Catálogo DocsLAB

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Desde 1997 está involucrada en la producción, comprometida en descubrir y apoyar nuevas voces y talentos, así como en encontrar formas alternativas de distribución y exhibición de cine. Dos de sus producciones —Amores perros de Alejandro González Iñárritu y Presunto culpable de Roberto Hernández— fueron multipremiadas en el circuito internacional de festivales.

Martha Sosa Elizondo

She is involved in film production since 1997, committed on discovering and supporting new voices and talents as well as in finding alternative means of distribution and exhibition. Two of her productions —Amores perros directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu and Presunto culpable directed by Roberto Hernández— were awarded at film festivals around the world.

México Productora

Creador de la productora Avoa Filmes y miembro de Televisoras Públicas del Fondo Sectorial Audiovisual de Brasil. Sus producciones han sido exhibidas en varios festivales del mundo, incluido el Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de la Ciudad de México (DocsMX). Founder of the production company Avoa Filmes and member of the Public Televisions of the Audiovisual Sector Fund of Brazil. His productions have been screened in several festivals around the world, included International Documentary Film Festival of México City (DocsMX).

Max Eluard Brasil Avoa Filmes

Par ticipantes | 70

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