Best in class flight training and aircraft rental experience. At Inflight you'll find Instructors who care, a first-class experience, and an exclusive community. We are the Twin Cities Best Flight School and Minnesota's Cirrus Training Center.
School for Pilot There are a variety of aviation schools that can assist you in learning, practising, and honing these skills so that you can realise your dream of becoming a pilot and conquering the skies.But Inflight pilot training gives you an immense pleasure of taking training and becoming 100% professional in this field.
Pilot Training Inflight Pilot training institute is one of the best training schools which gives ultimate coaching to students and learners who want to become a professional pilot.
Private Pilot Licenses
To get private pilot licenses one needs proper training and a qualified trainer who will help you to attain appropriate guidance to drive a plane and become a private pilot.
CONTACT US 13801 Pioneer Trail Eden Prairie, MN 55347