Infini Magazine May 2020 Issue 7

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Unemployed Due to Coronavirus? Find Available Benefits

(StatePoint) Self-quarantines and stay-at-home orders as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic are having an impact on employment right now, and that may continue for some time. During this period of uncertainty, finding ways to pay bills or keep medical benefits are top concerns for many. Here are some tips from Janine Nowatzky, managing director of Inside Rx. What is unemployment insurance and how do I sign up? Unemployment insurance is a program between your state and the federal government that provides money when you’ve lost your job. With the federal government’s passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, you can receive an enhanced benefit. It authorizes: • Self-employed and gig workers to receive benefits • An extra $600 a week for up to six months • An extra 13 weeks of benefits beyond what your state currently provides Each state’s rules are different. Review your state’s unemployment insurance program to learn about how to apply for benefits. Or learn more by visiting How much money will I get? It will vary by state. But remember, under the CARES Act, you will be able to get an additional $600 a week for up to six months. The program’s start date was set to Jan. 27. So if you lost your job due to 3

COVID-19-related reasons between the end of January and now, then you should be able to receive the additional benefit. What about health insurance? It’s scary to think about getting through this pandemic without health insurance. What benefits you’re able to keep all depends on who you work for. The first step is to ask your employer. They may allow you to continue your health coverage for a short period of absence. If your employer is allowing you to keep your insurance, be sure to clarify if your missed premium payments will be: • Covered partially or fully by your employer • Deducted when you come back to work • Have to be paid now to continue getting insurance Your employer may also offer health care coverage through COBRA, but that can be very expensive. A limited number of states have also opened enrollment to their own Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance exchanges. You may be able to sign up for a health insurance plan – even without a life-changing event, which is the usual exception to the standard open enrollment periods. What about prescription medications? It’s so important to keep taking your medications to stay as strong and healthy as possible. If you weren’t able to get health insurance with prescription benefits, there are prescription drug savings programs like Inside Rx that can help. The program offers access to thousands of brand and generic medications for you, your family, and your pets at a fraction of the cost, helping you save an average of 40 to 80 percent. You can fill your prescription at over 60,000 pharmacies in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Or, you can continue to socially distance and stay safe by getting your medications delivered right to your home through the Express Scripts Pharmacy with no delivery fees. While losing one’s primary source of income is stressful and scary, taking advantage of available benefits can help you and your family stay healthy. *****


Treating Foot and Ankle Conditions During the COVID-19 Crisis

(StatePoint) During this unprecedented time, it’s still important to take care of your overall wellness, and your feet are no exception. Healthy feet and ankles are crucial for balance, mobility and a healthy body. However, it’s important to identify which issues can be taken care of via telemedicine and which should be done in person. It’s also important to take steps on your own to keep feet healthy. “Foot and ankle surgeons are here to help keep you healthy via telemedicine visits for non-urgent care and in the office for urgent or serious issues,” says Dr. Brett Sachs, DPM, FACFAS, a foot and ankle surgeon and Fellow Member of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Not sure whether your condition requires an in-person appointment? According to Dr. Sachs and the experts at the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, the following conditions can be seen by foot and ankle surgeons via telemedicine: • Heel and arch pain, generalized foot pain • Achilles tendinitis • Metatarsalgia • Skin rashes and athlete’s foot • Planter warts • Big toe pain • Arthritis 5

• Gout However, Dr. Sachs notes that you should visit your doctor for the following conditions and situations: • Post-operative care • Injuries (sprains or trauma, anything that requires an x-ray for suspected bone fractures) • Infections • Ingrown toenails • Wounds • Foot ulcers • Calf pain with warmth, redness, or swelling, which could possibly be a blood clot It’s important to know that if you do have to make an in-person appointment, foot and ankle surgeons are taking many steps to protect patients. These measures include taking patients temperatures and performing a comprehensive screening process, having patients and staff wear masks or face coverings, limiting patients and family in the waiting room, limiting patient appointments to prevent overlap, practicing social distancing where possible, and performing extensive deep cleaning of all patient rooms and common areas throughout the day. A bit of preventive care can also support healthy feet. Here are a few tips from the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons you can follow while at home: • Stay active. Do sit-ups, pushups, planks, squats and leg lifts or check out virtual fitness classes online. You can still get outside for fresh air without putting yourself at risk. Go for a walk, run or hike while practicing social distancing. If you feel better staying inside, take scheduled breaks to get up and walk around your home. • If you suffer from foot pain, such as a neuroma, avoid wearing narrow shoes and also avoid walking on hard surfaces barefoot, even in the house. • Do eccentric strengthening exercises like calf raises on a step to prevent or treat Achilles tendinitis. • Examine your feet regularly for bumps, lumps or other changes. • Wear comfortable, sensible shoes, especially for exercise. Continue using padding, insoles or whatever special footwear you’ve been prescribed. To find a foot and ankle surgeon near you or to find more foot and ankle health tips, visit, the patient education website of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. “While the COVID-19 crisis is understandably top-of-mind for many right now, taking steps to protect your overall health is vital,” says Dr. Sachs. “Because so many health problems stem from the feet, paying attention to them is essential for your comfort, safety and overall wellness.” 6

