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Travel notebook Zanzibar

Getting There

The best way to reach Zanzibar is by flying South African Airways (www.flysaa.com) from Sydney or Perth to Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania, and then either taking a short flight or a two-hour journey by air conditioned catamarans to the island.


There are no shortages of hotels to suit budget, however Serena Hotel (www.serenahotels.com), which occupies the former cable and wireless office and the adjacent Chinese doctor’s residence present standards of five-star international level. All rooms are sea facing and the service is friendly and faultless. If required to spend a night in Dar Es Salaam for connections, stay at the New Africa Hotel (www. newafricahotel.com), an excellent property at a convenient city location, owned and run by the elite Indian hotel group Sarovar.


Fresh spices and abundant seafood makes Zanzibar a sanctuary for foodies. A great place to sample is at the open-air street food market, held in the waterfront Forodhani Gardens in Stone Town. Soaked in a magical twilight atmosphere, the precinct comes alive after sunset with food stalls serving an array of dishes from grilled seafood, goat meat curry and parathas, to sugarcane juice and roasted bananas topped with melted chocolate. Among several Indian restaurants, Radha is recommended for high quality vegetarian snacks and meals. Serena Hotel’s roof-top Terrace Restaurant is an exquisite venue for a romantic, candle-lit dinner, where the taste of lobster thermidor will stay with you for ever.


Check with the Honorary Tanzanian Consulate office in Melbourne and Perth for visa requirements (www. tanzaniaconsul.com)


The local currency is Tanzanian Shilling (TZS), with 1AUD =1600 TZS. However, US dollars are widely accepted


Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory for entry to Tanzania and Zanzibar


Contact Wildlife Safari Consultants in Sydney (Tel: 0418443494)


Visit Zanzibar Tourism Board (www.zanzibartourism.net)

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