica Ester Šimerovej-Martinčekovej 4, phone: +421/903510072, admission: adults 1.50 €, children 1 €, Tu-Fr: 13:00-17:00 (arrangements over the phone outside the opening times possible)

The atmosphere of summer days in the historical centre is emphasised by great events of the Summer of Mikuláš – music Wednesdays at the Metamorphosis Fountain and film screening in the open air. On Thursdays, beginning


Háj Nicovô – a perfect outlook spot

Kláštorná 123, The Church of St. Peter is opened year round during holy masses: Su: 9:00, 11:00, 18:30. D9

An easy four-kilometre-long track from the historical centre to the top of the Háj Nicovô hill offers a great panoramic view of the National Park Low Tatras, the Western Tatras that are part of the Tatra National Park and the Chočské vrchy Mts., as well

as the town of Liptovský Mikuláš and the Liptovská Mara dam. There is also a Memorial to the fallen in the WWII and the largest military cemetery in the area of former Czechoslovakia.



On foot and by bike...

... a čoabout tak naakajaku? kayak? Water slalom area of Ondrej Cibák


The venue of various international events and training location of Olympic medallists Michal Martikán, Elena Kaliská and other top-class sportsmen is a popular area for walking around due to its natural character. Recreational sportsmen can try nontraditional sports here such as rafting, hydrospeed, paintball, airsoft, adventure golf, which is ideal for families with children, archery and various children´s attractions. Rafting adventure [G6], Water slalom area, phone: +421/948906506,, April-June: weekends and bank holidays 11:00-18:00, other days via advance arrangements, July-August: every day 10:00-20:00, September-October: weekends and bank holidays 11:00-18:00, other days via advance arrangements. | For wakeboarding and wakeskating, please contact:

Along the bank of the Váh river An easy ride along a cycle route in clean environment of the longest Slovak river from the bridge of Palúdzka to the bridge of Okoličné (3 km). Several cycle routes run from there to the area of the Tatras.

Propaganda Free Style Park [G6] Water slalom area, phone: +421/917707282,, advance arrangements Bowling guest house, Starohorského 3, phone: +421/44/5620625, [E5]

Bike rental Skiservis Niňaj, Jánošíkovo nábrežie 6, phone: +421/905357133,, 20/6-20/9: every day 9:00-18:00 (arrangements required in low season) [D4]

Intersport, Kamenné pole 4556/10 (at Tesco), phone: +421/44/3240700,, every day: 9:00-20:00 [F4]

Electric bike rental Liptov e-bike rental, Demänová 497, phone: +421/918060803, every day 10:00-19:00, [C11]

Beautiful views The cycle route runs from the train station along the railroad to the Háj Nicovô hill. After a moderate ascent, cyclists are rewarded with beautiful panoramic views of the Liptov region. The route is about 4 km long and one can continue from there to the villages of Smrečany and Žiar, which are located under the majestic Western Tatras.

Indoor swimming pool, Vajanského ulica 20, phone: +421/44/5520306, [E5] Liptov Arena [B1] – multi-purpose sports hall, Brezovec 1053/1, phone: +421/915297271,,

Liptov Lasers Arena, Revolučná 573/1, phone: +421/948108755, [C3] Relax tennis club, Nábrežie J. Kráľa 4359, phone: +421/918718829, [E5] Squash Liptov, Starohorského 4083/1, phone: +421/44/5620053, [E5] Skateboard Club St. Nicolaus, Nábrežie J. Kráľa, facebook Skateboard Club St. Nicolaus [E5]

Go-cart halls: Kart Centrum Liptov, Palugyayho 1, phone: +421/903999222, [E2] Monaco Grand Prix, Priemyselná zóna 545, phone: +421/944733566, [H11]

Non-traditional sports: FUNsport, amusing events for companies, phone: +421/905521323, Mutton, Kpt. Nálepku 12, [E7] phone: +421/915874120, Xsport, Area of Heliport Liptov [B1] phone: +421/911443194,


Aquapark Tatralandia Fun and energy in 14 pools with thermal, sea and clear water, on 26 water slides, in the seaside Tropical Paradise and the Fun Park. The Celtic sauna world and the Wellness Paradise guarantee flawless relaxation. New in summer 2016 – surfing on real Hawaiian waves and the great Czech national JoJoo circus.


ZOO kontakt


Ráztocká 21, phone: +421/915834644,, 16/6 – 18/9: every day 9:00–21:00, 19/9 – 23/12: every day 10:00–21:00. Entry after 16:00: children aged 3 – 6 years 12 €, children under 12 years 15 €, juniors, students, seniors, handicapped with cards 19 €, adults 21 €. 1-day tickets: children aged 3 – 6 years 14 €, children under 12 years 17 €, juniors, students, seniors, handicapped with cards 21 €, adults 24 €. Children under 3 years free of charge.

Treasures of the Liptov region

Hurricane Factory –

Touching animals is allowed! Discover their world like never before in another ZOO. “Shake hands” with a bear or a fox as well as with exotic parrots, a kangaroo, lions, An adventurous game monkeys and turtles. of discovering the town and the region of Liptov. Look for boxes with mysterious symbols and draw them onto a map. Successful treasure hunters will be rewarded in the INFORMATION CENTRE. For more details about the project, please visit (the project lasts until 30/9/2016)

free fall and the power of a hurricane in the only wind tunnel in Slovakia. Brezovec 1090, phone: +421/903544331,, every day: 9:00-20:00, prices: from 39 €/person. B1

Ráztocká, phone no.: +421/919220760,, opening times until 31/8 every day 9:00-19:00, from 1/9 every day 9:00-17:00, admission: children over 1 year and adults: 5 €


– tourist information – leisure time tips – culture and sports events SERVICES: – accommodation arrangement – exchange services – insurance for the mountains – sale of state fishing licences – advertising and fax services – internet access, WIFI

SALE OF: – tourist maps, atlases, guide books, books – souvenirs

TICKET SALE: – events held in Liptovský Mikuláš – via:,,

LIPTOV Region Card

Carendazí n o i g e R atrakcií za menej p

5 – 50 % off on tickets to attractions and most popular locations in the region all year round.


New! A loyalty programme and mountain insurance for the Slovak Republic.

ttable nforge s and us money n io t c t t ra r les M o r e a o m e nt s f o m

p Námestie mieru 1 t +421/44/16186, 5522418 @ w


of the town Liptovský Mikuláš

1/7 – 14/9: Mo-Fr: 9:00 – 18:00, Sa-Su: 9:00 – 17:00 15/9 – 30/6: Mo-Fr: 9:00 – 17:00, Sa: 9:00 – 13:00, Su: closed

tourist mobile app Liptovský Mikuláš for your mobile phone

in the historical centre

Opening times and admission fees are subject to change.

The project is financed by the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic.

Published by: INFORMATION CENTRE of the town Liptovský Mikuláš (ICM LM), Town of Liptovský Mikuláš, OOCR REGION LIPTOV, 2016. Photos: © Gabriel Lipták, archives of ICM LM, Museum of Janko Kráľ and the Slovak Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology. Editorial revision, design and drawings: © Štúdio HARMONY s.r.o. B. Bystrica.

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