Caregiving and COVID-19: Tips for people with vulnerable family members

(BPT) - COVID-19 has dramatically shifted daily life for many people around the world. Nobody is immune, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and older adults and individuals with chronic health conditions are at higher risk of getting very sick from the Coronavirus. To protect vulnerable individuals, many nursing homes or assisted living facilities are banning outside visitors temporarily in hopes of limiting residents' exposure to someone who may be infected with the virus. Additionally, many individuals who need care and are currently living in their own homes are feeling isolated and anxious about how to stay healthy and safe. Caregiving is now taking center stage. With already more than 40 million unpaid family caregivers helping loved ones in the U.S., experts expect the virus to increase the number of people providing short-term or long-term care to an older or aging loved one. AARP offers guidance to family caregivers with vulnerable family members, especially those who might be new to caregiving because of Coronavirus and its impacts on older populations. Make it a team effort While there may be one primary family caregiver, identify other family members, friends and neighbors who can check in or help with shopping and important errands. It's important that the person you're caring for doesn't leave their home and stays out of public places. Create a list with contact information of friends, family and services in your community that can help you perform key caregiving tasks. For example, find out if services such as Meals on Wheels can help deliver meals, or if there are other local services to help with food or medication delivery. 7

Inventory essential items It's important to figure out what you have so you can determine what you need. Inventory how much food, medication and basic supplies the person you're caring for has currently. Then make a list of what you need and how often you need to replenish it. Many older individuals often keep minimal extras on hand because they are on a strict budget and are used to regular grocery or medication refills. If possible, help them have a two-week supply of food, water, house cleaning supplies, and medical equipment. Get medications in order If you don't already have one, create a list of medications, medical contacts, and important information like allergies for easy access. If there are upcoming non-emergency, routine medical appointments, reschedule those or, if possible, switch to a virtual visit to receive telemedicine. Ask your pharmacist or health care provider if you're able to have an extra 30-day supply of essential medications on hand. Don't forget to stock up on over-the-counter medications like cough suppressants and fever-reducing drugs like acetaminophen. Stay connected With current social distancing recommendations, strict isolation will impact many older individuals. To keep connections strong, set up communication using a variety of technology such as FaceTime or Skype, smart speakers, or simply phone and text. Use these to stay connected with your caregiving team as well as your older or aging family members. If your loved one lives in a long-term care facility, see if they have accommodations for online visits and how they plan to communicate with families. If they can't support visits via technology, send in cards, letters, magazines, puzzles or other items you know your loved one would be grateful to receive. Talk with your facility management about the safest way to deliver items. Maintain personal safety and self-care In order to help slow the spread of Coronavirus, limit physical contact with others, stay in as much as you can and continue to follow guidelines from the CDC. While you are likely very focused on the person you're caring for, it is essential to also care for yourself. For high-risk individuals, such as those with dementia and underlying health conditions, consider having the primary caregiver self-isolate with the care recipient. Then, have a back-up plan if the primary caregiver becomes ill. It's best to be proactive and not have to use plan B, rather than being caught off guard without options. For more information about caregiving and important considerations in light of COVID-19, visit and 8

Coping With Stress During Uncertain Times (StatePoint) Stress is an important and natural stimulant that compels us to adapt to a new environment or lifestyle change. It causes a physiological response that helps us either flee or fight the threat or stressor. But spending too much time on high alert can have damaging health effects. Prolonged, unwanted and unmanageable stresses like the ones so many people are facing during the pandemic can take a toll, causing anxiety, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness and digestive upsets. Stress can also aggravate or even trigger chronic diseases. Here are some easy, natural ways to cope: 1. Write a gratitude list. Grab a blank piece of paper and write down a list of things that you are grateful for. This has been proven to drastically improve one’s mood and completely change their perspective. You might even consider making this a daily habit and keeping a journal. 2. Do a random act of kindness. Consider donating to an organization feeding those in need or asking an elderly neighbor if you can pick anything up for them at the store. Give a colleague a compliment. It feels good to do good. 3. Reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Think about that person you used to be close to but just haven’t had the time to catch up with. Go ahead and give them a call or arrange to video chat! They will appreciate hearing from you, and reconnecting can put you both in a much better mood. 4. Go for a walk. Step outside and enjoy the fresh air. Going for a walk can help to clear your head. 5. Meditate. You don’t need to invest a lot of time. Meditating for even just five to 10 minutes can reduce stress and anxiety. 6. Use homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines offer a simple, low-risk solution as they do not suppress the cause of stress itself, but provide enough relief to help you face it and react appropriately. “Solutions are not always simple. Stress pills, or anxiolytics, relieve tension and some physical symptoms of stress, but unfortunately, they have unwanted side effects, like drowsiness, and can be habit-forming,” says Dr. Ken Redcross, author of “Bond: The 4 Cornerstones of a Lasting and Caring Relationship with Your Doctor,” and founder of Redcross Concierge. “However, homeopathic medicines provide an easy, lower-risk treatment option.” Consider using Sedalia from Boiron to relieve nervousness, hypersensitivity and fatigue due to everyday stress, and Quietude to address occasional sleeplessness or restless sleep. Claims for these products are based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. They are not FDA evaluated. To learn more, visit While a certain amount of stress is normal and natural, too much of it for too long can have harmful health impacts. To cope safely, take natural steps to relieve tension and worry. 9

