1 minute read

Because I said so,

Have you noticed how mums say the most hilarious things, even if they don’t mean to? In moments of stress normally brought on when they’re not happy about what they consider as our latest act of insanity, they say something silly that absolutely has us in splits. It’s great having a funny mummy – in addition to all the loving, caring and nurturing, making us laugh is the icing on the cake! That’s why we love our mums!

Have you noticed how you can say the most hilarious things, even if you don’t mean to, and specially to your children? In moments of stress normally brought on when you’re not happy about your child’s latest manifestation of imbecility, you say something that, instead of chastising them, makes them break out into disrespectful laughter! When I was your age…. Well, having a sense of humour is just another challenge of motherhood – and don’t we know it!

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