1 minute read


Beyond guided tours and sanitised hotel rooms. Beyond Taj Mahal and tigers. Beyond naan and butter chicken. Beyond the window of the taxi. Beyond seeing from afar. Beyond comfort zones. Beyond obvious. Beyond boring.

In this #IndependenceDay issue, Indian Link brings you an India that is o the usual tourist map, and away from the beaten track. An India that will take you by your hand, lead you to its valleys and mountains, caves and underwater treasures, that will feed you full with the stu the locals like to devour. This India will make you leave the highway behind. This India will help you lose yourself. Or maybe, even find yourself. Go on, dance with the tribals, trek across a frozen river, try your hand at a centuriesold art, spot a red panda, volunteer at a remote school. There is a whole new India out there. There is a whole new world out there. All you need to do is go beyond.

Words Harshad Pandharipande, Saroni Roy, Meenakshi Seetharaman and Rajni Anand Luthra

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