Stay safe from COVID-19 scammers (BPT) - While you take care to limit social interactions and wash your hands to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, you also need to take steps to protect your finances and identity. Scammers are now taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to lure victims in with new phishing scams. "We know consumers are managing their money and finances online, so it's more important than ever to raise awareness of smart security practices," says Vice President of Security at Navy Federal Credit Union, Chip Kohlweiler. "Being proactive and learning about your security is a great step toward keeping your accounts and information safe. There's a good chance your bank or credit union has resources available for you to learn about how to identify scams, which is a great place to start." Phishing remains one of the top ways cybercriminals get access to your identification and financial information. Using phone calls, emails and even copycat websites, scammers are creating content that appears official and related to COVID-19 - tricking you into revealing personal information like bank account numbers, login IDs and passwords. At the same time, by clicking a link, you may also unknowingly download malware that infects your computer and captures your data. "Just because caller ID shows your financial institution is calling, do not provide information such as one-time passcodes or PIN to the caller. Additionally, phony links in emails can be a major threat to your system. If you don't know the sender, a general rule of thumb is don't click any links in the email," says Kohlweiler. Here are a few tricks scammers are using in their phishing attempts: Names of real companies Phishers often use legitimate company names and copy the look of official websites and emails to fool you. Right now, they're even sending out correspondence that looks like it's from the World Health Organization, local governments or other trustworthy sources. Be wary of unexpected emails from a "company employee" looking for information. Threats and urgent messages "Urgency is a big red flag. While you may have an urgent need, you should always validate it. If it's in regards to one of your accounts, call the company associated with the account from a number on their official website, or on a recent paper statement, to confirm if urgent action is needed," Kohlweiler advises. Official-looking URLs Sometimes the URL (web address) will look right, but instead of taking you to your intended website, it will lead you to a copycat website. Check to see if the URL begins with https://, which indicates a site is secure. Most phishing scams won't have a secure website. Never click on a URL within an email; instead, type the official URL into your browser.

Wire transfer requests 10

In these scenarios, a scammer sends what appears to be a legitimate email requesting a wire transfer to cover title, escrow or any number of other costs. Unfortunately, money you transfer as a result of the fraudster's email ends up in the fraudster's bank account - and you're not likely to get it back. If you receive such a request, call your financial institution to verify that it has made this request. "Once you know what to look for, you can start to use some best practices to avoid these scams," adds Kohlweiler. 1. Set up your accounts for success. Using strong passwords (never the same for different sites), setting up transaction notifications and ensuring your contact information stays up to date with your financial institution are all easy ways to enhance your online security. 2. Call and verify. Be sure not to use a number provided in a suspicious email or even in the Caller ID. Use numbers on your statements or policies or from the official website. 3. Look for bad spelling. Phishing emails often have unnatural or incorrect grammar and misspellings. Keep an eye out for grammar and spelling mistakes. 4. Beware of links. It pays to be wary of emails you're not expecting. If you're suspicious of an email, don't click on any links or buttons in the email. Hover your mouse over the link and see if the address that appears matches the link typed in the message. If it doesn't match, don't click on the link, as it could take you to fraudulent websites or download malicious software. 5. Read your statements.

This can help you detect fraudulent transactions faster if your identity is stolen. 6. Increase your security. Consider using a password manager solution to improve your security posture. 7. Use a different computer. If you find fraudulent transactions on your account or suspect your info has been compromised, use a different computer to change your passwords. And, make sure you notify your financial institution right away. 8. Keep up with the news. Stay up to date on news of phishing attacks to protect yourself. Anti-phishing organizations, such as AntiPhishing Working Group, provide lists of new and current phishing scams. 11

3 ways a deck can make staying home more enjoyable

(BPT) - With so many people across the country staying put in their homes right now, a fun and functional outdoor space is more important than ever. Amusement parks and concerts are closed or canceled and spring is around the corner, beckoning families outdoors. Millions of people are working remotely and looking for a more natural option for their home offices. A well-thought-out deck could be the answer to making a staycation, whether forced or planned, more enjoyable. Here are three ways a deck can improve the at-home experience. 1. Fewer screens, more fun When kids are out of school, screen time usually goes up. Whether it's TV, computers, video games, phones or tablets, screen time is usually a sedentary activity. A deck can provide an alternative outdoor play space where kids can be active and stretch their imaginations, enjoy the outdoors and do things like bring their favorite toys like building blocks, action figures or doll houses outdoors. Worried about splinters hurting those little toes and fingers? Composite decking is a beautiful option that makes sanding, staining, sealing and splinters a thing of the past. While composite decking has historically had a higher price tag than traditional wood, boards like Envision Ridge Premium deliver the exotic hardwood beauty and low maintenance of composites at a budget-friendly price. 2. Home office with a side of vitamin D Millions of Americans have moved to work-from-home situations recently and are looking for a way to get out of their stuffy home offices in favor of a workspace with natural lighting and a great breeze. Soaking up a safe amount of sun every day can reap big benefits for your health, according to physicians and the World Health Organization (WHO), including elevating mood, improving sleep, promoting bone growth and strengthening the immune system. 12

With the right patio furniture, a deck can make a great option for an outdoor workspace to soak up the benefits of the sun's rays. Choose a table of the appropriate height and a comfortable chair for extended work sessions, or a cushioned chaise lounge for shorter periods. Adding a screen or pergola to a deck can provide some protection from the wind (fewer important work papers blowing around). 3. Family time all year long If there's an upside to the increase in people staying home, it's the ability to connect with the other people living in your home. Life can get so busy with work, friends and other commitments that it's difficult to find time to connect or have a family game night. A deck is a great place to gather the members of your household for a laid-back evening of stargazing or a rowdy game night. And those family connections don't have to end due to summer's heat or fall's chill. By adding an outdoor heater, firepit or fans, you can extend your deck's use as a family space to the majority of the year. As you can see, a deck is a great way to expand the living space of your home and to provide an alternative space for all members of the family to enjoy.


5 tips to protect your network from hackers when staying at home

(BPT) - Being home 100% of the time has become the new norm for many Americans, as social distancing is implemented in communities across the country to slow the rapidly spreading COVID-19 pandemic. Connected devices are being used virtually nonstop, as the homebound stream shows to binge watch and video chat with friends to help pass the time. Unfortunately, most residential computing networks aren't regularly maintained and monitored to protect against security breaches. This presents hackers with a virtual playground of which to take advantage.

