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TAURUS April 20 - May 20

The focus is on material aspects and physical well-being; mortality and spirituality. If in the initial phases of a relationship, remember that familiarity breeds contempt, so keep a distance and don’t rush anything. Some personal issue brings you despair and you might even consider ending a relationship as it is going nowhere. Avoid drinking or smoking too much. You might have to let go of a project due to a health condition. An offer of employment is on the horizon.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

You need to flick that off button and detach from stressful situations. Setbacks drain you and you feel burnt out. Some Virgos will seek a real relationship and may even consider ending an unhappy marriage. Emotional attachment to a situation will end and you will take charge for your own wellbeing. Constipation or haemorrhoids take you to the doctor. Be assertive in financial matters. A significant male in your life could be the reason for a major let down.


Dec 22 - Jan 19

A debilitating illness, business disagreement or an emotional issue could cause a loss of income or job. A short trip improves things for the better. Travelling overseas is also possible as is a journey for health reasons. Concentrate on the present. The work environment improves if there are hurdles. Money is tight but an increase in income is predicted. Headaches and tummy issues could be bothersome. If there are family problems, they don’t go away completely but tensions will ease.


May 21 - June 20

Home improvement is on the cards. You may receive a new business proposal but chances are you will reject it. There could be some turbulence in your relationship, but it is temporary and everything will work out. Take a break from stress, work and other worrisome matters. Negative conditions will clear up on all fronts and something better will come along. Your success will come from venturing away from original plans or ideas. Any delays that happen are in your favour.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Move ahead despite fears, doubts and confusion. A new romance or a potential love affair with a charmer is on the cards. Unexpected problems are a blessing in disguise and the solution will improve on the original concept. You could buy something major for the house. Work gives opportunities to mix business with pleasure. Your energy levels swing high and low; watch your health during the low times. Any kinks in a tense situation need to be ironed out.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

CANCER June 21 - July 20

Work, success, financial security, obstacles in romance and anxiety take the front seat this month. Logistics, distance or priorities cause anxious moments in a serious love affair, but they can be overcome if you want to be together. A financial opportunity lands at your doorstep. Any health condition you have may need medical attention immediately as it could get painful. An unexpected inheritance, new car or job could come your way too. Be honest with yourself at all times.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Your intense and secretive nature might cause health issues that are entirely stress-related. So stay calm and balanced and if there are internal conflicts going on in your head, they will end. A positive change is in store and you will find a solution to an ongoing problem. If you are feeling stuck in a relationship, you might have a change of heart and decide to end things. A social event could be the buffer that provides clarity.


Feb 19 - March 20

A Taurean influence makes you inclined to be even more practical, patient and security minded than you usually are. There could be unexpected developments in matters of the heart. A break-up is not likely and misunderstandings get resolved. Plans to travel may fall through. Don’t let emotional problems affect work; you could be considering taking on projects that take your career in a different direction. You could have problems with your teeth, gums or muscles. Straighten out financial matters.

You behave more like a Piscean this month as you channel your inner artist. There are feelings of dread and disillusionment in a relationship. Conflicts at work require emotional control to master the situation. Someone close may let you down leading to a huge disappointment. Sleeping disorders, lumps and cysts could cause health issues. Things will end on a happy note but take the middle road as unforeseen changes bring new perspective. Due payments come in but you still feel short-changed.

A short trip or a change of residence is indicated. A change of routine and practical challenges lead to a new way of life that is emerging, so professionally and personally there is a lot to be finished. Helping others gives you joy; don’t waste time on an impossible relationship that is burdensome. You are taking on way too much responsibility and could feel run down or tired. Go for what you want but only after the course of action is clear.

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