How To Use Scent Marketing to Increase Your Hotel’s Revenue

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How To Use Scent Marketing to Increase Your Hotel’s Revenue With the COVID restrictions going away, the travel industry is slowly gaining back its momentum. Hotels are vying with each other in enhancing their guests’ experience in their properties and scent marketing plays a big role in it. It is not a wonder that the hospitality industry, which relies on human interaction and emotion relies on scents to build a connection with their clients because sight and smell is our most important sense. This kind of marketing can uplift the experience of your guests and make them stay longer or come back again. Your overall strategy can be developed based on what kind of fragrance you are using in different spaces within your hotel as it can create specific desires and feelings.

Create the right ambience in your rooms through scent marketing Housekeeping has always been a great pillar of the hotel industry; this service can make or break your hotel. And it is not always about how clean the hotel was, it is how your guests felt about the service is what their final evaluation will be based on. Take for example your fresh towels and linens that you change for a guest. If they have a neutral smell, no matter how clean it is, they won’t really impress your guests. But if you use your own blend of fragrances to freshen up those towels and linens, your guests will not only feel better but will have more positive feelings about their stay. Hence just by upgrading your fabric freshener, you can make a huge difference in your guests’ experience in your hotel.

Use it to increase footfall in your restaurants and bars Most often you will find that guests stay in your hotel but don’t dine there. After accommodation, your restaurant and bar are the second important revenue stream. To increase it, you can use the right fragrance that will entice your

guests’ appetite and make them want to eat in your hotel. Many times, people often mistake the smell of cooking is the smell of food, but it is not. The smell of cooking can turn off your guests, but the smell of food won’t. Hence you need to create the right fragrance for your dining areas that will stimulate the guest’s appetite and increase their spending in your restaurant. In this regard, it is very important that your dining area be open and well-ventilated as it will remove strong odours from food which can be unappealing to many. If your space is not well-ventilated, then you need to use an odour-neutralizer that will leave the guests feeling pleasant while increasing their consumption.

Create your own in-house perfume store It has been seen that travelers love to collect memorabilia from the hotels they had a great stay in. And scent marketing can help you create such memorabilia for your guests to buy. So, once you create your hotel’s own unique fragrance, don’t limit it just to your housekeeping. Create your own perfume items like scented candles, sticks, and even fabric fresheners! You can advertise these products through your special catalogs or through an internal TV system. So, employ scent marketing in India the right way in your hotel and let your guests have the most memorable stay in a hotel.

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