"Cybercriminals are continuously looking for ways to exploit computer system vulnerabilities and home networks are popular targets because so many of our devices - phones, TVs, computers, even appliances - are connected to them," said Jane Li, Mercury Insurance director of product management. "Insurance companies like Mercury provide solutions to help financially protect homeowners and renters if they fall victim to a cyberattack. There are also steps they can take ahead of time to help prevent one from happening in the first place."

Following are five tips to protect your home network - and the devices connected to it - from hackers.


* Power down your devices. This disables the internet connection, cutting off access to any personal information stored on your computer, tablet or phone. Unattended machines are easy targets for hackers, especially if you're asleep. * Secure your wireless network. Information accessed on an open network, including email passwords and sensitive bank information, is fair game for hackers. Don't make their jobs easier protect your Wi-Fi network with a strong password that's difficult to guess. Wireless routers that are issued by cable providers are typically assigned a network name and password that's easily located on a label on the device itself. These can be changed using your online account, so do this as soon as possible for added security.

* Invest in anti-malware software. Malware - or malicious software - can be installed on your computer without your knowledge so hackers can damage your system, steal personal information or restrict your access to extort money from you. Anti-malware software helps protect against, detect and remove malware, stopping cybercriminals from doing further damage. Also, avoid downloading music or video files from suspicious websites, and clicking on links or email attachments in messages sent from unknown senders to help prevent malware from infiltrating your system.

* Install recommended updates. Smartphone, computer, tablet and smart TV manufacturers, among other providers of connected devices, offer periodic software updates to protect against potential security breaches. Chances are, if an update is recommended, hackers have already discovered a way to access your personal property and information, so keep your software up-to-date. Set your devices to install auto-updates when possible.

* Beware of phishing scams. Phishing scams aren't new, but hackers continually use more sophisticated email - and even text messages - to trick people into providing their personal information. Once again, do not click on the links or attachments in messages from unknown senders.

Li suggests homeowners and renters consider adding Home Cyber Protection to their existing policies as an additional way to protect against hackers. "Even the most vigilant individuals can experience a cybersecurity breach," said Li. "Having coverage to help recoup financial losses that are brought on by cyberextortion or stolen personal information can offer peace of mind during an otherwise stressful time."


4 safe ways to connect with family and friends while practicing social distancing

(BPT) - Bob Dylan once sang, "For the times they are a-changin'," and that has perhaps never been more true than it is today. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced new phrases like social distancing to the general population, and has also redefined both work and family life, creating a new normal. This adjustment is not an easy one, keeping most folks from daily interaction with family and friends. The good news is there are ways you can still spend time with those you care about, all while practicing the nuanced art of social distancing. Start new traditions while supporting those in need While traditional dining out is not currently possible, it's the perfect time to start a new tradition around mealtime. Noodles & Company now offers family meals that you can conveniently order online and pick up either via quick pick-up or the new curbside pick-up, which is available at nearly 350 locations nationwide. Additionally, you can also enjoy free delivery through April 30 when ordering directly from or by using the Noodles app, which makes staying at home even easier. Plus, for every family meal ordered, Noodles & Company will donate one regular entrĂŠe to a healthcare worker in an effort to give back to those who deserve it most right now. So, it's time to get menu-browsing and pick which tasty option your family can enjoy for lunch or dinner today. Cultivating connection is now more important than ever, and the new family meals make it easy to connect with loved ones over a warm and delicious bowl of noodles, whether they're miles away over a computer screen or across the table. No matter the distance, Noodles can help your family focus on what matters most: company. 16

Schedule virtual activities While it may seem easy to connect with family and friends while homebound, many have found it to be quite difficult. Instead of trying to find additional time in the day to connect with those you love, a great alternative is to leverage the existing time you once allocated to other activities before social distancing took effect. This time can then be spent with loved ones by enjoying activities via video chat. For example, if you used to take lunchtime walks with coworkers you can now spend that time enjoying a virtual workout class together. If you used to attend happy hours or other group activities with friends or family, you can now take part in online games, courses or virtual book club meetings instead. Commit with your friends and family to stick with your favorite activities and routines and you'll be reunited together in person before you know it. Switch up story time If you have little ones at home, they are likely missing the loved ones they are used to frequently seeing in person. One of the easiest ways to incorporate these people into your children's lives in a meaningful way is to reinvent the story time portion of their bedtime routine. Instead of tackling the story yourself, have a loved one read to them instead via video conference. Whether you flip the pages for your guest reader or they read a book from home across the screen, it's a simple activity that's sure to bring everyone closer together. Embrace traditional communication In times like these, the communication you send with a personalized touch will resonate with loved ones the most. Writing a letter or sending a care package creates a one-of-a-kind nostalgic feeling the recipient is sure to appreciate. Plus, you don't have to live entirely in the present. Using letters to plan for future events and vacations can be a great way to reduce stress during uncertain times and can be a promising light at the end of the tunnel. Social distancing shouldn't mean isolation. Employ the tips above and be proactive in your efforts to connect with loved ones to strengthen the relationships that matter most.


4 ways to support your community that take less than 10 minutes

(BPT) - Whether it's reprieve for families in self-isolation, support for those on the frontlines of healthcare and essential businesses, or keeping at-risk populations safe, now is the time to come together - while staying apart - to support one another. Here are four simple ways that communities can take care of each other - all from their phones, computers or other devices. 1. Gaming and virtual hangouts: Board games, video games and puzzles are a great way to bring friends and family together - even with hundreds of miles in between. Set up a virtual game night with a friend or send your online buddy a few extra digital gaming rewards for your favorite game together. And, with families now on extended spring breaks, it's the perfect time to surprise kids with an egift card to add funds to their favorite online games. 2. Grocery delivery good will: With so many facing uncertainty with their job in this challenging time, lack of time to shop or concerns about being inside of grocery stores, consider finding a way to bring the groceries to them. Gifting grocery delivery to your friends and family allows them to purchase what they need while staying out of harm's way. Sending a grocery gift card or digital gift card to the people in your life gives them the freedom to shop when they can - even when stores are closed. If you're going grocery shopping for a friend in need, or want to help a time-strapped healthcare worker, consider including a special gift card that you can find at check-out or the retailer's Gift Card Mall so that they have some additional resources to pick up essentials, or treat themselves to keep their spirits up.


