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ARIES March 21 - April 19

The cards indicate that that this month you will not be bored. You have a lot of things going on which will be very exciting, and you will be feeling passionate and motivated. The presence of the Fool card shows that you are ready for anything. Be carefu I not to overdo anything that may cause you to have small accidents and annoyances. Watch your temper and make sure you pay attention to loved ones and matters on the home front

TAURUS April 20 - May 20

The cards indicate a time when you will be feeling stressed out with relationships, and you will be thinking about how to make things more comfortable. Your partner may be suffering from health issues, with the appearance of the Moon card. There may be fear about some situations. Work will be challenging, but you will be gaining recognition and respect. There will be some Interesting meetings with old friends and you may even bump into someone from the past.

GEMINI May 21 - June 20

You will need to strap yourself in tight this month. However, you will be feeling totally loved, and feelings of sensuality and attraction for someone will dominate your thoughts In mid-month. Work will give you the results you require, with a possibility of promotion and recognition for your efforts. You may decide to book a holiday and be amongst nature and water. You may also look at changing your car or accommodation. You will be feeling very adventurous.

CANCER June 21 - July 20

This month you may be looking at getting married, with the appearance of the Empress Card. There will be some beautiful moments when you decide to propose to your lover. You will be feeling love and contentment. However, it is very important to take care of any excesses. Keep up the physical activity to keep yourself calm and balanced and in good health. There may be a female member of the family who may be unwell, have tests carried out.

LEO July 21 - Aug 22

This month you will be feeling distressed about a relationship you have lost There wiU be some memories of a past love and how you could not get things sorted out. With the appearance of the Three of Swords, you ate feeling rather disappointed. Work will help take yout mind off issues, but frustrations may heighten so take it easy with people around you. Your health needs to be taken care of, with aches and pains in your body.

VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 22

This month you will be feeling very happy, and sociable. There will be a lot of invitations and events that you will attend. The appearance of the Tower means that you will want to start meditation and keep yourself grounded, as it's going to be very busy. Life at home is also a little strained, as you need to keep a balance. Your partner may be feeling ·· ignored and wanting attention. Your relationship may go through some tests.

LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22

This month you need to be careful not to be over-sentimental with situations and circumstances. You will be drawn Into some discussions and family inddents. You will be taking time to exercise mote and wil l be walking and looking after your health. There will be issues at home with building problems that will need attention. Some family members will be coming to visit you. The 3 of Pentacles shows that you are doing well financially, and feeling at ease.

SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21

This month you will be in a very flirtatious mood, your desire for fun and adventure will keep you available for love and romance. If in a relationsh i p, you will need to make sure you take your partner on some romantic trips. You will be feeling happy and bal.anced. There will be some colleagues at work who will be making life a little difficult for you, so make sure you keep calm and watch how you speak to them.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 - Dec 21

This month you are feeling very restless and may wander to find new and exciting opportunities and adventures. You have a lot of ideas and dreams to travel extensively, and ideas about pastures anew. The appearance of the Ace of Wands shows that you are now on the road to making many changes and decisions about your life. You will be looking at trying to relocate from where you are currently living. An increase in finances is indicated here.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19

This month is all about new opportunities and meeting new people. Single Capr icorns will be meeting new partners with whom they will find a romantic connection, and will pursue a new journey together. There will be many offers from the opposite sex. You will concentrate on work and making many new p lans and decisions about business. You will concentrate on your family and children. With the appearance of the Lovers, it wlll be a great month ahead.

AQUARIUS Jan 20 - f=eb 18

This month you will be feeling very excited and full of energy. There will be some people of the opposite sex who may be trying to get your attention. You will need to be very strong and resist the temptation, especially if you are married. Work will be busy and will require your full attention. You will be looking at a new property to purchase or may be planning to invest in another l and. Your fam i ly will need your help.

PISCES f=eb 19 - March 20

This month your love life will be very important to you. You will be feeling full of energy and excited, as you will finally find the courage to move your relationship to another level. You have the Ace of Cups, wh ich is a great card for relationships. Your health will be a lot better and you will be feeling less stressed and able to handle any situation that may come up. Work will be busy and demanding, so be prepared.

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