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ARIEs March 21 - April 19

You have a lot to deal with right now, and need to prioritise what to deal with first. You are burdened, both emotionally and professionally. You are feeling very upset and alone right now, and unsure of how to handle your lover’s demands. If single, someone who is playing hard to get. You are stressed so watch your health. Be positive, think that all is well and will work out for the best. There will be great demands on you for the next few weeks.

TAURUs April 20 - May 20

Your health is poorly right now, and you may need alternative medication to boost up your immune system. You have been overworked and stressed, so take good care of yourself and your soul. Work is tense as changes could lead to redundancies and cut-backs, but they will not affect you. Emotionally you are reasonably peaceful, but also bored of yourcurrent circumstances and are thinking of what to do. Financially, tighten your purse strings and spend less!

GEMINI May 21 - June 20

You will be more spiritually aware of your surroundings and existence, with peace, meditation and a lot of thinking. You may think of moving to another country or city, for work or settling down. You need to decide if you want to be with your partner or not, to end the procrastination, but your decision will still leave you confused. Life is going well and financially you are secure; look at buying property for stability. Keep a tiger’s eye in your pocket.

cANcER June 21 - June 20

It’s time to start speaking up for what you want in life instead of sitting back while the world goes by. Emotionally you are looking for security and stability, and will make a commitment to a possible engagement or marriage. Watch your tongue, as you can get short tempered. Promotion and money are indicated in the future. Take care of health and follow a good exercise regime. Cut down fried and sugary foods. Enjoy fresh air and long walks which are good for your system.

LEO July 23 - Aug 22

Try gaining peace this month, as disagreements with family members have left you feeling tense and stressed out. Work is not great, and life is a drain. It is a time of change and you need a calm approach. Try deep breathing to prevent losing your cool. Emotionally you are feeling close to your partner, and may take a short break together. Financially you want to make more money, and your current job is going well. If looking for work, put in applications now.

VIRGO Aug 23 - sep22

This is a time for inner soul searching. Look at what you want to do and where you want to be, and then change your direction accordingly. The current workflow or study pattern does not satisfy your cravings. Change in your environment indicates you could be travelling shortly. Love is on the cards with an attraction to someone at your office or place of study. A change of wardrobe, image and a makeover are indicated as you have been neglecting yourself lately.

predictions for MAY 2012

By NANcY JADE ALTHEA www.nancysood.com

LIBRA sep 23 - oct 22

This month is all about changes and work-related decisions. Be resourceful and strive to achieve at work, as you will have the opportunities. There will be interesting developments in your love life. Financially, look at investments and property through the year. Parents will cause some stress as they will want you to be more settled and focussed. It is a time of communication and loving feelings towards yourself and your close ones.

scORpIO oct 23 - nov 21

Fun-loving days are here, so take time out and really relax. Your work-home life balance has not been happy as you have been working too hard. Learn to relax and let things flow. Try not to be such a workaholic, which causes family problems. Lovers will be on edge, with many changes around. Children are in thoughts, either deciding to have a child or their future. Financially you are not saving, so be careful and put some money aside for rainy days.

sAGITTARIUs nov 22 - dec 21

This month sees the end of inner conflict and pessimism. With a major shift in attitude, you will feel a lot better. Loans or overdrafts may cause worry as you may have splurged on the house or your partner. Love is going through some difficult times, but understanding will grow towards the end of the month. Work is causing a little stress, but you will be given extra responsibility. Spend time outdoors, and stay close to water.

cApRIcORN dec 22 - Jan 19

You are going through a confusing and indecisive time. Move away from people who do not feature in your life. A new person entering your life in a relationship will give you support, love and respect, making you happier and content. Bury and forget the past, karma is in play and you will soon see a shift in attitude from those who have done you wrong. Work will pick up and financially you will grow and achieve. Take care of your health.

AqUARIUs Jan 20 - feb 18

You will look back with regret on how you have handled certain situations. Work is busy, with pressure on to completejobs and take on new tasks and projects while new faces appear and others leave. Financially, treat yourself to a luxury item. You may purchase a new property in another state or country. Problems with digestion may occur, so take care. Love is cooling off and if married, you are feeling bored. Be careful of temptations.

pIscEs feb 19 - March 20

You want to march ahead with plans and ideas, and are bursting with energy and inspiration. Working with children is on the cards and new contacts may lead to new ventures. You may do charity work. Companies will support your ideas and will lead to strong ties. As you have been working hard and have proved yourself to superiors, promotion or more money is indicated. Socialise and have fun. In love, you may propose to your partner or get closer to them.

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