3. Supporting restaurants and supporting others: As your favorite local restaurants shift to take-out, curbside and delivery-only models, there's an opportunity to not only support restaurants, but also to provide support for those in need. When placing an order for yourself, think about others in your life that could use a meal or gift card for takeout and perhaps send one or two to a friend on the hospital frontlines, first responders or someone you know in an essential retail role who could use a ready-to-eat meal after a long shift.

4. Streaming togetherness: Keeping your distance doesn't need to mean you miss out on watch parties. We all have a favorite show or movie recommendation, so send the gift of a digital movie download or surprise friends and family with the gift of a subscription to your favorite streaming service. Then, plan a night with friends and family to watch your favorite show, and gather around the computer for a virtual watch party. Don't forget the popcorn!

Online resources including retailer websites or are convenient, easy ways to find egifting options that can reach your friends and family quickly. Many retailers and restaurants are seeing the benefits of gift options during this time. To learn more about easy digital gifting, visit for more ideas.


Three Ways AI and Smart Tech Can Help Us Work More Efficiently at Home Common Dilemmas of Working from Home and How AI Can Help

(BPT) - Common Dilemmas of Working from Home and How AI Can Help As more people work from home in lieu of commuting to crowded corporate offices, people are in their homes in greater numbers than ever before balancing both job-related tasks and home responsibilities. From sticking to a set work schedule to allocating a certain area of the house as a home office, people are thinking of interesting and useful ways to better their experience when working from home. Thankfully, the tech industry's leading players have been hard at work finding new and inventive ways to make home life more convenient. Laptops and webcams aren't the only devices you need; from voice-control to personalized performance, the latest AI tech and smart solutions are making it possible to get more accomplished with a lot less effort, and without ever setting foot outside the front door. Here are a few solutions that may help us be more effective when home also happens to be our office: 1. Finding it hard to focus at home? Use AI speakers as your personal assistant! Shifting from a bustling office to the peace and quiet of your own home (when the kids aren't around) can be a relaxing and refreshing change, but it can also make it difficult to stay focused. Research shows that changing out of pajamas and into smart-casual clothing and setting up a dedicated, well-lit workstation can help keep you on-task and productive. One of the most effective solutions is to allocate a certain area of the house as your home office - and it doesn't have to be simply isolating yourself in a room for less distractions. Get creative and change the atmosphere around you using today's tech to the fullest. If you find yourself struggling, why not ask your AI speaker - like the LG XBOOM AIThinQ - to play some white noise, cafĂŠ sounds, or whatever type of music helps you to concentrate. Take advantage of services like Spotify to set up playlists and stations that create the right soundtrack for your working day, and for when you're off the clock. Noise-cancelling headphones can also prove to be useful for those who prefer to work in silence, while smart lighting systems can help maintain a sense of work-life balance by switching to bright during office hours, and to dim for the all-important coffee break and after-work movie. Voice-controllable AI speakers like the LG XBOOM AIThinQ especially come in handy when you have your hands full both figuratively and literally. When you're busy grabbing a snack or writing up a report, just ask your AI speaker: "Can you turn on the air conditioner for me?" or "How long do I have until the conference call?" Even without being asked, your AI speaker can remind you of important deadlines or meetings to keep you on top of everything even from home.


2. What about the kids? Keep them busy with AI-recommended programs and features! Working at home with children can be difficult. Focusing on a pressing report can be a struggle while trying to attend to your children, not to mention the laundry, dishes and dust all vying for your urgent attention. Before the stress becomes too much, consider this more peaceful scenario: You're making great progress on your work as your smart appliances deal with the dishes, laundry and dusty floors. You take a quick peek in the living room and there are the kids, sitting quietly in front of the TV, enjoying fun, age-appropriate entertainment that you didn't even have to search for. AI-infused TVs like the LG OLED ThinQ AI TV can deliver tailored recommendations based on viewers' age and their previous viewing choices. What's more, you won't even have to worry about the remote getting lost or broken, since voice control and LG's platform-wide search function make finding great content easy for everyone. Your children may have responsibilities of their own, which can be difficult for them to do when there's a TV in the room. Helping your kids focus on homework or reading, the latest smart TVs can transform into a virtual gallery displaying a restful landscape, beautiful artwork or roaring fireplace, which adds a new dimension to your living room and elevates the ambience to help you and your children be more productive. 3. Scrambling to keep tidy and get your work done? Connect your AI-powered appliances for ultimate smart control! Working at the office isn't easy with project deadlines, client meetings and constant phone calls. But working at home isn't all fun and games either, dealing with all this and household chores that keep piling on. It's easy to feel like you have to be a multitasking machine to stay on top of everything, but when you can control your appliances with the single click of a button or a simple voice command, multitasking really isn't all that hard. Today's smart technology can connect everything in the home, from your lights and TVs to the thermostat and robot vacuum. Virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant let you control them all with just your voice, as do convenient smartphone apps. For instance, with the LG ThinQ app, you can remotely control, schedule and monitor a whole range of LG appliances - such as the washer, dryer, robotic vacuum and air conditioner - with a touch of a finger or simple voice command. Simply check how long is left on your wash cycle with your phone and receive alerts when the cycle is complete. The LG ThinQ app even informs you when it's time to empty your robot vacuum and lets you set its daily cleaning schedule, and lets you adjust and monitor the temperature of every room with your LG smart air conditioner. This level of control enables you to quickly take care of several chores on your to-do list and still have time to spare before that conference call begins. And for added peace of mind, LG smart appliances can also tell you when it's time to clean filters, order more detergent and even if you left your refrigerator door open. Keep calm and stay smart Working from home can be difficult to manage, but with tech companies introducing a range of innovative solutions to make life indoors more efficient, there's plenty of room in the home for both productivity and relaxation. With the latest smart home technologies at your disposal, that report is as good as done. To learn how AI can help you work smarter at home, visit Please follow your state and local government directions to stay at home and practice smart social distancing.


