Class 11 Important Questions for Biology - Human Skeleton and Locomotion

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Human Skeleton and Locomotion References â?– EXERCISE 1. Describe typical synovial joint with a neat labeled diagram. 2. Describe any two types of cartilaginous joints giving examples. 3. Describe Ball and Socket joint and Hinge joint. 4. Describe internal movements of the body and state its significance. 5. Explain the working of skeletal muscles of upper arm. 6. State the significance of locomotion. 7. Distinguish between Fibrous joints and Cartilaginous joints. 8. Mention the basic types of locomotion found in animal kingdom. 9. Sketch and label typical synovial joint. 10. How many bones are present in axial skeleton? 11. Enlist different types of vertebrae present in vertebral column. 12. How many bones are present in forelimb of man ? 13. Which suture is present between parietal bones and occipital bone? 14. Give two examples of cartilaginous joint. 15. Which type of movable joint makes the hip joint? 16. Name any two disorders of skeletal systems 17. Name the disorder caused due to accumulation of uric acid in joints. 18. Give one example of saddle joint 19. Name the antagonistic muscles of upper arm of human being. 20. Define skeleton. How is it divided into vertebrates? 21. Define osteology. 22. Name two types of elements of human skeleton. 23. Enlist various functions of human endoskeleton. 24. Outline the parts of Human skeleton. 25. How many bones are there in human endoskeleton? 26. Give an account of bones of human skull. 27. How many bones are there in skull? 28. Why is human skull dicondylar? 29. Give a brief account of vertebral column. 30. How many types of curvatures are present in vertebral column of human? 31. Man has an erect posture, why? 32. State the significance of curvatures of vertebral column. 33. Explain the structure of thoracic cage. Also enlist its functions. 34. Name the breast bone.


Human Skeleton and Locomotion References

CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242

INFOMATICA ACADEMY 35. List the bone forming the thoracic cage.

36. Explain the structure and function of sternum with the help of suitable diagram. 37. Describe appendicular skeleton. 38. How many bones are present in appendicular skeletons? 39. What are forelimb bones and hind limb bones? 40. Name the bones of forelimb. 41. Write a short note on human endoskeleton. 42. How many kinds of movements are observed in human beings? 43. Enlist the various actions that are included under locomotion. 44. Define Locomotion. 45. How is human locomotion controlled? 46. Define the following.

i. Joints. ii. Ligament. iii. Arthrology.

47. What is the function of a ligament? 48. Enlist main types of joints and give the basis on which they are classified. 49. Give two important characteristics of i.

Fibrous joints


Cartilaginous joints


Synovial joints

50. Explain the significance of joints. 51. Write a note on synarthrosis. 52. Write a short note on sutures of skull. 53. Which suture is present between frontal and parietal bones? 54. Which suture is present between parietal bones? 55. Which suture is present between temporal and parietal bones? 56. Name the gap between the skull bone? 57. Why are suture immovable? 58. Define syndesmoses. 59. What is fontanelles? 60. Describe gomphosis with a suitable diagram and example. 61. Write a short note on symphysis. 62. Why pubic symphysis is flexible in woman? 63. Why diarthroses are called perfect joints? 64. Write a note on gliding/plane joint. 65. Describe condyloid joint with the help of suitable diagram. 66. Distinguish between Ball and socket joint and hinge joint. 67. Give examples of Hinge joint. 68. Write a short note on saddle joint.


Human Skeleton and Locomotion References


CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242

69. Give the significance of saddle joint. 70. Saddle joint has evolutionary significance. Explain. 71. Write a short note on pivot joint. 72. Name the type of joint between the following. 73. Define contractility. 74. What are the various properties of muscular tissue? 75. Define muscle fibres. 76. Classify muscles on the basis of movements. 77. What are voluntary movements? Give few examples. 78. Give an account of striated muscles and its types. 79. Distinguish between myosin and actin filaments. 80. What is the functional contractile unit of muscle? 81. Define sliding filament theory of muscle contraction. 82. Name any two contractile proteins of the filaments of muscle fibre. 83. Write a short note on contractile proteins. 84. Describe the important steps in muscle contraction.


Explain the mechanism of muscle contraction. 85. How many muscles are present in human body? 86. What is tendon? 87. Explain the location and structure of striated muscles. 88. Name some antagonistic muscles and explain their functions. 89. What are involuntary movements? 90. Explain neurogenic and myogenic muscles with examples. 91. Explain the movement of visceral muscles. 92. Explain the movement of cardiac muscles. 93. What is the cause of muscular dystrophy? 94. Write a short note on muscular dystrophy. 95. Define arthritis? 96. What is Osteoporosis? Name two factors which are responsible for osteoporosis. 97. What is Osteoarthritis? Name any two body parts usually affected by this disease. 98. What is arthritis? 99. What is arthritis? Explain its types. 100. What is myasthenia gravis? What are causative reasons for this disease? 101. What are symptoms of myasthenia gravis? 102. Explain the cause and symptoms of tetany. â?– MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION 1. Human body consists of about ______ different types of muscles.


