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Big B to open IFFM 2014

Moviegoers and aspiring filmmakers will enjoy a range ofcinematic treats and activities during the film festival

The lndian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) is not only Vidya Balan's favourite event (as she herself ad.mies), over che last three years it has created much interest in the co1nmunicy as it has continued to evolve and grow The latest announcemenr of Amirabh Bachchan's participation has offe red another n ew dimension t o d1is festival tha t is likely to attract lovers of Indian cinema like never before According to Nlinister Louise Asher, "Victorians and all visitors to Melbourne are in for a treat of Indian fi lms this year. We have a stellar international guest list starring Bollywood screen legend Amirabh Bachd1an who will open the festival on May 1 It \\,ill be an honour tO ha,, e Amitabh Bachchan here, just a year after he opened the Cannes F ilm Festival with his The Great Gatsby co -scar Leonardo DiCaprio"

After the disappointment of lase year where Amitabh Bachd1an did not attend the festival despite being announced as a guest, the news of his expected arrival this year was received with predictable speculation. "Yes, Big B is definitely coining to the Festival in Mel bourne," confirmed a beaming V idya Balan, speal~ing at

INDIAN LINK the formal launch of the festival recently Vidya ,vas in Melbourne at the IFFM, as the festival's brand ambassador. "He could not say 'no' to me as l p layed his mom in a film called Pa," she added jokingly.

"We now have confirmation from i\fr Bachchan's office," ass u red M itu Bhowmick Lange, the festival's director. " Having Vidya as our brand an1bassador has opened doors fo r us and her name and association with our festival makes it eas ier for us to gain access and get support," she added whil st introducing the 2014 festival program

Vid ya was at her charming, effervescent best at the morning tea and subsequent press launch chat was h eld ar the A l Z Investment Centre. The meclia seemed parti cularly interested in her marriage and pregn ancy as most of the questions at th e press launch bordered around her latest fihn Shadi ke Side tjfects, or sought to m ake comparisons with her marriage to UTV head

honcho Siddha rth Roy Kapoor

(Managing Director of The Walt Disne y Company India) Media savvy Vidya took all the questions in her sa·ide and answered chem with re.markable ease and qnick wit.

"No, I am not pregnant," emphasised Vidya for the record adding, "lam planning o n a two month break mainly co rejuvenate before 1 start promoting my next movie, Bobby Jasoos''. In response to how realistic she found Shadi ke Side Effects as a sto r y and how she ma n aged both her career and marriage Vi.dya said , "The movie Shadi Ke Side Effects seems to have fo und resonance with most people, even though I did not find any parallels in ilie story wirh my own m arriage". Vidya claimed to be equally passionate about her work and her reL'ltionship with her husband SRK. " \Ve lead very hectic lives so there is joy in doing little things with each od1er and in sharing things Like travelling and reading, among others. So I feel tl1a r we are stiU in the honeymoon phase of our relationship even t hough it has been over a year since we got married," said V id jra Extending a warm welco m e co those present at t b e press launch Vidya said, "Every year at the festival we like co push ilie enve lope further and tbi.s year we inte n d ro ho.tel an awa rd s ceremony w h ere we would like to acknowledge the special work of Indian filtn makers and Indian talenL On May 2 we will be ho ldin g a special awards ceremony at the Princess Theaue here and you will be able to see many people from Indian c inema whose work you have enjoyed over the years". Vidya comi.nued tO express bet pleasure ac being invited to be the bra nd ambassador of the IFFM tl1ree yea rs in a ro", "Melbo u rne has always been wonderful co me and 1 feel very much at home when I vis it here for the festival every year. I am hoping to come bac.k ,vitb my husband soon, as I am sure he will also enjoy v isiting the city as much as I do," she said

Following Vidya's bt:ief address, the official program of tbe IFFM 2014 was distributed amongst th ose present. The program promises an exciting range of acti v ities and events between .May 1 - 1J that will celebrate the cliversicy and vibrancy of Indian cinema. This year's program includes festival favourites like t he Western llnion Shore Film Competition, Boll yw-ood Dance Competitio n to be judged b y

1falaika Arora Khan, mastercl asses ·with renowned Indian artists and a new section called New Voices that will feamre si.."< films from first tin1e filmmakers in l ndia. "The V ic torian Governmenr has funded and supported the IFFM as it wis hes to engage wi tl1 India at a cultural level , besides being friends in terms of trad e and investment," said Minister Asher. "Tb.is understanding and appreciation of Indian culture will benefit the relationship between our two countries," she added.

Preeti Jabbal

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