INFINI ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY INFINI Productions was founded in May 1991 by Ametra Self in Chicago, Illinois. Inspired by Filmmaker, Spike Lee and Robert Townsend, Ametra had a desire to produce movies. That is when she formed the company. In its beginning stages, INFINI had three staff members. In addition to Ametra, who held the title of CEO, her mother Mattie B. Gibson became the first staff member as President and her oldest brother, Anthony Gibson was Vice President of the Company. The first film that was set to go into production under INFINI was CLEAN HEART, a screenplay written by Ametra Self. INFINI Productions secured its first cast, produced its first trailer but unfortunately, the film was never completed due to the untimely tragic death of her mother and aunt, who were involved in a fatal automobile accident. A few years later, owner Ametra Self decided to expand the business plan beyond filmmaking. In 1997, she and INFINI Productions became certified as a TV Producer & Editing company. In 1998, INFINI produced its first cable television series SINGLE PARENT, that aired locally from 1998 to 1999. Additional tv shows were created and produced under INFINI Productions. In 2000, Ametra converted the company again into a multimedia entertainment business. INFINI Productions became the parent company of multiple branches formed. In 2001, she opened the first INFINI Entertainment Studio in Riverdale, Illinois. INFINI would hold live entertainment events for the audience enjoyment. Classes for the youth were also conducted at Infini Studio. She also formed INFINI Entertainment, Infini Agency, INFINI Promoters, Infini Radio, Infini Magazine and Infini TV. INFINI Magazine digital publication was first launched in 2006. After only one issue, the magazine was halted due to an offer to produce its first feature film IT TAKES A VILLAGE. In 2018, Ametra decided to revive Infini Magazine and spent a full year preparing to relaunch the best version for this era. On November 1, 2019, the inaugural edition was released. INFINI Magazine has successfully released its 7th edition on May 1, 2020. The number of readers and impressions for the new year edition surpassed the amount for previous issues, which indicates its rapid growth. Fortunately readers are able to read previous issues from the commercial advertisement that suggests those issues as well. By March 2020, Infini had to switch up on its content to remain relevant to what was transpiring globally, which is the pandemic. To view each magazine, visit . INFINI Studio was scheduled to film the remake of IT TAKES A VILLAGE but due to the pandemic, that production has been postponed. Other completed productions include multiple feature films, short films, musical stage play, radio segment on 102.3 fm Chicago and game show. INFINI Radio is set to relaunch early 2020. Plans are also in the works to revive additional branches from the past in an effort to bring multiple entertainment categories to our supporters. On May 4, 2019, Ametra Self was inducted into the C.V.S. High School Hall of Fame for her company, Infini Entertainment’s accomplishments in the entertainment industry. She received this honor on stage in the Bernie Mac Auditorium. INFINI Entertainment Studio had huge plans entering 2020. Its most recent accomplishment is the launching of InfiniPix Streaming House. InfiniPix has the capability to stream both video and audio, schedule per-recorded and live tv shows, subscribers and house independent productions with the option to self distribute. Check out a few of the productions created under Infini Entertainment Company. Press Play on the videos 1991

A movie rehearsal clip from 1991 CLEAN HEART 1991 22






THERE’S HOPE Trailer (2015) an Infini Entertainment film

DOUBLE FATAL Trailer (Post-Production)


Just Say the Word Game Show

Pink Princess the Musical


How and Why to Keep Kids on a Schedule During School Closures (StatePoint) School closures have forced families nationwide to readjust to the current reality. However, a sense of structure is important for children’s developmental growth. To create a routine for your kids that sticks, consider the following tips: • Just because there is no formal school day doesn’t mean kids should sleep in or stay up late at night. Keep the same bedtimes, wake-up routines and mealtimes you always maintained during a regular school week. Doing so will bookend the mornings and evenings with a sense of normalcy. • Mimic a school day to the best of your ability. Use the distance-learning tools your child’s teachers offer as well as other educational apps and resources to have kids focus on different school subjects. This will help break up the day into little chunks just as would happen in the classroom. Be sure to build in time for art projects, exercise and music. Most importantly, don’t forget “recess.” If possible, allow children to play in the backyard where they can socially distance from neighbors, or set up an area of your home for playtime. • Evenings are a good time to relax and unwind together. Play board games, watch your children’s favorite movies or even use the many resources available online to enjoy a virtual walking tour of a museum, botanical garden or zoo. This is also a good time to allow children to connect with their friends using video chat or with family members they are not currently able to see in-person. • For many children, screens are their greatest distraction. For this reason, one of the best ways to ensure your children stay focused on the schedule you create for them is by managing their screen time. One easy way to do so with less direct intervention from you (since you are likely busy yourself!) is by using a screen time monitoring and scheduling tool like the OurPact app. Get started by signing up for a free account and pairing your children’s devices. From there, you will be able to manage devices remotely to create a schedule that keeps kids offline when they need to be focused on other things. It can also be customized to allow children to visit and use only certain learning sites or apps during particular hours of the day. Because this schedule lives on the children’s devices as well, you’ll be giving them the comfort of a routine. To learn more or download, visit During these challenging times, it can be tempting to let your family routine fly out the window. By using new tools such as distance-learning programming and schedule management apps, you can keep kids to a schedule that makes them ultimately happier and healthier. 27