Human Skeleton and Locomotion References

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(B) 460

(C) 540

(D) 400

2. Bones act as _________ during locomotion. (A) levers

(B) fulcrum

(C) pulleys

(D) points

3. The coccyx of vertebral column is formed normally by the fusion of (A) four vertebrae

(C) eight vertebrae

(B) nine vertebrae

(D) seven vertebrae

4. Total number of vertebrae in human beings is (A) 22

(B) 33

(C) 24

(D) 12

5. Which among the following is a bone of skull? (A) sphenoid

(B) patella

(C) ischium

(D) scapula

6. The only movable bone in the skull is (A) maxilla

(B) frontal

(C) mandible

(D) sphenoid

(C) tricondylic

(D) acondylic

7. Skull of man is (A) monocondylic

(B) dicondylic

8. Human adult endoskeleton consists of how many bones? (A) 270

(B) 250

(C) 206

(D) 240

(C) occipital

(D) temporal

9. Which of these is not a skull bone? (A) frontal

(B) scapula

10. What is the collective name of wrist bones? (A) tarsals

(B) ribs

(C) carpals

(D) vertebra

11. Locomotion in Paramoecium takes place with the help of (A) flagella

(B) cilia

(C) pseudopodia

(D) muscles

12. Immediate source of energy for muscle contraction comes from (A) Glycogen

(B) glucose


(D) creatine phosphate

13. Gliding joint is present between (A) femur and tibia

(C) between carpals

(B) axis and atlas

(D) fibula

14. Pivot joint is present in (A) carpometacarpal joints

(C) between atlas and axis

(B) elbow joint

(D) intervertebral joint

15. Immovable joint is in between the bones (A) frontal and parietal

(C) femur and tibia

(B) metacarpal and phalangeal

(D) radius and ulna

16. Ligaments connect (A) bone with bone


(C) bone with cartilage Human Skeleton and Locomotion References

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INFOMATICA ACADEMY (B) muscle with bone

(D) neither bone nor joint

17. A synovial cavity is found in (A) human brain

(C) peg & socket joint

(B) synchondrosis

(D) ball & socket joint

18. Synovial fluid is present in (A) freely movable joint

(C) slightly movable joint

(B) fixed joint

(D) cartilaginous joint

19. Sesamoid bones are formed by ossification of (A) striated muscle

(C) smooth muscle

(B) cartilage

(D) tendons

20. Find the odd pair of antagonistic muscles (A) Flexor-Extensor

(C) Pronator-supinator

(B) Adductor-Abductor

(D) Protractor-dilator

21. Muscles attach to the bone with the help of (A) ligament

(B) cartilage

(C) tendon

(D) movable

22. If one bone on one side of ball and socket joint is humerus, bone / bony structure on the other side must be (A) tibia

(B) ulna

(C) scapula

(D) pelvic girdle

23. Intervertebral joint is an example of (A) fibrous joint

(B) synovial joint

(C) cartilaginous joint

(D) None of these

24. Intervertebral disc consists of (A) fibrous connective tissue

(C) calcified cartilage

(B) fibrous cartilage

(D) bone

25. Gomphosis is the name of which joint? (A) ball & socket joint

(C) hinge

(B) gliding

(D) peg & socket joint

26. Elbow joints are ________ joint. (A) slightly movable

(B) immovable

(C) freely movable

(D) movable

(C) ligament

(D) fibres

27. Two articulating bones are connected by (A) tendon

(B) cartilage

28. Slightly movable joints are known as (A) synarthrosis

(B) amphiarthrosis (C) diarthrosis

(D) synostosis

29. Elbow joint is (A) ball & socket joint (B) hinge joint

(C) suture joint

(D) gliding joint

30. Levator muscles result into the action of (A) lowering a body part


(C) relaxing a body part Human Skeleton and Locomotion References

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INFOMATICA ACADEMY (B) tensing a body part

(D) raising a body part

31. Syndesmosis is a (A) fibrous joint

(C) synovial joint

(B) cartilaginous joint

(D) movable joint

32. Sutures on the skull are ______________joints. (A) freely movable

(C) fixed

(B) slightly movable

(D) synovial

33. Contraction of muscles results from (A) a contraction of myosin molecules. (B) the sliding of the actin and myosin filaments into each other. (C) the formation of peptide bonds that link actin and myosin. (D) contraction of actin molecules. 34. Inflammation of joint is called (A) Chondritis

(C) Arthritis

(B) Poliomyelitis

(D) Synovitis

35. Osteoporosis is characterized by (A) pore formation in skin (B) loss of calcium from bones (C) degeneration of cartilage pad (D) abnormal granule formation in synovial fluid 36. An autoimmune disorder in which an antibody reduces the efficiency of transmission between the motor neuron is called (A) Myasthenia Gravis

(C) Osetoarthritis

(B) Tetany

(D) Osteoporosis


2.(A) 9.(B) 16.(A) 23.(C)

29.(B) 30.(D)
















24. (B)

25. (D)










8.(C) 15.(A) 22. (C) 36.(A)

Human Skeleton and Locomotion References

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