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March 21 - April 19

This is a time for introspection and uncertainty. What takes centre stage is family matters, your significant other, health issues etc. An unexpected appearance of an old friend, lover or business associate gives you much joy; you will enjoy socialising this month. Be diligent about any paperwork and don’t rush through it. Pressure at work builds up because you are taking on more than you can handle. Conflicts at work will get resolved amicably; be on guard regarding office politics.

LEO July 21

You are in a creative state of mind and feelings, emotions, intuition rule this month. Something is missing as you long for love, affection and a deeper connection with someone. Relaxation, travel and the outdoors beckon. If trying to conceive, now would be a good time to plan a baby. Patience in financial matters is recommended for success. You will no longer accept what is counterproductive and take steps to change it. Don’t let distractions affect you at work.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

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