Keeping Math Skills Up-to-Date While School is Closed

(StatePoint) The transition from in-person to online learning isn’t easy, particularly when it comes to mathematics, a subject where many students benefit from classroom learning and individualized attention from their teacher. With closures affecting schools and universities for the foreseeable future, sustaining one’s math skills is very important, as research has shown that academic gains can quickly be lost without practice -- on average, students lose approximately 2.6 months of learning in math over a typical summer, according to the Harvard Graduate School of Education. During the COVID-19 crisis, consider accessing the following free distance-learning tools from Casio America, Inc., which are designed to support educators, parents and students K-12 and beyond: • Tools for calculation, graphing, geometry, statistics and more can be accessed at, an all-in-one web-based platform with an interactive menu that enables students and teachers to draw geometry figures freehand and input calculations as they would on real scratch paper. Users can also plot data points and add text labels, expressions and pictures to graphs or geometry diagrams. • Emulator calculator software recreating the functionality of scientific and graphic calculators, including Casio’s PRIZM fxCG50 and fx-CG500, is supported in Windows and Mac operating systems. • Downloadable math activities created by teachers for students in grade levels kindergarten through college can help students practice their math skills and learn new techniques for their continuing education. For access to these resources, as well as online support, visit Formal class may not currently be in session, but that doesn’t mean the learning needs to be put on hold. Leveraging available resources can help students maintain their math skills so that when schools reopen, students can enjoy a successful return to the classroom.


Creative Ways to Go Beyond the Curriculum While Home Schooling (StatePoint) Today many parents are seeking ways to keep their kids engaged and learning beyond the schoolwork remotely assigned by teachers. Many of the team members at Pilot Pen are parents, too. Below, they share some fun and creative ways you can use the power of the written word to help create special moments for kids while imparting valuable lessons. Share Life Skills Adjusting to this new normal has found parents wearing even more hats than usual. Many are simultaneously tackling work responsibilities, navigating home schooling and taking care of chores. Make the most of this time by showing kids how to be more organized. It’s a valuable lesson they can learn by watching you. The Pilot team recommends teaching kids to keep a daily schedule using erasable FriXion ColorSticks, which allow for color coding activities and staying organized with 16 ink shades to choose from. The unique, thermo-sensitive ink means there’s no need to worry about mistakes -- simply erase and revise. Adding a creative twist to daily tasks is also a great way to teach children life skills. Sorting laundry can be a fun color-matching game for toddlers, while older kids can learn valuable kitchen skills with a family recipe challenge. These practical life skills can help kids develop confidence and independence, while providing quality time together. Focus on Family Having children connect with loved ones can have significant benefits. Start a multi-generational gratitude journal together to create a tangible reminder of what’s truly important. Add context to your kids’ history lessons by sharing and writing down real stories of relatives’ lives during key historical periods. This can help children grasp the lasting importance of these events, while enhancing their sense of family pride. The Pilot team recommends G2 gel ink pens, which come in more than 25 smooth-writing shades to bring color to family stories or color-code the family tree to see one person’s impact through the generations. Take the time to video chat with relatives and get them involved in the project. You can make the most of the present while creating a lasting memory of your family’s unique legacy. Experiment With Creativity For parents looking for creative activities outside the curriculum, consider exploring cursive writing, lettering or drawing. These activities stimulate the brain in ways digital devices cannot and increase kids’ ability to retain information, giving them a sense of accomplishment. Use Pilot’s new ultra-vibrant Juice Paint Markers for imaginative projects or to personalize household items. Ideal for a variety of surfaces like paper, wood, glass, plastic, fabric and stone, it’s a great opportunity to customize everything from canvas shoes to reusable water bottles while giving kids a hands-on lesson on surface porosity (Juice Paint can be easily wiped clean from non-porous surfaces!). Who says you can’t mix art with science? To learn more and for more inspiration, visit and Adjusting to this new normal is challenging. However, there are many creative ways families can go above and beyond the school curriculum to learn, explore and stay both positive and productive. ***** 29

Play Safe at Home With a Fun-Filled Family Staycation

(StatePoint) Staying at home and practicing social distancing can feel more challenging as the weather warms and the itch for family fun at the beach becomes stronger. However, being socially responsible does not mean you need to put the fun on hold. Consider these ideas from the experts at Intex to create a fun and safe backyard beach day of your own: • Create a “View”: Recreate the feeling of being at the beach by designing your own tropical “view.” With a couple of inflatable palm trees and some umbrellas, you can feel like you’re on a tropical vacation. All that’s left is to lay out some beach towels and break out the SPF. • Play Games: No beach day is complete without your favorite beach games. Keep it casual with Frisbee and paddle ball or set up a volleyball net for a little bit of family competition. • Cool Off: You don’t need the lake or ocean to enjoy hours in the water. With a pool, you can keep the family busy all day long right in your own backyard. The Ultra XTR Rectangular Above Ground Frame Swimming Pool from Intex has an easy set-up and sizes to fit almost any backyard. Along with its selection of pools, the brand also offers play centers, including the Rainbow Ring Play Center with waterslide, wading pool, water sprayer and ring toss game. • Get Comfortable: With a unique style for everyone in the family, inflatable floats can transform your backyard into a vacation getaway. The Intex Palm Leaf and Pink Seashell designs can help you extend the tropical feel of your staycation and provide some fun options for the family. For those who like to enjoy a nice cold drink, be sure your lounger includes a cup holder. • Fire Up the Grill: Fire up the grill for a cookout or make a picnic style lunch with sandwiches and snacks. Either way, you’ll be recreating delicious beach fare.


