Important Things to Know Before Purchasing Commercial Kitchen Equipment!

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Important Things to Know Before Purchasing Commercial Kitchen Equipment! It’s finally time to open the restaurant of your dreams, and you want everything to be perfect. But before polishing up your menu, there’s one crucial aspect you need to take care of: your commercial kitchen equipment! What all do you need to consider before buying commercial kitchen equipment? 1. Practicality First things first, ask yourself if you truly need a particular piece of equipment. Sometimes, people get carried away by the fancy convection ovens with flashy features that they will never use. Don’t make the same mistake. Look through your menu to see which appliances are most necessary, whether it’s a grill for hamburgers or a deep freezer for all your perishables. In addition, consider what equipment you already have at hand to prevent duplication! 2. Space If you’re running a small restaurant business, chances are, your kitchen isn’t that big. The priority is to maximise your dining area, which means every square metre counts. It’s best to measure your available space and write down the details so you can consult the note when shopping. 3. Usage cost How much will the appliances cost you to run? Besides the initial purchase price, consider factors such as energy, gas, and water consumption to estimate your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). To maximise energy efficiency, look for equipment with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) star labels. Generally, a high star rating equals a more efficient appliance, resulting in lower electricity costs per month. 4. Health and safety As a restaurateur, your responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of your staff and customers in the building. For instance, your employees must be trained in proper equipment handling according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid accidents. It’s also recommended that you avoid electrical hazards by keeping appliances away from wet areas and prevent failures through regular inspection.

5. Style Now to the most enjoyable part of buying commercial kitchen equipment, it’s time to consider style and feel! A matching set of appliances will make your work area look more cohesive, encouraging your chefs to do their jobs well. For example, you can match your metal countertops with a black gas stove, black kitchen chimney, or a colourful assortment of coffee makers and juicers.

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