Indian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law, Volume 2, Issue 2 (2022)

Page 74

e-ISSN: 2582-6999 |


operation of AI it may lead to wrongful indictment of innocent persons. Since AI is a machine induced concept, another ethical question becomes the question of accountability (Olech, et al., 2021). How accountable are the operators of AI? This concern remains central to the debate over the use of AI which has driven some nations, especially, the European nations into adopting policies aimed at ensuring ethical use of AI. In addition, the use of AI raises the concern of accuracy. Since AI is engineered with the aid of machine, the question of accuracy becomes a challenging factor. The argument here is simple. Since AI is programmed to operate in a certain way, it is bound to misrepresent facts. It therefore means that accuracy and accountability will be almost difficult to charge as judgment made by AI cannot exactly be accurate. AI, not operating with the being human brain is certain to lag in accountability and accuracy identify images and objects with exactitude. Take for instance, in the case of voice, where speech identification is the aim, object identification, where object is in issue, and image, where the contention is facial recognition. In all of these instances, it is doubtful for AI to make accurate and highly dependable judgment. This certainly, poses a limitation to use of AI in combating terrorism, especially with the use of DeepFakes where speech and actions can be generated independent of the individual believed to have made them. Further to the above, the need for ethical AI is driven by the consciousness that without guiding principles, individuals will be subject of bias and discrimination. The justification for this is that, since the operators of AI “gain insights from the existing structures and dynamics of the societies they analyse, data-driven technologies can be reproduced, reinforced and amplify the patterns of marginalisation, inequality, and discrimination” already in existence in the society (Leslie, 2019). Again, the issues of “unreliable, unsafe, or poor-quality outcomes” raise concern in the use of AI (Leslie, 2019). Without reasonable implementation of a system where stakeholders in the field of AI, can be responsible in the system they create, there is

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