FAMILY LIVING Why Playtime Matters More than Ever Right Now

(StatePoint) In these unprecedented and uncertain times, play is critical to physical and emotional well-being, helping both kids and adults decompress and stay positive while providing countless learning opportunities. “With families encouraged to practice social distancing and many schools closed, it’s more important than ever to keep playing together as a family,” says Anna Yudina, senior director of marketing initiatives, The Toy Association. “Play not only sparks joy, but has numerous benefits for kids and parents alike.” To help families make the most of their time together, The Genius of Play, a national movement to educate parents and caregivers about play’s vital role in child development, has launched “Play Today,” a new online destination for families to stay well and play on. As part of the initiative, they are sharing play ideas and inspiration to keep kids busy and engaged. Reasons to Play Today • Play offers six key developmental benefits, helping kids hone their physical, emotional, cognitive, creative, social and communication skills.



ABOUT THE AUTHORS Samantha Harris and Devon Scott are medical students from Southern California. Samantha is an aspiring pediatrician and Devon is going into orthopedic surgery. They both share a passion for kids, medical education and teaching little ones that they can be whatever they want to be. Reach us at

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Storytelling Time



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#1 Amazon Bestseller in STEM Education.

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A mother must find a way to communicate the complexities of her and his father's relationship after the father has been sentenced to a short term in prison. Director Bio: Mason Greer is an award winning writer/director living in Los Angeles. His work has been recognized by festivals all around the United States and Canada as well as by the New York Times. Most recently Mason's Short film "Through the Night" was accepted into a horror anthology on Amazon and later received a broadcast deal with Shorts TV available soon on Direct TV. His work can be viewed at

Mason Greer Director/Actor/Writer/Producer 46


IT NEVER TOO LATE The story revolves around a football player named Zack Henderson who should feel like he's on top of the world but feels like he has to keep his artistic soul hidden. Senior year, he's paired up together in a class assignment with a loner girl that was once his best friend during childhood but they drifted apart throughout high school. This is a story of rebuilding bonds and friendships.

Are you looking for a streaming house to self-distribute your productions? How about a platform where you control your own content, set the price, keep 100% profits & rights. Rental and Purchase capabilities, Live Radio or TV Broadcasting, Pre-Recorded Shows for our WEBTV. Try InfiniPix Streaming House today. Visit our website at Sell digital and physical products as well as Live Steaming of Video & Audio and Streaming and Events Ticket Box Office. Email:





Cook Once, Eat Twice (Family Features) Cook once, eat twice. It’s a kitchen practice as simple as it sounds. Cook a base dish that can be enjoyed today and used for an entirely different meal tomorrow. For example, bake some fish for tonight’s dinner, and enjoy fish tacos for tomorrow’s lunch. With so many Americans preparing meals at home, the practice of cooking once and eating twice can extend your grocery budget while also making meal planning less stressful and more comforting. Cooking meals that feed the entire family is essential and even better if they give you a jump on a second meal. Whether your love for cooking runs deep or is being newly discovered, keep the following in mind when planning to cook once and eat twice: Stock up on staples. Before heading out to the store, develop a list of ingredients that can be used for multiple dishes. Canned goods, such as black beans and corn, are great items to store in the pantry and have on hand for a variety of favorite family recipes. Other basics like corn tortillas can be used in multiple ways, such as tacos, casseroles and even salads. Don’t forget produce. To increase flavor and nutrition, adding produce is key in your planning. Mushrooms are gaining traction among chefs and home cooks alike for many reasons. Traditionally known for their inherent umami flavor, mushrooms are filling, healthy and versatile. Crimini and portabella are excellent sources of selenium, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage that may lead to serious chronic diseases. For example, four crimini mushrooms provide 38% of your daily recommended value. Also, the variety of mushrooms contain essential vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamins B and D and riboflavin. Make meat go further. A three-step cooking technique called “The Blend” combines finely chopped mushrooms with ground meat to create dishes that are more nutritious while still tasting delicious. You can use the process to create multiple dishes such as tacos, pasta sauce and burgers. Mushrooms’ ability to mimic the texture of meat makes them easy to incorporate, and the addition of finely chopped mushrooms to meat dishes stretches portions, allowing the family to enjoy a meatmushroom base in dishes like Blended Tacos, which includes a Mexican-Mushroom Beef Blend. .




Flashing back to February 12, 2020, we began preparing for my youngest child’s milestone. She would soon be graduating from 8th grade. We headed to the beauty shop in the midst of a Chicago style blizzard for graduation picture day the next day. Afterwards, we stopped to shop for an outfit. The next day, I sat and watched my baby girl, along with her classmates since KG, taking pictures with excitement during an awards ceremony. I became excited because I knew what was to come in the next few months. My daughter has been a straight A student since KG and set a goal to become Valedictorian like her big sister. She looked forward to her 8th grade dance, luncheon, 8th grade trip and most importantly, her graduation.

That all turned into something unheard of. A pandemic so fatal, the tradition graduation has abruptly come to a halt. I felt horrible at the thought my youngest child would not get to experience a traditional graduation. She’s been coping, but I’m sure she is not alone in feeling disappointed. I know that nothing can replace this experience. but I truly hope she’ll embrace the Virtualmencement and look at it as an Inaugural Graduation. Because school ended abruptly, the idea of becoming Val ended 2 quarters early but we are super excited to hear the news of her being Salutatorian. I really wish there’s a way to pull off the events, including Prom but especially the traditional graduation but I hope she’ll get to experience one for high school. To the Class of 2020 congratulations, remain hopeful and the best is yet to come. Ametra Self





more books are listed at INFINI BOOK CLUB 58



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Reviews with Faye Renee

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