Infodent International 03 2022

Page 36


Infodent International | 3 2022

Constitutional monarchy with a unicameral parliament (Folketing) of 179 seats. Head of state Queen Margrethe II and head of government prime minister Mette Frederiksen


Though member of the EU, Denmark’s national currency is the krone. In a 2000 referendum, 53% of voters rejected adoption of the euro

Public income is derived primarily from taxes on real estate, personal income, and capital, as well as through customs and excise duties. The heaviest indirect tax, which goes to the national government, is the value-added tax (VAT)

In 2019, about 70% of Danish adults reported being in good health, a proportion close to the EU average. However, as in other countries, people on higher incomes are more likely to report being in good health (81%), compared with 62% of those in the lowest

Kastrup, near Copenhagen, is one of the busiest airports in Europe; it is a center for international air traffic

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